Just Between Us (9 page)

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Authors: Hayley Oakes

BOOK: Just Between Us
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“Bye sweetheart,” Mum said, squeezing my hand, “have a good night.”

“See you in the morning,” I chirped turning to leave, straight into Kyle.

He looked down at me with no expression and just said, “See you later,” to our parents.

“Wait.” I stood facing Kyle, as Mick jumped up behind me, he walked to us and ushered us back into the kitchen. “Here.” He handed us both a wad of cash each. “Now try and get a taxi back together Okay? No taxi’s alone.”

“Okay,” I squeaked, making my way around Kyle as he nodded.

Outside Ashley and Kathryn were already in the taxi, and David sat in his shiny, silver Volkswagen Golf awaiting Kyle.


Later that night we had moved from a few different bars into the most popular club, everyone from school tended to go to the same bars and always ended the night at this club. It was huge, had three floors, lots of different music, and was always packed full of people. We hadn’t bumped into Vinnie along the way, but that wasn’t surprising considering the volume of people and bars available in this town. Despite that, I could see Ashley craning her neck every time we moved to a new place. We pushed through the crowds to get to the large bar that spanned the back of the club on the ground floor and ordered three vodka and cokes.

“I’ll get those,” a familiar voice from my right said. It was Tim. I smiled to him, and he grinned back. “Looking good girls,” he said, getting a drink and paying for ours.

“Hi Tim,” Ashley slurred, she was much drunker than Kathryn and I, but we were all extremely giggly.

“Come on.” He motioned with his elbow to where his group stood and we made our way over. They stood by the dance floor, four boys and two girls from school. Kathryn easily fell into the crowd, laughing with the girls. Claire and Jane and I stood with Tim. Ashley scanned the crowd.

“I’m going for a walk!” she shouted into my ear.

“No you’re not!” I shouted back, grabbing her arm, “you’re looking for Vinnie, and that is not why we’re out. Also, you’re pissed and not walking around this club alone.”

“I’ll be fine,” she snapped.

“Drink that drink, then I’ll come,” I compromised.

“Fine,” she snapped and fell back to stand next to Kathryn.

“What’s up with her?” Tim leaned in to shout to me.

“She’s drunk,” I said, rolling my eyes to him.

“So,” he leaned in, “You seeing anyone, Sophie?”

I looked up into his eyes and scrunched my nose with a surprised smile, “No.” I shook my head and sipped my drink, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

“Maybe you should let me see you then.”

“Oh yeah?” I flirted. “What’s to see?”

“Anything you want.” He moved closer to me and pushed some hair from my face.

“Soph,” Ashley said from behind, knocking us out of our flirt. “I’ve finished my drink.”

“Okay,” I widened my eyes and grinned at Tim turning to Ashley. “Get Kath then.” I motioned to Kathryn, and she shook her head.

“I’ll stay here,” she mouthed over our friends, “come back for me.”

I nodded.


Ashley and I circled the ground floor and then headed to the stairs, we moved through the crowded stair well and up to the first floor that played only dance music. We circled that floor, and I begged her to stop for a drink before we went on. We compromised on a shot of tequila and then kept moving.

“He’s not worth this,” I said as we headed up to the second floor that was playing older music from decades gone by. 

“I know,” she sighed, “but I’m addicted. So when we see him, make it look like a co-incidence.” We weren’t even sure he was out tonight, but if he were, this would be the club for him, Kyle, and his buddies. We fought the crowds and started our circle. He was nowhere to be seen. Ashley was crestfallen, and just as we were finished, heading to the stairs, up walked Vinnie. He stepped right in front of Ashley, and his head tipped up to see her standing in his way. His face spread into a huge grin, he took in her little outfit, and licked his lips.

“Damn, woman,” he barked stepping to her and engulfing her in his arms and into a deep kiss. I stood there behind Ashley and suddenly felt like a spare part. Then, as I stepped back to walk around them, Kyle appeared from behind Vinnie up the stairs, pushing his friend out of the way. He took my breath away, and I had to tell myself not to react, it was just Kyle Hanson. I had known him most of my life. He saw me, but his face didn’t carry a grin, instead he wore a frown, and his mouth was tight. He walked briskly towards me and took my wrist, pulling me behind him.

