Jesse's Soul (2) (15 page)

Read Jesse's Soul (2) Online

Authors: Amy Gregory

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Bikers

BOOK: Jesse's Soul (2)
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Jesse whispered toward her ear, “I think I have some competition.” Emery blushed instantly
, and he could see she was biting her cheek to keep from grinning. “Just remember, Em, I saw you first.” He bent down, discreetly kissing her shoulder before she crossed to Lance.

He stood nearby, his eyes on her. The incident from a few minutes ago was still fresh on his mind. She placed a hand on the handlebars as she nodded at the new mechanic’s words. A move he’d seen a thousand times, but now he had to wonder if she was just relaxed and it was somewhere to rest her hand—or if she needed to hang on to something.

Lance was still acting as eager as a new puppy as he stood next to Emery. If Jesse wasn’t so concerned with something bigger, he’d find the humor in it. As it was, he stood, his eyes narrowed and taking in her every nuance.

She peeked up at him. Jesse tried to grin, covering up his worry for her sake. Lance said something and placed his hand on her arm. Jesse saw her head dart between the hand on her, Lance’s face, then she looked at him wide-eyed. Less than ten feet separated him from Emery, and her cheeks flashed red. He lifted an eyebrow, a silent reminder that he’d already laid claim to her. She changed positions so Lance’s hold naturally fell away. He’d like to think that was his doing, but he knew better. The covered coughs, cleared throats, and modest laughs were conspicuous around the work area and most likely the reason.

Her cheeks had yet to return to normal, but it was the glance up at him she stole from under her lashes that spoke volumes.


hapter Seven


The next night Jesse and Emery causally walked from their factory trailer and headed in the direction of the Sterling’s, their designated hangout. He wasn’t trying to be rude, but Jesse only acknowledged the shout outs he received along the way with a nod of his head or a casual “what’s up” and kept walking. Even though they were together twenty-four-seven, the moments he had with Emery alone were few and far between. Call him selfish, but he didn’t intend on sharing those precious minutes with anyone.

Sidestepping a passing walker, Jesse bumped Emery’s side on accident. “Sorry, honey.”

“That’s okay. What was I saying? Oh, yeah, I thought you all usually went to a bar on Friday nights? The past few weeks you did. How come not this week?”

Placing a hand on her lower back, he turned the corner and guided her along beside him. It didn’t go unnoticed there was no surprise on her part, no flinching or stiffening at his touch. Inside he was beaming, although he couldn’t let her see he was silently celebrating. He had a long way to go, but remembering back to their first conversations from a month a
go and how far they’d come, thrilled him.

“It depends on where we’re at. There isn’t anywhere decent within walking distance of here. So we just ordered a bunch of pizzas and we’ll hang out here.”

“I see.”

Jesse glanced down at her. “You disappointed?”

“Me? Um, no. I never turn down pizza,” she replied adamantly with a grin. “Hey, by the way, did you get a chance to see Lance ride today in qualifying?”

“Yeah, and he’s looked really good the last few weeks,” Jesse answered. He was proud of Lance, but he knew what the spark was from. “I think you got his confidence up.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

Jesse started chuckling. “Oh, honey, it’s remarkable how well you can ride when you’re trying to impress a woman.”

He knew from experience. The last month had been the best riding of his life. The tracks felt easy, the bike felt good, and he felt amazing knowing Emery was right there beside him. Sure, the bike was the reason she stayed glued to his side, but that was all perception.

Emery raised her eyebrow at Jesse. “He’s just a kid, don’t be gross.”

“He’s seventeen. That’s not a kid when it comes to guys liking women. In case you didn’t learn by watching Riley, after about twelve, that’s all men think about.” He draped his arm across her shoulders and squeezed her tight. “Besides, babe, some men like older women.”

Her immediate response was a hip check. His was to tighten his hold on her so she couldn’t slip away. They both heard Eli’s fit of laughter as they made their way closer to Carter’s. They both snorted, amused at their friend, before she picked up their conversation again.

“He’s not a man, he’s seventeen. And no, I’m not into younger men. He’s just scared of me because he’s watched me fire someone and knows I can do it at will.” Emery quirked her brow.

Jesse shook his head. “He’s not scared, Emery, he’s turned on.”

“Oh my God. Stop.” Emery started laughing and pushed him away from her.

