Jessica's Wolves (15 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Jessica's Wolves
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Kara took Jessica’s arm, shaking her out of a near trance. “You okay, hon?” She wrapped her in a hug. “You’re okay now. You have a huge, loving family, two mates who adore you, and even a cousin to get reacquainted with.”

“I can’t stay here.” Alyssa shook her head and backed away from Jess’ side. “I have to go.” She glanced around frantically. “If they find me, they’ll kill all of you.”

Lindsey grabbed her as she raced for the door. “Alyssa, sweetie, stop. You’re not going anywhere.”

The girl sobbed and gulped for breath. “I won’t endanger your family,” she wailed. “It was different before I knew you all. I didn’t think. I just acted to save myself. But now … now I know what a kind and loving family you guys are…” She sucked in a deep breath. “I can’t stand the thought of them coming after me and one of you—”

“You have some other option?” Lindsey held her fast. “You must stay. Nothing will happen to you under Nancy’s roof, and I’m curtain she will insist you move in with her and Richard. They are the best parents in the world. You will love it here. And no one is going to force you to do anything you don’t want, especially mate. Come on. Let’s take you home.”

Alyssa’s shoulders sagged. She was tired and defeated. Jessica knew that look. She’d experienced it enough times in her life.

They needed to take Alyssa back to Nancy and Richard’s house and let her sleep.

But more importantly, Jess needed to talk to her mates. She had so much to say she’d be hoarse before the day was over.

Chapter 12

Fredrick sat in the lavish chair behind his desk and leaned back. The two imbeciles he employed as his right-hand men stood near the door, heads bowed. He doubted they were staring at their shoes as a sign of respect. Probably more out of shame. Fucking failures. “I need you to find this woman.” He held out a recent photo of Alyssa Franklin.

Everyone knew she was missing. It wasn’t new information to Alfred and Judas, but it couldn’t hurt to give them a photo.

“Do we know where she went, sir?” Judas looked up after staring at the picture. He held his hat in one hand and gripped the photo with the other, nearly wrinkling it with his trembling fingers.

“No, but I have a license plate number of the men she left the truck stop with.” Fredrick held the scrap of paper in the air, a slip of a receipt with numbers scribbled on the back. Thank God that kid Leslie had thought to write the digits. As he stared at the two grown men, Fredrick wondered who had more sense: the kid or his hired help.

Alfred stepped forward to take the paper with a smile. The man was clearly relieved they weren’t being sent on a random wild goose chase with no details.

“Do you two think perhaps you could find a way to trace the plate and find the runaway girl?” He was mocking them. And they deserved it after the last time he’d sent them on a mission like this. They’d come back empty handed, having killed the girl they’d been sent to retrieve. “Would that be asking too much?” He couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

“Yes, sir.” Judas finally mumbled his assent. “We’ll get right on that.”

“Let’s, shall we? Huh?” Fredrick cocked his head and twirled a pencil between his fingers. “I want her back here. Immediately. And unblemished. You hear? Not accidentally shot. Not fucked by some other pack of wolves. Virginal and intact. Got it?” His voice rose with each word. He stood, planted his hands on the desk, and leaned forward. “
. What are you waiting for?”

The men scrambled backward out of the room and shut the door with a

* * * *

Several hours later, and after countless questions and answers, Alyssa headed to a guest room to sleep, exhausted beyond belief from the fear and stress she’d been carrying with her for most of her life. Charles felt sorry for her but was relieved she was here in his parents’ house where people would love her and help straighten out her life.

Jessica was no less tired, and truth be told, she’d suffered almost the same emotional highs and lows in the last twenty-two years as her cousin. Her exhaustion was written on her face in the form of worry lines. However, she now had two men standing behind her, guiding her away from the gathered throng of family members. Without a word, they eased her down the hall and into a room Charles had occupied for several years.

It was more of a suite, like all the rooms in the house. A huge, masculine space with a king-sized bed as the focal point in the center. He was glad for that detail.

“Sorry for the mess.” Charles charged past her to grab the clothes and shoes scattered all over the floor. “I’m a slob.”

