Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2)
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"Bastard. I'll make sure you pay for this, I swear." She snarled through gritted teeth.

He laughed, mockingly, as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled his cock out, already hard, looking so disgusting she almost cried out.

Without letting her hair go, he rested his cock on her lips and pressing the knife to her cheek, he pushed it through her lips, forcing her to take him, in her mouth.

She almost threw up, feeling his acrid taste and his dreadful smell, but he seemed oblivious of her disgust. Focused on shoving himself inside her, relishing on her gags, and her coughs as he forced himself into her mouth.

Fortunately, he didn’t last long, and soon he was coming all over her face and her chest, covering her with his cum, his grunts filling the silence of the house.

"I knew you would be a good whore, I just knew it." He bragged with scorn. Still holding her by her hair, he dragged her next to the bed and threw her there. "Get some sleep, you'll need it."

He left the room leaving her over the bed, almost naked and still tied. She finally let hot tears flow down her cheeks, as she dreaded the disgusting layer of cum covering her, wishing she could throw herself in the middle of the ocean, knowing she would never feel clean again. She had missed Jordan so much, she had wished with all her strengths to get back to him, to feel him next to her, holding her in his arms, helping her to forget that nightmare. What she had never expected was to fall into another nightmare when she finally returned to him, one starring Jordan himself. 


Chapter 11


Back in Honduras, it was morning already and Jordan was planning the last minute details with Jude and his men when his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. It was Garcia. Surprised, Jordan took the call. "Garcia, what's up?"

"Boss, I have news and considering the subject I thought you should know it before you have to face those scumbags, the Marquez." His man announced.

"Garcia, get to the point. I don’t have time to waste."

"Yes, boss, of course." He sighed and took a deep breath. "Boss, I found the taxi driver."

"What taxi driver?" For a moment, Jordan had no idea what Garcia was talking about. "You mean the taxi driver that helped Ashley to escape?" he asked, as he realized what Garcia was talking about.

"Boss…" Garcia started.

"Spill it, Garcia, I don’t have all morning," Jordan ordered, losing his patient. His guts were so twisted that his instinct was telling him he wasn’t going to like what he was about to hear.

"Boss, she wasn’t escaping. We hadn’t been able to find the taxi driver because he had been hospitalized, due to a blow to the head with the butt of an AK-47 he suffered from one of the men in the black SUV that started following them from the moment he picked Miss Ashley up at the house. They cut them off on the road, on their way to the hospital, and dragged her out of the taxi." He burst out. "From the description the poor man gave me, I'm sure one of the men was Hernandez, Boss."

Jordan was silent, probably in shock, unable to utter a single word.

"From the information the taxi driver gave me, I was able to look for security cameras in the area. Nearby the place they intercepted the taxi there's an embassy with security cams all over the perimeter and they were kind enough to allow me to see the footage from that day."

"Did you confirm it was Hernandez?" Jordan finally was able to talk.

"Yes, boss, and the SUV belonged to Nicholas Marquez, and the driver was one of his men. I tried to track their destination but it was impossible, so I went back to talk to the bus driver and asked him once more where he had picked her up. He explained to me that he had picked her up at a gas station, near La Victoria."

"Did you go there?"

"Yes, boss. No one remembered her, but they did remember the black SUV and the furious men, that had supposedly lost a pet. Again, I was able to see the security cams footage there and it was Hernandez."

"Were you able to see her?"

"Yes, boss, when she comes out of the SUV and heads to the bathroom. After that, I lost her and wasn’t able to see her, until I found the bus she was on, and then I was able to see an unrecognizable woman getting on board, just before the bus got onto the highway."

Jordan thanked god he was sitting down. How could he have been so wrong? How could he have misjudged her that way?

"So she was escaping Hernandez when Wilson found her."

"She must have thought Wilson was there to rescue her, boss."

Jordan ran a hand over his face, trying to clear his head, as regret and fury took over his emotions. "They were stealing her from me. That bastard was having lunch with me, knowing his men had abducted her from me." He ranted.

"I've tried to find out where they kept her up until the moment she escaped, but have had no luck." Garcia concluded.

"Thank you for telling me this, Garcia." Jordan ended the call and went looking for Jude, as a cold rage covered every inch of his body. "Jude, there has been a change of plans."

