Junkie (Broken Doll #1) (22 page)

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Authors: Heather C Leigh

BOOK: Junkie (Broken Doll #1)
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She was
. She belonged to me, just like I belonged to her.

Goddammit. I was in love with her.


I watched Jag climb back on the Ninja and fly out of the lot. Dust kicked up behind the bike and left a dense, cloudy trail to the main road. At first, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing—Jag, his face twisted and red with anger, holding an enormous gun on my new employer and coworkers. Then I remembered who Jag really was, what he did for a living, and it really wasn’t all that shocking.

After seeing the playful, caring, sweet side of Jag, it was easy to forget he was also a selfish, violent criminal. He was
. Jag was merely an illusion I fell for like a stupid, naive kid, swept up into caring for the man who saved me.

A knock on the apartment door pulled me from the window and my heart began to race.

Jag left. No, that wasn’t Jag outside, holding a gun on my employer. Boss is the one who left.

“Who is it?”

“It’s Beau, Miri. Uh, someone… that guy… he uh, he left somethin’ for you.”

Jag left something for me?

I fumbled to unlock the door and yanked it open. Beau stood just outside, looming over me. His shirt was covered in sweat, transparent and sticking to him across his chest. He was flushed and more than a little freaked out.

“Here.” His big hand held out a folded piece of paper. “You didn’t mention your boyfriend was a crazy-ass son of a bitch.”

I took the note and locked eyes with Beau. He didn’t appear angry, more like cautious and trying to put some levity into what was a frightening situation. It wasn’t every day you had someone threaten you with a gun. Beau was also inspecting me head to toe, likely looking for signs of an abusive relationship.

“He’s not really a bad guy.” The lie fell easily from my lips. “He’s just worried about me.”

But only when he’s not busy fucking big-breasted blonde bimbos.

I must have looked upset, because Beau frowned and gently patted my arm. “You okay? I can call the sheriff if you need me to. Have a report written up if this guy is a problem.”

“No!” Beau jerked his hand back when I practically shouted my response. I breathed deep and tried to project calm. “I’m fine. He’s never hurt me… physically, that is. He would never do that. I just, I need to be on my own right now. I need some space to think.”

“You don’t have to explain all that to me, Miri. I’m just makin’ sure you’re all right.”

“I am. Thank you for being concerned. You don’t know how much it means to me.” Beau was the first person to care about me in forever. Except… Jag did care. Despite the blonde slut, or locking me in my room, or anything else he put me through, I knew Jag cared. He wouldn’t have gotten me off the H if he didn’t.

Beau nodded. “Let me know if you need anything. I’ll see you at work.” The man turned and stomped down the rickety staircase.

I closed the door and slid to the floor with the note clenched in my trembling hand. I didn’t want to read Jag’s words, to allow him to suck me back into his world of lies and false promises. Yes, he helped me get off heroin and I’d always be grateful for that, but Jag wasn’t good for me. Unfortunately, my heart desperately wanted to know what he had to say, and of course, I was weak, so curiosity won out over rationale.

I unfolded the paper and read the neat handwriting.

, I don’t know what I did or why you left, but it’s not safe for you to be out there alone. Please come back and we can talk. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you, even if you don’t want anything between us anymore. I’m not giving up on you. Call me. Please.


phone number
was printed under his name.

I stifled a sob and crumpled the paper in my hand. I didn’t know what the right thing to do was anymore. What did he mean I wasn’t safe? That I needed protection? Was Jag just saying those things to frighten me to get me to come back?

I wouldn’t get the answers unless I called the number, and I wasn’t ready to do that yet. Exhausted and hungry, I grabbed a granola bar I bought at a gas station out of my bag and ate it before falling into a restless sleep on the bare floor.


, bang, bang!

My head was pounding so hard it felt like drums were beating in a steady, unrelenting rhythm on my skull.

Bang, bang, bang!

With a groan, I rolled over. My entire body ached from spending the night on the floor.

Bang, bang, bang!

Okay, that definitely wasn’t my head. I lurched to a sitting position and froze. Someone was at the door. The apartment was almost pitch black. Only a faint hint of moonlight filtered through the curtains to cast eerie shadows on the walls.

“Miri! Open the door.”

My stomach dropped. It was Jag. Apparently, Beau’s threat wasn’t enough to keep him away. My stupid heart soared at the fact that Jag refused to back down. That he was fighting for me. That he didn’t give up on us. My brain, however, was tired and confused. So damn confused.