He grinned over at her, loving her playful side. Jesse loved the teasing and banter, the physical pushing a
nd pulling. The nudges and half-slaps. He just loved any connection he could have with her. “What? I can’t help it. I like seeing you smile.”

She blushed and rolled her eyes at him.

“I can still see your dimples, Em.”

Emery sneered at him, her lips pursed. Shaking his head, he grabbed her to him as they walked up to the group, his arm fitting perfectly around her waist as if they were made for each other. This time she didn’t push him away. His heart soared. He was getting closer, Jesse could feel it. After a month of constant contact, her guard was slipping. She was starting to let him in, even if it was only an inch by painful inch.

“Em, you’re so fun.” He gave her a rough teasing shake on the way to the pile of chairs.

Molly grinned when they came into the circle. “So what’s the red face for?” she asked.

Stopping mid-circle, Emery rushed out, “Nothing.”

“It’s not
Emery,” Jesse said. He looked at Molly with an almost straight face. “Emery has a boyfriend.”

Molly’s jaw dropped. “But?”

“I do not have a boyfriend. He’s just being an ass.” She huffed. “He’s a kid, Jesse. Stop it.”

Jesse squeezed her tight to his side once again. “I think Lance has a crush on her.”

Cody pulled a chair from its bag and unfolded it, then sat down to the left of Eli. Jesse snickered knowing how close he was in age to Lance. In his hold, Emery lowered her head. When any other woman would have given in to the teasing, Jesse knew to wait her out. He knew at some point Emery would come back at him with a vengeance. Pausing, he silently waited with raised eyebrows until her chin slowly rose and tipped his direction as if she was calculating her next move.

What they had between them was a game. When any other woman would be pissed at the extent of the teasing, her green eyes danced with amusement. Plotting, moving forward, blocking the other, laughing, and both determined to win.

“I’m going to beat your ass. He’s a baby. Stop.”

“Hey.” Cody’s mouth dropped open. “He’s only a year younger than me, and I’m not a baby
, thank you very much.”

“Oh, sorry, Cody.” Emery cringed.

“See.” Jesse gestured at Cody to help prove his point. “Cody, what do you think about all day long?”

Cody scrunched his face. “Huh?”

“I don’t mean bikes and racing, Code.” Jesse hinted with humor.

Cody went red from the collar of his shirt to his hairline and sank down in his chair.

“See. I told you, Em.” He stood chuckling in the middle of their growing circle with Emery still under his arm.

Emery put her face in her hands, shaking her head as she mumbled. “No. No. No. No.” She took a breath and looked up at him. “Make yourself useful and get me a beer,
now. So I don’t kill you

“Now see, I like bossy women. You’re right, Em, he’s too young. I don’t think he could handle you,” he taunted back, challenging her.

She drew in a long breath through her nose. Jesse knew she was as competitive as he was. And Emery did not like to lose. She put her hand on her hip, and one eyebrow went up. Stepping back enough that she pulled out of his hold, she fixed those deep green eyes of hers on his. Jesse grinned as she stood staring at him like she was some high-powered attorney and she was about to throw down the last piece of much-needed evidence to save her case.

…just what makes you think you could”— she jerked her chin up an inch or so— “you know, handle me?”

Eli started laughing so loud it threatened to make
Jesse laugh. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Eli and Molly’s mechanic, Joey, high five, with Eli reaching far enough he almost tipped out of his chair.

, she wanted to go there, did she? In the back of his mind he was thanking God above that her father hadn’t headed their way for dinner yet.

Emery, you have no idea
, babe.

He pinned her with his gaze, holding it, daring her to look away first. Silently insinuating his desires. Jesse had no doubt she could read his thoughts. The emerald of her eyes darkened, and the smirk on her face gradually faded. Jesse raised his eyebrows just enough to punctuate his thoughts. Her eyes flashed wide, so quickly it wouldn’t have been noticeable to the group surrounding them.

From the side he saw Eli’s arm move.

Pointing at both him and Carter, Eli shook his head. “Damn boys. How’d you both end up with such sassy women? And
, by the way, you do know what they say about feisty women, don’t you?”

Emery and he both broke the eye contact and turned in Eli’s direction. Her hand went back to her hip
, and Jesse couldn’t wait to watch his friend get the take down that was coming.

“What’s that, Hunter?” Emery asked.

“That they’re feisty in bed too.”