"What? What do you mean?" the other man frowned.

"I want them dead."

"What's going on, Jordan?" Marcus asked, approaching them.

"Those bastards were responsible for Ashley's disappearance. They tried to kidnap her from my house, and they only didn’t succeed because she found a way to escape them." Jordan explained briefly. "I want them dead. I don’t care what the cartel will think of it. Those scumbags don’t deserve to live." He ranted.

"Very well, that's your call. I'm always happy to get rid of the garbage." Jude accepted, with half a smile that made him look even more dangerous. "But, if we want anything to happen we must hit the road."

Jordan looked at his cell phone, fighting his desire to call her immediately, even when her words kept playing in his mind: 'One day Jordan, you'll realize how wrong you were and I just hope I'm still around to rub it in your face.' But that would have to wait, it was time for some sweet revenge.


With a soft whimper, Ashley managed to get up in bed, feeling her body stiff and aching. It had been a hellish night and she was sure the day wasn’t going to be any better. She craved a shower, but she didn’t hold her hopes high. Wilson was determined to make her life a living hell.

She took a deep breath, leaning back on the wall, preparing herself to spend another long day staring at the walls.

But, just a few minutes had gone by when she heard footsteps approaching the door. In seconds, Wilson was opening the door, wearing a devilish smile on his face. He was obviously very pleased. He cut the ropes tying her, grinning at her moans of pain. 

"Get up. It's time for you to get yourself cleaned up." He ordered.

She wanted to ask why, but she decided not to give him that treat, so she simply got up and headed to the bathroom. He handed her clean clothes and waited outside for her. Ashley didn’t waste any time. The last thing she wanted was for him to come in to get her, so she showered as fast as possible and changed into the clothes he had brought her: a mini skirt and a matching top. She found his clothing selection very strange but anything was better than the clothes she had before.

She left the bathroom and he grabbed her by her forearm, dragging her to the upper floor.

"Someone is here to meet you." He announced while he was taking her up the stairs.

"What? What do you mean?" she asked startled, looking at him. She didn’t want to meet anyone.

"You'll know soon enough." His tone was ominous and it made a shiver run down her spine. She didn’t like the sound of that, not even a little bit.

"No, I don’t want to meet anyone." She refused, and tried to pull back but he pulled her harder, grabbing her chin and towering over her.

"You don’t have a say in it." He snarled at her. "And you better behave or you'll regret it, dearly." He threatened her, releasing her and continuing his way up the stairs.

He took her to the living room where a man was sitting on an armchair. He was obviously foreign, but she wasn’t able to determine his race, not until he spoke.

"This is her?" he asked, in a very cold tone. He got up and crossed his muscled arms over his broad chest.

Tall, with dark, curled hair, and the darkest blue eyes, Ashley had ever seen, the man was incredibly handsome, but something in him scared her like hell. There was something dark in him, something that made her feel very uncomfortable near him.

"Yes, this is the cunt." Wilson forced her to step forward, closer to the man, and she almost cried out. His threat was still ringing in her ears, but she had to struggle very hard to keep herself still under the scrutiny of his look.

"Let her go, I want to see her." The man ordered, and Wilson released her and took a step back.

For a moment, Ashley felt the urge to run away from there, but the man's look was more than enough to keep her frozen where she was.

He looked at her, head to toe, and even walked around her, looking thoroughly as if she was a piece of meat on display.

"Yes, it's not bad. I'm sure I can work with it and get something out of it." The man said, in a very cold tone.

"If you couldn’t, no one else would, I'm sure." Wilson flattered the man.

"And you say that I can take her with me right now? I thought Jordan hadn't decided yet."

"Yes, he hadn’t, last time you talked to Marcus, but now he has. He was going to call you as soon as he returned from Honduras." Wilson explained.

"Good thing that I decided to come, then."

Ashley followed the men's conversation, trying to understand what was going on, not liking what her instincts were telling her. "What the hell are you two talking about?" she asked, more scared than anything.

The man's hand flew across the room and hit her in the face, throwing her to the floor. "You haven’t been allowed to talk, slave." He said, still cold-livered, barely looking at her.

