Jilted (26 page)

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Authors: Eve Vaughn

BOOK: Jilted
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“Like what?”

“Who gave this guy the information about me? You said he knew a lot of intimate details about me like why I was wearing that bandage on my finger. The only ones who would have access to that information would have been a coworker or my mom and Izzy. There’s absolutely no way my mother or sister could have been involved in this.”

“So it had to be someone who worked with you. Did you have any enemies?”

“Enemy seems like such a melodramatic word. I was friendly with most of my co-workers, although there were a couple girls there who were suddenly distant toward me after my engagement. They’d whisper stuff behind my back but for the most part I ignored them.”

“Could it have been one of them?”

Skylar frowned. Jessica and Mary had caused her some trouble at the diner. They’d refuse to help her by taking her orders to the table like they would for other servers. They’d try to take prime tables from her and as the wedding got closer they had become downright hostile. It really didn’t matter to Skylar at the time because she knew that job was temporary for her. She was in her last year of law school and soon to marry the man of her dreams. Everything had been too minimal to upset her. But were they that jealous of her happiness? And if they were, how did they come to meet Ashley’s sister? “Maybe, but I can’t be sure. It’s been so long. I haven’t been to the diner in years so it’s not likely that either one of them are still working there. For all I know they might not live in the area anymore. Ugh!” Skylar stood up. She wanted to scream.

“How could someone hate me so much to do this? They made me…how…” She began to shake. She was speechless.

Ashley walked over to Skylar and pulled her into his arms. When he did that, all the hurt and pain from the past seemed to melt away. All she could feel was the comforting arms of someone who was hurting as much as her. “I’m so sorry, Skylar. If I would have known then what I know now…I fucked this entire thing up.”

She pressed her head against his chest as her tears fell freely. “Someone utterly disgusting violated me. And now that I think about it, we didn’t make love for a couple weeks up until the ceremony because we wanted the wedding night to be special. You know what that means?”


“It’s possible that the last person who touched me intimately was that guy. I haven’t been with anyone else in five years. I feel so gross.”

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“I know it wasn’t but it doesn’t remove the shame I feel. How could I not remember something like this happening to me? I’ve had to deal with cases where drugged drinks were involved. Some of those drugs can kill a person. They could have literally killed me. And for what? Because I dared to be happy?” Unable to hold the sobs back, she broke down. She felt the devastation within the depths of her core.

Her body shook and she didn’t have the strength to hold herself up, but somehow she managed to stand upright. She cried and screamed in frustration and when that wasn’t enough she began to lash out. She looked at Ashley and pushed him away. “They did this because I loved you!” she yelled. With balled fists she began to hit him, striking him against his chest and anywhere she could connect. The fact that he didn’t do anything to stop her fueled Skylar’s anger. She pounded on him, hitting and then kicking. All the pent up emotions she’d held in for years came out in that moment. She cried for the struggle and the heartache she’d suffered. All these years she’d wondered why he’d dumped her but finding out the truth was far worse than she could have ever imagined. She continued to flail at him and she couldn’t stop.


Ashley held up his arms to block most of the blows but he didn’t try to stop Skylar’s assault. If nothing else, he owed her this. Besides it was nothing more than what he deserved. When she dealt him a particularly hard blow to chest, he flinched, causing him to bring his arm down. But much to his detriment, he left himself open and Skylar caught him with a blow right in the mouth. “Fuck!” he yelled in surprise.

His outburst snapped Skylar out of the trance she seemed to be in. “Oh my God!” she gasped before collapsing to her knees. She covered her face with her hands and her shoulders shook from her cries.

Ashley went down on the floor with Skylar and he pulled her into his arms. This time he held her tight, rocking her back and forth. He wasn’t sure how long they stayed that way but by the time her sobs subsided, he was reluctant to let her go.

She raised her head with a sniff. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lashed out like. Believe it or not, I’m not a violent person.”

Ashley couldn’t help but chuckle as he touched his now swollen lip. He could taste the blood in his mouth. “You could have fooled me. Those hands are dangerous weapons,” he teased.

