Just Between Us (8 page)

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Authors: Hayley Oakes

BOOK: Just Between Us
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Just chemistry



What do you want to do today?” Kyle asked as we ate breakfast on the balcony. I sat in my pyjamas, and he was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

“Are you not working?” I asked.

“My hours are a little unconventional.” He smiled. “I’m a music producer, so I can work a few weeks in the studio, then from home, hit the party scene to see my clients, and I can take days off when I feel like it.” He leaned forward. “Plus I have an assistant Geraldine who takes care of my affairs.”

“An assistant?” I raised my eyebrows. “You really are a big deal then?” I laughed.

“No,” he shook his head, “I work for the big deals, and they make me plenty of money. So what do you want to do today, shop, sight-see, get drunk?”

“Oh no,” I shook my head, “I’ve had enough alcohol. How about shopping? I need a new wardrobe.”

“Are you joking? You brought a whole wardrobe with you.”

“But I need to invest in the new me.”

“Good idea.” He nodded, smirking at me. “Let’s get some clothes for the old Soph and burn all this shit.”

His eyes bored into me, and I tried to laugh off his words, but I felt them deep into my soul. He wanted the old Sophie back, but was she buried too deep to ever resurface?

“I need a fresh start.”

“Sure do. Come on.” He jumped up, clearing our cereal bowls. “Go and get dressed, and I’ll take you on a shopping trip to remember.”

Half an hour later we were walking to the tube station, to make our way into the city centre to go shopping. We walked next to each other easily, and he teased me about my mum babying me and my weeks spent sobbing in bed. I joked about his new life in the city and how many single women must visit his flat. We reached the tube station, and the entrance was slightly crowded, so he pushed me in front of him, placing his hand on the small of my back. It was such a slight touch, but it brought back so many memories. I was the only person who Kyle would touch in those days, and I was the person who had owned Kyle’s heart. We walked next to each other again, he looked over to me, and I met his gaze. Perhaps coming here wasn’t going to help me at all. Perhaps it would just transfer one type of sadness to another.

Once we reached the city the day was a blur of activity. We moved from one shop to another with gusto. One thing that Kyle and I always had in common was our ability to spend money. We had never been without it, and today was no exception. Kyle tried to pay for my purchases, but I had my own money and refused. I was determined to be the new me, and Kyle was happy to indulge that. I bought dresses, shoes, skirts, cute tops, and make up. Kyle bought a shirt and a belt, but we hadn’t really hit many of his shops. I felt euphoric, and we laughed so much that my stomach hurt.

Kyle then took me to The Ivy for lunch. He knew the maitre d. He found us a lovely table for two. We ordered champagne and ate steak until we were stuffed.

“I’ve missed this.” Kyle sighed, sitting back into his chair, hands on his full stomach.

I leaned forward, and my blonde hair cascaded over my face. My look suddenly turned serious.

“Don’t do that.” He leaned forward and placed his hand on mine.

“What?” I plastered a smile on my face that should have been there before.

“Don’t be sad because we enjoy each other’s company … no guilt. I let you think that was Okay back then because we didn’t know any better.”

I nodded and swallowed.

“Sophie, this isn’t wrong, us being together, it isn’t wrong, Okay?”

I looked up to him. “Okay,” I said quietly.

“We get on great, and no one can take that away from us, no matter what.”

“Yep.” I sighed, desperately trying to change the subject as getting on great with Kyle wasn’t the problem, falling for him was. “Well the good news is that I haven’t thought of my broken heart all day.” I grinned.

“Until now.” He frowned.

“Hey,” I squeezed his hand, “more shopping or more champers?”

“Champers.” He grinned.


Old Times


Two weeks after Tim’s party all our exams were over. Ashley, Kathryn, and I were planning the night out to end all nights out, and we were getting ready at my house. We were going into nearby Blackpool, a tourist town next to ours, to hit the bars and clubs, intent on getting very drunk. It was the place to party as it was full of cheesy bars, flashing neon and lots of alcohol.

“Everyone from school will be out,” Kathryn chattered excitedly as she applied her make up in my full-length mirror. Ashley didn’t wear much make up. She had applied it earlier and slipped into her tight black dress that showed off her gorgeously toned legs. Her hair was so naturally beautiful and hung down her back. She was ready to go out, and so she laid on my bed on her stomach, a glass of wine in hand.

“Great.” I rolled my eyes. “That’s all we need.”

“Oh you’re such a kill joy.” Ashley giggled. “It’s great seeing everyone.”

“You mean you want to see Vinnie,” I said. She laughed and so did Kathryn.

“Sophie we need to mingle. We’ll be at university soon and won’t see anyone from school ever again,” Kathryn said, as she applied some blusher.

“Fine,” I sipped my wine, “so long as we only go to the good clubs, and we dance all night.”

“Great,” Ashley stood up and made her way over to where Kathryn and I stood, “let’s make a toast, to best friends forever.”

“Best friends forever,” Kathryn and I said as we chinked our glasses.

I stood behind Kathryn and looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a tight black skirt and red vest that showed off my assets. I had let Kathryn help me with my make up, so it was a bit heavier than I usually wore, and she had straightened my hair. Kathryn caught my eyes through the mirror.             