“Miri! So help me god, I will break down this fucking door if you don’t open it.”

His raspy growl sent goose bumps across my skin and a chill down my spine that went straight to my core. I bit back a moan. The man was still able to affect me in ways no one else could. A loud crack split the silence.

Oh my god. He’s actually breaking down the door.

I scrambled to my feet and, with trembling hands, twisted the lock. No sooner had it clicked open than six feet three inches of incredibly pissed-off drug lord came barreling into the tiny apartment.

Deep blue eyes locked onto mine. There was a split second where I saw genuine fear in them before Jag stepped forward and pulled me against his chest.

“Fuck. I was so goddamn worried.” His lips brushed against the top of my head as I was held tightly in his arms. “Jesus, Miri. Why? Why did you leave?”

Jag’s breath hitched as he spoke and I heard his voice crack. The sounds of his distress nearly broke me. He stepped back and held my face with his hands, warm and comforting and so familiar. Before I could respond, Jag’s lips crashed down on mine. He held back nothing and claimed my mouth in a hard, possessive kiss that left no question as to who owned whom.

Despite my anger, I melted in his arms, incapable of protecting my heart from this man. Not even twenty-four hours away from him and it felt like years. I groaned into his mouth. The sound sent Jag into a frenzy. He slid his hands around my waist and tore my shirt over my head, seams ripping. My shorts followed, and I was naked in his arms. Jag bit and licked a path up my neck, whispering as he worshipped my skin, his voice shaky.

“I need you, Miri. Why did you leave? You belong with me. You belong

Jag thrust his muscular thigh between my legs and I whimpered at the crude contact. It was too much but at the same time, not nearly enough. Jag’s mouth was working the sensitive skin around my ear while I ground my pussy against his thigh. One of Jag’s hands pressed against my lower spine, while the other held the back of my head, angling it so Jag could get access to my neck.

When his teeth found my earlobe and sank in, electric shocks sparked throughout my body and I cried out.

“Off,” I rasped, frantically tugging at the fly of Jag’s jeans.

He released me to yank his shirt over his head while I shoved down his jeans and briefs. Jag toed off his boots and removed his pants and socks and kicked everything to the side.

“Need you,” he murmured. We collided back together, mouths and hands tasting and touching until my body, my very soul, was on fire.

I reached between us and gripped his hard cock. Jag’s breath stuttered as I began to pump my hand up and down on the smooth, hot flesh.

“Please, Jag. I need you inside me.”

Jag batted my hand away and maneuvered us until my back hit the wall. His hands slid behind me and gripped my upper thighs. We worked together as if we’d done this a thousand times. Jag lifted and I wrapped my legs around his narrow waist. He positioned me above him and lowered me right onto his swollen cock.

“Oh fuck, Miri.” I groaned as he cursed.

Jag used his coiled power to thrust hard, impaling me with his thick length, buried all the way inside my body. I moaned at the glorious stretch and burn of being filled so completely by this man. A man who owned my body and was frighteningly close to owning my heart. Jag began to rock his hips while holding me against the wall.

My eyelids became heavy and tingling pressure built in my groin, coiling tight as the intense pleasure burned, igniting the blood in my veins. Jag’s mouth devoured mine again, our breaths coming faster as Jag drove into me with quick, powerful strokes.

“Oh… oh God. Jag…” My head fell forward and I buried my face in his neck, gasping for air. Every inhalation flooded my senses with
—his sweat, his heat, his essence. I was completely surrounded by Jag, his body, his scent, his touch. We were connected inside and out, moving as one. Becoming one.

“Jesus, Miri. I’m close…shit. You feel so goddamn good.”

Jag lifted me higher, changing the angle of penetration, sending me soaring.

“Oh my God. Yes! Jag… right there. I’m… I’m…”

My breath was stolen as the pressure in my spine released and waves of ecstasy crashed over me. The orgasm tore through my body, a ripple of heat that began in my core and spread quickly, the force of it so strong every single muscle clenched tight as I cried out in pleasure.

“God, yes. Fuck, Miri. So fucking good.”

