Josie's Miracle (White River Wolves Series, #1) (3 page)

Read Josie's Miracle (White River Wolves Series, #1) Online

Authors: Dawn Sullivan

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #Romance, #Shifters, #Shifter Romance

BOOK: Josie's Miracle (White River Wolves Series, #1)
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After finding Josie, he did not want to go to Denver.  But no matter how much Ryker wanted to stay with her, he had a duty to the council and the fox shifter.

After Chase left, Josie gave Phoenix directions to the spot where she left the dead man.  Phoenix collected the man’s coat from the trashcan where Josie had shoved it earlier, then took his family home.

In the silence that followed, Ryker tried to figure out how to explain to Josie that he had to put his duty to the council over his own mate.  Sighing deeply, he rested his forehead against her shoulder.

“I can go to Denver without you, Ryker,” Storm offered.  “You get Josie settled in and come to Denver tomorrow.  I should have some intel by then.” 

“No,” Ryker ground out, raising his head to glare at Storm.  It was his mission.  As much as he wanted to stay with Josie, he had pledged himself to the council and he needed to see this through.  “Give me time to get Josie home and make sure she is safe, then we will head out.” 

Josie shifted on his lap which made his rock hard erection even harder if that were possible.  He wanted nothing more than to sink into her balls deep, but now was not the time.  Lightly messaging the back of her head where his hand still rested, he continued, “Call our contacts in Denver and see what you can find out, Storm.  Meet me at the truck in an hour.” 

Lifting an eyebrow Storm asked sarcastically, “You think that will be long enough?”  Pissed off with Storm’s attitude, Ryker briefly let his bear show through, the tips of his fangs peeking out as he growled. 

Eyes widening, Storm backed toward the door, hands held out in a placating manner.  “See you in an hour,” she smirked before turning and sauntering out the door. 

Finally, everyone was gone.  Ryker was done waiting.  He needed to taste his mate now.  Fisting his hand in Josie’s hair again, he turned her face to his.  She watched him through wide, sexy brown eyes, her body trembling.  He knew it was from arousal, not fear.  He could smell the lust pouring off her and he needed to taste her.  His gaze narrowed on her full, pouty lips as they parted and she panted softly.  Her tongue snuck out to nervously moisten them and he lost it.  Capturing her mouth roughly with his, Ryker groaned loudly at the sweet taste of her.  Josie whimpered as he tightened his hold on her hair and slipped his tongue past her lips.  Tasting her over and over again, he moved his hips, pressing his throbbing cock up into the softness of her bottom.  God he wanted her.  He wanted to take her right there, shoving into her wet heat.  He wanted to sink his fangs deep into her, claiming her as his.  Groaning, Ryker pulled away from Josie.  Breathing harshly, he fought to get himself back under control.  He was not claiming her in a fucking hospital.

When he finally felt like he could talk, he rasped, “I need to get you home, sweetheart.  I want to get you into a nice, hot bubble bath.  I need to take care of you and make sure you are settled in and safe before I have to leave.”

When Ryker mentioned his intent to leave, Josie seemed to close down.  Drawing back away from him, she attempted to rise, but he pulled her back.  Resting his forehead against hers, he whispered, “I don’t want to leave you, sweetheart.  I really don’t.  But there is a fox shifter out there that needs me right now.  Her name is Chloe Samson and she was stolen from her home by some rogue wolf shifters.  If I don’t go find her she will end up dead, if she isn’t already.”

Gasping, Josie hurriedly stood up and grabbing his hand, pulled him to his feet.  Her eyes wide with fear, she pushed Ryker toward the door.  “Go, Ryker!  Go with Storm now,” she insisted.  “I will be fine.  I can have Slade and Charlotte meet me here and take me home.  You have to help Chloe.”

His Josie had a heart of gold.  Ryker could see it, could feel it.  He was so proud to call her his.  Gathering her into his arms again, he pressed a brief kiss on her lips.  “I will go after you are settled in your bath, Josie.  Not before.  I need to make sure you are taken care of before I leave.  Storm is making some calls now and we will have to wait to hear back from our contacts, so we have time.”  Taking off his coat, he wrapped it around her slight frame.  “Do you have extra socks around here?” he asked glancing at her small feet. 

“Yes, in my office.”  Lacing her fingers with his, Josie led him to her office where she pulled a pair of warm, fuzzy Christmas socks out of her drawer.  Drawing them on her feet, she went to a closet and grabbed the extra pair of tennis shoes she kept there.  After putting them on and lacing them, she stood and once again slipped her fingers into Ryker’s.  “I’m ready,” she said with a soft, shy smile. 