“You look hot.” She smiled.

“As do you.” I nodded, holding my glass up to her again. She wore a fitted white dress that had a fitted corset at the top that accentuated her curvy figure. Her dark hair was poker straight, and her eyes were shining.

“We all do,” Ashley cackled, “God help Vinnie when he sees me in this outfit, and I’m going to turn him down cold tonight.” I almost choked on my wine, and Kathryn burst out laughing.

“You couldn’t turn that boy down if he was riddled with syphilis and one of his ears had dropped off,” Kathryn said through a giggle.

“Oh I could,” Ashley smiled, “I have a no syphilis rule.”

We all grinned. I loved my friends so much. We cranked up the Robbie Williams album that we were listening to and poured more wine.

“Right, I’ll just go and brush my teeth, and then we can set off,” I said.               “I’ll call a taxi,” Ashley said, making her way to my bedroom phone.

I sidled into my bathroom and just as I turned to close the door, Kyle walked through his. In all the years we had shared this bathroom, this had never happened. I saw him first, and he looked up as he entered and saw me. My heart dropped as he looked up straight into my eyes. His mouth popped open a little, and then his eyes roved over me, down to my red, high stilettos back up to my newly straightened hair. I stood still with my back to my door, my breathing a little laboured, and my heart pounding. He smiled and closed his door quietly, locking it behind him whilst still facing me. I don’t know why I did it, but I locked my door, too, my eyes still firmly fixed on him. He looked amazing as usual, dark jeans, a black-fitted, collared shirt, and his dark hair gelled into a style. He stepped towards me tentatively, and I watched him approach like a lion stalking its prey, wanting exactly what he was about to give me, but desperately wishing I didn’t.

He reached me in three strides and leaned into me against the door that led to my bedroom. Not a word was spoken as he began to kiss me. His hands started on my hips, and then moved round to grab my bum, pulling me into him. It started slow and then became almost desperate. His breath tasted of mint and beer, he smelled deliciously sweet, yet masculine, and his lips were so soft they urged me not to stop. His hands roamed to the bottom of my skirt where he ran one hand up the back of my bare leg, ever so slowly. I couldn’t help but groan quietly. He made his way up to my bottom and gave it a gentle squeeze making my body respond. I ached for his touch.

“Jesus Sophie,” he whispered into my mouth. “You can’t go out like this.” I kissed him again to stop the words. I couldn’t bear to hear any words. I didn’t want to face the fact that I was locked in my bathroom kissing my out of bounds step-brother who I hated, whilst my friends were in the next room.

Eventually someone knocked lightly on my bathroom door. Kyle jumped back instantly, and the spell was broken. I pulled my skirt back down and he walked to his sink, looking at himself in the mirror.

“You Okay in there?” Ashley shouted. “Or have you had too much to drink already?” She laughed.

“I’m fine,” I croaked, a little too quickly. “Just a minute,” I said in a more normal voice. Kyle looked at me through the mirror and his face was so serious that I wondered if he was going to say something that may upset me. I couldn’t say a thing, but he needed to leave if I was going to open this door to my friends.

I stepped towards him and meant to grab his door to open it so he could leave, but instead he stepped into my path and kissed me again. I was shocked. I pulled back a little. “I need to go, and you need to get out of here so I can open my door,” I said, staring into his eyes.

He nodded, “No other boys tonight, Soph,” he whispered, his face so close to mine that I could almost taste his lips again.

“What?” I snapped, he stepped around me and unlocked his door.

“You heard me.”

I locked his door behind him, my hands shaking slightly. This was getting out of control. It was as if we couldn’t stay away from each other. I didn’t want to be attracted to him, hell I hadn’t been until he kissed me. He had forced me to want him. I groaned. I was such an idiot. Just like all the other girls at school who hung on his every word. He was the epitome of the type of guy that I should stay away from, and he was my flaming step-brother to boot. I needed to snap out of it, and who did he think he was telling me to stay away from other boys? He could never have me, and we could never do this again. Even though we had said that before, more than once. I brushed my teeth and patted my cheeks with some cold water.

“Shit, are you Okay?” Ashley asked as I made my way back into my room.

“Just tummy ache,” I lied, “fine now, let’s party!” I downed the rest of my drink and Ashley cheered.

“Taxi is on its way,” Kathryn said, pulling my arm towards the door, looking at me suspiciously. “Let me fix your eyes,” she said as an afterthought, grabbing mascara from her little bag.

We huddled out into the hall and made our way downstairs. My parents were entertaining tonight, and so we could hear the muffled chatter coming from the conservatory where they were eating.

“I better say night,” I said, “you two wait for the taxi.” They nodded and slipped out front, and I walked to the back of the house.

Mick sat at the head of the table in the enormous dining room, commanding the conversation, laughing. It was a long, wide room of brown and cream, dark wooden floor, and a long, dark polished oak table with ten fabric chairs.

“Ah Soph.” He smiled. I nodded to them and smiled at the wider table, not really speaking to anyone. “Our beautiful daughter.” 

“Bye,” I said quietly.

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