Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (48 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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They left the hospital at eight. Outside as they walked to the car Mickey said, “Are you coming to the club with me Jimmy?” “Yeah it’s safe enough now for Maria to join us.” “Cushty shall we eat at Satins first.” “Sounds good to me mate.” Maria interrupted and said, “Can I go home and change first?” “Yeah we can call back at the apartment after we’ve eaten.” “Oh, ok, do you think I look alright to eat out then?” Mickey paid her a complement by saying, “Babe if you were dressed in a bin liner you’d still look stunning.” Jimmy laughed and jokingly said, “Perhaps I should keep an eye on you Mickey when Maria’s out with us?” They all laughed as Mickey replied, “As beautiful as she is I’d never go there, I’d like to keep my wedding tackle if it’s all the same to you, and I’ve seen what you can do with a sharp knife Jimmy.” They all laughed.

After they had eaten they went back to the apartment so she could change into something more appropriate for the club. The two friends talked, while she dressed. Mickey said, “It looks to me that everything is back on track; Maria appears to be over the incident with the Jamaicans.” “Definitely mate, she told me she wouldn’t want to live without me.” “I don’t doubt it Jim, she’s nuts about you.” “Just as well, because I would rather see her dead than with another man. I gave her the chance to walk away, she didn’t and I told her then I’ll never give her another one.” Looking concerned Mickey said, “You need to control your temper Jimmy, then hopefully she’ll never want to leave, threatening her isn’t the way to go about it.” “I wasn’t threatening her, I meant it,” he replied with a serious look on his face. Mickey was worried with what his friend had said, but before he could say anymore, Jimmy called out to her “Come on babe, get a move on!” No sooner had he spoken when she emerged from the bedroom.  Both men stared at her; she looked stunning, wearing a tight fitting, low cut red dress which showed her figure off perfectly; especially with the red stiletto shoes. “You look lovely babe, good job were not going to Sweet Cheeks the dancers couldn’t compete with you tonight” said Mickey. Blushing she smiled as she said, “Thanks Mickey.” Standing there she waited for Jimmy to say something, when he didn’t she said, “What do you think Jimmy?” Looking her up and down before he replied, “I haven’t seen you in that outfit before.” “No I brought it weeks ago when I was out shopping with Monica, but you didn’t answer my question, what do you think?” Sounding less than convincing he replied; “Yeah you look good.” Instantly she could tell from his tone that all was not well. Not wanting to go out with him in a strange mood, she replied, “I can change into something different if you want me too?”  Looking angry he replied, “You can wear it this time, but I’ve got other preferences!” Mickey looked at her and shook his head, which was his way of telling her not to push the issue. Even though she knew why he did it, she felt hurt and said, “Jimmy do you want me to change it?” Snapping back at her he said, “No leave it! I said you look fine!” Mickey thought he was being unjust, but he said nothing, he didn’t want to make it bad for her. Looking close to tears she didn’t reply. They left for the club. Despite his jealousy, both Mickey and she were surprised at his sudden mood change, normally he would tell her how beautiful she looked.

As they walked from the car park to the club they could see Shane chatting to a couple of girls at the door. When they approached him Shane wolf whistled at Maria. Knowing he hadn’t meant anything by it she smiled at him, although she did blush. Jimmy looked angry. Mickey could tell he wasn’t impressed, so he quickly said something to distract him, as he was convinced his friend was about to say something nasty to Shane.

Inside the club Jimmy scanned the area for a table after asking Mickey to get the drinks. Having secured a table, Maria gently touched his hand and said, “Is everything alright Jimmy?” Looking directly at her he arrogantly replied, “I don’t want you to wear that fucking dress again!” Trying to reason with him she said, “I offered to change and if it looks that terrible you should have told me. Why are you being so nasty, if you don’t want me here just call me a cab and I’ll go home?” Realising how he was making her feel when he saw tears welling in her eyes, he took her hand and said, “I’m sorry babe, you look fantastic, but I knew the reaction you would get from other men by wearing it.” “Don’t be so silly, you know I’m only interested in your reaction.” Hoping he would drop the subject, she added, “I won’t wear it out again.” It didn’t have the effect she’d hoped for. Not about to let it drop; he reminded her that Shane had wolf whistled her. Trying to joke about it she said, “It’s just his way, he didn’t meant anything by it, everyone knows Shane would wolf whistle anyone with a pulse.” Despite the fact that she was right in his mind nothing had changed, he didn’t want her getting attention from other men. She looked sad at what he’d said; especially as she had only ever wanted to please him. Looking at her he realised how dreadfully he’d acted, like a jealous school boy. He remembered back to when she had told him about Nick telling her what to wear and at the time he had called him a fucking control freak, which was exactly what he was now turning into. Still holding her hand he apologised again and said, “Mickey was right babe, you look absolutely stunning, I’m just a jealous idiot.” Leaning over she kissed his cheek and said, “I wouldn’t change you for anyone; anyway I quite liked the idea of someone thinking I’m beautiful, even though I’m not.” Running his hand up her leg under the table he said, “You’d be the only person to think that, because you are a very beautiful woman, who I know I’m so lucky to have.” Thankfully there was no further mention of the dress and everything ran smoothly at the club, there were no incidents; so they left just before closing.

