John Aubrey: My Own Life (75 page)

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JA’s first encounter with, 22–3

as pupil of Mr Latimer, 22–3

encourages JA to go to Oxford, 39

flees to France, 34

recounts the cause of Bacon’s death, 87

in exile in France, 91

ideas propounded in
, 91–2

and Petty, 92, 299

angers the King’s supporters in France, 92

returns to London, 93

clothes described by JA, 93

and Selden, 103

JA visits birthplace, 116–17

horoscope, 117

in London for arrival of Charles II, 127

meets Charles II, 128

attacks ideas of members of Royal Society, 130

suspected of atheism and heresy, 132

JA hopes to discuss Ireland with, 133

portrait by Cooper, 133, 203

Hoskyns sends JA news about, 135–6

dedicates book to Charles II, 135

granted pension by Charles II, 136

prints pamphlet to stop doubts about his loyalty to the King, 136

intends to establish a free school, 140

hestitates to take house in London found for him by JA, 140

JA writes from Paris to, 149

JA encourages him to write about the law, 151

and Bacon’s
Elements of the Law
, 151

method of working, 151

Hollar engraves portrait of, 158

learns that some bishops in Parliament have moved to have him burnt as a heretic, 161

JA plans to write life of, 166–7

and William Davenant, 170

in process of writing tract on the law of heresy, 170

and Lord Cary, 176

portrait by Jaspers presented to Royal Society, 178

JA sends Wood information about, 192

and gift of his works to Magdalen Hall, 196, 209–10, 228

gives copy of his book to Royal Society, 206

JA sends Wood two lives of, 233

has great esteem for Hooke, 237

displeased with Royal Society, 237

and Wallis, 237, 248, 251, 273

account of his life in Wood’s book, 237, 238

and Fell, 237, 238, 240, 244

JA visits on birthday of, 238–9

with JA, 239

plans to vindicate himself against Fell’s charges, 239

sends letter of protest for inclusion in second volume of Wood’s book, 240

copies of his letter circulate, 241, 242

leaves London for Derbyshire, 242

JA concerned about Ent seeing copy of life of, 243, 244

booksellers unwilling to include letter in second volume of Wood’s book, 244

given a copy of Petty’s book by JA, 248

response to suggestion about publication of his treatises through Royal Society, 248

, 252

advises JA to stay out of ecclesiastical matters, 263

sends letter to JA from Hardwick, 273–4

and Milton, 277

JA learns that there is competition for printing life of, 280

JA sends Ent’s book to, 280

will not consent to printing of his treatise on law, 284

ideas about the civil war, 284–5

death, 286

JA works on life of, 286, 287, 291

Blackbourne writes life of, 293–4

considerations of his own reputation and loyalty printed again, 295

opinion of Descartes, 308

short life of himself printed in Latin, 314

JA gives Royal Society a copy of Life of, 314

publication of ‘Vitae Hobbianae auctarium’, 316

recommendations on education, 364

brief references, 9, 49, 60, 77, 86, 101, 109, 271, 288, 292, 336, 374


, 284–5

De Corpore
, 93, 103, 106, 130, 237

The Dialogue of the Common Law
, 284

Dialogus Physicus, sive de Natura Aeris
, 130

Elements of Philosophy
, 108

, 91–2, 136, 161 279, 351, 391, 407

Lux Mathematica
, 206

Mr Hobbes Considered in His Loyalty, Religion, Reputation and Manners
, 136

Problemata Physica

, 326

translation of
, 252

translation of
, 239, 252

Hodby, Mr, 291

Hodges, Mr, 93

Holborn Bridge, 164

Holbourne, 187

Holder, Susan, 209

Holder, Dr William, xv, 209, 258, 259, 399, 402, 408, 416, 417

Elements of Speech
, 259

Hollar, Wenceslaus, xv, 114, 131, 133, 158, 167, 175, 270, 277, 306–7, 348, 431

Holland, Earl of, 50

Holmeby House, 71, 72

Holm Lacy, 41

Holy Grail, 156

Holyhed, 112, 133

Holy-well, Chippenham, 107

Homer, 70, 151, 225, 363

, 252

, 46, 239, 252

Hooke, Robert

biographical details, xvi

elected as Royal Society’s Curator of Experiments, 137

appearance, 137

and Royal Society meetings and discussions, 138, 163, 168

position as Curator of Experiments is confirmed for life, 151

chosen as Professor of Geometry at Gresham College, 151

chosen as a surveyor of the City after Great Fire, 161

illness, 204, 208

JA talks of his description of Surrey to, 227

at coffee houses and taverns, 227, 235, 238, 239, 243, 246, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 268, 269, 270, 280, 281, 285, 291, 295, 315

