Jules Verne (20 page)

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Authors: Claudius Bombarnac

BOOK: Jules Verne
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But then Ephrinell and Miss Bluett are all the time absorbed in their
commercial tête-à-tête. Pan Chao and the doctor amused me for a time,
but they are not equal to it now. The actor and the actress are of no
use without opportunity. Kinko, Kinko himself, on whom I had built such
hopes, has passed the frontier without difficulty, he will reach Pekin,
he will marry Zinca Klork. Decidedly there is a want of excitement. I
cannot get anything out of the corpse of Yen Lou! and the readers of
Twentieth Century
who looked to me for something sensational and

Must I have recourse to the German baron? No! he is merely ridiculous,
stupidly ridiculous, and he has no interest for me.

I return to my idea: I want a hero, and up to the present no hero has
appeared on the scene.

Evidently the moment has come to enter into more intimate relations
with Faruskiar. Perhaps he will not now be so close in his incognito.
We are under his orders, so to say. He is the mayor of our rolling
town, and a mayor owes something to those he governs. Besides, in the
event of Kinko's fraud being discovered I may as well secure the
protection of this high functionary.

Our train runs at only moderate speed since we left Kachgar. On the
opposite horizon we can see the high lands of the Pamir; to the
southwest rises the Bolor, the Kachgarian belt from which towers the
summit of Tagharma lost among the clouds.

I do not know how to spend my time. Major Noltitz has never visited the
territories crossed by the Grand Transasiatic, and I am deprived of the
pleasure of taking notes from his dictation. Dr. Tio-King does not lift
his nose from his Cornaro, and Pan Chao reminds me more of Paris and
France than of Pekin and China; besides, when he came to Europe he came
by Suez, and he knows no more of Oriental Turkestan than he does of
Kamtschatka. All the same, we talk. He is a pleasant companion, but a
little less amiability and a little more originality would suit me

I am reduced to strolling from one car to another, lounging on the
platforms, interrogating the horizon, which obstinately refuses to
reply, listening on all sides.

Hello! there are the actor and his wife apparently in animated
conversation. I approach. They sing in an undertone. I listen.

"I'm fond of my turkeys—eys—eys," says Madame Caterna.

"I'm fond of my wethers—ers—ers," says Monsieur Caterna, in any
number of baritones.

It is the everlasting duet between Pipo and Bettina; and they are
rehearsing for Shanghai. Happy Shanghai! They do not yet know the

Ephrinell and Miss Bluett are talking away with unusual animation, and
I catch the end of the dialogue.

"I am afraid," said she, "that hair will be rising in Pekin—"

"And I," said he, "that teeth will be down. Ah! If a good war would
only break out in which the Russians would give the Chinaman a smack on
the jaw."

There now! Smack them on the jaw, in order that Strong, Bulbul & Co.,
of New York, might have a chance of doing a trade!

Really I do not know what to do, and we have a week's journey before
us. To Jericho with the Grand Transasiatic and its monotonous security!
The Great Trunk from New York to San Francisco has more life in it! At
least, the redskins do sometimes attack the trains, and the chance of a
scalping on the road cannot but add to the charm of the voyage!

But what is that I hear being recited, or rather intoned at the end of
our compartment?

"There is no man, whoever he may be, who cannot prevent himself from
eating too much, and avoid the evils due to repletion. On those who are
intrusted with the direction of public affairs this is more incumbent
than on others—"

It is Dr. Tio-King reading Cornaro aloud, in order that he may remember
his principles better. Eh! after all, this principle is not to be
despised. Shall I send it by telegram to our cabinet ministers? They
might, perhaps, dine with more discretion after it.

During this afternoon I find by the guide-book that we shall cross the
Yamanyar over a wooden bridge. This stream descends from the mountains
to the west, which are at least twenty-five thousand feet high, and its
rapidity is increased by the melting of the snows. Sometimes the train
runs through thick jungles, amid which Popof assures me tigers are
numerous. Numerous they may be, but I have not seen one. And yet in
default of redskins we might get some excitement out of tiger-skins.
What a heading for a newspaper, and what a stroke of luck for a
EYES—the whole thickly leaded and appropriately displayed.

