Jessica's Wolves (11 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Jessica's Wolves
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Thank God the men were in sync, because the second Charles lifted their mate off his cock, Reese came in giant spurts against his own stomach.

While his orgasm subsided, he gazed at the hottest scene he’d ever witnessed. Charles had wrapped one arm under Jessica’s chest, and with the other he pinched her sweet clit, holding her suspended above Reese’s waist. Reese watched the sexy scene unfold as his friend made their woman moan with pleasure, her eyes rolled back, her mouth hanging open, her pussy spread out on display.

When her orgasm hit, her legs gripped Reese around the hips. Charles pushed his middle finger inside her, and her cum spilled around Reese to drip onto him.

When she finally sagged against Charles’ arm, he eased her onto the bed, sandwiching her between himself and Reese.

Reese grabbed for the washcloth and wiped his stomach clean before tossing the material over the edge of the bed.

Jessica seemed to be sleeping already, but suddenly she murmured, “Haven’t you guys ever heard of condoms?”

Reese pulled her in tight, her back against his chest. He nibbled a path across her shoulder blades, sending a shiver through her he could feel even after she’d succumbed to three orgasms. “We aren’t fond of them, love. But we didn’t think you had enough wits to realize you could and probably
get pregnant if we came inside you.”

“How chivalrous,” she barely muttered. A soft sigh escaped her lips, and she was out like a light.

Chapter 9

A piercing scream made Charles bolt upright in bed. It was still very dark in the room, the deep of night. They couldn’t have been asleep that long.

As he swiveled, he realized the screech had come from the whimpering woman whose beautiful, sexy body lay next to him. She’d curled into a ball, and she wasn’t awake. Tears stained her face, and she suddenly looked so young.

Reese hadn’t sat up like Charles had, but he was also gazing at the tiny frame of their mate. Without waking her, he carefully uncurled her body and pulled it against his own.

Charles was wide-awake. He climbed out of bed and wandered to the window, letting Reese settle back into sleep alongside Jessica.

What demons plagued this ordinarily strong-willed, stubborn, intelligent woman? And how was he going to break her shell and get her to tell them about her past? Something had happened. Something had frightened her to the point of never wanting to shift.

His skin crawled with unanswered questions. He needed to run. With a glance back at the now calm, peaceful tangling of Reese and Jess, Charles silently pushed open the window and climbed out into the early hours of the morning. Reese would protect her from whatever villains ruled her dreams while Charles ran through the woods working off the pent-up frustration of the last few days.

Charles pulled the window almost shut and shifted quickly to avoid freezing his human feet off in the snow. He charged for the trees, heart pounding, feeling freer than he ever did in human form.

Now they’d had sex, everyone would know. Their scents would be mingled. No amount of soap or shampoo could erase the smell of Reese or Charles from Jessica’s skin, her hair.

The night was crisp, the air freezing cold, but the sky clear for the first time in twenty-four hours. The snow crunched beneath his paws, a testament to the fact sleet had fallen during the night, coating the packed snow and creating a layer of crispy ice everywhere he stepped.

The air smelled so fresh and clean after a snow. Invigorating. And he ran faster, relishing the time he had to do so.

Questions plagued him. What would his family think? God, what the hell were they going to do about Alyssa? They’d made a promise. She deserved better than what she was going to wake to. As soon as Reese and Charles returned to his parents’ house in the morning, all hell was going to break loose. Figuratively.

No one would actually be angry—well, except perhaps for Alyssa—but eyebrows would rise. Questions would fly. Questions he couldn’t even answer. Most of them chased him through woods right now, between the trees, over roots, past the brown bare branches devoid of their summer leaves.

He ran hard, and he ran fast, searching for answers. But they hid among the foliage, evading him.

He and Reese now had two women in their lives. And both of them were a giant package of mysteries unsolved. Neither seemed willing to speak. Both were going to be pissed.

Great. With his head hung low, Charles returned to the open window just before dawn. He pushed it open and jumped through the opening before shifting this time.