lends money to JA, 233, 235, 241, 242, 245

JA sells books to, 234–5, 246

JA gives books for Royal Society’s library to, 235, 241

JA takes lodgings near Gresham College so that he can assist, 236

held in esteem by Hobbes, 237

JA as assistant of, 237, 240

and cataloguing of Royal Society’s collection, 238

JA visits, 239

omitted from Wood’s book, 244, 245

would like to publish Hobbes’s treatises through Royal Society, 248

willing to employ George Snell, 252

JA’s notes on, 254, 292

and formation of new club, 255

and mechanical principle for flying, 255, 256

visits Henshaw, 258

visits Wren, 258

character in
The Virtuoso
is based on, 261

observes eclipse of the sun, 261

design for pocket watch, 267

sees comet, 270

visits Hoskyns and Alhurst, 271

has JA’s picture, 272

and process of choosing new president for Royal Society, 272

elected secretary of Royal Society, 273

watches eclipse of moon, 278

JA would like to write life of, 291

and JA’s will, 350

and JA’s concerns about his work, 354

and Newton, 371–2, 377, 379, 393

on the raising of level of City of London, 373

illness, 379

theory of Terraqueous Globe, 382, 385

wants to know what Wood has written about him, 385, 386

JA writes letter of thanks to, 418

brief references, 6, 9, 12, 184, 229, 249, 251, 274, 282, 313, 330, 356, 376, 387, 412


An Attempt to prove the Motion of the Earth
, 238, 371

Hopton, Sir Arthur, 93, 94

Concordance of Years
, 374

Horace, 11, 59

Horne, Mr, 284, 395

Horrox, Jeremiah, 146

Hoskyns, Bennett, 71

Hoskyns, Dr John, 168

Hoskyns, Sir John

brief biographical details, xv

at Oxford, 45

goes to see a loom, 110

member of Rota Club, 119

writes to JA about his travels abroad, 130–1

and Hobbes, 131–2, 135–6

ill with fever, 136

advice to JA when he is lovesick, 145

and Dobson’s paintings, 157

and Royal Society, 163, 328

wants JA to accompany him on journey through Wales, 194

writes to JA, 201, 203, 205, 207, 234

birth of son, 234

encourages JA to research and write about natural history of England, 247

and setting up of new club, 255

urges JA to turn to ecclesiastical career, 262

and Wren’s birthday celebration, 268

brief references, 184, 204, 254, 261, 269, 271, 272, 274, 280, 285

Hoskyns, Serjeant, 71

Hothfield, 191, 200, 205, 206

Hounslow, 165

Hounslow Heath, 196

Houlle, M de, 149

Howard, Sir Charles, xv, 219, 220, 247, 385

Howard, Lord Henry, 6th Duke of Norfolk, xv, 161, 162, 163, 175, 221

Howard, Lord Thomas, 14th Earl of Arundel, 4th Earl of Surrey, and 1st Earl of Norfolk, xv, 9–10, 87, 131, 221, 306, 307