“That’s the truth,” Reese muttered under his breath. He grabbed Jessica and half dragged her over to sit her on the bed. “You should have seen the hotel rooms we stayed in for the last several months. Couldn’t even find the floor most of the time.”

Charles swatted Reese on the back of the head. “As if you’re any better. Never heard a word out of you until now. Don’t be a showoff for the woman.”

“Guys?” Jessica looked into both their faces. Charles lorded over her, crowding her space. He and Reese inched closer, bumping into her on both sides. “It would seem I’m a sure thing, so you can stop posturing now and just fuck me, because afterward I could really use a good night’s sleep.”

Stunned—they hadn’t really expected her to consent so easily—both men wasted no time stripping off their clothes and then hers.

She barely had time to blink before they had her naked and spread out on the huge bed between them.

Chest pounding, Charles gazed into the deep brown eyes of his woman. Her irises were even darker when she was aroused, and she was most definitely aroused. He could smell her pussy from across the room earlier. The woman was insatiable, and Charles was a lucky man.

Jessica’s hair fanned out around her head, creating a brown halo. She was anything but angelic right now though. Her gaze bore into him with devilish intent.

Remembering what they’d done to her that morning, Charles reached between her legs. When his hand landed on the base of the plug, she squirmed. “You left it in.” He’d only really expected her to put up with their antics until about five minutes after they’d left the house.

“You told me too.” Her eyes were wide.

“We did. And you weren’t too pleased either,” Reese said. “We want you to understand something.”

Jessica’s gaze moved from Charles to Reese.

“We know you’re a strong, independent woman. Hell, you have proven yourself time and again, growing up without your parents, hiding yourself from society, graduating from college, and landing a job without blinking an eye. We were talking earlier, and we want you to know we respect that about you. Admire it even. We wouldn’t want a woman to be mousy, quiet, reserved … someone who doesn’t speak her mind and make us pay attention.”

Charles cleared his throat and nudged Reese’s arm. “What he’s trying to say is we realize we can be pushy and dominant. Hell, it makes my dick hard just thinking about mastering your body, but that relationship between us only extends to the bedroom. When we are having sex, your ass is ours … literally.” He smiled at his pun. “Outside the bedroom, you can be as bossy as you want. We expect it. But in private, we’re hoping you’ll submit to us.”

Charles kissed her lips quickly and leaned back.
“Is she going to balk?”

“God, let’s hope not,”
Reese communicated.

The sexy woman spread out like a feast beneath him had the reddest cheeks he’d ever seen. And her blush was as sexy as ever. His cock lengthened and nudged her thigh.

When she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, he thought he’d come on the spot.

Reese must have thought the same thing because he tugged that pink, puffy lip out of her grip. “I’ll do the biting around here, if you don’t mind,” he teased.

“Can you agree to those terms?” Charles held his breath.

Jessica nodded.

“I need a verbal from you,” he insisted. “Tell me what you’re agreeing to.”

She gasped and held her breath for a minute, pondering her next words. On exhale, she whispered through barely open lips, “You two are masters of the bedroom. I will submit, but only when it comes to sex,” she hastily added. “It makes me horny just listening to you.”

“Good. I like that.” Reese gave a satisfied grunt. “Can we claim you now?”

“That’s probably the last time we are going to give you much of a choice in bed, babe.” Charles pumped out his chest just a smidge. He couldn’t help it. “We would never hurt you or mar your skin in any way. Don’t worry about that. We just want to make you feel so damn good every day of your life. I promise you’ll never regret this decision for one minute.”

“We need an answer,” Reese insisted.

“Yes, you may claim me.” Jessica physically relaxed, her body sinking beneath them as if once that decision had been made, the stress was alleviated and she could lean back and enjoy the ride. And oh what a ride it would be. Charles had no doubt about that.


Reese was filled with relief. Why, he had no idea. It wasn’t as though he’d considered she would react otherwise to this conversation, but nevertheless, he was glad it was over and the goddess he was about to spend the rest of his life with had consented to not only let him and Charles claim her but also to submit to them in every way.

Reese stretched out next to her, trying to accommodate his dick. It was no use. He had to take the shaft in his hand, squeezing to keep himself from coming against her leg.