Molly flashed red, but Jesse watched as Emery kept her eyes locked on Eli. She stayed completely controlled, her voice steady as she shook her head with a cocky air about her. He had no idea what was going to come out of her mouth, but he grinned watching the two of them taunt each other.

“I’ve certainly never had any complaints before, Eli.”

Eli started laughing first, losing th
eir stare-down. She nodded at him once to acknowledge the victory. Jesse ignored the stab of jealousy that rushed through him at her admission. Emery had been sluggish over the last couple of days, but tonight she had perked up and he didn’t want ruin the evening. His safest move was to keep his mouth shut. She was definitely a spitfire when she felt well. Hopefully soon, he’d be able to say she was his.

“Hell boys, now we have two of them,” Eli conceded with
a chuckle and winked back at her.

Emery walked closer to Molly and gave her a high five, then glanced back at him. “I guess I’m getting my own damn beer.”

Jesse looked between the two girls, smiling. “Yeah, Hunter, I’ve gotta agree with you on this one. That one has red hair and this one is Irish. I think we’re totally screwed, boys.”

“For once and for all…my hair’s not red,” Molly argued.

He sucked in a breath as Emery and Molly shared a look between them that was laced with mischief. Both girls started giggling and leapt at him, their sneak attack not so stealthy, and Jesse laughed deeply as they took him to the ground. The concrete below him was cold and freaking hard. There was a ration of shit being hollered at him from the men sitting around them, but he could not care less. Their jeers were worth it. The girls were being egged on and coached against him, but it meant Emery’s hands were on him.

Molly pinned his arms above his head in what Jesse knew was a personal retaliation, and Emery straddled him
, searching for ticklish spots. He didn’t have any, but he wasn’t going to tell her that. Jesse put up a good fight, but in reality, there was no struggle on his part. He’d let them win if it meant Emery was laughing and having fun. These moments were too few as far as he was concerned. And after all, whether she realized it or not, she was
straddling him.

He smirked and stuck his tongue out at her.




Jesse had been about to make a toast in honor of Emery’s first full month with him, but he stopped himself. He noticed she’d gotten quieter over the last hour and a little pale as well. Over half the beer she’d gotten when they first sat down was still in the bottle, and
the single piece of pizza on her plate was barely touched. The joking with Eli and Molly...over. His heart rate spiked, the fear hitting him as he realized how fast she’d gone downhill.

He watched her put her fingers to her forehead and close her eyes, a sign he now knew meant her blood pressure had dipped and she was dizzy. He scanned the circle of people. Reid was observing her, too. He didn’t miss the concern on her father’s face. Jesse waited a full minute for her to come out of it, watching for her to open her eyes and blink a couple of times.

She took a deep breath and let it out, seemingly unaware of anyone seeing this spell. By the expression on her face, he could tell she was trying figure out where the conversation was, probably hoping she could slip back in unnoticed. She winced and rubbed her temple, but continued listening to Brody.

Joey made a slow pass around the circle with a black trash bag, and the corner of Emery’s mouth tipped as she threw her plate in. When Emery looked past him, her focus back on Brody, Joey shot him a concerned look then proceeded on. Jesse understood and agreed. He just didn’t know what to do.

It was this huge secret that no one was supposed to know about—except they all knew something was going on. And they were all worried.

Witnessing these
episodes was really beginning to push him off the deep end. Standing by as the woman he was falling head over heels for, struggled with what he didn’t know, was stretching his nerves to their breaking point. She had kept him at arm’s length for too long. The voice on his right shoulder told him to pull back, to keep his mouth shut, to give her more time and wait until they were closer. He went with the one on the left.

He placed his hand on her forearm, trying not to let her know his heart felt like it was beating out of his chest, but unable to hide the panic written across his face.

“Honey, I want to talk to you.”

“We are talking.”

“No, Em…I want to talk to you.”

Her eyes went wide before they scrunched
with the realization. “No, Jesse, not here,” she whispered back, her voice begging. “Wait till we’re back on the road, okay? Please.”

Two days. Uh-
uh. Not happening.

“No.” He didn’t whisper back like she probably had
hoped. He was scared, worried, frustrated, and felt helpless. “I want to talk to you now, and I want you to tell me what’s going on. Please, Emery,” he pleaded with her, finally breaking down and asking her for the truth, but more for her to let him in.

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