Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (23 page)

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“I’ll have to get Jimmy out here,” Joe proposes.


“My brother, Jimmy.” Joe clarifies, “James.”

“Oh. Why?”

“Aside from running his art gallery, he and his boyfriend, Allen, know a lot of people in the fashion industry. I’ll have to talk to Henry too to see if he knows anyone who may be able to assist with manufacturing if he gets picked up by any stores,” Joe reveals.

“You don’t have to do that,” I remark, grateful for his offer to help my friend.

“I know, but he’s a friend,” Joe insists. “Does he need additional capital for the women’s line?”

“No,” I report.

Smiling at me, Joe guesses but affirms, “You already took care of it.”



“What?” I inspect.


We step into the elevator in Nathan’s complex. I glare at him knowing something is on his mind.

“You just confirmed something for me,” he shares.

“And what is that?” I pry.

“That not only are you beautiful and smart, but you’re successful at a whole other level than I realized at first,” he openly states.

I look away embarrassed and shocked at his words, not unsure of what to say. Fear starts to boil inside of me when he takes my hand and moves in like he’s going to kiss me. Pulling away, I now know that I need to confront him.

Before opening the door to Nathan’s condo, I turn to look at Joe. I hesitate for a brief moment on what or how to say it. “Nothing will ever happen between the two of us, Joe.”

Confused, he searches, “What do you mean?”

Shaking my head before continuing, I sternly contend, “You know what I mean.”

He pauses, scanning my eyes for something before he hints, “A man can dream, can’t he?”

A tiny smile dances across his face as I get lost in his eyes, searching. Searching for what? I’m still not sure. I do know this, he just confirmed my earlier decisions about keeping him at a distance. I don’t know what to say or what to do at this point. Keeping our eyes locked, I softly shake my head as I hold onto a blank, rigid expression.

His body moves closer as I stand my ground. My hands are balled into fists at my side as he brushes his right hand’s knuckles over my cheek. I’m not sure how long we stand like this, but it’s long enough. Neither one of us are wanting or willing to back down. His hand shifts to where his palm is cupping my chin as he leans his head forward, stopping two inches from my face. Before he can proceed any further, I cut my head to the right, away from his hand, away from his lips. He breathes a sigh of defeat out before placing his lips on my forehead. Once he backs away, I refrain from looking at him as I pivot to open the door.

The past two months with Joe have been great when it comes to hanging out. We’ve had all kinds of conversations; business and personal. We’ve joked, we’ve laughed and we’ve had fun. We’ve become friends, which is odd for me since I don’t have any male friends who aren’t gay. Now, out of nowhere he’s trying to kiss me after the stunt he pulled this morning. I know we’ve joked around and flirted a little, but I swear I haven’t lead him on to think that there’s a chance of a
friends with benefits
possibility or a relationship.

To my relief, Jared and Nathan are finishing lunch when we enter. This is a great opportunity to either avoid going for a bike ride alone with Joe or to include my friends. I sit on Jared’s lap as Nathan carries several dishes to the kitchen.

Before I even say anything, Nathan asks, “Have any plans? I’m antsy and need to get out.”

“We were thinking on biking around town,” Joe mentions.

“Ooo, that sounds like fun. We’ll join you,” Nathan returns.

“Sure,” Joe and I say simultaneously.

The four of us get changed before heading out to rent bikes. We ride the streets for two hours before we get a text from Maggie wanting to know about dinner plans.

When we get back to the condo, I find out that Maggie graciously fed and walked Sadie. The boys decide to grill again, more confident in their ability since they learned how to properly use the contraption.

During dinner, Joe, Nathan, Henry and I discuss Nathaniel’s current and future status. Nathan is ecstatic to get additional help and support from his two new friends. If Nathan and I were able to get the business into the green zone in just over one year, I marvel at the concept of what can take place with Joe’s and Henry’s connections. Everyone openly shares ideas as Nathan takes notes for later use.

Happy as I am to be with my friends, I need to distance myself physically from Joe. As we all cleanup, I check with Maggie to see when she is planning to head home. “When are you heading back tonight?”

“Henry and I were going to stay. Why?”

“I’ve got a lot of stuff I need to take care of,” I inform her.

“It’s only one extra night,” she indicates.

“I know,” I agree. “But, there are a lot of things I want and need to get done.”

