JFK's Last Hundred Days: The Transformation of a Man and the Emergence of a Great President (60 page)

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Authors: Thurston Clarke

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Presidents & Heads of State, #History, #United States, #20th Century

BOOK: JFK's Last Hundred Days: The Transformation of a Man and the Emergence of a Great President
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Nerves may have caused him to flub
Houston speech transcript, JFKL Web site.

Kennedy chewed her out for a slip-up
Gallagher, pp. 316–17.

They could not sleep in the same bed
Leaming (
Mrs. Kennedy
), p. 333.

“You were great today”
Manchester (
p. 87.


Kennedy woke to hear
Bishop (
The Day
), p. 5.

Then he slipped on the white shirt
Manchester (
), p. 112.

“Gosh, just look at the crowds”
Gallagher, p. 318.

“Just look at the platform”
Lawrence O’Brien, pp. 156–57.

He showed O’Brien the front page
Dallas Morning News,
November 22, 1963.

“Christ, I come all the way down here”
Gillon, p. 20.

“I don’t care if you have to throw”
Lawrence O’Brien, p. 156.

“Some Texans, in taking account”
Chicago Sun-Times,
November 22, 1963.

“And weren’t the crowds great”
Manchester (
), p. 112.

Speech at the parking lot rally
JFKL Web site.

“These are my kind of people”
Manchester (
), p. 18.

“Things are going much better”
Brandon (
), p. 196.

As Jackie walked into the ballroom
Speech in Hotel Texas ballroom:
JFKL Web site; film at Sixth Floor Museum, Dallas.

Back in their suite she said
Bergquist and Tretick, p. 172; O’Donnell and Powers, p. 24.

Ted Dealey, had come to the White House
Manchester (
), pp. 48–49.

Kennedy fired back
November 5, 1961.

He answered Dealey again
Schlesinger (
), p. 753.

“Oh, you know, we’re heading”
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 25; Manchester (
), p. 121;
November 22, 1963.

Some residents of “nut country” had woken
Manchester (
), p. 64.

“You know, last night”
Ibid., p. 121.

He and Jackie had been in the suite
Ibid., pp. 120–21; Pottker, p. 213; William Manchester Papers (
Death of a President
), Box 43, Wesleyan Library.

“Isn’t this sweet, Jack”

Instead, he grabbed a telephone book

“You can be sure of one thing”
Wicker, p. 158; Reston, p. 273.

Secret Service
Agent Roy Kellerman told
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 25.

“They put me in a bubble top thing”
Martin (
), pp. 452–53.

he thought the space program “needed a boost”
Logsdon, p. 218.

“Equal choice / not any reflection”
JFKPP (addition 2005), Box 50, JFKL.

“How can anyone say no”
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 26.

“Please, when we go to Dallas”

When he landed at Love Field in 1961
Manchester (
), p. 47.

“This trip is turning out”
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 26.

“You two look like Mr. and Mrs. America”

A reporter watching her emerge
MacNeil, p. 187.

This was the first time that most at Love Field
Jerry Crow, OH, Sixth Floor Museum archives.

A Dallas woman said she was amazed
Van Buren, p. 74.

“I can see his suntan”
Bugliosi, p. 27.

“He’s broken away from the program”
Film archives, Sixth Floor Museum.

The Texas journalist Ronnie Dugger
Manchester (
), p. 131.

It was the first time
Lieberson, p. 222.

Sorensen’s observation
Sorensen (
), p. 102.

Laura Bergquist’s “fascinating human animal”
Bergquist Papers, Boston University Library.

what Sidey called “a serious man”
John F. Kennedy (
), p. xxii.

A local broadcaster called his welcome
Film archives, Sixth Floor Museum.

Some high school students
Manchester (
), p. 128.

“You’re a traiter”

“Help JFK Stamp Out”

“Mr. President, because of your”
November 23, 1963.

“It’s wonderful”
Roberts, JFKLOH; MacNeil, p. 186.

As they were pulling away, Kennedy noticed
Jerry Crow, OH, Sixth Floor Museum.

Connally had wanted him to speak
Bruno and Greenfield, pp. 89–92.

Connally might have forgotten
John Connally, “Why Kennedy Went to Texas,”
November 22, 1967; testimony of John and Nellie Connally to House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), available on National Archives Web site.

