Just 2 Seconds (33 page)

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Authors: Gavin de Becker,Thomas A. Taylor,Jeff Marquart

BOOK: Just 2 Seconds
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Date: October 6, 1981
Target: President Anwar Sadat
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Details: Sadat was seated in a reviewing stand, watching a military parade. Suddenly, a truck in the procession stopped in front of the reviewing stand and militant members of the military attacked the President, using AK-47s and hand grenades. Sadat and ten others were killed, and 28 were wounded, including Vice President Mubarak. Sadat was mortally wounded within just a few seconds of the MOR, but the attack on others in the reviewing stand continued for some time. Bodyguards did not return fire for 45 seconds into the attack. One assassin was killed, and three others were wounded and captured.

Date: July 3, 1982
Target: Israeli Ambassador Shiomo Argov
Location: London, England
Details: Argov departed the Dorchester Hotel
en route
to dinner when three Abu Nidal terrorists opened fire with submachine guns, wounding him. A bodyguard returned fire, wounding a gunman, and the others were captured.
(3-STARS: Protector action during the attack favorably influenced safety/survival.)

Date: September 3, 1982
Target: Drug Commander Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa
Location: Palermo, Sicily
Details: Chiesa and his wife were driving through town when gunmen in two cars and a motorcycle opened fire with automatic weapons, killing them both.

Date: September 14, 1982
Target: President Bashir Gemayel
Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Details: Nine days before he was due to take office, Gemayel was killed along with twenty-five others in an explosion at the Kataeb party headquarters. His first child, Maya, had been murdered along with three bodyguards on February 23, 1980, in a car bomb explosion meant for Bashir.

Date: August 21, 1983
Target: Presidential Candidate Benigno Aquino
Location: Manila, Philippines
Details: Three bodyguards escorted Aquino off a China Airlines Boeing 767 as it arrived at the airport. As he reached the tarmac, gunfire broke out and Aquino was shot in the back of the head. Rolando Galman, a Filipino airport worker, was blamed for the assassination, but later investigation indicated that government agents for President Marcos actually killed him.

Date: February 15, 1984
Target: U.S. Diplomat Leamon Hunt
Location: Rome, Italy
Details: Hunt was killed while his armored limousine was stopped at a traffic light. Two gunmen jumped out of the car behind, opened fire with automatic weapons, and fled on foot.

Date: April 3, 1984
Target: Justice Minister R. Lara Bonilla
Location: Bogota, Colombia
Details: Bonilla was riding in his Mercedes limousine, returning home from work. Two gunmen with the Medellin Drug Cartel, riding on a motorcycle, pulled alongside and opened fire with an Ingram .45 submachine gun. Bonilla was hit eight times and killed. The gunmen then threw a grenade at the bodyguards. Both gunmen were captured.

Date: October 31, 1984
Target: Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
Location: New Delhi, India
Details: Gandhi left her residence and walked across the heavily guarded path to her office. As she approached security guard Beant Singh, he pulled a .38 revolver and shot her three times in the abdomen. As she collapsed, security guard Satwant Singh opened fire with his Sten submachine gun, emptying the thirty-round magazine at her. Gandhi died on the scene. Both bodyguards were tied to Sikh terrorists. Beant was shot and killed, and Satwant was wounded eight times, but survived. In 1989, he was hanged.

Date: May 25, 1985
Target: Sheik Jaber (Head of State)
Location: Kuwait
Details: An Islamic Jihad suicide driver rammed his bomb-laden car into Jaber's motorcade, killing himself, two bodyguards, and a bystander. Jaber was only slightly wounded.

Date: June 30, 1985
Target: President Haruo Remeliik
Location: Koror, Paulau (South Pacific)
Details: Remeliik was shot three times and killed by two gunmen. He was getting out of his car in front of his home.

Date: August 1985
Target: Police Commander Antonio Cassara
Location: Palermo, Italy
Details: The Sicilian Mafia tapped Cassara's telephone and learned that he would go home for lunch. A dozen gunmen with AK-47s opened fire as he walked from his armored limousine to the house, killing him and his bodyguard.

Date: February 28, 1986
Target: Prime Minister Olaf Palme
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Details: Palme and his wife dismissed their bodyguards for the evening and went out to see a movie. As they were walking home, a gunman shot him twice in the back with an armor-piercing .357 Magnum. A third shot wounded his wife. The gunman escaped. Christer Pettersson was arrested, tried, and convicted, but it was later overturned. Pettersson died in 2004 of a brain hemorrhage.

Date: March 19, 1986
Target: Etti Tal-Or (Diplomat's wife)
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Details: Tal-Or was leaving the Israeli pavilion at the International Trade Fair when gunmen in a passing car shot her. Tal-Or was killed, and two bodyguards and another diplomat's wife were wounded.

Date: July 9, 1986
Target: Industrialist Karl Beckurts
Location: Munich, West Germany
Details: Beckurts was riding in his armored limousine
en route
to work. A remote-controlled bomb exploded, killing him and his driver. The device was planted along the road by Red Army Faction terrorists.