“I can take you,” Joe offers. “I have a meeting tomorrow and need to head out tonight.”

“Perfect!” Maggie squeaks.

I give myself a mental head slap for breeching the topic openly to her in front of everyone. I do have other options like getting a cab, but I know my friends and Joe will insist on me going with him.

I accept Joe’s offer despite my contention. “Okay. When do you need to get back?”

Joe shrugs, brushing off the immediate need, “No specific time. Just enough to get sleep.”

I nod my understanding.

Crap, crap, crap. I’m going to be stuck in a car with him. He better not make an issue of walking me to my door.

We all play a few board games to pass the time. Giving ourselves an easy drive on the roads and to avoid traffic, Joe and I head out with Sadie around ten. The ride is pretty quiet other than me instructing him on which roads to take to get to Pasadena.

“For someone who doesn’t like to drive or be in cars, you sure know your way around,” Joe teases.

“Use of public transportation,” I comment.

He must have seen my leg twitching before reaching over to hold my hand. I pull away in agitation, moreover the fact that I’m in a car.

Joe reaches his hand closer to me. “Come on. I know it helps.”

He’s right, but it takes me a minute to take the offer. I don’t want him to read into holding my hand to mean anything other than easing my anxiety.

Joe pulls up to the curb to drop me off and rushes around to help with Sadie and my bags.

“Thanks. I can take it from here,” I mention.

He smiles, nods, and quickly leans in to kiss me on the cheek before I can move. His silky lips send erotic shivers over my skin. Looks like I’ll be masturbating when I get upstairs.

Joe stays close with his hands in his pockets. “See you soon,” he announces more than questions.

“Yep,” I support. “Goodnight, Joe.”

“Goodnight, beautiful.”


The past two weeks after the snuggling incident with Joe at Nathan’s are peaceful with regards to both business and personal matters. My friends and I didn’t all collectively get together to hang out. Henry had to travel for business and Maggie went with him. Nathan has been spending everyday sewing and hemming, and Jared has been helping him when we aren’t focused on Naturally Me. I spent this past weekend at the We Care Spa alone. Jared and Nathan watched Sadie for me since the spa doesn’t allow four-legged creatures. I’m not sure what Joe had planned, but I was happy to get away.

Joe texts and calls to get my opinion for his MBA class project. He always manages to call with a few questions, but I know they aren’t the real reason why he is calling. I never call him, but I’ll text with an idea or two that pop into my head. The lack of physical proximity makes it much easier to focus on his questions and topics of discussion.

Nathan has been working diligently on his upcoming men’s clothing line with a few items for his women’s line to test the waters at how well they are received. He’s been extremely focused and has taken everything that Henry, Joe or I have said into consideration. Most of our suggestions, Nathan’s already implemented or is planning to in the future when the time is right. Nathan has already placed the swimsuit line out on the floor along with a few sample summer dresses for the women.

Chris has also been to Nathaniel’s discussing his red carpet attire for his upcoming premier at the beginning of September. It looks like Nathan will be creating a custom piece just for Chris on top of his fall collection. Joe and Henry have also put a few of their business colleagues in contact with Nathan with regards to distribution. Nathan is so excited that he’s already envisioning having a storefront in Beverly Hills on Rodeo Drive.

I’ve been collaborating with Nathan almost every day this week about business, and best of all, this weekend is Easter. I don’t celebrate Easter, but this year is making me reconsider the holiday. Why? Joe is heading home to the East Coast to visit his family and I get a harmonious holiday with my best friends — another weekend free from awkward moments with Joe and Henry.

Everything with Naturally Me and Raven Media has been moving smoothly and profits have kicked up a little. I’m always impressed with the teams for each company. They not only work hard, but they love their jobs and offer wonderful feedback and suggestions that are regularly used. It’s amazing what people will do or come up with when they are empowered and encouraged. I’ve been specifically working on making some updates to the software Raven Media uses to enhance my contractors’ and clients’ needs.

My itch for sex with a man returned over a week ago, but I’ve been able to suppress it with the help of increased masturbation or Maggie. I still refuse to interact with Henry, but he’s been a good sport about Maggie and me having our own fun at my place or at his when he isn’t around. I’ve thought about connecting with Chris a few times, but my body is not interested. He’s a sweet guy, good looking, but he just doesn't excite me even in my heightened state of arousal. Plus, he’s been asking about me every time he sees or talks to Nathan. I’m definitely not moved to have sex with a guy who clearly wants more, especially when I don’t. I’m not the kind of girl who leads men on.

