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Authors: Marissa Dobson

Jinx's Mate (12 page)

BOOK: Jinx's Mate
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forty-eight hours were almost up and less than half of the clans were on board
with Tabitha. Many of the others had questions about what everything entailed,
giving Tabitha and Ty a lot to handle. A handful had flat out refused to have
Tabitha or anyone else above them. Jinx glanced at the list and noticed there
were still five clans they hadn’t heard from, one way or the other.

Minnesota Alpha, Calvin, was demanding an audience and insisting his questions
were answered before he would make any commitment. There was something more to
it. Did Calvin plan to demand something in return for his loyalty?

not going to work all night again, are you?”

glanced up to find Summer standing in the doorway, in a cute emerald green baby
doll nighty. “Umm, not if you’re going to wear that, lass.”

I was thinking you’d take it off me.”

think we can arrange that.” He scooted his chair back from the desk. “Come

another office christening.” She sashayed to him. “You’ve been working too
hard, too much on your mind. Let me reduce your stress.”

has changed. I’m just adjusting to it, and trying to protect my family and our

know, love. Did Ty mention if he’d approved Eric working with the Nerd Crew?”
She slipped into his lap, running her fingers up his chest.

that’s all set. Which will allow for Lukas to have less to deal with.”

Then you can give him more responsibilities and spend more time with us.” She
leaned in, pressing her lips to his neck. “Now come to bed and take this off

the perfect way to end a long day.” He slipped his arm under her and stood. As
he carried her to the bedroom, screams erupted from Claire’s room. “I guess
that puts any plans on hold.” He set her down.

won’t always be like this. Each day there’s progress, especially when she’s with
little Lisa,” Summer told him as they raced to Claire.

flung opened the door and their little lass sat in the middle of the bed,
clutching the stuffed tiger that had become her source of security.

we’re here.”

went to her and picked her up. “It’s okay, sweetie. It was only a bad dream,
we’re here.”

Claire cried and held onto Summer’s neck.

she?” He stepped into the room, a lump forming in his throat. Did he really
just hear their little girl speak?

did.” Summer pulled Claire back so she could look at her. “Sweetie, say it

This time the word came out timid.

my little lass.” He went to them, wrapping his arms around both of them. “I’m
so proud of you.”

She reached toward him.

those two simple words everything fell together. He went from being a bachelor
who wasn’t really looking for a mate, to a family man. Claire might not have
been his flesh and blood but she was his daughter. Hearing her speak gave him
hope it wasn’t too late to save her from the darkness.

happened in the coming months with Tabitha taking over as Queen of the Tigers,
he’d help as much as he could—but his priorities had changed. He had a family,
and they were his responsibly above all else.

Preview: A Touch of Death


death of Jael James’ mother meant it was time to face her destiny as the Grim
Reaper. Her first spirit shows up after being murdered, demanding the killer be
caught before she can cross over. If a serial killer on the loose wasn’t bad
enough, it turned out to be a demon sent by Lucifer to test her.

is there to guide her as she makes the journey into the unknown, but he seems
to have his own agenda—which involves getting her naked. He wants to show her
what they could have together. But then there’s Nathan, who wants to be more
than just her paramedic partner. Competing with Death for her attention might be
more than Nathan can handle.

Jael find a balance that will keep her secret safe, or will her new role as
Grim Reaper force her to walk away from the two most important men in her life?




welled in Jael’s eyes as she sat at her dying mother’s bedside. As an adult it
wasn’t supposed to be this devastating to lose a parent. No longer would her
mother suffer. She wouldn’t have to put up with harsh criticism for talking to
no one else could see.

rested her head against the back of the chair, the rough wood digging into her
skull. The feeling grounded her, helped her force the tears back. Time with her
mother was nearing its end, and she didn’t want to waste it by crying. Opening
her eyes, she saw a man leaning against the wall. Dressed in black, his jeans
and T-shirt clung tight. His clothing was a dark contrast to his creamy white
skin and the bright white wall behind him. His hair fell just above his ears,
reminding her of spilled ink, a few stray pieces dangling just above his
sapphire eyes that sparkled with hints of silver.

dead gorgeous is an understatement.
This was no time to let her hormones get out of control. Her mother needed her
to remain focused.

I help you?” She raised an eyebrow at him. There was no way he was medical
staff. He continued to lean against the wall, completely ignoring her. Her
unease rose, but instead of giving into it she pushed back from her chair and
stood. “This is a private room and visiting hours are over. Please leave.”

here to see her.” He nodded toward her mother.

not up for visitors now. If you could come back tomorrow maybe she’ll be ready
then.” In no mood to deal with him, she reached to the side of the bed, her
finger hovering just above the nurse call button.

His voice floated through the room, with a hint of mystery.

eyed him with anger for his lack of respect for her privacy. “I don’t know how
you know my mother, but I asked you to leave. Go or I’ll call security.”

light chuckle teased the air. “I wouldn’t recommend that.”

that supposed to mean?” she snapped.

