Josie's Miracle (White River Wolves Series, #1) (6 page)

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Authors: Dawn Sullivan

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #Romance, #Shifters, #Shifter Romance

BOOK: Josie's Miracle (White River Wolves Series, #1)
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There were three men and one woman in the room with her.  The stench was horrible.  It was no wonder the wolves had not scented Ryker and Storm.  As if sensing Ryker’s eyes on her, the young woman raised her head.  Looking fearfully around the room, she froze when her gaze landed on Ryker.  He shook his head once, holding a finger to his lips.  Eyes widening in hope and understanding, the woman tucked her head into her knees, turning her face to the wall.

Let’s do this,
Storm growled fiercely.  Sliding a knife out of the holster on her leg, she waited impatiently.  With one last look at Storm, Ryker opened the door.  The rogue female wolf saw them first.  Screeching loudly, she pulled a knife out of her jeans and raised her arm, aiming in their direction.  Ryker lifted his Glock and pulled the trigger, putting a silver bullet between her eyes.  With a quick glance to his right, Ryker saw Storm’s knife leave her hand.  It hit the intended target, impaling itself into the neck of one of the men.  Her gun went off immediately afterward, putting a silver bullet directly into the heart of another one.

The last wolf quickly shifted and came after Ryker.  Before he could lift his gun, the wolf had his jaws wrapped tightly around Ryker’s wrist.  Snarling as he felt the teeth sink into his skin, Ryker slammed his fist into the wolf’s head.  The minute the wolf let go, Ryker shot him.  Watching the wolf writhe in pain as it slowly died, Ryker growled, “Silver bullets, asshole.  You won’t be getting back up.”  Ryker had learned over a century ago, there were only three ways to kill a shifter and make absolutely sure it was dead.  A knife to the heart, silver bullets or decapitation.  Ryker preferred bullets because they made less of a mess. 

Hearing quiet sobs, Ryker swiftly made his way over to the female still huddled in the corner.  “It’s going to be alright, Chloe,” he told her gently.  “I’m Ryker, and this is Storm.  We were sent by the Shifter Council to find you and return you to your family.”

“No!” the woman screamed.  “No!  You cannot take me back there.  They are the reason I am here.”

Looking at her in confusion, Storm said, “But they are the ones that contacted the council and told them you were missing.  They said that a wolf pack had kidnapped you and asked the council to find you.”

“No,” the woman shook her head adamantly.  “They sold me to the wolf pack.  They paid them to take me away from home.  They wanted to get rid of me.  I don’t know why they went to the council, unless they thought I would be dead by now.  But they are the reason I am here.  You cannot take me back there.  I won’t go!”

Ryker and Storm’s eyes locked in uncertainty.  Their orders were to retrieve Chloe Samson and deliver her directly to her family.  But there was obviously more to the story then what the council had been told.  Until they knew the truth, Ryker was not handing Chloe over to anyone. 

“Come with us, little fox” he said softly, reaching out a hand to her.  “Come on.  My mate lives nearby.  She is a doctor and will take care of you while Storm and I figure this out.” 

“You won’t take me back to my family?” Chloe asked, her amber eyes bright with fear.  “I can’t go back there.  I won’t.”

“No, we won’t take you to your family,” Ryker promised.  Staring at Ryker’s large hand in terror, Chloe shook as tears escaped her eyes.  “Come on, little fox,” Ryker tried again.  Smiling encouragingly, he coaxed, “Josie will take care of you when we get to her hospital.  I promise.  We need to get those wounds looked at.” 

Swallowing hard, Chloe lowered her head to look at the bruises on her body.  There was blood on her back seeping through her shirt where she had been clawed, and a long rip in her jeans where blood trickled down.  “Roxy, the female wolf, didn’t like it when the males looked at me.  She wanted them all to herself.”  Shrugging, Chloe whispered, “I didn’t mind her beating me.  At least the males left me alone because of her.”

Ryker sighed in relief.  He was glad the young woman had not been sexually assaulted.  It was going to be hard enough to move on from this terrifying experience as it was.

Ryker waited patiently for Chloe to decide whether or not he could be trusted.  Finally, she reached out and placed her hand hesitantly in Ryker’s.  ‘I can’t shift,” she admitted.  “My fox is scared.  She is hiding from me.  No matter how hard I try, I can’t get her to show herself.”  If Chloe were able to shift, she would heal much faster. 

Helping Chloe to her feet, Ryker scanned her quickly to assess her physical state.  Several claw marks and bruises, but no broken bones.  She was shaky and could not stand on her own at first, but that was to be expected.  Not only was she scared, but he wondered how long she had been on the floor curled into a ball, trying not to attract any attention.