We got to the bar, and he ordered two drinks, passing one to me without saying a word. I sniffed it, Jack Daniels and coke, I was sure of it. I looked up to him, and his eyes blazed into me, but he still didn’t seem happy.

“What?” I asked, leaning into him and sipping my drink.

“Not here,” he said, it was busy at the bar, and he drank his drink, looking around him. “Come on.” He nodded for me to follow and led me down some steps to where the toilets were. Beyond the bathroom was a door that read “Staff Only”. He took my hand as he pushed the door, and it opened easily into a lofty grey corridor, quiet, away from the music, and deserted. I was overly conscious of his hand holding mine, but followed him calmly with the drink in my other hand. When we were out of sight of anyone walking through the door, he turned quickly and leaned into me against the wall.

“I saw you with Tim,” he said, staring at me, and I winced.


“So you were all over each other.”

“We weren’t.” I pushed him back from me, but he crowded me straight away again.

“You were.”

“So what?” I glared at him and sipped my drink. “You have a girlfriend.”


“Jennie,” I said, trying to back him up again. He laughed and threw his head back.

“She’s not my girlfriend.” He shook his head.

“Well I’m certainly not,” I said boldly, “I’m your step-sister, and I can do what the hell I want.”

He leaned in and kissed me, my stomach was in knots, and my body turned to jelly. I was getting so used to the taste of Kyle, and his lips on mine were instantly turning me on. He pulled back. “You’re right, you’re not my girlfriend but …” He sighed. “I don’t want you with anyone else.”

“What does that even mean?” I squeaked. “We. Can’t. Do. This.” I said clearly, my hand on his shoulder, attempting to push him away but without much force. My brain knew what to do but my body wouldn’t co-operate, it would only co-operate for him.

“I want you, Sophie.” He kissed me again. “Fuck!” he groaned. “I want you so fucking much,” He ran his hands over my hips and squeezed me gently. “I can’t get your tight little body out of my head, and all I want to do is barge into your room and …” He stopped and took a deep breath.

“It’s because I’m the only girl you can’t have. It’s making you crazy,” I stuttered, “you’re too used to getting exactly what you want.”

“No, it’s you. I want you.”

“I …” His lips were on mine again.

“I want you, Soph, just once, just one time, and then I won’t try again. I need to have you, Soph; it’s killing me. Just give me one night, one night, and you can date who you fucking want.”

I was struggling to breathe, his closeness was making me pant, and his hands were moving under my skirt. He leaned down to kiss me again and then grazed his fingers on the outside of my underwear. I gasped, and he smiled into my lips.

“You want me, too.” He sighed. “I can feel it under these pants.”

“We can’t,” I whined.

“Just tonight.” He breathed as his fingers ran across the edge of my underwear and roamed inside. He found my wet centre and tickled me lightly before dipping a finger inside.

“Oh my God,” I gasped.

“Just tonight,” he said again, and this time I kissed him furiously, and agreed.



Just irresistible



The next morning I woke up with another
evil hangover, which I had come to expect from my new life with Kyle. However, surprisingly not with the usual overwhelming feeling of dread that had consumed me since I left Simon. It wasn’t him I missed; it was being in control and having a plan. Being with Kyle for the summer made me realise that maybe I didn’t need one after all. I was enjoying my time with Kyle, and it was helping me forget. I hadn’t cried since I got there.

That morning as I was snoozing in my bed, Kyle gently knocked on the door. “Soph?” he said quietly, assessing if I was awake.

“Yes. I’m awake.” I said.

He came in fully dressed in his usual uniform of jeans and t shirt. He sat on the edge of my bed. “I’ve got to go into the studio today, meet with Geraldine, and make a few calls.”

“Okay.” I smiled, sitting up. “I can entertain myself.”

“Okay, you can go for a walk, or watch TV, or whatever you want. I’ve left you a key and the code for the lift on the kitchen table. There’s plenty of food in the fridge.”

“Okay, don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

“I’ll be back about three, and we can go to my gym and then have a quiet night in if you like?”

“The gym?” I scoffed, laughing.

“Hey, it’ll help you relax and make you feel good, I promise.” He winked. “I’ve only got one rule whilst I’m gone.”

“And what’s that?” I smiled. “No snooping?”