Once alone together back at their apartment he said, “I acted like a jack ass over that dress, I really am sorry babe.” Smiling she replied, “Just forget about it.” Trying to justify his earlier behaviour he replied, “Sometimes I have no control over my temper, especially when it involves you.”  Trying to reassure him she said, “It’s alright to be jealous Jimmy, as long as no one gets hurt.”

An hour later they retired to bed where they continued the conversation, until the early hours of the morning. It was turned five o’clock, by the time they fell asleep.

Over a late breakfast that morning Maria said, “Will you visit Father Thomas with me after lunch Jimmy?” Just as she’d expected, he declined by saying, “Sorry I
can’t babe, I’ve got things to do with Mickey.” “Like what, you’re not seeing him this afternoon; he’s going to the hospital to speak with Monica’s friend George Davage and there was no mention of you going with him. So you could come with me.” Knowing she was right, he begrudgingly agreed to go.

Mickey phoned to say he would call in after he had spoken to George; he thought it would be around five. Confident that they would hear from him, she had already asked Jimmy to invite him for dinner when he called and as usual he didn’t hesitate to accept the invitation.

When they arrived at the church that afternoon, she could tell that Father Thomas was pleased to see that Jimmy had made the effort. While she chatted to the priest, Jimmy thought about the meeting his friend was having at the hospital. His thoughts being, that by now Samuels must be aware that something had happened to the Jamaicans.



At the hospital Monica was introducing George to Mickey, although the two men had run in to each other on occasion they had never really talked. Immediately they took a liking to each other, it was clear that they would get alon
g fine. Monica decided to tell George the truth as to their meeting. From that moment on, he was very interested in what Mickey had to say. They talked about the Jamaicans, including their involvement with Samuels. Mickey explained to him that they had only gone along with them so that they could get to Samuels. So as far as the Jamaicans were concerned, he was sorting out the paper work ready for them, which they could call into the club for in a couple of days. It was after telling George that he added, “Could you hold fire with the tape until we’ve spoken to the Jamaicans again? Only we may be able to get some more information about Samuels.” Even though he knew the Jamaicans were well and truly dead, he had to go along with things because he couldn’t tell George that they had murdered them. Obviously the real reason for stalling for time was to get Samuels back round the club for the drugs, although he couldn’t tell him that either. Mickey handed him the tape. “I’ll leave it for a couple of days,” said George. “Thanks I appreciate that,” said Mickey. They continued to talk about Samuels, it was apparent that all three of them had a dislike for the man. George said, “For a long time I’ve suspected Samuels of being dirty; but until now I had nothing on him.” “You and me both,” said Monica. They arranged to meet again at the hospital in two days and George would say that was the day he was given the tape.

When George left, Mickey kissed Monica on the cheek and said, “I reckon George is going to be an asset to us.” “I like him Mickey; he’s a really decent bloke.” “Enough about George, how do you feel today babe?” “Much better, the doctor who I saw this morning said I may be able to go home within a week, especially if I continued to recover the way I have been.” “That’s great babe, I know Maria will be chuffed as well, she told me how much she’s looking forward to you staying with them.” “I know we’re so lucky, we   really couldn’t wish for better friends.” “I agree. They’ve invited me for dinner again tonight.” Grinning she jokingly replied, “Don’t get to used to it darling, once we’re married you won’t be getting the same culinary delights as Maria cooks!” Laughing he replied, “Well having three restaurants I’m sure I can get a decent meal!”  Pinching his arm she said, “Cheeky bastard, I’ll remember that!” Kissing her goodbye he said, “I’ll see you later sweetheart, I’ll pop in before I go to the club.” “Ok, miss you, love you.” “Love you too.”

