Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2) (10 page)

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Startled, the man turned in Jordan's direction, obviously surprised to see him there.

"Jordan, what are you doing here?"

"If you answered your damn phone you would know." Jordan ranted, closing the distance between them.

"What's going on?" the surprise looked honest, which meant that Igor really hadn’t let him know he was looking for him.

"Ashley. Where is she? I'm here to take her back. Wilson had no right to give her to you. He acted on his own initiative, I never gave him that order." Jordan explained.

"Some former owners regret giving me their slaves, I guess it's natural, but once they're mine, I don’t return them, not until I'm ready to sell them. Then they can buy them back if they still want." Ivan explained, in a calm, cold tone.

"Since I never gave you anything, and she was mine, not Wilson's, I believe that doesn’t apply here. The way I see it, you stole her from me, and the only reason I still haven’t put a bullet in your head is because we've been friends for a long time now." Jordan said, barely controlling his rage.

Ivan stared at him for a few moments, as if considering all the options. As if he had made a decision, he grabbed his phone and called someone. "Marcus, what's up, my friend?" he greeted. He listened for a few moments. "I had no idea. Just found out when Jordan finally found me." He stayed silent for a little while. "So Wilson really acted on his own?" he stared at Jordan, with his arms crossed over his chest and his dark look. "I see, well, I guess I'll have to return her to Jordan. Thank you for clearing things up for me."

"Satisfied?" Jordan snarled.

"Not really. After all, she might not want to go back to you."

Jordan felt an icy finger run down his spine and he shuddered. Of course, she wouldn’t want to go back with him, he had only caused her pain. But he just couldn’t leave her here. Thinking fast, he figured a way to overcome that obstacle. "Right now her will is not trustworthy since you've had her for almost a week. God knows what you have done to her."

Ivan smirked and nodded. "True. Very well. But you'll have to play this by my rules."

"What do you mean?" Jordan asked, frowning suspiciously.

"I can't give her to you right now. It would be a shock for her. You can come back tomorrow afternoon and I'll have her ready for you."

"No fucking way. I'm not leaving her with you another second." He shouted.

"Do you care for her, Jordan? Or is this just a matter of hurt pride for you?" Ivan asked, with a sly look in his eyes.

Jordan stiffened and pursed his lips. "Of course, I care for her. I wouldn’t have gone through all this just for hurt pride."

"Then you accept that right now I know what's best for her. You'll go back to wherever you have been and you'll come back tomorrow afternoon to pick her up."

"Why should I trust you? You've already taken her from me once?" Jordan wasn’t convinced. He was so afraid of losing her again, when she was only a few feet away from him, that he was willing to do anything.

"You have to admit that I acted in good faith. I believed what I was told, and that's the only reason I brought her with me." He replied, with a frown, clearly upset with Jordan's lack of trust. "You know me better than that."

Jordan stomped his feet on the ground, frustrated. "Why are you making me wait?"

"It's best for her. I won't discuss my methods with you, Jordan, just believe I have her wellbeing in mind."

"Very well. I'll be back tomorrow at 02:00. Is that alright for you?"

"Make it 04:00. If you ever decide you're ready to let her go, please remember me."

Jordan frowned but didn’t answer what sounded like a provocation.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

He left, praying he wasn’t making the biggest mistake of his life and returned to the hotel. He called all his men and notified them that he had found her. Marcus called him.

"Do you have her?"

"Not yet. He wouldn’t give her back to me tonight." Jordan explained.

"Why the hell not?"

"Apparently, it wouldn’t be good for her. I dread to think what he might have made her go through." He sighed and rubbed his face, tired. "Am I insane for trusting him?"

"No… I don’t think so. You know Ivan, he has his own code, one he doesn’t break under any circumstances and never betraying a friend is on it." Marcus admitted. "If he said it was the best for her, then it must be true."

"I hope we're right. This was the worst week of my life."

"When are you picking her up?"

"Tomorrow afternoon. I'll fly immediately back to Miami and from there to Caracas. I want to get her home as soon as possible. Can you get my plane ready for my arrival?"

"Sure thing. Don’t worry about that."

"Perfect. I'm going to hit the shower and then sleep a bit."

"Sure. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you for all you help."

"Hey, that's what friends are for."

Jordan ended the call with Marcus and called Wilson to organize their departure the next day. He had no idea how he was going to find Ashley, how she would react when she saw him, and that scared the hell out of him. Though he was extremely tired he had a lot of trouble sleeping, and he was already up when the sun came up in the sky.

Feeling restless, he decided to visit the hotel gym and do some exercise. This was going to be a very long day. Fortunately, the gym had a punching bag, and he spent a very long while, letting all his anger and frustration come out with every punch he threw at the bag. When he was so tired that he couldn’t think or feel, he stopped and returned to his room to shower, and have some breakfast.

Trying to think of other things, he decided to go buy her clothes for the trip home. She surely would only have the ones she had been wearing when Ivan brought her here and he didn’t want her to wear those.