“No,” he leaned into me, “snoop all you like, but no moping, and no crying. Deal?”

“Deal.” A genuine smile spread across my face, and looking at Kyle on the edge of my bed, so effortlessly handsome, I had no idea what I was upset about in the first place. I didn’t need to be married, have a plan, and a comfortable life. I could be me, and I used to be fun.

“You’ve got my mobile number, so call me for anything, Okay?”

I nodded, “Get to work, and don’t worry about me.”

“Okay.” He looked at me for a second and then patted my leg through the bed covers.

I got up a few minutes after I heard the front door close and started to unpack a little. I looked through my new clothes and discarded some old ones in a pile for a charity shop that I might find on a walk in a bit. I made my way into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast and a cup of tea. I leisurely sat on Kyle’s huge, grey, linen sofa, sinking back into it and putting the huge television on. It was then that my mobile rang; it was Ashley. I sighed. She would not be happy.

“Hi Ash,” I answered breezily.

“Oh you sound good,” she said perkily, “just wondered if you were free for lunch today? This foetus is constantly hungry, and I need to indulge it.”

“Erm.” I stuttered, “I’m not in Lytham.”

“What?” She sounded shocked. “Where are you?”

“Well …” I began, “I … Kyle came to visit and I sort of … came home with him.” I sighed.

“Are you crazy?” she squeaked, “Kyle? Oh my God, what were you thinking? You’re in no position …”

“Ash,” I cut her off, “look it’s not like you’re thinking, there is nothing going on.”

“There is always something going on there …”

“No, honestly, it’s not like that, he came home and saw me in a mope, and offered me a break away from home. It’s nothing, nothing is going on, and we’re friends. It’s fine.”

“People who have shagged cannot go back to just friends,” she said in a monotone voice. “This is all my fault,” she groaned.

“Oh Ashley, honestly …”

“No, I backed off and let you have your days in bed when I should have been making you get out there. He’s swooped in, and now he’s going to break your heart all over again.”

“Oh God no, it’s really not like that. We’re just having fun, and he’s helping me forget.”

She sighed. “Don’t sleep with him Soph, just don’t, Okay? You won’t survive him again, men like him are dangerous.”

“Men like him?” I scoffed, “He’s not a gangster, Ash.”

“No, he’s even more dangerous. He’s a player.”

“Oh God.” I laughed, “You sound ridiculous, come on let’s not talk about that rubbish, I’m not sleeping with him and won’t be. Don’t I sound better than I have in weeks?”

“You sure do,” she said quietly.

“How’s that baby?”

Suddenly she became chirpier. “Well 4 weeks to go, you better be back in time for Stanley to arrive.”

“Stanley?” I laughed. “Really? Well I’ll get used to it, and of course I’ll be back by then. I’ve got to be back for school.”

“Great, because Vinnie has a friend at work that he wants you to meet, get back in the saddle and all that.”

I groaned, “I’ve already told you that you and Vinnie are the worst matchmakers ever, and I won’t be meeting anyone that you crazy two recommend.”

“Fine,” she huffed. “Well I better see if someone else is free for lunch now,” she whined.

“Okay, thanks for ringing, Ash.”

“Don’t sleep with him!” she snapped.

“I won’t.”

We hung up, and I knew that she would now be in regular contact to ensure that I did not sleep with my step-brother. I had no intention of rekindling anything with Kyle, but I couldn’t help the fact that when I was with him I was happy. I didn’t need to think of anything else when he was around because he just filled any space that I had. He made me laugh, he kept my interest, and he made me feel special, like the only girl in the world. Kyle had a knack for making me feel wanted, and as if I was the only other person in his world, but I knew he did that to a lot of women. It was just nice to have his attention for a short time again.

I went for a walk after getting dressed, wore my sunglasses to cover the damage the misery had left, and wandered until I found a local high street. I perused charity shops, antique shops, and other random little places. I had a coffee and grabbed a sandwich for lunch, sitting outside in the sun and watching the people passing by. After a few hours I wandered back to Kyle’s place and sat out on the balcony with my Kindle, immersing myself in the world of someone’s imagination. Then at 2.30 Kyle walked in. He saw me straight away, and a grin spread across his face. He came out to the balcony.

“You’ve caught the sun; your nose is all pink.”