Arriving outside Jimmy’s apartment fifteen minutes later he knocked on the door before entering. Whatever Maria was cooking smelt delicious, he could smell it outside the door. When she opened the door to let him in, he instantly said “Hello babe, Monica sends her love.” “How is she?” “Doing well, she may be home within a week.” “That’s wonderful; I’m really looking forward to her staying.” Looking through into the lounge he said, “Where’s Jimmy?” “He’s in the bathroom; while he can’t hear me do you know what the surprise is he’s got for me Mickey?” Grinning he shook his head and replied, “Haven’t got a clue babe.” “Haven’t got a clue about what?” asked Jimmy as he appeared. With a broad grin Mickey looked at him and said, “She’s trying to find out about the surprise you’ve got for her.” Laughing he replied, “She’s worse than a kid Mick!” Swiping him across the bum with a tea towel, she poked her tongue out at him. Playfully grabbing hold of her he said, “I told you you’ll have to wait, you’ll find out soon enough. Although I might consider giving it to you early, but it would depend on how nice you are to me.” Squeezing him she grinned and replied, “Oh I can be very nice, although I don’t think I should show you in front of Mickey!” “It would take an awful lot to embarrass him.” “Oh I think we could!” Mickey interrupted them and jokingly said, “If you two love birds want me to leave for half an hour I wouldn’t mind.” Jimmy quickly replied, “Half an hour, with her you’d need to be gone at least three!” Blushing she retaliated by saying, “Well you never complain!” Before Jimmy could reply Mickey grinned and said, “I wouldn’t imagine any man would say no to having three hours with you babe.”

Despite it having been said in fun, Jimmy went quiet; his friend had obviously hit a nerve where his jealousy was concerned. Mickey was just about to redeem himself, when his phone rang. It was Shane calling from the club. “Alright Shane what’s up?” Excitedly he replied, “Alright Mickey, you won’t believe what’s just happened with Samuels, are you coming down to the club later?” “Yeah is everything ok?” “Better than ok, you’ll be well chuffed when you see what Samuels has done.” “Can I take it he’s been back for the drugs?” “You can indeed Michael and we got him bang to rights on tape.” “Cushty, we’ll be there about nine. See you then.” Just as he put the phone down, Maria served dinner.

Sitting at the table he repeated what Shane had said about Samuels. Knowing that going to the club was important, he phoned Monica and asked if he could leave visiting her. She told him that it was fine and that she would see him tomorrow.

Maria said, “Do I have to go to the club with you?” After discussing it, both men thought it was probably safe for her to stay home now, providing she was careful, although Jimmy said, “Just because the Jamaicans are no longer a threat; Samuels could be.”  Preferring not to go, she was quick to reply, “I promise not to answer the intercom and if I change my mind about the club, I’ll call Shaun to take me.” “Ok then, but any problems just be
ll me.” “Yes dad,” joked Maria. Mickey complimented her on the meal again as they were leaving.

When they arrived at the club just before nine they could see Shane standing at the door. As they approached him he grinned and said “I can’t wait for you two to see the tape.” “Neither can we,” replied Mickey as they headed straight for the office.

Inside the office Shane said, “Samuels called at Max’s today for his money, she asked him where his Jamaican friends were.” Mickey was the first to reply, “Oh yeah, so what did the dodgy detective say?” “Apparently Samuels declined from answering, although the dirty bastard did refer to her having sex with him again to reduce the debt.” “Is she ok,” asked Mickey. “Yeah she’s fine; I’m taking her out again in a couple of days.” Jimmy joked and said, “I thought you’d have given up by now?” “I told you, I like a challenge.” They all laughed. Then Shane added, “Tell you the truth I really liked her. If I was thinking about having a regular girl, she’d probably be the one.” “You’re turning soft Shane! Still at your age maybe you should think about settling down?” He was quick to reply, “Fuck off, I’m not thinking of settling down, maybe in the future, but not now.” Jimmy joked and said to Mickey, “Here Mick, I reckon Max had got to him, just goes to prove even the London stud isn’t immune to the love bug! It gets them all in the end.” Shane laughed and said, “Behave you two, let’s watch the tape!”

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