She raised her head and gasped. “Your lip!”

“It’s okay. I’ve had far worse done to me.”

“But your lip is bleeding. Let’s get some ice for it.”

Ashely shook his head. “I’ll be fine.”

“You’ll be even better if I get you some ice. No arguing.” She got off the floor and headed to the kitchen.

With a sigh, Ashley stood up and followed her. The first thing he noted was how familiar Skylar was with his kitchen. It was like there was never a breakup. She belonged here and he’d fucked it up. In no time she produced a wet cloth and made a makeshift icepack.

Skylar stood in front of him and cupped his chin before gently cleaning off his lip. “I’m so sorry for this.”

Ashley was too busy reveling in her touch. This was how it was meant to be but he no longer had any right to her. All he had was this moment. “You have nothing to apologize for. I deserved it. Every bit of it.”

A slight smile touched her lips. “Maybe a little. Now hold this ice pack on your mouth and that should help the swelling go down.”

“You seem like you have experience cleaning up scrapes and scratches.”

“I have three four year olds, of course I do. I’ve seen enough boo-boos to last a lifetime. But most of the time, all they need is a little TLC and they feel better.”

Ashley looked at her and all he could think about was how beautiful she was, and what a fool he’d been to let her go. “And what about me, Skylar? Will you kiss my boo-boo?

Her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly. “Ashley, don’t.”

“I haven’t done anything. Yet.” He stepped closer, closing the gap between the two of them. When she didn’t step away however, he took it as a sign of encouragement. He gently grasped her by the forearms and pulled Skylar flush to his body. Just one taste he told himself. That was all he needed.

She shook her head as Ashley lowered his. “Please…we shouldn’t.”

“Yes, we should.” Before she could utter another word of protest, he covered her mouth with his in a hungry kiss. He ignored the slight pain in his lips as they pressed against her softness. All that mattered was the feel of her against him one more time. His cock jumped to attention and all he could think about doing was being inside of her, kissing her all over, exploring her body.

She tasted so sweet like the rarest honey. When Skylar placed her hands against his chest, Ashley thought she would push him away, but instead, she grabbed a handful of his shirt and pushed her tongue against his. The kiss became frantic and desperate as if they both had a need that they couldn’t wait to fulfill.

Ashley tightened his grip around her as he grinded his erection against her body. His cock was so hard it ached. Now that she was in his arms again, he couldn’t figure out how he’d survived this long without being this close to her. He broke the kiss and buried his face within the crook of her neck to nibble, suck and bite her skin. He bit down, making her cry out. It would probably leave a mark by the time he was done but something primal within him wanted to leave his stamp on her, something she’d remember.

Frantic hands quickly undid the buttons on her blouse until it was wide open. Skylar in turn, helped him out of his own top, lifting it over his head. Too impatient to unhook her bra, he grabbed the front and tore it apart, making her breasts spill out.

“That was one of my favorite bras,” she whispered breathlessly, although she didn’t seem too upset about it.

“I’ll buy you more.” Ashley licked his lips at the sight of her smooth brown skin exposed to him. So soft and beautiful. Her breasts seemed bigger than he remembered. Skylar’s nipples puckered beneath his gaze and he gave them each a firm pinch before continuing the task of undressing her.

As he unfastened her jeans she fumbled with his belt. “You know we really shouldn’t be doing this,” Skylar said as she pushed his pants down his hips and yanked them off.

“I know but we can talk about it later.” He only had one mission and that was to be inside of her. He wouldn’t be able to think coherently until that happened.

No further words were spoken as they ripped each other’s clothes off until they both stood naked in the middle of his kitchen. Ashley took a moment to take in the glorious sight she made. Skylar’s hips and ass were a little rounder, her belly was a little more pronounced and they were both covered with stretch marks, but he’d never seen a more beautiful sight than the one in front of him. This woman had carried his children and she bore the warrior stripes as proof. He didn’t think it possible to be more turned on than he was at the moment.

