John Aubrey: My Own Life (78 page)

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Hobbes displeased with, 237

JA works on Catalogue of the Repository of, 238

JA asked to help make catalogues for, 246

Moore elected and admitted to, 246

Hooke would like to publish Hobbes’s treatises through, 248

Southwell reads discourse about water to, 249

new club formed by small group of members, 255

Newton reads his
to, 255

JA presents his observations of Wiltshire to, 256

JA submits sheets of his observations of Wiltshire, Surrey and other counties to, 257

reading of JA’s papers and Newton’s papers on light and colour, 258

reading of Paschall’s letters to JA, 258

JA arranges loan of Foster’s manuscripts for perusal of, 260

The Virtuoso
is a satire on, 261

death of Secretary of, 271

resignation of Brouncker as President of, 272

process of election of new President, 272

election of council and officers of, 273

JA presents herb to, 276

JA chosen to inspect proceedings of Secretaries of, 279

discussion about printing all Bacon’s works together, 280

discussion about monstrous births, 296

JA gives copy of Life of Thomas Hobbes to, 314

Henshaw refuses suggestion that he become President of, 315

discussion about medicated springs, 328

and Penn, 330

and Moore’s books, 331

JA presents Windham’s observation about height of barometer in Salisbury Cathedral, 340

JA hopes to obtain Hollar’s drawings of sea battles, 348

JA talks about tides to, 348

JA shows nautilus to, 350

discussion about plant called Star of the Earth, 352

takes charge of JA’s manuscript on Natural History of Wiltshire, 376

transcription of JA’s Natural History of Wiltshire, 381

Wood’s book comes before, 388

JA presents copy of
to, 422

350th anniversary, 431

brief references, 165, 196, 204, 207, 209, 226, 235, 240, 251, 254, 269, 284, 287, 288, 293, 313, 319, 362, 367, 372, 382, 389