Well, no! The Turkoman felidae did not give me even that satisfaction!
And I treat them—as I treat any other harmless cats.

The two principal stations have been Yanghi-Hissar, where the train
stops ten minutes, and Kizil, where it stops a quarter of an hour.
Several blast furnaces are at work here, the soil being ferruginous, as
is shown by the word "Kizil," which means red.

The country is fertile and well cultivated, growing wheat, maize, rice,
barley and flax, in its eastern districts. Everywhere are great masses
of trees, willows, mulberries, poplars. As far as the eye can reach are
fields under culture, irrigated by numerous canals, also green fields
in which are flocks of sheep; a country half Normandy, half Provence,
were it not for the mountains of the Pamir on the horizon. But this
portion of Kachgaria was terribly ravaged by war when its people were
struggling for independence. The land flowed with blood, and along by
the railway the ground is dotted with tumuli beneath which are buried
the victims of their patriotism. But I did not come to Central Asia to
travel as if I were in France! Novelty! Novelty! The unforeseen! The

It was without the shadow of an accident, and after a particularly fine
run, that we entered Yarkand station at four o'clock in the afternoon.

If Yarkand is not the administrative capital of eastern Turkestan, it
is certainly the most important commercial city of the province.

"Again two towns together," said I to Major Noltitz. "That I have from

"But this time," said the major, "it was not the Russians who built the
new one."

"New or old," I added, "I am afraid is like the others we have seen, a
wall of earth, a few dozen gateways cut in the wall, no monuments or
buildings of note, and the eternal bazaars of the East."

I was not mistaken, and it did not take four hours to visit both
Yarkands, the newer of which is called Yanji-Shahr.

Fortunately, the Yarkand women are not forbidden to appear in the
streets, which are bordered by simple mud huts, as they were at the
time of the "dadkwahs," or governors of the province. They can give
themselves the pleasure of seeing and being seen, and this pleasure is
shared in by the farangis—as they call foreigners, no matter to what
nation they may belong. They are very pretty, these Asiatics, with
their long tresses, their transversely striped bodices, their skirts of
bright colors, relieved by Chinese designs in Kothan silk, their
high-heeled embroidered boots, their turbans of coquettish pattern,
beneath which appear their black hair and their eyebrows united by a

A few Chinese passengers alighted at Yarkand, and gave place to others
exactly like them—among others a score of coolies—and we started
again at eight o'clock in the evening.

During the night we ran the three hundred and fifty kilometres which
separate Yarkand from Kothan.

A visit I paid to the front van showed me that the box was still in the
same place. A certain snoring proved that Kinko was inside as usual,
and sleeping peacefully. I did not care to wake him, and I left him to
dream of his adorable Roumanian.

In the morning Popof told me that the train, which was now traveling
about as fast as an omnibus, had passed Kargalik, the junction for the
Kilian and Tong branches. The night had been cold, for we are still at
an altitude of twelve hundred metres. Leaving Guma station, the line
runs due east and west, following the thirty-seventh parallel, the same
which traverses in Europe, Seville, Syracuse and Athens.

We sighted only one stream of importance, the Kara-kash, on which
appeared a few drifting rafts, and files of horses and asses at the
fords between the pebbly banks. The railroad crosses it about a hundred
kilometres from Khotan, where we arrived at eight o'clock in the

Two hours to stop, and as the town may give me a foretaste of the
cities of China, I resolve to take a run through it.

It seems to be a Turkoman town built by the Chinese, or perhaps a
Chinese town built by Turkomans. Monuments and inhabitants betray their
double origin. The mosques look like pagodas, the pagodas look like

And I was not astonished when the Caternas, who would not miss this
opportunity of setting foot in China, were rather disappointed.