As he helped her stand, suddenly her eyes widened in fear and she screamed out a warning.  Swinging around, Ryker watched in shock as Storm’s eyes widened in stunned surprise and a painful gasp escaped her lips.  Slowly, her knees buckled and she slid to the floor, the hilt of a knife protruding from her back.  Behind her, Ryker saw a man they had missed. Throwing his head back, the bastard let out a maniacal laugh.  “Got your bitch didn’t I,” he bragged loudly.  Laughing again, the man reached behind him and pulled a gun out of the back of his pants.  “Now it’s your turn.”

Letting out a loud roar, Ryker let his beast free.  Shifting quickly into his bear, he was on the man before he could utter a sound, tearing him apart piece by piece.  The bastard deserved to die a horrible death after what he did to Storm.  Ryker and Storm had been partners for over 30 years.  She was tough, sassy, funny and very loyal.  She was his best friend.  And she was lying on the floor, bleeding out. 

Getting a tight grip on his anger, Ryker backed away from what was left of the man who had hurt Storm.  Shifting, ignoring his state of undress, Ryker hurried to where she lay on the hard concrete floor.  Kneeling beside her, he gently brushed her hair away from her face.  Panting softly, Storm whispered, “I fucked up, Ry.”  Ryker cursed when he realized he could not pull the knife out.  The long blade was embedded into Storm’s back on the same side as her heart.  He was not sure how close it was, and he was not willing to take any chances.

“You did just fine, Storm,” Ryker told her gruffly.  Glancing up at Chloe he said, “We need to get out of here now.  Can you walk?” 

“Yes,” Chloe sniffled, barely holding in her own tears.  “Yes, I can walk.  Let’s go.”  Heading for the door on wobbly legs, she stopped and turned to look back at him.  “You need clothes.”

Cursing, Ryker realized he could not go running through the streets with his dick hanging out.  “Wait,” Chloe said rushing from the room as quickly as she could on her shaky legs.  Five minutes later she was back with a black duffle bag in her hands.  “None of the men that took me were as big as you, but maybe you can wear something in here,” she said shoving the bag toward him. 

Grabbing the bag, Ryker rummaged through it and found a pair of jogging pants and a tee shirt.  They were smaller than his normal size, but he didn’t give a shit.  All he cared about was getting Storm to a doctor.  After quickly dressing, Ryker put on his boots that had somehow made it through his shift, and then knelt back down next to Storm.  She was watching him through pain filled tears.  “I’m going to have to move you, Storm,” he told her as he slipped his arms under her body.  “This is going to hurt like a bitch, but I don’t have a choice.” 

Slowly, Ryker lifted Storm in his arms, cradling her to his chest, careful of the knife still sticking out of her back.  “I can’t pull the knife out, Storm.  I don’t know how near your heart it is.  You might bleed out before I can get you to the hospital.”

“Just let me go,” Storm moaned in pain.  “Please, Ryker, just let me go.” 

“No way in hell.” Ryker growled as he moved swiftly out the door and to the stairs.  Waiting for Chloe to push the door open, he demanded, “Push through the fucking pain, Storm.  You push through it, you hear me? I refuse to let you go, dammit!”

Storm’s hand curled tightly into his borrowed shirt and she cried out in pain as Ryker took the stairs, two at a time.  Once they cleared the front door of the building, Ryker sprinted the six blocks to his truck, Chloe on his heels.  Chloe opened the back door of the extended-cab and Ryker gently laid Storm on the seat.  “I’m taking you to Josie, Storm.  You hold on, you hear me,” he shouted.  “You do not leave me.”

Chloe climbed up into the back to sit with Storm, softly stroking her hair and murmuring gentle words of encouragement, while Ryker jumped into the front seat.  Reaching under the dash, he grabbed the key where he had hidden it.  Starting the truck, he threw it in gear and headed out of the city.  Once he made it to the highway, he found his cell phone attached to the top of the visor and punched in Josie’s number.  When he heard her voice on the other end of the line, he struggled for control.  “I need you, Josie,” he whispered though his pain.  “I need you. Storm is hurt.  I...I don’t know if she is going to make it.  She’s my partner, Josie.  My best friend.  My family.”

“Talk to me, Ryker,” Josie ordered briskly, “What happened?  Where are you?” 

Gripping the phone tightly, Ryker told her how the last man caught them off guard and was able to sink a knife deep into Storm’s back near her heart.  “I’m on my way.  I should be there in twenty minutes,” he said as he saw the sign for Boulder.