Now freezing in his human form, he glanced at the two people he would spend the rest of his life with, still lying in the exact same place he’d left them, as though he’d only turned his head for a minute instead of traipsing off through the forest in search of answers for several hours. Even as cold as he was, his dick sprang to attention. Reese had one arm wrapped around Jessica’s middle, her breasts pushed high on her chest under his forearm.

He tiptoed past them, careful not to disturb the much-needed sleep he was sure Jessica at least was desperately in need of. With the softest
, he shut the bathroom door and flipped the shower on to its hottest setting. Not bothering with lights, Charles climbed in and let the water run down his body, thawing his freezing limbs.

As soon as his fingers flexed freely, he took his cock in his hand. There was little doubt he’d be horny and hard nearly constantly for many days to come, but at least he could take the edge off for now.

Picturing the look on Jessica’s face when he’d first entered her, it took him only a few strokes to bring himself to orgasm, his pulsing shaft sending long spurts of cum down the drain.


Jessica was dreaming. She had to be. And the dream was so wonderful she had no intention of interrupting it by opening her eyes. On some semiconscious level she knew it was morning, but still prayed she could hang on to the fantastic dream.

She was naked, deep under the covers, warm and secure. It had to be a dream because she never slept naked. Nor did she sleep wrapped in steel arms with a hard body pressed against her rear. Fingers were grazing over her breasts until she squirmed in her sleep, wishing the dream would get on with it already so she could orgasm.

If the sexy dream man would just let his hand drift a little lower … right there … oh, yes… She arched into the imagined touch, loving how vivid her imagination was this morning.

But then those fingers pinched her clit, and her eyes flew open with the realization she wasn’t asleep at all. It hadn’t been a dream. The object of her pleasure was staring at her, two inches from her face, a smirk curling up one half of his mouth.

“Reese.” She could barely utter the word with her heart pounding in an attempt to beat out of her chest.

“Love.” She’d incorporated him into today’s wet dream. And a flush stole across her cheeks, heating them all the way to her ears.

“I thought I was dreaming,” she mumbled in embarrassment.

“Apparently.” He smiled but continued to stroke her beneath the sheets, his finger swiping through the folds of her sex and then twirling around her clit. “It must have been a good dream because you were moaning, practically purring actually, and your soft legs fell open, begging me to explore between them.”

Did he have to be so graphic? She was already embarrassed enough. She didn’t need a verbal play-by-play of what had just happened in her nearly unconscious state.

“I’m guessing you like this?” He pinched her clit again, making her arch her hips into his touch. Her feet scrambled for purchase.

“Oh.” She bit her lip to keep from crying out. He didn’t need to know how very much she enjoyed this type of play. She couldn’t keep her body from betraying her as she grew even wetter with the pinch of pain.

It wasn’t pain exactly but more like intense pleasure. She didn’t figure she
like it, and that made her blush even further.

Sure, she’d read about girls who liked a bit of pain, but surely it wasn’t appropriate for someone as inexperienced as her. After all, she’d just lost her virginity last night—or early this morning rather. What sweet, innocent girl would respond so outwardly to having her little nub pinched mercilessly after just one sexual encounter? Well, two technically.

She should be appalled.

Reese stared at her, eyes narrowed, a knowing smile plastered to his face. “I love the way you respond to me, hon. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s natural. Desired even. I want you to react the same way when you are awake as you did a few moments ago in sleep.”

Jessica held her breath listening to his frank words.

“The way your body opened to my touch was so sexy.” He dragged his fingers to her chest and started over. “When I danced just the tips of my fingers over your breasts, you relaxed into the mattress on your back…”

Please make him stop the play-by-play before I fall through a crack into the earth
. It was bad enough he knew what she’d been feeling and thinking. She didn’t need it recanted with emphasis.

No such luck.

“When I flicked my thumb over your sexy little nipples, they pebbled and grew hard. Your arms flopped to the sides of your head.” He repeated each action as he spoke. This time she remained stiff as a board. There was no hiding the fact his actions elicited the same response awake as they had asleep. But, mentally, she was better able to control her physical response. Okay, not really, but at least the physical response to the physical response. Did that even make sense?

