Jilted (36 page)

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Authors: Eve Vaughn

BOOK: Jilted
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Skylar tried to pull her hand away but Ashley held it firm. These last five years had proved to her that she could make it on her own. So many great things had happened for her, like her children and her career, and the closer relationship she had developed with her own mother and sister. But even with so many blessings in her life, she couldn’t help thinking about how different her life would have been if Ashley had been in it. Would she have been happier? So she looked him in the eyes and had the answer to her question.


“Ashley, I’m scared that you’ll hurt me again.”

“I can’t promise that we’ll never have an argument or say things we don’t mean, but I will never deliberately hurt you again. When I did that I swear to you that I hurt myself 10 times worse. It was like cutting out my heart when I walked away. I love you Skylar, and I want you in my life. This time it’s different. The negative people that surrounded us are gone and we’re more mature and know better. Please help me make this house a home and say you’ll be mine again.”

She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. “Well, my mom is certainly team Ashley.”

“And how about you, Skylar? What team are you on?”

“I’m Team Us.”

Ashley got out of his seat and moved around the table until he was standing next to Skylar. Before she could react, he pulled her out of her seat and into his arms. He covered her mouth with his in a smothering kiss, but Skylar didn’t mind. She was all in. Life was too short to live in fear and that’s what she’d been doing since Ashley had come back into her life.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his. There was one thing between them that hadn’t changed. The heat between them was still as hot; if anything it was even hotter. Her body went up in flames and fire spread along every nerve ending in her body.

Dinner was forgotten, and all she wanted was him.

Ashley scooped her up in his arms and carried her out of the dining room and up the winding staircase, all while Skylar pressed urgent kisses against his neck. His scent was intoxicating. Whenever someone else wore this brand of cologne, it never smelled right because it wasn’t on Ashley. Being in his arms again, like this felt like this was meant to be.

Ashley took her to his bedroom and gently laid her on the bed. “Do you like the room?” He asked as he began to undress her.

“I love it, but I think you already knew it when you had it designed.”

He carefully took off her bra and panties and cast them aside, leaving her naked beneath the intensity of his green gaze. “I’m glad. I did in fact have you mind when it was decorated.” He slowly undressed, his eyes never leaving hers. “This house is for you and I want you to be happy.”

“Is that why you made me wait these two weeks? You wanted to make sure the house was in order before you made a pitch to me to get back together with you?”

“I was hoping.”

“You know me well enough to realize that I don’t care about material things.”

He smirked. “So I should sell the house?”

“Don’t you dare. I love it.” He chuckled as he joined her on the bed. He covered her body with his and gave her a long, slow, sensual kiss.

Ashley ran his hands all over her body, leaving no spot unexplored, kissing and caressing her neck, breasts and belly. He took his time exploring her as if it were the first time. Finally he positioned himself between her thighs and licked his lips in anticipation.

“I missed this so much,” she moaned.

“So did I,” he murmured before pressing deep kisses on her pussy. He licked and flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue.

Skylar moaned, raising her hips to meet his mouth. The man was magic. How had she gone so long without this? It was like the first time all over again. “So good. Please, Ashley, I can’t take anymore, I need you. Please give it to me,” she begged.

He ignored her sensual pleas and continued to eat her pussy like a man devouring his last meal. Ashley shoved his tongue deep inside her channel. Just when she was on the cusp of reaching her peak, he pulled away and flipped Skylar onto her belly

Slowly he ran his tongue down her spine and over the curves of her bottom. The decadent sensation of his oral ministrations made her toes curl. He pressed his erection against her ass. Ashley was hard and ready, and she wanted nothing more than to be one with him. She spread her legs silently, inviting him inside of her.

Ashley maneuvered Skylar onto her side, gripped her thigh and slid into her with one powerful thrust. They released a simultaneous sigh. “Feels so good,” she moaned.

“I love you so much, Skylar. There’s no place I’d rather be in the world right now than here with you.”

“I love you too, Ashley. I never stopped. Now make love to me.”

He kissed the side of her neck. “I thought you’d never ask.” Ashley wrapped his arm around her waist and clasped her hand in his as he began to gently thrust in and out of her. No words were needed as their bodies moved together in a sensual dance as old as time.

They’d made love before but it never felt this good. Everything was engaged: her heart, body and soul.

“Mine,” he whispered. “I’ll never let you go again.” He thrust deeper into her still, hitting her g-spot as he went.

Skylar cried out in delight. “Try getting rid of me.”

She loved this man so much. He’d hurt her but she didn’t realize that he had been hurting too. There was power in forgiveness and love gave her the courage to try again.











“You look beautiful, honey.” Priscilla gave her daughter a light peck on the cheek.

“Thanks, Mom.” Skylar shuddered a little as a sense of déjà vu came over her. She’d played this scene before and it had ended in five years of heartache. But this time around things were slightly different.

“How are the kids doing? Harper hasn’t messed up her pretty dress, has she? And the boys? Have they managed to keep their ties on? They were complaining that they were too tight.”

Priscilla smiled indulgently. “Don’t worry, Izzy has them under control. Besides, the violinist is just waiting for his cue to start playing the procession so it’s all up to you”

“Okay.” Skylar took a deep breath. “I’m so nervous.”