see also
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society

Roydon, Mr, 283

Rumney Marsh, 211

Rump Parliament, 117, 123, 124, 298, 302–3

Rumsey, 299

Rumsey, Walter, 111–12

Organon Salutis
, 112

Runnymede, 225

Rupert, Prince, 62

Rush, Mr, 417

Rushworth, John, 369, 376

Historical Collections
, 369

Russell, Lady, 416

Rycot, 403, 421

Rydens, 20

Rye, 127

Ryves, Katherine, xi, 108, 112, 113–14

Sacwill, Mr, 280

Sadler, Mrs, 107, 108

St Albans, 52, 61, 84–7, 323, 411

St Andrews, 5

St Bride’s Church, Fleet Street, 267

St Edmund’s Church, Salisbury, 65

St Faith’s Church, near St Paul’s, 162, 164

St George, Henry, 262, 303

St George’s Channel, 133

St James’s Palace, 117

St John’s College, Oxford, 42, 253, 415

St Katharine’s Church, near the Tower, 336

St Margaret’s Church, Westminster, 251, 270, 271–2, 277

St Martin’s Outwych Church, 320

St Mary Magdalen, Oxford, 423

St Mary’s Church, South Lambeth, 387, 388

St Mary Staining churchyard, 315

St Mary Westport Church, Malmesbury 54

St Michael’s Church, St Albans, 323

St Pancras Church, 203, 287

St Paul’s Cathedral, 24, 29, 162, 235, 303, 305

St Paul’s Church, 165

St Paul’s Churchyard, 5, 40, 91, 164, 257, 268, 317, 393, 394

St Paul’s School, 392

St Quentin, Battle of, 30, 304

St Thomas’s Bridge, 67

St Vincent’s rock, Bristol, 347


Cathedral, 29, 130, 340, 378, 380

Gaol, 196

St Edmund’s Church, 65

JA visits as a child, 46

witch trial at, 98–9

Penruddock’s uprising starts in, 106

JA visits Sherborne House in, 107–8

Katherine Ryves lives in, 108

death of Katherine Ryves, 113

JA takes out marriage licence at, 160

JA faces trial in, 169, 175

project to make River Avon navigable from 177

rumour about JA in, 194

Bishop Jewell’s epitaph in, 194

JA’s brother dies in, 323

brief references, 55, 124, 173, 196, 271, 344, 346, 369

Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of, 28

Salisbury Plain, 10, 23, 25

Sandys, George, 205

Santa Cruz, 283

Sapperton, 107

Saracen’s Head, 279, 381, 402

Sarsden, 23

Salisbury / Sarum

Saumur, 150

Savile, Sir Henry, 308

Saxons, 141, 219, 354, 392, 404

Saye and Sele, Lord Viscount, 45

Contra Caldanum
, 235

Scarnolli, 131

Scotland, 1, 50, 124, 217, 275, 302, 319, 353, 389

Scott, James, Duke of Monmouth
Monmouth, James Scott, Duke of

Scrope, Sir Adrian, 51–2

Scudamore, John, 41

Seacole, Mrs, 362, 371

‘The Seaman’s Grammar’, 97

Sedgemoor, Battle of, 345

Seend, Surrey, 225

Seend, Wiltshire, 158–9, 166, 329, 347

Seething Well, 219

Selden, John, xix, 9, 93, 101, 103, 374

Mare Clausum
, 275


Epistulae Morales
, 335

The Trojan Women
), 125

Severall Speeches and Songs at the presentment of Mr Bushell’s Rock to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty
, 60

Seymour, Lord Charles, 75, 111

Shadwell, Thomas, 195, 261, 321

The Sullen Lovers
, 195

The Virtuoso
, 261

Shaftesbury, 124

Shaftesbury, Earl of, 209

Shag Heath, 345

Shakespeare, William, 320–1

Shakston, 42

Shelden, Francis, 401

Sheldon, Ralph, xix, 186–7, 262, 277, 278, 281, 284, 294, 298

Sheldonian Theatre, 192, 282, 403

Shepherds Delight Both by Day and by Night, The
, 195

Sherborne, 54, 84, 88

Castle, 46

Sherborne House, 107–8

Sherburne, Sir Edward, 412

Sherston, 100

Shervill, Henry, 65

Sherwin, Robert, 187

Shipey, Mr, 324

Shirbourne, Edward, 368

Shirburn Spring, 221

Shooter’s Hill, 328

Shortgrave, Mr, 234

Shrewsbury, 61

Shrewsbury, Earl of, 361

Shotover Hill, 411, 415

Sidney, Mary
Pembroke, Mary Herbert (
Sidney), Countess of

Sidney, Sir Philip, 23–4, 24–5, 26–7, 28–9, 78, 162, 200, 322, 340

, 25, 27, 28, 78, 221

Silbury Hill, 142, 317

Silchester, 177

Simeon of Durham, 141

Singleton, Alderman, 24, 25

Sitsilt family, 112

Skinner’s lexicon, 203

Skreen, Mr, 197, 198

Sloper, John, 82

Sloper, Walter, 339

Slough, 10, 105

Slyfiend Common, 347

Smethwick, Mr, 168

Smyth, Jane, xi, 246, 253, 256, 260, 269, 270, 330, 368, 371

Smyth (Smith), Mr, 393, 394

Snell, Sir Charles, xix, 32–3, 69, 84, 100, 261–2, 271, 298–9, 323, 354

Snell, George, 252, 255

Snell family, 18

Society of Jesus
Jesuits / Society of Jesus

Socinus, 176

Somerset, 201, 239, 256, 271, 373
see also
names of places

Somerset, Duke of, 185

Somerset House, 185, 324

South Lambeth, 217–18, 277, 283, 329, 387

South Molton, 106

Southwark, 217, 373, 386

Southwell, Sir Robert, 249, 319

Spain, 93, 94

Spanish Armada, 117

Spaw, 258

Speed’s maps, 354

Spelman, Sir Henry:
Villare Anglicanum
, 354

Spenser, Edmund, 321–2

Faerie Queen
, 322

Staffordshire, 339

Stalbridge, 301

Stamford, 354, 367

Stanes Bridge, 54

Stan Leigh Abbey, 20

Stanley, Venetia, 259, 308–10

Stansteds-bury, 127

Stanton Drew, 26, 155, 209

Stanton Park, 253

Staple Inn, 278

Star Chamber, 65

Stationers’ Hall, 5

Stedman, Fabian, xix, 198

Stephens, J.E., 430

Stidulph, Sir Richard, 219

Stokes, Captain:
Wiltshire Rant
, 100

Stonehenge, 1–2, 6, 10, 23–4, 75, 105, 141, 143–4, 154, 155, 372, 373, 426

Story, Mrs, 254

Stoughton, Mr, 132

Stow, Mr, 217, 386

, 69

Survey of London
, 347

Strachey, Lytton, 9 12

Elizabeth and Essex
, 9

Eminent Victorians
, 12

Strand, 126, 128

Stratford-upon-Avon, 320, 321

Stretford, 118

Stukeley, William, 426

Stumpe, Captain Thomas, 46–7, 71, 125, 372, 377, 385

Stumpe, William, 20, 46, 70–1

Suckling, Sir John, 294

Sumner, Joan, xi, 158, 159, 160–1, 169, 173, 174, 180

Sumner, John, 166


JA undertakes survey of, 7, 215–16, 217–27, 228, 229

Oldenburg transcribes JA’s observations of, 256, 257

JA sends notes to Evelyn, 259

Evelyn tells JA about, 259–60

JA prepares manuscript about, 383–4, 385–6

JA passes his survey to Dr Gale, 389

JA’s account of perambulation included in his list of works, 391

Ray reads JA’s account of, 402

JA’s account published, with Rawlinson’s additions and omissions, in eighteenth century, 426