Jordan walked through the mall, looking at the shop windows for a while before he entered one and picked a summer dress and matching underwear and sandals. She would look lovely with them on.

He decided to get to the mansion earlier, to give the clothes to Ivan and make sure he hadn’t betrayed him.

This time, he drove his car to the iron gate and rang the bell. An armed guard asked him to identify himself and after consulting on the radio, he finally let him in. Ivan had to improve his security in this house. He had had no trouble evading the guards.

He drove all the way to the main door and Ivan himself opened the door for him. "I thought I told you 04:00 pm. It's only 03:00." He said, after greeting Jordan.

"I brought her clean clothes. I thought she might need them." He explained, handing the bags to Ivan.

"Yes, that's a good idea." He guided Jordan to his office and had him take a seat. "Wait here, I'll be right back."

Ivan left the room and after waiting for a couple of seconds, Jordan opened the office's door just to be greeted by one of Ivan's men. "Do you need anything, sir?" the man asked with a knowing smile.

"No, nothing, I'll just wait for Ivan." Jordan closed the door and returned to the chair Ivan had shown him. He would have to wait. There was no sense in getting into a fight for just a few more minutes. But those minutes felt like centuries.


Chapter 15

Ivan returned, still alone and took a seat next to him. "You'll have to give her a couple of days for her to be back to her old self. I hadn’t started the intensive training, so you shouldn’t have many problems there." He explained, staring intensely at Jordan.

"I don’t want to know the details, so please spare me." He asked, with a smirk. It was painful enough as it was, no need to add the gory details.

"Of course, I understand. You should have left her here with me for a while. I would have trained her for you." Ivan pointed out.

"No, thank you. I don’t want a slave. I want a lover, a partner." Jordan answered with a frown.

"Of course."

"What did you tell her? About me being here to take her back?" Jordan asked even when he didn’t want to hear the answer.

"I just told her she was to leave with you. I don’t give them explanations, just instructions, and orders." Ivan answered, with a devious shine in his eyes.

"How long will you keep me waiting, Ivan?" Jordan finally exploded.

His friend smiled and got up. "Not anymore. Come, let's go get her." He guided him through the hall into a locked room at the end of it. Ivan opened the door and stepped away for Jordan to get in. Ashley was sitting on the bed, her hands crossed over her lap, her head down.

Jordan hated seeing her like that and he wished he could run to her and hold her tight in his arms. But he was sure that would be a mistake.

"Ashley." He called out, in a low voice. She didn’t move. He closed the distance between them and stood next to her. "Are you ready to go?"

She didn’t answer, simply got up and stood next to him, her body stiff.

He took her by her arm, gently, and guided her out the door, directly to his car. Ivan followed them.

Jordan opened the car's door and helped her up, closing the door, once she was seated. He turned to Ivan."Will she be alright?"

"She will. My presence might be what's containing her, so she might react against you anytime."

Jordan clenched his hands into fists barely holding back the will to punch Ivan in the face. "Alright. I'll see you around."

"Take care, and remember what I told you about her." Ivan said.

"Get yourself another woman, Ivan, because this one will never be yours." Jordan assured, and got in the car, driving away.

He kept looking at Ashley, as they drove to the airport, but she was sitting still, looking forward and in complete silence. He didn’t like that. At all. He wanted her to fight him, to kick his ass and claimed her revenge, but she didn’t react. They finally reached the airport where the plane was waiting for them. They would be flying back to Miami alone. He considered it would be better this way. She might react badly to seeing Wilson and he didn’t want to add more problems to a complicated situation.

He helped her into the plane and soon they were flying. Jordan waited for the plane to get stable before unbuckling his seatbelt and going next to where she was seated, her head down, all the time.

He kneeled in front of her, resting his hands on her knees. "Ashley, please talk to me."

Slowly, she raised her head and he almost laughed relieved when he saw the fire of fury burning in her eyes. "What would master want me to talk about?" she asked, in a scornful tone.

Hearing her, Jordan almost laughed out loud. His love was back. He struggled to keep serious. "I'm not your master." He said, calmly.

"No, you're the son of a bitch that made me go through hell ever since I met him." She ranted, unbuckling her seat belt and pushing him to the floor as she got up. "What happened, Jordan? Found a better way to make my life a living hell?" she asked, turning to look at him.

"I never gave you to Ivan, nena. It was Wilson's idea. He thought he was doing me a favor." He explained, trying hard to keep the smile out of his face. Ivan hadn’t affected his tigress much.

"You told me yourself you were going to sell me to a slaver, so don’t lie to me."

"I'm not lying now, but I was then. Those were only empty threats. I was mad, nena, hurt with what I thought you had done."

She looked at him for a few seconds. "Thought I had done? Are you admitting you were wrong? Why I never have a cell phone when I need one? We should record this, after all, I'm sure it must be something never seen." She mocked him, crossing her arms over her chest.

