Read Just a Flirt Online

Authors: Olivia Noble

Tags: #romance, #beach, #chicklit, #menage, #vacation, #billionaire, #beach read, #steamy, #billionaire contemporary romance

Just a Flirt (6 page)

BOOK: Just a Flirt
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“Pshhh,” Nicole said in disgust at the word.
“I’m just a flirt. This was just a stupid flirtation.”

“From the look on your face, it seems like
you were expecting more,” the cook said knowingly.

“What? Hell no,” Nicole said with a glare.
“I always keep things casual. My motto is: just a flirt doesn’t

“If you’re not hurt, then why are you
smashing dishes?” the cook asked, gesturing to the plate that was
clutched tightly in Nicole’s hand.

Nicole looked down at her pale fingers in
surprise. “You’re right,” she said with annoyance. “I don’t need
this.” She dropped the plate back onto the table before marching to
the exit of the yacht. She was regretful that she had missed her
flight to spend time with Tyler, and she was ashamed that she had
been looking forward to this evening so much all day. As she
marched across the ship, she allowed herself to unleash a stream of
self-deprecating insults inside her mind.

She should have known better.

She was just about to disembark when she
found a large man standing in her path.

“I’m sorry that I’m late,” Tyler said
sincerely. “The board meetings took longer than I expected.”

Clenching her fists, Nicole tried to think
of a clever insult. However, when she looked at Tyler’s innocent
face and his soft hair in the low lighting of the harbor, she felt
her anger dissipating. She tried very hard to hold onto that rage.
She knew that it was the only thing that could protect her now.

“You’re a fucking jackass,” she told him.
“And your boat is ugly.”

When Nicole turned to walk away, she felt
both of his hands grasping her shoulders to hold her firmly in

“Another reason I’m late,” Tyler told her,
“is that it took some time to pick out your present.”

He briefly released his hands from her
shoulders, and in the next moment, Nicole found that he was placing
a large ruby pendant around her neck. She gasped as she looked down
at the size and glimmer of the jewel, and saw that it was encased
in a little row of small diamonds. She lifted her fingers to touch
it, and found that tears were pricking the back of her eyes. Her
father had never apologized for failing to show up to the
restaurant on her birthday. He had completely forgotten. Now here
was this complete stranger being so kind...

When Tyler finished clasping the chain
behind her neck, he leaned down to place a kiss against her
shoulder. “I’m sorry that I made you angry. But you’re really hot
when you’re angry, so I’m not that sorry.”

Nicole swiveled around quickly to look into
his face. “Don’t do this,” she told him softly. “I can’t deal with
this. It’s too much. You should return the necklace.”

Tyler stared down at the gemstone in
admiration. “No way. Now that the ruby has met your breasts, it
would be miserable forever if it needed to be ripped away from
them.” As he spoke, he lifted his fingers to trail them along the
curve of her cleavage. “Besides; breasts this perfect deserve to
have a little attention drawn to them.”

It was impossible to stay angry at him.
Nicole tried to roll her eyes and seem unaffected, but she was so
happy and relieved that he had shown up. She had already reached
her lifelong limit on disappointments, and she didn’t think that
she could possibly be any more bitter or crass to cope with her
lack of faith in people. She really needed a small good thing to
happen. Even if she never saw Tyler again after this night, at
least she’d have this necklace as a token of his kindness.

“Want to join me on my boat for another
surprise?” Tyler asked her suggestively. “I’ll give you a hint:
it’s in my pants.”

Nicole smiled. “Sure. Just ignore all the
smashed plates.”



Chapter Seven


Collapsing on the bed, Nicole lay there
panting for a few seconds. She grasped the sheets between her hands
and twisted them in her fists as she rode out the final waves of
her orgasm. Looking up, she could see the drops of sweat on Tyler’s
brow. She smiled. “What’s wrong, tiger?” she said once she could
manage to speak. “Am I wearing you out?”

“Me?” he said as his lips curled into a
smile. He leaned down to press his mouth against hers. “You’re the
one who’s shaking.”

Nicole wrapped her arms around him to pull
him down for a deeper kiss. “I can feel you growing soft,” she
whispered when their lips broke. “Are you done for the night?”

“Jesus, woman,” Tyler said with a grin.
“Give me five minutes to recover. You’re insatiable!”

With a small giggle, Nicole shoved him off
her so that he was lying on his back. She cuddled up against his
side, and pulled the blankets over their legs. They had been out to
sea for several hours on the yacht, and Nicole had been vastly
enjoying the privacy of his company on the open waters. She felt
that sharing such a lovely experience had brought them closer
together in an unexpected way.

“So,” she asked him softly. “Are you going
to tell me why you wouldn’t look at me the first time we had

Tyler stiffened slightly. “Do you really
want to hear about that?”

“Only if you would like to share,” she said

“Well,” Tyler said with a deep breath, “when
I was eight or nine, Andreas and I had this babysitter. She didn’t
bother him because he was a bit older and he always had his head in
a book, but she would come into my room at night and suck on my
dick. I didn’t even know what was happening. I would have orgasms,
but nothing would come out. She would kiss me a lot, and I liked
it. I don’t know why she did all that; I think she was just bored.
But the worst part is that I was really attached to her and thought
she was my friend. It continued for years, but one day, she just
left and I never saw her again.”