“Don’t be. Everything will be great. We have something old?” her mother asked.

“Yes I’m wearing your grandmother’s earrings.” Skylar flicked her ears to show them off. “They also take care of the borrowed part. And for the blue, I’m wearing a blue garter.”

“And something new?”

“Does this count?” Skylar rubbed her hand over her pronounced belly. In just two short months she’d be a mother of four. The timing of this pregnancy wasn’t ideal but she should have expected something like this to happen when Ashley couldn’t keep his hands to himself and he seemed to be birth control-proof. This was twice her contraceptive had failed her, but she figured it was meant to be. She and Ashley had decided that they would wait until the birth to find out the sex of their baby, although Tristan and Finn wanted another brother while Harper wanted a sister. Skylar and Ashley just wanted a healthy baby.

Ashley was especially excited about the baby because he’d missed out when the triplets were in utero. He was reading baby books and going online and printing out articles about what to do as an expectant father. He took Skylar to all her appointments and even shed tears when he saw an image of their baby on an ultrasound. She couldn’t have asked for a more attentive partner. Ashley showed up at her office every afternoon to have lunch with her just to make sure she had a proper meal. Irving and the girls at the office seemed to like his visits because Ashley always bought enough food for everyone. Once he’d lectured her on eating bacon even though it was nitrate free. Ashley was being slightly overbearing where the pregnancy was concerned, but she knew it was because he was excited about the baby’s arrival.

The last few months had been a whirlwind of activity with Skylar and the children moving in with Ashley. The children were absolutely in love with their bedrooms and had very little trouble transitioning to their own rooms. There were a few nights when one of them would have trouble sleeping and they’d end up slipping into bed with her and Ashley, but for the most part they did just fine on their own.

The children especially loved the pool and the trampoline in the backyard. It was like paradise for them. Ashley and the kids had started a project to make a playhouse, and the triplets were having a ball helping their daddy build something from the ground up. Ashley was so good with the kids and Skylar knew he’d be awesome with the one on the way as well.

They had a guest house on their property perfect for her mother. Priscilla however, thought that having a mother-in-law around would cramp their style although she did come by often for visits. Izzy utilized the guest house often because it was closer to her college campus, and if she was out particularly late she’d stay there. Everything seemed to fall into place.

Ashley was still working toward building a better relationship with his siblings. It wasn’t without its hiccups, but it would take some time to erase the influence of that evil bitch Katherine Hollingsworth, or whatever she went by now. No one had heard hide nor hair from her for months and no one really cared. Colleen was out of rehab and had re-enrolled in school where she planned on focusing on art. Owen had started a small electronics company, repairing and building computers. It would probably take time before the business made a profit but at least the younger man seemed focused for the first time in years. Skylar was happy that Colleen and Owen were finally getting their act together but for now, she chose to keep them at arm’s length until she was positive they wouldn’t go back to their old ways. The twins had met the kids for the first time and seemed to genuinely like them, so at least that was a start.

Monica’s betrayal still hurt deep. The other woman had tried to contact Skylar several times but she wasn’t having it. Skylar had forgiven her but she wouldn’t allow that snake back into her life.

Her life was full and she was happier than she’d been in a long time.

“We’re ready, Skylar. I’m going to go take my seat.” Priscilla gave her a reassuring squeeze before heading down the beach to join the small group of guest gathered to witness Take Two of Skylar and Ashley’s nuptials. This time around it was smaller and more intimate, just like she had always wanted. The only people in attendance at this small beach wedding were her family, the girls from the office, William, Irving, Tim and their wives. It looked like Tim’s wife Rachel would pop any minute herself. Skylar like Rachel a lot and it was nice that they were due around the same time. Her baby would have a playmate. Even Jeremy had managed to make it and he really seemed to be into his date. Skylar hoped things would work out for them.

The violinist began to play and it was her cue to walk to her groom. This time there was no fancy gown. She wore a long white dress she’d found at a thrift shop with a ring of flowers around her head a crown. Her feet were bare and the sand squished through her toes as she walked toward Ashley.

Her heart pounded so fast she almost lost the capability to breathe. She knew he was all in this time around but that slight fear remained in the back of her head. But when she placed her hand in his and he smiled at her with so much love shining in his eyes, she knew that everything was as it should be.

Ashley mouthed the words
I love you
before turning to the minster.

Skylar was ready for her forever.





About the Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Eve Vaughn has always enjoyed creating characters and stories from an early age. As a child she was always getting into mischief, so when she lost her television privileges (which was often), writing was her outlet. Her stories have gotten quite a bit spicier since then! When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, Eve is reading, baking, traveling or kicking butt in 80’s trivia. She loves hearing from her readers. She can be contacted through her website at:




Books by Eve Vaughn:

GianMarco: Blood Brothers Book 1

Niccolo: Blood Brothers Book 2

Romeo: Blood Brothers Book 3

Jagger: Blood Brothers Book 4

Dante: Blood Brothers Book 5

Giovanni: Blood Brothers Book 6

The Kyriakis Curse

Whatever He Wants



The Auction


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