Biting down on her lips to hold back the tears welling up in her eyes, Ashley stood up, struggling to control the shuddering of her body.

This couldn’t be happening, she couldn’t believe Jordan was really doing this to her.

"You haven’t explained to her what is going to happen?" The man asked Wilson, not very pleased.

"No, I thought you would like to do the honors." Wilson answered, obviously pleased with Ashley's ordeal.

"Very well." The man turned to look at Ashley, his hands crossed behind his back, his eyes locked on hers. "My name is Ivan Korsakov, and Jordan has given you to me. From now on, you'll be mine, my slave, at least, until I manage to sell you to the highest bidder." He explained as shock washed over her when she realized this was really happening.

"He can't do that. He doesn’t own me." She cried out, her hand brushing her face.

"Oh, yes, I believe he did, and now I do. And you better accept that reality as fast as possible. It will be better for you."

"No, never, I rather die." She ranted.

"Dead, you have no value for me, so I'm afraid that's out of the question." He replied in his hideous cold tone.

"As you can see, you'll have to train her from scratch. She still hasn’t accepted her new role in life." Wilson said with an evil smile.

"Oh, she will, and very fast too, I'm sure. I'm glad Jordan made up his mind. This way, I'll be able to prepare her for the next auction in Alexandria." Ivan added, very pleased.

Ashley looked at both men, shuddering so badly she was having trouble keeping herself standing. They couldn’t do this to her. She had to find a way out. She looked at the door leading to the kitchen and took a small step towards it.

Ivan must have sensed her intentions because he took a step closer to her, standing in her way. "Stay still. One of the things you'll learn about me is that I don’t tolerate disobedience. And that disobedience is severely punished. Do you understand?" he warned her, in a very cold tone.

"You have no right to do this." She protested before he hit her another time.

"You are only allowed to answer the questions I ask you. Your comments or remarks have no place here. Now, let me repeat the question: do you understand?" he explained, patiently.

"Yes." She answered, unable to hold back a sob.

"From now on, you'll refer to me as Master. Each time you fail to do so, you'll be punished, is that clear?" he informed her. The man was a real ice rock, no emotions, no feelings were expressed, not through his words nor through his eyes or his expression.

She looked at him, shivering, wishing to send him to hell, but she realized that wasn’t a good strategy. "Yes, Master." She answered through gritted teeth.

He smiled and caressed her cheek. "See, you're learning." He turned to look at Wilson. "Do you think I can take her with me now?"

"Yes, of course. I'm sure Jordan will be relieved when he finds out you took the problem off of his hands." Wilson answered, with a very pleased smile on his face.

"Good." The man went back to the chair he had been seated in and picked up a bag from the floor, and brought it close to where Ashley was standing, under the watchful eye of Wilson. He rested the bag on a chair nearby and picked something out of it. "Get on your knees, slave." He ordered her, and for a moment she considered disobeying, but her face was still stinging from the previous slaps, so she slowly kneeled in front of him, still struggling to believe this was really happening, that it wasn’t a nightmare. She hadn’t  expected Jordan to actually sell her to a slaver, she had always thought those were empty threats.

The man approached her with something in his hands that she didn’t recognize at first, not until he stretched it in front of her and wrapped it around her neck. It was a collar, a black leather collar, like the ones she knew people into BDSM used. He buckled it up on her nape and locked it with a padlock, not too tight, but tight enough to make her notice it.

He returned to the bag and returned with two leather cuffs. "Present me your wrists." He ordered, and she did so, raising her shaky arms. He proceeded to fasten the cuffs to her wrists, before taking them to her back, and locking them together there. She even felt as he connected a short chain from her collar to her cuffs. "There, you're ready." He helped her up and turned to look at Wilson. "Well, my friend, I'm ready to go."

"It was a pleasure seeing you again, Ivan. And I wish you luck with that little slut." Wilson said with a devious smile.

"Thank you. Make sure to tell Jordan I'll be in touch soon." Ivan said, grabbing her by her elbow and leading her out of the house.

Desperate, realizing the imminent departure, Ashley struggled, trying to free herself from the man's grip. "No, no… you can't do this. I want to talk to Jordan. He can't be doing this to me, no, I refuse to believe it."

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