“Oh have I?” I touched my nose.

“Ready for the gym?” he asked.

“Okay,” I groaned, “I can pretend to do something on a machine whilst you work out.”

“Oh no, you’ll do something.”

“I’ll take that as a threat.” I smiled.

We hit Kyle’s gym, it was fairly busy for a mid week afternoon. It was an expensive, member’s only gym, where everyone had their own locker and the women in the changing room were dripping in designer clothes and all seemed to have had some cosmetic work done. We ran on the treadmills, cycled manically, and then lifted some weights. After that we had a swim and then used the sauna and Jacuzzi.

Later, Kyle made some dinner whilst I sat at his breakfast bar and chatted to him easily. He made chicken and bacon pasta, and I was impressed that he had learned how to cook. I still had to master that skill. Simon always cooked in our house. I pushed thoughts of that away. It had never been the domestic bliss it had seemed at the time because it had all been a lie.             

He served our meal, and we made our way to the dining table. “Look what I got for later,” he said with a grin.

“What?” I asked as he produced a DVD of
Dirty Dancing
from behind his back.

“Oh my God, you hate that film.”

“Well you made me watch it so often that I grew to love it.” he laughed, “and as my guest you get the first DVD choice, but after that it’s up to me.”

“Right.” I laughed. “We’ll see about that.”


Old Times


Kyle and I continued to kiss uncontrollably in the corridor, his fingers stroking and plunging into me expertly. I could barely control myself, especially after all the vodka I had consumed, and I hardly noticed when a loud voice boomed.

“What the hell are you doing back here?” We snapped our heads up to see a burly bouncer looming over us. Kyle shoved me behind him and I straightened my skirt.

“Erm …” Kyle began searching for an excuse.

“Get out, and I better not see your face again.”

Kyle didn’t waste any more time, he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the corridor the way we came. He eased the door open and stepped through, keeping me close behind him, still holding my hand. He gave it a gentle squeeze as we emerged into the low-lying area of the club where the toilets were. There were a few people milling around, however they didn’t seem to care that two people had walked out of the ‘Staff Only’ door, perhaps assuming we were staff. Kyle dropped my hand as we made it back into the main part of the club where Abba’s ‘
Dancing Queen
’ was blaring, and the dance floor was full. We didn’t speak and didn’t touch, but I saw that he was scoping the crowds, perhaps for Vinnie. My stomach was in knots. I craved him and was desperate for him to touch me again. I hated myself, how could I feel this way about him? I wasn’t even sure I liked him.

He saw Vinnie and waved to him. “Come on,” he whispered to me, and I followed him to where Vinnie loomed over Ash as she giggled.

She saw us and waved manically. “Soph.” She was even drunker than before, and I knew I should take her home.

“Me and Soph are going,” Kyle grunted to Vinnie, as if it were an imposition. “She’s pretty wrecked and my dad will kill me if I leave her here like this.”

Vinnie looked at me through narrowed eyes, perhaps trying to focus.

“Ash is pretty drunk too, I need to get her home,” I said.

“I’ll make sure she’s all right,” Vinnie barked.

“Oh yeah, I bet you will, right after you take full advantage,” I scoffed.

“Hey.” He lurched forward towards me and Kyle moved in front of him, so he couldn’t get to me, putting his hands on his friend’s shoulders. “I’m not a fucking rapist.”

“Whoa, calm down, Vin, it’s fine. Ashley.” Kyle turned to Ashley. “You wanna come with us now or get a taxi with Vin?”

“I’ll stay.” She nodded, oblivious to the animosity.

“I shouldn’t leave her,” I whined.

“Fine,” Kyle grunted, “we’ll all go. Come on.”

Vinnie rolled his eyes and took Ashley’s hand. “I don’t want to go,” she squeaked.

“You’re drunk,,” Vinnie said, pulling her into his arms. “Home time.”

She smiled up at him pathetically, and we followed them to the stairs. Vinnie went first, followed by Ashley. I was behind with Kyle.

“You’re killing me here,” he whispered into my ear. I looked at him in shock. “This is kind of ruining my plans.”

I smiled nervously as he ran his hand over my bum and gave it a squeeze. We walked down to the ground floor, “What about Kathryn?” I asked as we walked towards the exit.

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