“When I trailed a path down your soft belly toward your pussy, your legs opened, splayed wide, begging me to explore between them.” Once again he drew a finger through her slit and circled her clit.

She moaned, undoubtedly in the same way she’d just done while inside the presumed dreamland.

“And when I pinched your sweet clit between my fingers like this”—the man demonstrated—“you shot off the bed … like that.” Oh, he was downright smug now. At least what she’d seen of his expression before she’d closed her eyes and let her head roll back against the pillow.

“Did I hear moaning?”

Jessica’s eyes flew open once more, and she craned her neck around Reese to see a very naked Charles climbing onto the bed, straight between her legs.

“Don’t stop on my account. I like moaning. It makes me hot.” He tugged on the blankets now suffocating Jessica. “Way too hot for these,” he stated as he pushed them off the end of the bed.

The air in the room felt cool as it landed on her heated skin, her
, heated skin now exposed beneath the gazes of the two men who intended to claim her.

It was one thing to have let them both take her in the night under the cover of darkness; yet another to have them ogling her now like she was some kind of rare steak.

Hell, they even licked their lips.

Charles hovered over her body, stared into her eyes, and then leaned in to kiss her like a starving man. He didn’t touch her anywhere else, which drove her even crazier than if he’d pressed his entire frame against hers.

Reese disappeared; at least she thought he did. She couldn’t smell him as intensely anymore, and the bed dipped beside her after she was sucked into the vortex of the all-consuming kiss.

Leaving her panting and breathless, Charles finally pulled back and leaned his forehead against hers. “Flip over, baby,” he whispered, his voice a deep, hoarse growl as if he had laryngitis. His piercing gaze demanded compliance, even though his words were gentle.

Jessica’s clit twitched at his request. She warred between loving the fact he could make her body submit and hating her entire being reacted so easily to his instructions.

Had they been so demanding last night? So dominant? It was subtle. Their words were tender, but their eyes spoke volumes. She shivered, her entire body shaking. She sensed they were grooming her, carefully, cautiously, slowly bending her to their will. And it made her pussy wet. Was she imagining things? It pissed her off she couldn’t control her response to their tactics.

Without pausing to consider whether or not she actually liked the idea, Jess wiggled beneath him, flopping over onto her stomach. Charles’ legs and arms still straddled her from above, so she didn’t have much space to work with. Would these men forever be completely inside her personal space? A distance she’d kept from nearly everyone she met since she was a tiny girl?

Warm hands covered her back, massaging her neck and shoulders. She whimpered. It felt so good, as though she were a goddess and he worshipped the ground she walked on, or at least the bed she lay on.

“Your skin is so smooth, so soft. I’ll never get enough of touching you. My fingers itched to fondle you while you were sleeping.”

“Apparently, it didn’t stop Reese, or I’d still be sleeping.” Her voice was muffled by the pillow, but Charles must have understood just fine because he chuckled, a deep resonating noise that traveled down his hands and vibrated against her back as he made his way down her spine.

When his hands landed on her butt, her legs involuntarily spread, embarrassing her. What was happening to her? Jeez.

“That’s it, babe. Just enjoy. Concentrate on my touch.” His fingers dipped between her legs and into the wetness. Instead of guiding his palm lower toward her needy clit, he swiped through her slit toward her ass, and then circled the entrance with her own moisture.

Jessica clenched her butt cheeks together, making Charles laugh. “Oh, Jess, your ass is so fucking sexy. Relax.”

A noise to the side of the bed made her open her eyes in time to see Reese. He stood next to her, his dick bobbing in front of her at eye level. The man handed something to Charles and nodded.

“Do you two have some sort of secret language going on? I thought only mated couples could communicate with their minds.”

“True. And shifted wolves. We can all communicate with each other when in wolf form. But, for some reason, in the case of a ménage the normal law of nature must be different. Reese and I have been speaking to each other telepathically since the moment we walked into the school two days ago. I guess the male part of this trio gets dibs.” He chuckled. The man fondling her ass laughed like nothing untoward was happening other than a conversation between friends.

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