After assuring the nurses several times that Josie was fine, they left the hospital and made their way to Josie’s house.

“Most of the pack live in apartments, but I wanted a home.  A place to call my own.  My house is on the outskirts of our small town.  It backs up to the forest, and I have a balcony off my bedroom where I can sit and enjoy the peace and quiet,” she told Ryker on the way.  “I love it.” 

Pausing, she looked up at him in concern.  “What do we do now, Ryker?  This is my home.  I have lived here for over thirty years and this pack is my family.  I don’t want to leave.  But you have a job with the council.  You won’t be able to stay here.  I am sure they require you to be wherever they are to protect them when you aren’t out hunting down rogue wolves.”

Cupping her cheek in his hand, Ryker leaned down and softly kissed her lips.  “Let’s not worry about that right now.  Right now I just want to get you home and take care of you.  We can worry about all of this when my mission is over and I know you are safe.”

Nuzzling his hand, she whispered, “Okay.  We need to get to know one another, too, Ryker.  I don’t know anything about you, except that you are an enforcer for the council and your body is pure sin.”  Blushing at the words that had slipped out, Josie quickly hid her face in his chest.

Chuckling, Ryker lifted her chin up and kissed her softly one more time.  “I’m glad you approve.”  Still laughing, he continued to Josie’s house, mulling over the different possibilities for their future.  He wanted to make Josie happy, but he had obligations, too.  There had to be a way to make it work.  He was not giving Josie up, but he needed her to be happy with any decisions they made.

When they reached Josie’s house, Ryker paused by the front door and took out his Glock.  Looking at him quizzically, Josie whispered, “There isn’t anyone here, Ryker.  I’m safe in the compound.”

“Humor me,” he muttered.  Finding the door unlocked, he scowled at her and held up a finger for silence when she would have defended herself.  He did not care if she lived in the White River compound and considered the whole pack her family, she was his and he took care of his own.  From now on that door would be locked when Josie was not home.  Hell, it would be locked when she was home.

Silently they entered the small house.  It did not take long to check the living room, kitchen, bathroom and office that made up the downstairs.  Making sure Josie stayed behind him, Ryker made his way upstairs.  The two large bedrooms and bathroom were clear.  Putting his gun away, he turned back to Josie.  “Do not ever leave the door unlocked again when you are gone, Josie.”  Before she could interrupt he pushed on, “And for now, keep it locked when you are home alone.  You saw what happened with Hunter tonight.  There is no way he was that far out just wandering around and got caught.  Phoenix would never let him get that far away without supervision.  Not only that, but he was in human form, not cub.  Hunter is in his cub form 75 percent of the time.  That man was here, Josie.  Here in this town.  And you said he knew Hunter was a shifter.  You may have gotten this one, but there are others like him out there.  And they will be back.  I need to know that you are safe when I can’t be here to protect you.”

As he let everything he said sink in, Ryker moved to the bathroom and started the shower.  Josie needed to get all of the blood washed off her body before she relaxed in the bath.  There was a large claw foot tub in the corner.  Since there was a shower, this tub was purely for his mate’s pleasure.  Ryker groaned at the thought of Josie in it, naked, bubbles up to her neck.  Feeling his fangs once again fill his mouth, he shuddered and palmed his hard cock.  Hell, he would give anything to get in that tub with her right now.  He wanted to run his hands over her wet, silky skin.  “Fuck”, he growled softly. 

Shaking off his thoughts, Ryker entered Josie’s bedroom and found her out on the balcony.  Stopping at the sliding glass doors, he leaned up against the doorjamb and watched her, soaking in her presence.  She was standing with her back to him, her hands braced against the wrought iron.  He could sense Josie’s pain and wished he did not have to leave her.  He had a feeling he was going to be gone hunting down the rogue wolves for at least a week if not more.  But when he was done, after he had checked in with the council, Ryker was coming back here.  Back to his beautiful Doc Josie.

Stepping away from the doorway, Ryker moved up behind Josie.  Slipping his arms around her waist, he settled her back against his hard body.  Sighing, Josie leaned her head on him.  She was so tiny that the top of her head just reached the middle of his chest.  Nuzzling her cheek he gently kissed the top of her ear, then slowly nipped and licked his way down to her bare shoulder where the too-big scrub top had fallen down.  A soft moan escaped Josie’s lips as she slid her arm up and cupped the back of his head holding him against her. 