Ann’s eyes were glazed from the drugs that coursed through her body.

if summoned by her mother’s voice, the man moved away from the wall and came
toward the bed. “Ann, it’s time to tell her.”

not yet.” Tears welled in Ann’s eyes, as she tugged the breathing mask away
from her face. “I need more time.”

given you as much time as I could, but it’s nearly up. Don’t make me deliver
the news.” With that he disappeared as quickly as he’d appeared. He just
vanished. Jael startled, jumping back, then sinking into her chair, shocked and
near panic.

the hell just happened?” She pinched herself to make sure it wasn’t all a
dream. She’d had so little sleep the last few days, she wouldn’t have been
surprised if she had dozed off or hallucinated the whole thing.

has been revealed.” Ann’s breathy voice cut through Jael’s thoughts.


dying.” When Jael started to interrupt, Ann shook her head to stop her. “Don’t,
just hear me out. It’s going to sound bizarre so I need to say it
you interrupt. All these years, people thought I was crazy, seeing people they
don’t. It’s because I’m the Grim Reaper.”

what?” Jael had been asked to keep quiet, but her heart was slamming against
her chest, and she couldn’t stop herself. “Mom, I think it’s the drugs the
doctor gave you. Please rest.”

not the drugs. If you trace our family history back, you’ll see that the first
female born in each generation has been given the ability to see the dead. We
are the Grim Reaper. Without us, the spirits stuck in limbo cannot cross over
into the light. It’s our calling, our destiny. He will help you along your
path, assist you with what you need.” She gripped Jael’s hand, taking a moment
to catch her breath. “I’ve sheltered you while I could, but now that my time on
this Earth is coming to an end, it’s time for you to take my place.”

heard her mother’s words but couldn’t believe them. It had to be the medication
that was making her delusional. Her mom had always been eccentric, talking to
people no one else could see. But a Grim Reaper? They didn’t exist. When you
died, there was no limbo, just Heaven or Hell, your body turning to dust in the
ground, nothing more.

just rest.”

years of being a paramedic in Crystal Falls, Montana, she had seen death more
times than she cared to remember, and never once had a ghost risen out of a
body asking for help. It just didn’t happen. When someone died, there was
nothing left for them in this world. Even if there was life after death, there
was no room in Jael’s life to help those who’d passed on. Death was already an
unavoidable part of her job, but to see the spirits of those she couldn’t save
sounded like more than she could handle.

worry? I don’t believe what she’s saying anyway

need to understand what will happen. Things will change for you when I die.”

squeeze her mother’s hand. “It will be fine. There are always changes in life.
Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’ll miss you, but you’ll be with Dad again.
Everything is going to be fine.”

father…” Ann’s smile was warm and wishful, as she reached her hand out to touch
the length of something, but all Jael could see was thin air. “He’s always been
with me, but to actually touch him again will make up for leaving you. I’ve
always wanted to protect you, Jael. I love you.”

know, Mom. I love you too. Sleep, I’ll figure everything out, it’s going to be

drugs helping to lessen Ann’s pain from the bone cancer were pulling her under
again, sleep’s long fingers reaching out to her to drag her under. In the back
of Jael’s mind, she wondered if this would be the last time her mother ever
spoke to her. Ann had already lived two weeks past the doctor’s expectation.

to sit, she paced the room, her mind running in circles. She needed fresh air
and wished she could open a window. With little choice she strolled into the
bathroom, grabbed a paper towel, wet it, and placed it over her forehead. The
coolness against her warm skin refreshed her. Now she hoped to find some
strong, hot coffee to help get her through the night.

mother told you what you are.” Death leaned against the doorframe between her
mother’s room and the bathroom. His arms were crossed over his chest as he
watched her. “I can unleash your powers and allow you to see across the planes
to the land of the dead…if you’re ready.”

threw the towel in the trash and brushed past him. “I’ll never be ready. I
don’t want that life, find someone else.”

you believe Ann, then?” The corner of his mouth tugged up in a smirk.

no! I mean…I don’t know.” She dragged her hand through her long blonde hair,
unable to look at him. “Mom’s was always been a little eccentric. If she truly
believes she sees people others don’t, then whatever, but I don’t want to be a
part of it. I don’t want her life.”

your legacy. There is only one Grim Reaper at a time, and you’re it. You will
carry on the line when your mother passes, as your child will, and their child.”

around, she glared at him. “Legacy? Why didn’t she tell me about it before? How
did she expect me to handle or believe it when it’s dropped on me like this?”

didn’t agree with Ann keeping this from you. You should have been told so you
could have adjusted to it. As you aged she should have allowed me to unleash
your powers slowly, giving you time to process everything and learn from her.
Now you’ll only have time for a crash course before you step into her place.”

don’t want this. To be seen as crazy as she was is no life. I have everything I
want, a good job, a beautiful condo. Just leave me alone.” She sank into the
chair next to the hospital bed, tears streaming down her face.

I could give you that I would, but it’s your legacy. You have no choice but to
step into her place once she passes. I will return.”

the slightest breeze against the back of her neck, she knew he was gone. “I’d
rather take your place, Mom, than live with this curse.”

Marissa Dobson


and raised in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, Marissa Dobson now resides
about an hour from Washington, D.C. She’s a lady who likes to keep busy, and is
always busy doing something. With two different college degrees, she believes
you’re never done learning.

the first daughter to an avid reader, this gave her the advantage of learning
to read at a young age. Since learning to read she has always had her nose in a
book. It wasn't until she was a teenager that she started writing down the
stories she came up with.

is blessed with a wonderful supportive husband, Thomas. He’s her other half and
allows her to stay home and pursue her writing. He puts up with all her quirks
and listens to her brainstorm in the middle of the night.

writing buddies Max (a cocker spaniel) and Dawne (a beagle mix) are always
around to listen to her bounce ideas off them. They might not be able to
answer, but they are helpful in their own ways.

love to hear from readers so send her an email at [email protected] or
visit her online at

BOOK: Jinx's Mate
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