With a growl he cupped her ass, lifted Skylar off her feet and then plopped her on the counter. Though his dick needed relief, the sight of the dampness glistening along her slit was too much of a temptation to resist. Dropping to his knees, he shoved her legs apart before diving in face first. He slipped his tongue into her juicy pussy and nearly exploded as the taste, smell and feel of her sent his senses reeling.

Skylar dug her hands in his hair and rubbed herself against him. “Mmm, Ashley. This is so wrong. But it feels soooo good.”

He was too busy fucking her with his tongue to respond. With a free hand he reached up to squeeze her clit, applying just enough pressure to make it hurt a little but still at the point where he knew she’d love it. Being with Skylar like this again was like riding a bike; he still remembered all the secrets of her body and what made her scream and moan with pleasure. Her pussy was just as amazing as he remembered, so sweet, with just a hint of musk and a flavor unique to her that was like an aphrodisiac to him. He was an addict and she was his drug.

“Ashley, what are you doing to me?” She groaned.

He smirked, continuing his task of devouring her pussy. He could stay between Skylar’s legs all day if she allowed him.

“I need…” she moaned. “I need…” Skylar repeated. She seemed to be unable to get the words out.

Ashley raised his head and licked her juices off of his lips, savoring them. “What do you need, Skylar. Tell me.”

Her sherry eyes had darkened and were hooded with desire. Her lips were slightly parted and her chest heaved. She was so fucking gorgeous. “I need…you. Now. Please.”

She didn’t have to ask twice. He was ready. Ashley hopped to his feet and pulled her closer to him until her butt was on the edge of the counter. Grabbing his cock, he guided it to her wet entrance.

“Hurry,” Skylar begged.

With one powerful thrust he slammed into her. “Shit!” He yelled. She was so fucking tight her pussy gripped him in a vice. Being inside of her felt like home. Damn he missed this. If he weren’t careful, he’d come right then and there. He took several deep breaths to keep himself from losing complete control, but that seemed to be exactly what Skylar wanted because she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him even deeper.

“Don’t hold back,” she groaned.

It was all the encouragement he needed. He stroked her pussy, moving back and forth without any attempt of finesse. For every thrust he sent her way, she tilted her pelvis, throwing it back. Skylar circled her arms around his body and dragged her nails down his back. The adrenaline pumping through his veins numbed all pain but her actions spurred him on. He thrust in and out, harder and faster with Skylar giving as good as she got. Their movements were frantic and hurried as if they were both racing for something neither could explain.

“Ashley!” Skylar screamed her release.

It felt like her cunt gripped his cock even tighter and he couldn’t hold on even if he wanted to. As he exploded inside of her, Ashley bit down on her shoulder.

They held on to each other tightly, panting and gasping for air. He held her tight, not wanting to let go because once he did, he’d have to face the reality of his life without her. Ashley wasn’t fooled for one second that this thing that happened magically meant that he and Skylar would end up together again. Knowing her the way he did, it might push her away. She was in a highly emotional state and he shouldn’t have taken advantage of it. He felt like an even bigger asshole letting this happen, but he couldn’t pass up this opportunity for this one chance. She’d probably hate him even more when the realization dawned on her, so he held on for dear life.












Chapter Twenty-Two

“Oh my God!” The enormity of what she’d just done hit Skylar like a ton of bricks. She placed her hands against Ashley’s chest, this time to push him away. “I can’t believe we just did that.” Skylar scrambled off the counter and hurried to gather her clothes.

“I didn’t mean for it to happen, but I’m glad it did,” Ashley said softly.

Skylar frowned at her torn bra. There was no way to salvage it. She’d have to go without until she got home. And where the hell were her panties? “Uh, have you seen my panties?”

“Isn’t it among the pile of clothes?”

She dug through the discarded item but couldn’t find then. After a few minutes of looking she gave up. It would be awkward as hell driving home with no undergarments. She hoped she could get to her room and do a quick change before anyone at home noticed.

“Did you hear what I said, Skylar? I’m not sorry this happened between us.”

“I heard you the first time, Ashley but I can’t deal with this right now,” she muttered pulling her pants on.

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