“Josie,” he whispered as he scraped the soft skin with his teeth.  Josie’s hold tightened and she pressed him closer.  Her body trembled as she pushed back against him.  Fighting for control, Ryker turned Josie around in his arms.  He wanted to take her, to claim her right there.  But there was not enough time to love and cherish her body like she deserved. 

“Let’s get you in the shower, baby,” he whispered.  Bending down, he slipped an arm under her knees and swept her up into his arms.  Taking her back into the house, he made his way to the bathroom.

Putting Josie on her feet, Ryker checked the water to make sure it was not too warm. Pulling her closer to the shower, he let go of her hand and taking hold of her top, gently slipped it up and over her head.  Watching her carefully, he knelt down in front of her.  Sliding his fingers into the waistband of her pants, he slid them slowly down, baring tantalizing skin on the way.  Before he went too far, he stood up and backed away.  “Take a quick shower, Josie.  Then you can relax in a long, hot bubble bath.”

While he waited for her to shower, Ryker went back into the bedroom to shut and lock the balcony doors.  Turning down the covers on the bed, he closed his eyes and imagined loving his mate on it.  Groaning, he reached down and adjusted himself.  Breathing roughly, he raked a hand through his hair and fought for control.

Hearing the shower stop, Ryker went back to the bathroom and started the bath water. Turning, he walked over to the bathroom closet and found the bubble bath.  After adding it to the water, he put the bottle back and waited for Josie to get out of the shower.  He was going to put her in that tub and leave, even if it killed him.  The way he was feeling, he would have blue balls for the next week. 

“Fuck,” he growled when she stepped out, drops of water sliding seductively down her skin.  She was so damn sexy.  He had to touch her.  Going back to the tub, Ryker reached down and shut the water off.  Turning back to Josie, he held out his hand and waited until she stepped to him and tentatively placed her hand in his. 

Ryker leaned down and licked at a water droplet sliding slowly down her neck.  Palming a breast, he licked a bead of water off the nipple.  He kissed and licked his way down to her belly button, before dropping to his knees.  Pausing, Ryker rested his head against Josie’s soft stomach.  Shaking, fighting to keep himself from claiming her, he ran his hands around her waist and down to cup her wet bottom.  He needed to leave.  He knew he should leave.  But he could not go without a taste of his mate.  Slowly, Ryker kissed his way further down Josie’s belly.  Once he reached his destination, he found her clit and licked.  As Josie cried out, he licked again and again.  He had never tasted anything like her.  She was unbelievable, so fucking good.  And she was his.  Growling, he brought a hand around and slipped two fingers inside of her, finding her wet and ready.  When Josie cried out again, Ryker increased the rhythm of his fingers and sucked harder on her clit.  Her moans grew louder and her whole body trembled, then she screamed as she came. 

When Josie screamed, Ryker lost control.  Rising, he pulled her against him and roughly took her mouth with his.  Cupping her breast he growled as he yanked his mouth away, breathing harshly.  Backing her up, Ryker grabbed Josie’s thighs and picked her up, sitting her on the counter by the sink.  He yanked her hips toward him, and her hot wet heat pressed against his jean covered cock.  Snarling Ryker leaned down and captured one of her nipples in his mouth.  Sucking hard, he pushed his rock hard erection against her again and again.  He needed inside her now.

Reaching between them, Josie undid the buckle on his belt.  “Oh God,” she moaned as Ryker switched over to the other breast, sucking and nipping at the nipple.  After undoing the button on his jeans, she slowly slid the zipper down.  Ryker held her away from him so she could push the jeans down and then immediately pushed back against her when they were out of the way.  His long, thick length strained against her hot, slick opening.  Leaning back, he demanded, “Look at me.”  Ryker stilled until Josie stopped moving and locked her eyes with his.  “Tell me you want this,” he growled.  “Tell me you are ready for this.  We don’t know each other Josie.  We have never met before tonight.  Tell me you are not going to regret this later when I am gone.”

He prayed she would say yes.  Say that she wanted this as badly as he did.  But he refused to take her without her verbal permission.  Josie leaned her head back against the mirror above the counter, panting loudly.  Running a hand through his thick, dark curls she whispered, “You are mine, Ryker.  I am yours.  Whether we claim each other tonight, next week or next month, that isn’t going to change.  I want you now.  I want you inside of me.  I need you.”

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