Date: September 8, 1986
Target: President Augusto Pinochet
Location: Santiago, Chile
Details: Pinochet was riding in his armored Mercedes, which was fourth in a five-car motorcade, returning to the capitol from his weekend retreat. An oncoming car, pulling a trailer, suddenly veered across the road, blocking it. Gunmen opened fire from both sides of the road, using M-16s, rockets, bazookas, and hand grenades. Both lead motorcycles were hit, stopping the motorcade. A rocket struck the second car -- normally the position of the protectee's vehicle -- that was full of bodyguards, killing them all. Pinochet's driver backed up, striking the vehicle behind him, then turned around and escaped. Pinochet was slightly wounded, five bodyguards were killed, and eleven others were wounded. An estimated dozen terrorists all escaped.
(3-STARS: Protector action during the attack favorably influenced safety/survival.)

Date: October 25, 1986
Target: Governor Rafael Garrido
Location: San Sebastian, Spain
Details: Garrido was riding in a partially armored limousine, which was stopped at a traffic light. Two ETA terrorists on a motorcycle pulled alongside, placed a bomb on the roof of Garrido's car, and sped away. The bomb exploded, killing Garrido, his wife and son, and wounded the driver.

Date: November 17, 1986
Target: Renault President Georges Besse
Location: Paris, France
Details: Besse was shot several times while he was walking to the front door of his residence, after being dropped off at home by his driver. Besse was shot with a 9mm handgun by a couple hiding in the shrubbery surrounding his apartment. He didn't use bodyguards. The two Direct Action terrorists escaped. In March 1987, police raided a farmhouse in France, believed to be a Direct Action safe house. Inside, they found numerous videotapes of Besse and other prominent business people. The videos showed the targeted protectees going about their daily routines in two locations: Their homes and offices. The tapes illustrated that terrorists conduct surveillance of their targets, and their surveillance is usually concentrated around homes and offices.

Date: November 1986
Target: Chief of Staff Arun Vaidya
Location: New Delhi, India
Details: Four gunmen on two motorcycles overtook Vaidya's car and opened fire. Vaidya was killed before his bodyguard could draw his gun.

Date: January 7, 1987
Target: Defense Minister Camille Chamoun (former President)
Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Details: A car laden with 165 pounds of explosives was detonated as Chamoun's motorcade drove past. Though Chamoun's armored Mercedes was hurled 60 feet off the road, he and his driver survived. The blast killed three bodyguards and a bystander, wounded 35 others, and destroyed 26 other cars.
(2-STARS: Protective Strategies or Resources at the scene favorably influenced safety/survival.)

Date: March 20, 1987
Target: Air Force General Licio Giorgieri
Location: Rome, Italy
Details: Giorgieri was riding in a chauffeur-driven limousine when a motorcycle with two Red Brigade terrorists pulled alongside and opened fire. Giorgieri was shot five times and killed.

Date: June 1, 1987
Target: Prime Minister Rashid Karami
Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Details: A remote-controlled bomb hidden under Karami's seat in his helicopter exploded, killing him and wounding four others. The bomb weighed 10.5 ounces. He had just taken off in his helicopter.

Date: August 2, 1987
Target: Secretary General Jaime Ferrer
Location: Manila, Philippines
Details: Three gunmen with pistols and an automatic weapon opened fire, killing Ferrer and his driver while they were riding in the car. Despite receiving death threats, Ferrer refused to use bodyguards.

Date: February 1, 1988
Target: Attorney General Carlos Hoyos
Location: Bogota, Colombia
Details: Three jeeps and a car with six Medellin Drug Cartel gunmen forced Hoyos' Mercedes off the road, as he was
en route
to the airport. They sprayed his two bodyguards with automatic weapon fire. Hoyos' handcuffed body was later found nearby.

Date: April 16, 1988
Target: PLO Official Khalil al-Wazir
Location: Tunis, Tunisia
Details: Seven masked gunmen armed with silenced weapons burst into al-Wazir's home, killing him, two bodyguards, and a worker. Al-Wazir returned fire, but was shot about 70 times. An Israeli hit team was blamed.

Date: April 16, 1988
Target: Senator Roberto Ruffilli
Location: Rome, Italy
Details: Red Brigade terrorists entered Ruffilli's home and shot him in the back of the neck, killing him. He had received threatening phone calls.

Date: June 18, 1988
Target: Premier Turgut Ozal
Location: Ankara, Turkey
Details: During a speech to members of Ozal's governing Motherland Party, escaped murderer Kartal Demirag opened fire from a group of nearby reporters. He fired twice before his gun jammed. One round hit the microphone in front of Ozal and grazed his thumb. Bodyguards returned fire, wounding 20 other people and Demirag.
(2-STARS: Protective Strategies or Resources at the scene favorably influenced safety/survival.)

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