"Monsieur Claudius," said the actor to me, "there is not a single scene
here that would suit the
Prise de Pékin!

"But we are not at Pekin, my dear Caterna."

"That is true, and it has to be remembered, if we are to be thankful
for little."

"'Thankful for very little,' as the Italians say."

"Well, if they say that, they are no fools."

As we were about to board the car again, I saw Popof running toward me,

"Monsieur Bombarnac!"

"What is the matter, Popof?"

"A telegraph messenger asked me if there was any one belonging to the
Twentieth Century
in the train."

"A telegraph messenger?"

"Yes, on my replying in the affirmative, he gave me this telegram for

"Give it me! give it me!"

I seize the telegram, which has been waiting for me for some days. Is
it a reply to my wire sent from Merv, relative to the mandarin Yen Lou?

I open it. I read it. And it falls from my hand.

This is what it said:

"Claudius Bombarnac,
Twentieth Century.
"Khotan, Chinese Turkestan.

"It is not the corpse of a mandarin that the train
is taking to Pekin, but the imperial treasure,
value fifteen millions, sent from Persia to China,
as announced in the Paris newspapers eight days
ago; endeavor to be better informed for the future."

Chapter XVIII

"Millions—there are millions in that pretended mortuary van!"

In spite of myself, this imprudent phrase had escaped me in such a way
that the secret of the imperial treasure was instantly known to all, to
the railway men as well as to the passengers. And so, for greater
security, the Persian government, in agreement with the Chinese
government, has allowed it to be believed that we were carrying the
corpse of a mandarin, when we were really taking to Pekin a treasure
worth fifteen million of francs.

Heaven pardon me, what a howler—pardonable assuredly—but what a
howler I had been guilty of! But why should I have doubted what Popof
told me, and why should Popof have suspected what the Persians had told
him regarding this Yen Lou? There was no reason for our doubting their

I am none the less deeply humiliated in my self-esteem as a journalist,
and I am much annoyed at the call to order which I have brought upon
myself. I shall take very good care not to breathe a word of my
misadventure, even to the major. Is it credible? In Paris the
Twentieth Century
is better informed of what concerns the Grand
Transasiatic than I am! They knew that an imperial treasure is in the
van, and I did not! Oh! the mistakes of special correspondents!

Now the secret is divulged, and we know that this treasure, composed of
gold and precious stones, formerly deposited in the hands of the Shah
of Persia, is being sent to its legitimate owner, the Son of Heaven.

That is why my lord Faruskiar, who was aware of it in consequence of
his position as general manager of the company, had joined the train at
Douchak so as to accompany the treasure to its destination. That is why
he and Ghangir—and the three other Mongols—had so carefully watched
this precious van, and why they had shown themselves so anxious when it
had been left behind by the breakage of the coupling, and why they were
so eager for its recovery. Yes, all is explained!

That is also why a detachment of Chinese soldiers has taken over the
van at Kachgar, in relief of the Persians! That is why Pan-Chao never
heard of Yen Lou, nor of any exalted personage of that name existing in
the Celestial Empire!

We started to time, and, as may be supposed, our traveling companions
could talk of nothing else but the millions which were enough to enrich
every one in the train.

"This pretended mortuary van has always been suspicious to me," said
Major Noltitz. "And that was why I questioned Pan-Chao regarding the
dead mandarin."

"I remember," I said; "and I could not quite understand the motive of
your question. It is certain now that we have got a treasure in tow."

"And I add," said the major, "that the Chinese government has done
wisely in sending an escort of twenty well-armed men. From Kothan to
Lan Teheou the trains will have two thousand kilometres to traverse
through the desert, and the safety of the line is not as great as it
might be across the Gobi."

"All the more so, major, as the redoubtable Ki-Tsang has been reported
in the northern provinces."

"Quite so, and a haul of fifteen millions is worth having by a bandit

"But how could the chief be informed of the treasure being sent?"

"That sort of people always know what it is their interest to know."

"Yes," thought I, "although they do not read the
Twentieth Century.

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