brief references, 89, 254, 328, 354

see also
names of places

Surrey, Lord Thomas Howard, 4th Earl of
Howard, Lord Thomas, 14th Earl of Arundel, 4th Earl of Surrey, and 1st Duke of Norfolk

Sussex, 226, 229, 331, 385

Sutton Benger, 158, 159

Switzerland, 300

Sydenham, Jack, 18, 60, 155

Symonds, Father, 203

Tacitus, 51, 66

Tainton, 304

Tangier, 175

Tanner, Thomas, xix, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 413, 415, 418, 421, 428

Taunton, 115, 183, 345

Taylor, Silas, 275

Temple Church, 103

Test Act, 211

Tetbury, 54

Tew, 176

Thames, River

Charles I’s bust carried on barge, 50

source of, 74

runs through Wiltshire, 74

whale comes into, 114

Coway Stakes in, 173–4

the Poole, 217

building of London Bridge over, 217–18, 247

Wren’s remarks on, 247

proposal to cut canal to join River Avon and, 325, 326

fire caused by fireworks on banks of, 341

origins of name, 385–6, 392

brief references, 67, 89, 225, 344, 347

Thanet, Nicholas Tufton, 3rd Earl of

brief biographical details, xix

imprisoned in Tower, 107, 146

becomes Earl of Thanet, 146

invites JA to visit, 191, 200

comments on JA’s thoughts about lanterns, 200

JA stays at Hothfield with, 205, 206

health concerns, 205, 245–6

sends horse to collect JA, 209

estate in the Bermudas, 239

advice on buying land in America, 249

offers JA accommodation, 250

invites JA to visit again, 263

promises to tell his agent about shells JA wants from the Bermudas, 269

Charles Snell’s brother is willing to work as steward for, 271

invites JA to call on him, 281

death, 286

Thaumaturgia Mathematica
, 99

Therfield, 403

Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Britannicae
, 31

Thetford, 352

Thornhill, 33

Threadneedle Street, 124

, 173, 305

Thynne, Lady Isabella, 50–1, 109

Thynne, Sir James, 50

Thynne, Sir John, 185

Thynne, Sir Thomas, 29

Tisbury, 367

Tison, Mr, 291

Tittinghanger, 327

Tobacco Roll & Sugar Loaf, Bloomsbury, 386

Tobago, 346

Tonbridge, 107

Tonge, Israel, xix, 277, 315

Tooth’s coffee house, 268

Torbay, 361

Tower Hill, 91, 422

Tower of London, 135, 146, 157, 167, 218, 227, 248, 301, 305, 379

Tracy, Margaret, 131

Tradescant, Hestor, 283

Tradescant, John, the Elder, 218

Tradescant, John, the Younger, 218

Tradescant collection, 218, 282, 283

Trinity church, Guilford, 223

Trinity College, Cambridge, 114, 200, 274, 275, 331

Ray forfeits his Fellowship at, 274

Trinity College, Oxford

JA as student at, 39–45

Kettell as President of, 40–1, 44, 45, 51, 53, 59, 295, 374–5

court ladies at, 50–1, 109

Hannibal Potter as President of, 62, 69

JA returns to, 69

Parliamentary Visitation at, 69

Hannibal Potter removed from Presidency of, 72

Radford removed from his Fellowship at, 73, 76

Lydall buried in, 113

JA has reservations about giving manuscript to library of, 243

Thomas Pope is founder of, 243, 276

reminders of Francis Potter at, 275–6

brief references, 6, 47, 53, 61, 70, 71, 89, 91, 102, 111, 119, 167, 168, 209, 224, 234, 248, 250, 291, 413, 425

Trinity House, 163

Tufton, Nicholas, 3rd Earl of Thanet s
Thanet, Nicholas Tufton, 3rd Earl of


Turk’s Head, New Palace Yard, 119, 125

Tyburn, 129, 283, 328, 341

Tyndale, Stafford, 110, 118, 133, 136, 155

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