Yarborough might not have remembered thinking
Yarborough, JFKLOH.

Nor would John and Nellie Connally have recalled
Connally, “Why Kennedy Went to Texas,”
November 22, 1967; testimony of John and Nellie Connally to HSCA, available on National Archives Web site.

or that he had stopped to greet some children

or that a teenaged boy had darted
Sixth Floor Museum archives.

“Thank you, thank you”
Connally, “Why Kennedy Went to Texas,”
November 22, 1967.

they had spilled into the street
Clint Hill, OH, Sixth Floor Museum.

“How pleasant that cool tunnel”
Manchester (
), p. 154.

“You sure can’t say that”
Nellie Connally and Herskowitz, p. 7; Manchester (
), p. 154.

“No, you can’t”
Manchester (
),p. 154.

He heard some loud bangs
Trask, p. 32.

Nellie Connally remembered his eyes
Nellie Connally and Herskowitz, p. 7.

Agent Kellerman thought he said
Manchester (
), p. 157.

His back brace kept him upright
Dallek (
), p. 694; James Reston, Jr., “That ‘Damned Girdle’: The Hidden Factor That Might Have Killed Kennedy,”
Los Angeles Times,
November 22, 2004.

Jackie cried out
Nellie Connally and Herskowitz, p. 8.


Jackie wept first
Semple, p. 27; Manchester (
), p. 163.

In New York, there was a murmur
Fries and Wilson, p. 13.

Advertising men in tailored suits hurried
Reaction in New York City:
November 23, 1963.

Chorus girls rehearsing
Fries and Wilson, p. 162.

a rookie police officer wept
Van Buren, p. 9.

In his Senate office, Senator Hubert Humphrey
Fries and Wilson, p. 226.

Senator Fulbright jumped up
Fleming, pp. 23–24.

“That Dallas!”
McKeever, p. 539.

Medgar Evers’s widow thought
Fleming, p. 158.

In Chicago, Mayor Richard Daley
Semple, p. 83.

in the Solomon Islands
Hamilton, p. 602.

At Harvard, a girl wept
Salinger and Vanocur, p. 153.

When the captain of a transatlantic jet
Manchester (
), p. 498.

When Rusk announced
Salinger, p. 8.

Truman cried so much
Louchheim, p. 120.

A poem by the columnist
Ibid., p. 32.

The cartoonist Bill Mauldin
Ibid., p. 39.

A twelve-year-old girl in Oregon
Van Buren, p. 140.

A girl remembered her mother
Ibid., p. 48.

schoolchildren in Texas cheering
Bob Moser, “Welcome to Texas, Mr. Obama,”
Texas Observer,
August 4, 2010.

Schlesinger was appalled by Stevenson’s reaction
Schlesinger (
), p. 208.

Algeria declared a week of official mourning
Dear Abby, pp. 92–105.

Thousands of Poles
United States Information Agency, Box 2, JFKL.

Khrushchev instructed his wife
Sergei Khrushchev, p. 698.

The woman narrating a documentary
November 25, 1963.

tears filled Gromyko’s eyes
Semple, p. 218.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko was reading
Stein, p. 198.

“People cried in the street”
Douglas, p. 366; Manchester (
), p. 557.

Sir Laurence Olivier interrupted
Manchester (
), p. 497.

“There has never been anything like it”
Joseph Alsop Papers, Box 19, folder 6, LOC.

“openly crying in the street”
Manchester (
), p. 498.

Sixty thousand West Berliners

Workmen in Nice
United States Information Agency, Box 2, JFKL.

“Never, perhaps, has the death”
Manchester (
), p. 498.

“he [Kennedy] reestablished”
Walt Rostow, JFKLOH.

A postman in a Connecticut
Semple, p. 78.

A Detroit housewife said
Ibid., p. 383.

Jimmy Carter cried
Fleming, p. 104.

McGeorge Bundy admitted
Alsop, p. 512.

Roswell Gilpatric believed
Gilpatric, JFKLOH.

The columnist Joe Alsop said
Alsop, p. 511.

In a condolence letter
William Manchester Papers (
Death of a President
), Box 42, Wesleyan Library.

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