Howe, Josias, 321

Howe, William, 279

Hubbaslow (or Barrow Hill), 69

Hue and Cry, The
(pamphlet), 281

Hullavington, 81

Hungerford, 64, 67, 352

Hungerford, Anthony, 63

Hungerford, Sir Edward, 347

Hungerode, 347

Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of

Hyde, Henry, 2nd Earl of Clarendon
Clarendon, Henry Hyde, 2nd Earl of

Hyde, Mr, 249, 250

Ifley, 198

Imperato, Ferrante:
Dell’historia natural
, 235

Ipswich, 5

Ireland, 42, 61, 94, 204, 300, 301, 319, 322, 373, 374

Ja visits, 3, 132–3

Ireton, Henry, 129

Isey, 74

Islington, 315

Italy, 2–3, 92, 97, 98, 99, 117, 131, 179–80, 194, 300

Ivy, Thomas, 47

Jackson, Revd Canon John Edward, 428–9

Wiltshire: the Topographical Collections of John Aubrey
, 429

Jamaica, 239

James I, King, 83, 86, 185, 192, 294, 298, 305

James II, King

brief biographical details, ix

as Duke of York, 51, 142, 143, 163, 165, 211, 227, 270, 282, 316

becomes Roman Catholic, 211

marries Mary of Modena, 227

consents to marriage of Mary to William of Orange, 270

and Exclusion Bill, 282

Charles II refuses to exclude, 316

coronation of, 340–1

pardons rebels, 349, 352

birth of son, 355

deposed, 1, 366

flees to France, 366

in Ireland, 373, 374

Clarendon imprisoned for corresponding with, 379

Gibbon’s eulogies to, 419–20

Janson, Sir Henry, 412

Jaspers, Jan Baptist: portrait of Thomas Hobbes, 178

Jeffreys, Judge George, 341

Jeffries, Richard, 203

Jekyll, Thomas, 412

Jenkins, David, 305

Jenkins, Judge, 384–5

Jenkins, Sir Lleuellin, 215, 305–6

Jerome, St, 378

Jesuits / Society of Jesus, 175, 188, 194, 277, 299, 307, 315, 319

Jesus College, Oxford, 102, 246, 305–6, 377

Jewell, Bishop, 194

Joe’s coffee house, 243, 246, 255

Johnson, George, xvi, 329, 335

Johnson, Richard, 103

Johnson, Mr, 276

Jonathan’s coffee house, 280, 281, 285, 291, 295, 315

Jones, Inigo, xvi, 29, 64, 74, 78, 105, 186

Jonson, Ben, 9, 70, 170, 309, 315, 320, 321, 412

The Alchemist
, 207

, 321

Joseph of Arimathea, 156

Joyce, George, 72, 129

Kempe, Sir Nicholas, 222

Kempis, Thomas à, 104

Kennett, 75

Kennett, White, 415, 419

Kensington, 365

Kent, 207, 208, 209, 263, 328, 339
see also
names of places

Kent, Countess of, 9, 103

Kent, Mr, 356, 366, 371, 372, 375, 376, 377, 385, 403, 405

Kerrig y Druid (Druid-Stones), 154

Kettell, Dr Ralph, xvi, 40–1, 44, 45, 51, 53, 59, 64, 257, 295, 344, 374–5

Kew, 21

Keynsham, 26

Kilmington, 76, 77, 88, 95, 275

King, David, 262

King, Gregory, 204

King, John, 163

King’s Cabinet Opened, The
, 81

King’s Council, 277

Kingston, 218–19, 229

Kington St Michael, 18, 19, 41, 74, 84, 100, 158, 180, 196, 210, 349, 402, 428

church, 65, 95, 115, 130, 198

Kircher, Athanasius:
Ars magna lucis et umbrae
, 90

Knaresborough, 258

Knightsbridge, 330, 369

Knoll-hill, 77

Lacock, 142

Lacy, John, 319

La Flèche, 299

Lairesse, Gérard de:
The Golden Age: Aurea
, 364–5

Lake, Sir Edward, 168

Lamb, the, Salisbury (Sarum), 173, 196

Lambe, John, 99

Lambert, General, 297, 302

Lambeth, 155, 217–18, 277, 283, 324, 329, 387

Lamphire, Dr, 323, 324

Lancashire, 365

Land’s End, 124

Langford, 251

Langley, 65

Langton, Sir Thomas, 351

Latham, Serjeant, 83

Latimer, Robert, xvi, 20, 22–3, 24

Antiquae Urbis (Romae) Splendor
, 109

Lavington, 181, 380, 402, 405, 414, 419

Lee, William, 110

Leech, Sir Edmund, 108

Leek, 317

Legier Book of Glastonbury, 65

Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of, 31, 96

Leigh Delamere, 20, 24, 180, 428

Leovicius de Directionibus
, 245

Letherhed Down, 221

L’Etrange, Sir Roger: Aesop’s Fables, 387

Levins, Dr, 415

Leyden, University of, 66, 300

Lhwyd, Edward

brief biographical details, xvi

as Plot’s assistant at Ashmolean Museum, 347

becomes Keeper of Ashmolean Museum, 378

and robbery at Ashmolean Museum, 383

and JA, 368, 379, 383, 384, 385, 390 393, 395, 401, 404, 405, 407, 408–9, 410, 411, 413, 414, 417, 419, 421, 422

Licensing Act, 136

Lichfield, siege of, 53

Lidds, the, 347, 351

Ligurio, Pyrrho, 326

Lilly, William, xvi, 129, 166, 183, 208, 323–4, 374

Limerick, 42

Lincoln Inn Fields, 185

Lismor, 300

Lister, Dr, 411

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