“Wow,” Nicole said softly. “That’s

Tyler shrugged. “So I guess that’s why I
generally try to avoid kissing or connecting with women. It’s all
fake; the romance and affection. I love fucking them, but I try not
to get attached.”

“Then why’d you let me kiss you?” Nicole
asked gently. “Why’d you let me suck on your cock?”

“You’re different,” Tyler said with a smirk.
“You’re very... aggressive. You’re always angry. I don’t believe
the fake kindness most women have shown me, but I believe your
anger. I understand your anger; I understand that there’s a
kindness behind it that you’re trying to protect.”

“Or I could just be an angry person,” Nicole
said with a smile, trailing her fingertips along his jaw.

“No way.” Tyler turned to the side to
capture her lips. He kissed her with an intensity that completely
engulfed her and swept her away. He kissed her with his entire
being. “You’re wonderful, Nicole. I don’t think I could ever get
enough of you,” he said breathlessly. He reached out to run his
hands over her body, driven wild by her curves and smooth skin. The
trust and innocence in her face filled him with hunger. His eyes
drifted down to her creamy breasts that were complemented so
perfectly by the necklace he had chosen for her. He couldn’t resist
the temptation to push her down so that he could climb back on top
of her. He took her erect pink nipple into his mouth and suckled on
it with need.

“Tyler! God,” she cried out, “that feels
amazing. Mmm.” She writhed underneath his body and reached up to
grasp his shoulders. She loved the weight of his body on top of
her. His tongue darting across his breast sent shockwaves of
pleasure throughout her body and she couldn’t help bucking her hips
against his growing erection. She was eager to have him inside of
her again as soon as possible.

He stopped his ravishing of her body for a
moment and pulled away. The emptiness and cold air caused her lips
to press together in a sultry pout. “Don’t tease me, tiger.”

“Have a little patience,” he said with a sly
grin painted on his face. He reached out his hand to her. “Come
with me.”

“But I’m comfortable right here,” she said,
her pout growing more pronounced. Her hands idly brushed across her
breasts and her fingers grazed the metal of the necklace. She
smiled and had a moment of feeling like she would follow the
gorgeous man in front of her to the ends of the Earth.

“I want to make love to you under the ocean
stars.” His eyes stared down at her naked form with a burning
passion that could melt the toughest of protests.

She pretended to think about it longer than
she needed to. Of course she would go with him. She was getting
addicted to these dizzying emotions and wanted to see how far it
would go. He made her feel wanted in a way she had never felt
before. She also felt special, knowing that he did not kiss many
women or open up to them like this. The more time they spent
together, the more intrigued she became. She was beginning to wish
that she never had to leave the Bahamas and return to her real
life, because she couldn’t imagine living without the thrill of his
touch. “Alright, tiger, but it better be amazing for making me get

“It will be, trust me,” he said as he helped
her up from the bed. He didn’t bother getting dressed, but he did
reach down into his pants to rummage through his pockets for a

“What are you looking for?” she asked

He stood up and put his arms behind his back
to hide whatever object he had retrieved. “I told you I had another
surprise in my pants,” he said cryptically.

She smiled and shook her head, but didn’t
press it further. She was beginning to trust him, especially in the
realm of sex. He made her body come alive in ways she couldn’t even
imagine were possible, and she would gladly submit herself to more
of his sexual adventures. The two of them walked quickly through
the wooden halls of the yacht until they reached the open deck.
They were assailed by the salty and fresh sea air that caressed the
luxury yacht. It was divine to breathe deeply; the scent and taste
sent thrills through both of their bodies.

Tyler guided Nicole over to the comfortable
lounge chairs on the deck. She would have grown angry at the
reminder of having been made to wait for hours on these chairs
earlier, but with the shimmering starry sky above, it was hard to
hold a grudge.

“Kneel down,” Tyler whispered to her.

She stared at him suspiciously. “Why?”

A broad smile touched his face as he moved
his hands from behind his back to reveal a small, stylish bottle of
lube. Her brow arched at the sight and she found herself holding
her breath at the implication.

“Tyler?” she said questioningly, as her
mouth grew very dry. “Is that...”

“Liquid assistance,” he responded with a
mischievous glint in his eye.

Nicole felt a thrill of excitement run
through her stomach. “Oh, my,” she said in a flirtatious way. “For
what purpose, I wonder?” She innocently placed a finger on her
bottom lip in a gesture of naiveté.

“Didn’t you know?” Tyler asked as he slipped
his hand around her body. “I’m an ass man.”



Chapter Eight

Nicole felt a shiver of anticipation as his
hand squeezed her ass possessively. He touched her like he owned
every part of her body. Tyler moved closer, leaning down to kiss
her neck.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass?” he
asked quietly.

Her body trembled at the intensity of his
words. “No,” she responded softly, “but I’ve always been curious.”
A little nervous laughter bubbled up in her throat. “I think I
might need another drink for that.”

His lips curled into a roguish smile as he
kissed her brow. “I’ll be right back,” he told her in a low voice.
“Keep that fine ass ready for me.” He smacked her lightly on the
bottom before turning to leave.

Nicole stood there breathlessly for a
moment, her mind reeling. She couldn’t believe what she had just
agreed to, and she wondered if she trusted Tyler enough to make the
experience pleasurable. She had tried this with a few dumb college
boys, but they had been rough and hurt her before they even managed
to get inside. Those memories left her anxious.

BOOK: Just a Flirt
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