Jumping Puddles (30 page)

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Authors: Rachael Brownell

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Jumping Puddles
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“Yeah. It’s hard, but I’m managing.”

“Are you eating enough? You don’t look as if you’ve gained much weight.”

“I think so. It feels like I eat nonstop sometimes.”

“Okay, well,” she pauses, picking up the cold gel and shaking it in the air. “Shall we?”

“Sure,” I reply, pulling up my gown to reveal the tiny baby bump that’s started to form.

Blake loved the tiny bump I had with the girls. It wasn’t until I was farther along that I ballooned. I went from “average pregnant lady size” to “ready to pop” overnight. We weren’t prepared for it.

The cold gel startles me, reminding me where I am and what’s about to happen.

“Okay, let’s see if the little one is going to cooperate today,” the doc says, moving the camera around my stomach, spreading the cold gel as far as she can. “There you are. Okay. Charlotte, do you see this spot here on the monitor?”

Looking over to where she’s pointing, I nod my head.

“Either there’s something there or there’s not, and it looks like there’s something there. You’re having a little boy. Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” I reply dryly.

Blake would be over the moon right now. We’re having a boy, someone he would have been able to teach how to throw a baseball and take camping. Our little boy would have been spoiled by his father. Probably to the point the girls would have become jealous and started acting out.

“Did you guys have time to pick out any names?”

“Um, not really.”

It doesn’t matter anyway. I already know what I want to name him. It may have been a joke at the time, but our son will carry his father’s name with pride. He’ll know everything about him and the man he was. So will the girls. My children will never forget their father. I will never forget their father.

Driving back to the office, I hear my phone start ringing in my purse. I don’t have to answer it to know it’s either Judy or Alice. Both of them were excited to find out the sex of their new grandbaby, and both of them knew exactly when my appointment was this morning. They can wait a few more minutes.

I call Alice first. She’s less likely to make me cry. Of course, she’s thrilled for me and offers to come stay with me once the baby’s born. I’ll probably need her here. She’s been my rock through all of this, allowing me to grieve in my own way and in my own time. She understands the bond Blake and I shared better than anyone.

Judy starts crying the moment I tell her the news. I knew she would. We talk for a few minutes, both of us in tears before she asks if I’ve decided on a name. Alice didn’t have to ask, I’m sure she assumed. As I tell Judy, my own tears begin to silently fall.

Over the next few weeks, construction starts on the house. I decided to go ahead and add the two bedrooms Blake and I were supposed to discuss. That’ll give me the room I need for all the kids, Judy will still be able to have a room of her own, and I’ll be able to set up an office and work from home more often.

Before I go on leave, I need to hire another agent. Interviews start tomorrow. Normally, I would have Blake screen them first, but instead, I had my secretary do it. She’s called all the references and done background checks. All I have to do is ask them the questions and make a decision. Five candidates, one job.

“Go ahead and send in the last one, Sarah,” I say into the intercom as I shuffle things around on my desk, looking for the folder I need.

So far, the candidates have been good, but not great. I’m looking for something more. I can’t put my finger on it, but I think it’s more about the person and less about the job they’ll be hired to do. They’ve all been qualified, but they were not whom I’m looking for to represent the agency.

“She’s on her way in, Mrs. Collins,” Sarah calls just as I find the folder.

When the door opens, my jaw hits the floor. Aubrey is standing there, a pitiful look on her face, but dressed for success as usual. She takes a tentative step into the room, closing the door behind her.

“You have a lot of nerve, Aubrey.”

“You’re right. I do. After what I did to you, I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me to go to Hell and kicked me out right now. But I’d like to talk a little before you do that. At least, take a look at my references, see what I’ve been doing. I think it might surprise you.”

Feeling a twinge of sorrow for being so rude to her, I motion for her to take a seat and open her folder. She’s been busy the last few years. She’s made a great name for herself. Her references are impeccable, and she has three glowing letters of recommendation.

I only have one question for her. “Why? Why do you want this job?”

“I want to work here because this is by far one of the most highly sought after companies to work for in the industry. You and Blake do it all. You have your own magazine, a list of highly visible clients, and a line out the door of people that want you to represent them. More than anything, I want to make amends. I want to apologize for everything. If you’ll give me the chance, I’d like to prove it to you.”

“So you want my business?”

“No. I want to be a part of your business. I want to help it grow even more and succeed.”

The girl in front of me is not the same girl I used to call my friend. She’s changed, matured. She’s grown into what appears to be a caring person. What would Blake say right now? Would he want me to give her a second chance or kick her out? I wish I could ask him because I’m not sure what I should do.

What I do know is life is short. If I hold onto this grudge forever, I may be missing out on the person Aubrey’s become today. I want to forgive her, to give her a second chance, but it’s going to take time. If she’s here, working under me, we’ll have nothing but time.



I cuddle up to Blake’s pillow and inhale. It stopped smelling like him a few weeks ago. I broke down that night, crying until after the sun rose over the horizon. It’s here I feel closest to Blake. In the bed we used to make love, where he used to hold me while we slept, and comfort me when I was sad or ill.

I haven’t talked to him in a while, and tonight feels like the right time.

“Hey, baby! Sorry it’s been a while. I’ve been staying pretty busy. Between work, construction, and the girls, it’s kind of crazy around here. So, I have some good news for you. We’re having a little boy. I know we laughed about it, but I’m going to name him Blake. Only a few more months, and he’ll be here. I wish you had been there with me during the ultrasound. Your face would have lit up like a Christmas tree when she told you it was a boy. I can almost see it now.”

Closing my eyes, I pause, focusing on the way Blake’s face use to look when he was excited about something. I remember the way his eyes would start to sparkle and his smile would seem as if it stretched from ear to ear. Blake had a great smile.

I tell him about a few other things and that I love him. Just before I start to drift off, I tell him about Aubrey, her interview, and bringing her on as our newest agent. I hope he understands my decision. More than anything, I hope I don’t regret my decision.

Once sleep consumes me, he’s there, waiting for me, just like he always is. The storm has passed, there are puddles everywhere, and Blake is holding my rain boots. It’s my favorite time of day, jumping from puddle to puddle, holding my husband’s hand, without any fear in my heart.


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