Charles laughed. “About reached your limit, Reese?”

“I’d say,” he muttered through gritted teeth.

He didn’t speak again but instead relaxed onto his back, flipping Jessica on top.

Charles had to lift her tiny frame, but he settled her over Reese, forcing her to straddle his torso.

Reese wrapped his hand around her head and pulled it in to his chest. If he looked into her eyes right now, he’d come. Her legs were spread so wide to accommodate his torso, and her fine ass lifted into the air, begging to be taken.
“Hurry, man.”

Charles grabbed the lube from the bedside table, and Reese watched over Jessica’s head while Charles squirted a good amount onto two fingers and then spread the slippery mixture between Jess’ legs.

She tensed but didn’t say a word.

Reese soothed her with his hand against her head, not letting her lift. Her cheek smashed into his chest, and he could feel her breath each time she exhaled. Warm. Ragged.

With a soft
, Charles removed the plug she’d worn all day at their command.

Reese’s chest swelled even farther thinking of her face that morning when he’d insisted she wear it. He was so glad they’d done that now, because the last thing he wanted to do was to hurt her. Charles wasn’t a small man, and Jessica’s ass was tight.

Charles laid one palm on her lower back and braced himself against her while he spread the oil around her rear. “I’m going to push inside now and stretch you farther.”

Reese held tight, his cock bobbing between her legs to graze her slit. “Fuck. She’s so wet she’s dripping onto me.”

Jessica moaned and squirmed as much as she could under both men’s firm grips.

“Her ass is tight. I mean, really tight… Two fingers now, Jess.”

Reese didn’t need that image right now. His eyes closed as he thought about what his friend was doing. With his free hand, he reached between them and swirled the fluids spilling out of Jess’ pussy. He grit his teeth and took his cock in his hand to drag it down her folds. “Hurry. I need to be inside her.”

“I’m working on it. Gonna scissor now, Jess. Relax for me. Concentrate on Reese’s cock next to your pussy instead of my fingers in your ass.”

His words did nothing to smother the need in Reese, and he doubted they doused the frenzy of their woman either.

“I think she’s ready,” Charles declared. He pulled out, lifted Jessica a few inches, and then set her back right over the dick Reese held at her opening.

“Oh. God,” she finally muttered. “That feels so good. As if I couldn’t remember what it felt like this morning.”

“Hold still. Just feel Reese inside you.” Charles lined up his own cock with Jess’ rear and spread the lube around the tip.

Reese watched over her head in fascination as he waited for his friend to complete this mating and solidify the claiming between the three of them.

“Push out while I enter, babe. It’ll help.”

She whimpered but didn’t move. She was scared. He could smell her fear, but he was also aware enough to realize that fear was smothered with desire. She wanted this.

“Ohhh.” Her word was muffled against his chest. Her body tensed as Charles probed at her ass.

Reese looked at Charles, who grimaced as he tried to keep from slamming into her.
“Do it. She’s leaking all over my cock.”

Charles pushed forward, not using a slow in and out motion but just a gradual entrance until he was seated completely.
“God, she’s tight. I won’t last one minute.”

“Me neither.”

A muffled voice spoke from Reese’s chest. “Move.” It was just one word, but the wiggling ass over his cock told them she was ready.

Reese held her hips in a firm grip and lifted her off him while Charles eased out. Together they both burrowed back into her.

“Oh, God.” She moaned around the words. “I’m gonna come.”

Reese smiled. “I hope so, love.”

“She’s not the only one.”
A glance at Charles indicated the man couldn’t even speak words out loud because he was concentrating so hard on making this last.

“I promise it’ll last longer next time. But…” Reese bucked beneath her, increasing the pace to match his friends.

“Reese… Charles…”

“Come for us, baby,” Charles encouraged. “We want to feel you around our cocks together.”

As if those words were all it took, Jessica went over the edge. Her body stiffened, and she squeezed around Reese’s dick so tight he had to grit his teeth to keep from blowing that very second. He wanted her to enjoy her orgasm first.

She milked him, pulsing around his shaft for nearly a minute while he and Charles held still, enjoying her rhythm but also bracing themselves against their own impending orgasms.

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