JFK's Last Hundred Days: The Transformation of a Man and the Emergence of a Great President (61 page)

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Authors: Thurston Clarke

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When Elaine de Kooning
Munro, p. 256.

“The assassin dropped”

“I felt that I had lost a brother”
Hall, p. 230.

A poll conducted within a week
Greenberg and Parker, pp. 149–77.

a grief-stricken empire of asphalt
A collection of descriptions, photographs, and documents pertaining to buildings, roads, and places named for John F. Kennedy is in the Steinberg Collection, available in the audiovisual department of the Kennedy Library.

George Orwell believed it was impossible
From Orwell’s essay “Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool,” in Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus (eds.),
The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell, Volume 4: In Front of Your Nose.

James MacGregor Burns called the memorials
Burns, JFKLOH.

His 1960 biography was admiring but suggested
Burns, pp. 276–81.

“Was it a fabrication?”
Burns, JFKLOH.

“who could have been the savior”
Salinger and Vanocur, p. 125.

William Attwood believed the next five years
William Attwood, “Twenty Years After Dallas,”
Virginia Quarterly Review,
Autumn 1983.

“an incalculable loss of the future”
Dallek (
p. 631.

“the future giving way to the present”
Jacqueline Kennedy, p. 318.

“the difference between what is”
Salinger and Vanocur, p. 125.

“He had great things to do”
William Manchester Papers (
Death of a President
), Box 42, Wesleyan Library.

He had told Henry Brandon
Brandon (
Special Relationships
), p. 200.

he told Averell Harriman that he planned
Seaborg (
), p. 198.

“more often than not”
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 75.

Lincoln noted in her diary
Lincoln Papers, Box 6, JFKL.

Johnson kept Hoover at the FBI
FOIA material, FBI archives.

Evening Star
March 28, 1965.

“The most forgotten of all”
November 22, 1963.

“God, what does it matter, Ben?”
Jacqueline Kennedy, p. 277.

Walter Heller asked Johnson
November 23, 1964.

“What Happened to the Kennedy Program”
November 17, 1964.

“Tell Mr. Khrushchev”
JFK: A Presidency Revealed,
History Channel film.

“Khrushchev did not want a repetition”
Taubman, p. 604.

“This is bad news”
“When Castro Heard the News,”
New Republic,
December 7, 1963.

On November 25, Chase sent Bundy a memorandum
FRUS, 1961–1963, Volume XI, Cuban Missile Crisis and Aftermath, Document 378.

When Lechuga ran into Attwood
Ibid., Document 382.

Bundy described the recent contacts
Ibid., Document 388.

Chase wrote in a memorandum

In January, Chase told Attwood
Attwood (
), p. 263.

Bobby Kennedy sent a memorandum to Dean Rusk
April 23, 2009.

Johnson met with Lodge on November 24
Douglass, p. 374.

“It remains the central object of the United States”
National Security Action Memorandum 273, South Vietnam, November 26, 1963, FRUS, 1961–1963, Volume IV, Vietnam, August–December 1963, Document 331.

“On the basis of personal intuition”
Clifford, p. 381.

Robert McNamara wrote in his memoirs
McNamara, p. 87.

Walter Cronkite, whose interview had elicited
Cronkite, p. 243.

Senator Wayne Morse, who frequently butted
Boston Globe,
June 24, 1973,

In his 1970 oral history
Gilpatric, JFKLOH.

John Connally wrote
Connally, p. 358.

While riding a ski lift in Aspen
Ridder, author interview.

In an oral history archived
Bundy, LBJLOH.

In 1993, Schlesinger wrote in his diary
Schlesinger (
), p. 754.

Bundy believed that
Bundy, LBJLOH.

The military analyst Daniel Ellsberg
Ellsberg, pp. 195–96.

“Now is not the time to cry, Provie”
November 22, 1964.

Later that winter, a nun

In the spring of 1964, Jackie told
Maier, p. 475.

She asked West to install
West, p. 287; Bradford, p. 284.

After Nixon won the 1968 election
Mathews (
Kennedy & Nixon
), p. 276.

“Mr. West, will you be my friend”
West, p. 279.

That summer she told Stan Tretick
Bradford, p. 149.

Bradlee remembered the weekends demonstrating
Bradlee (
Good Life
), p. 262.

A reminder of her last weekend
February 5, 2010.

After buying several of Elaine de Kooning’s drawings
Hall, p. 230.

In the fall of 1964, Jackie invited Henry Brandon
Brandon (
Special Relationships
), p. 201.

She kept returning to his place in history


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