“Get Storm here, Ryker.  I will get the operating room ready.  You get her here, and I will save her,” Josie vowed. 

Swallowing hard, Ryker tightened his hold on the steering wheel.  He could hear Josie shouting orders to the nurses, but he could not understand what she was saying.  “Baby,” he whispered.  He needed to hear her voice. 

“I’m here,” she said.  “But I have to go.  I need to get everything ready.  I will save her, Ryker,” she promised.  “Your job is to get her here; I will take care of the rest.”

After disconnecting the call, Ryker placed a call to Charlene with the Shifter Council.  Reporting in, he relayed what happened and that he was on his way to the shifter hospital run by the White River wolves.  After confirming that he did have Chloe Samson with him, and quickly explaining why she could not be immediately returned to her family, he finished the call. 

Gripping the steering wheel tightly, Ryker pressed down on the gas pedal.  Charlene would order a cleanup crew to dispose of the mess he had left behind.  Right now, Ryker’s main concern was Storm.

Ten minutes later, he pulled through the gates of the compound without stopping to check in.  When Ryker cleared the doorway of the hospital, Josie was ready for him. 

After gently placing Storm down on her stomach on the gurney the nurses had waiting, Ryker knelt down beside her.  “You are going to be just fine, Storm,” he promised, looking into her tear filled, silver gaze.  “Josie is going to take care of you.”

Closing her eyes, Storm whispered, “I don’t know if she can, Ryker.  I think it might be too bad this time.” 

“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that,” Josie said as she stepped forward and knelt beside Ryker.  Clasping one of Storm’s hands in hers, Josie told her, “I am going to fix this, Storm.  I am a doctor.  This is what I do.  Trust me.”

A tear escaped as Storm whispered, “If Ryker trusts you, I trust you.”  Leaning forward, Ryker gently nuzzled Storm’s cheek with his own, giving her the comfort she needed.  Allowing her eyes to close, Storm demanded in a low voice, “Take care of Chloe.”

Nodding, Ryker stood up and backed away, watching as the nurses wheeled Storm down to the end of the hall, Josie holding her hand the whole way. 

After they entered a door that said ‘Surgery’ above it, Ryker turned his attention to the nervous fox shifter behind him.  “Come on,” he said gruffly.  “They will be in there awhile.  We need to go meet with the Alpha, Chase Montgomery.  He needs to know what happened and that you are here.”  When Chloe flinched, Ryker promised, “You will be fine.  You are on White River land.  Chase will protect you while you are here.  And until we get to the bottom of who sold you to the wolf pack and why, you are under my protection.  No one will harm you.” 

As Chloe reluctantly followed Ryker to Chase’s office in another building, Ryker had to make himself focus on the task at hand.  He was worried about Storm, but knew Josie would do everything she could to save her.

Reaching the closed door to Chase’s office, Ryker knocked and waited for permission to enter.  Hearing Chase’s muffled response to come in, Ryker opened the door and stepped back, allowing Chloe to enter first.  Timidly she stepped through the doorway, stopping just over the threshold. 

Chase sat behind his large, cherry colored wood desk.  He was staring intently at the computer, but shifted his attention to them after a moment.

Standing, Chase came around his desk and raising his eyebrows at Ryker’s attire said, “I have some clothes in the closet in the bathroom that should fit you.  Go change.  You reek.”

Baring his teeth at the insult, Ryker ignored him.  Placing a hand gently on Chloe’s shoulder, Ryker introduced her to Chase.  “Chloe is the fox shifter that Storm and I were sent by the council to track down.  Supposedly, Chloe’s family is worried about her and wants her back.  But according to Chloe, her family is responsible for her being taken in the first place.  They paid the pack to kidnap her and take her far away from home.”

Eyes narrowing, Chase growled, “Why would they do that?  And then why go to the council to get her back?”

“We never had the chance to discuss why.”  Turning to her, Ryker asked, “Do you know why they would want to have you kidnapped, Chloe?”

The fear evident on her face, Chloe whispered, “My step dad, Gentry Samson, is the one that sold me.  He has never wanted me around.  My mom married him fifteen years ago when I was nine.  At first he was wonderful.  He wined and dined her, treated me like I was his own daughter.  After they got married, things changed.  He started beating us daily, keeping food from us so that we stayed weak, and locking us in our home away from others.  We were both too scared to try and run.  I would have found a way to leave when I turned eighteen, but I couldn’t leave my mom.  She would never have survived living there without me, but there was no way Gentry would let her go.”

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