He got up and walked towards her. "Yes, I was wrong. And more importantly, I should have listened to you when you tried to explain things to me. I let myself be blinded by pain, and closed myself off to anything else."

Ashley charged towards him, her hands closed into fists. "You killed my mother over that, you bastard." She yelled, pounding his chest hard, tears shining in her eyes.

Jordan didn’t stop her, he just stood there. "No, nena, your mother is still alive." He said, when she calmed a bit.

At first, she didn’t hear him. "What? What did you just say?" she asked slowly.

"Your mother is still alive." He repeated, looking at her.

Ashley looked at Jordan, sure she wasn’t hearing well. "What? Oh, god, what the hell are you saying, Jordan?" she cried out.

"Your mother is alright, still working happily at her new job."

She sobbed, finally internalizing what he was saying. "You bastard! You made me go through hell and it was all a lie? I'm going to kill you." She ranted, going back to punch him.

This time, he held her hands, not letting her continue, pulling her into his arms and holding her, tight. "I'm sorry."

She cried her heart out in his arms for a few minutes. When she finally calmed down, she took a couple of steps away from him and he let her go. "I want to see her."

"As soon as we get to Caracas, I'll take you to her."

She nodded. "How did you find out the truth?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Garcia found the taxi driver and he explained what had happened. He investigated a bit more and managed to find out almost everything." He explained.

"How good for you. Is that the reason you finally went back to get me?" she asked, sarcastic.

"Ashley, I've been looking for you since day one. When I arrived Miami and realized you weren’t there I almost killed Wilson." He explained.

"Did you already know the truth?" her tone was cautious, but he failed to notice it.

"Yes, Garcia had called me in the morning, before we trapped the Marquez."

"Of course." She said, and turned, taking a few steps away.

"Nena, I would have come for you anyway. I had told Marcus and Wilson I wouldn’t let you go." He quickly understood and walked over to her.

"Sure you would." But her tone made it clear she didn’t believe him. "What happened to the Marquez? Did you get the evidence you needed?" she changed the subject.

"Yes, I did. Nicholas and Hernandez are dead, but Jonathan managed to escape." The relief in Ashley's face was quite obvious. "What did they do to you during that day you were away?" he asked, running a finger through her cheek.

"I don’t want to talk about it." She snapped, looking around. "Besides, there's no use, right? They're dead."

Jordan considered insisting, but he could tell it wasn’t an easy topic for her, and that maybe insisting right now wouldn’t be a good idea. "We'll head back to Caracas as soon as we get to Miami. We will only stop there to change planes." He informed her instead.

She stayed silent for a few moments. "Last time we talked, you said we had to talk. Maybe this is the appropriate moment." She finally broke the silence, looking at him.

"Before we get to that, I want to apologize, nena, for all I made you go through during the past days." He said, his eyes locked on her.

"You've turned my life into a living hell, Jordan. You refused to listen to me, not even giving me an opportunity to tell you my side of the story, and you even made me believe you had ordered my mother's death out of what I supposedly had done." She summarized, in a bitter tone. "What am I supposed to do? Forgive and forget? And why do you bother in apologizing, Jordan? It's not like you're going to let me go free. After all, I'm doomed to be your fucking toy."

"Ashley…" he frowned.

"What? Is any of it a lie? I don’t think so." She shouted. "Why did you even bother getting me from Ivan? Sooner or later you'll be ditching me. Then what? What will become of me? What will you do with me?" There was a hard shine in her eyes, that worried Jordan. He had never seen her like this, nor heard her.

He stayed silent for a few moments, looking for the right words, not ready yet to admit how much he needed her. "That won't happen anytime soon, so I don’t see a reason to discuss this right now." He answered, in a cold tone, a slight frown adorning his forehead.

"It never is." She sighed.

He grabbed her in his arms and kissed her, taking possession of her mouth, making her his. "You're mine, and I'm not ready to let you go." He whispered, between kisses, taking her to the back of the plane, to a small door, that he opened, pushing her inside. It was a small bedroom, and soon, he had her over the bed, driving her insane with his kisses, their old magic kicking in, and soon, he was naked and they were wrapped in each other's bodies, everything else forgotten or postponed.

He pulled her dress over her head, unclasped her bra, and his hands cuddled her breasts immediately, kneading them, satisfying the craving need he had been feeling ever since he had lost her. His mouth trailed down her neck and chest, and met his hands at her breasts, adding kisses, licks and sucks, thrilling on the way she squirmed under his touch, relishing in her sweet taste.

Soon the need was too strong, and he moved down, eager to taste the proof of her desire. He grabbed her legs, up at the knees, spreading her, exposing her drenched pussy, grazing her inner thighs, on his way down to her center, making her shudder. His mouth finally reached her eager folds, depositing kisses of fire all over, interspersing them with nibbles and sucks, circling her aching knob, but not really reaching it, driving her just a little bit more insane.

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