Jag pumped his hips a few more times and slammed in hard one last time. His head fell back, and the tendons of his neck protruding like tight cables, clearly visible in the soft light of the moon. He shouted his release, his fingers digging into my thighs as he came. I watched, entranced, as this gorgeous man flooded me with his hot cum. He was stunning. Breathtaking. The most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

When his final tremor ended, Jag crumpled forward and rested his chin on my shoulder. Our loud, heavy breathing was the only sound in the apartment. After a minute, Jag wrapped his arms around me and gently lowered me to the floor. My legs were weak and gave out.

“Here, lie down.” Jag grabbed his shirt, balled it up under my head, and lay down next to me. “It’s not as good as a bed.”

“It’s perfect.” I traced his mouth with my finger. Our eyes met and again, I saw hurt in those blue irises that appeared slate gray in the dark room. Even in shades of black and white Jag was beautiful.

How could I ever leave him? But how could I stay?


“Why did you leave, Miri? I thought…” I swallowed and watched Miri’s heated gaze drop to my throat. Jesus, she’s going to make me take her again. I shook my head, needing answers. “I thought maybe, after we talked about leaving that this, between us, meant something.” I put a hand on her hip and she stiffened. “So my touch bothers you? I don’t get it?”

I reached out with an arm and snatched my jeans off the floor. I couldn’t have this conversation naked. Furious, I shoved my feet in the legs and arched my back to pull them over my hips. Miri grabbed her own clothes and quickly got dressed. My pulse kicked up a notch and my palms were suddenly sweaty. I wanted some goddamn answers.

“You don’t need me. I saw her, Jag.” Miri was sad… defeated. My heart broke at the sight of her eyes shining with tears.

“What?” I ran a hand through my hair and stared at her. “Who? What are you talking about?”

Miri grimaced and leapt to her feet. “That, that blonde… whore! I saw her, Jag. If you’re calling her to come fuck you then you don’t need me around! If that’s how it is, I don’t want to be around.”

I scrambled to my feet. “Karina? You left because of Karina?”

“So what? You think it’s not a big deal? I’m supposed to be okay with you romancing me and talking about the future while fucking her on the side?”

My mouth fell open. “I’m not fucking her on the side. I have no idea why she was at my house.”

Miri snorted. “I heard her say why, Jag. You called her for a ‘fuck.’” Miri made little quotes with her fingers around the word fuck.

“I did not call her for a
.” Miri’s eyes flashed with rage. I was pissed, but wanted to tell her the truth. “Yes, I used to fuck her. Used to. And never once has she ever been to my house. I came out of my office and found her in my kitchen.” I held Miri’s gaze, begging her to understand. “I told her to get the fuck out.”

“You didn’t call her?” She didn’t look convinced.

“No, baby.” I took a step toward Miri. “I wouldn’t do that. Please. You mean too much to me. I can’t imagine throwing everything away for a quick fuck with someone who means nothing.”

“I-I don’t know.” Miri bit her lip. She was obviously unsure if she should believe me.

Fuck this shit
. I was beyond done with this entire thing.

“Miri, you are
. You belong with me. We can discuss this later, but we have to go. It’s not safe here.” I reached for her hand. “We’ll talk about this at the house.”

Miri balked. “I need time.”

Fear knotted in my gut—fear I might lose Miri for good, fear for her safety with a war brewing. It boiled over into something more manageable, something I could use and understand.


“Son of a bitch, Miri. I’m not standing here and discussing this crap while there are men out there that want me dead. No more arguments. You’re coming with me.” She squealed when I grabbed her by the thighs and threw her over my shoulder, catching the strap of her bag with my other hand as I strode for the door.

“Put me down!”

“When we get back to the house you can be as pissed as you want, but I’m done with this bullshit, Miri.” I stomped down the stairs with Miri thrashing and hitting my back the entire time.

. I got to the bottom step and remembered I drove the Ducati. How would I get her to cooperate and sit on the bike?

“Goddammit.” I held her with one hand and fished my cell phone out of my back pocket with the other. While I was scrolling through for Frank’s contact, Miri screamed. Not just any scream, a bone-chilling, goose bump-inducing, primal scream.


Too late, I heard the scuffle of shoes in the dirt and Miri was torn from my arms. Miri’s shouts were muffled as if someone gagged her. I turned to beat the fuck out of whoever dared to touch what was mine, dared to lay hands on my girl, and the back of my skull exploded with pain. White light flashed behind my eyes and I heard the slam of car doors before everything faded to black.

End Part One

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