Every time I do orgasm, alone or with Maggie, the memory of being in the same bed with Joe at Nathan’s pops up. I’m not sure what to make of it. I’ve never fantasized about a man before; well, not this much. I bet if I did have sex with him the fantasy would go away — but, I have my rules.

The Easter holiday weekend came and went, and in less than two weeks my friends and I will be in Hawaii for Maggie’s and Henry’s three month anniversary. I particularly think that it’s too early to be celebrating anniversaries, but Henry continues to be just as enthusiastic about it as Maggie.

For as much time as they spend together, I’m surprised when Henry calls me a few times to ask some questions about Maggie. I’m curious as to what he has planned for the trip. Every time I ask Henry about how much I owe him for plane tickets or accommodations, he tells me it’s not necessary. I’m getting suspicious of his response. Jared and Nathan have confirmed that Henry is paying for them as well, which doesn’t explain anything. I should probably give Joe a call to see what I can dig up, though the idea of calling him is not appealing to me. I don't want to sound needy or desperate for information, even though I am, let alone give him any ideas about us.

As my habit, I text him. “Free for a second?”

“For you, anytime,” he sends back within ten seconds.

Before I finish reading his message, my phone rings.

“Hi, Joe,” I greet.

“Hey, beautiful. What’s up?”

My ears never tire of hearing him call me that. He’s been greeting me like that since our bed sharing encounter.

“Henry’s being weird,” I complain.

“How so?”

“He won’t tell me anything about Hawaii,” I assert.

“What do you want to know?”

“My part of the bill.”

“Good luck with that,” he chuckles.

“You know something. Don’t you?” I accuse.

“Maybe,” he taunts.

“Spill it,” I command.

“Even if I know something, I wouldn’t tell.”

“Why not?”

Maybe I can persuade him.

“Why do you need to know so badly?”

“Because I don’t like surprises.”

I’ve never liked surprises.

“I am a man of my word,” he goads.

“What do you want?”

Let’s see what the bargaining options are with him.

“You sound a little desperate,” he alleges. “Maybe I could be persuaded for a fee.”

“Like I said, What do you want?”

The fish has definitely taken the bait.

“How desperate are you?”

“Depends,” I begin. “What do you think is an equal exchange?”

“Hmmm . . .” he ponders.

I know he’s deliberately stalling.

“A date.”


He knows I don’t date.

“It’s just one date.”

“I don’t date and you know it,” I softly contend.

“There’s a difference between dating and a date,” he points out.

“I know the difference.”

“Good. Then it’ll be easy for you. You. Me. Dinner. Tonight,” he directs.

“This is not a fair exchange and you know it.”

“Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. But you’ll have what you want. Even if it’s just part of the picture. I know you want it,” he coaxes.

“What’s expected on the date?”

I should at least know all of the terms.

He pauses, probably for some kind of dramatic effect. “Like I said, You. Me. Dinner. Tonight.”

“Anything else?” I check.

A wickedly, erotic tone that I’ve never heard before from Joe is let out with his next statement. “What did you have in mind?”

My throat dries and my thighs moisten at his voice. “Nothing. Get your mind out of the gutter.”

If he thinks this is an opportunity to making out or have sex, he’s wrong. This date shouldn’t be an issue. We’ve had meals before together, some of which he paid for and some of which I have. So what’s the whole thing with calling it a date?

After mulling it over, I agree, “Fine. What time do you want to meet and where?”

“I’ll pick you up at your place at six,” he instructs.


“Yes,” he insists. “If you want to find anything out, you won’t argue with me. Besides, it’s customary to pick the woman up at her place.”

“Fine,” I whine.

“Make sure you wear a dress.”

“What? Why do I need to wear a dress?”

“Do you want the information or not?”

“Okay. I’ll wear a dress.”

“See you in a few hours, beautiful,” he hums.

I don’t answer and just hang up the phone.

What have I gotten myself into? The thought that no good will come of this is creeping into the pit of my stomach. Crap.

An hour before my meeting with Joe, Sadie is already fed and walked and I’m standing in my walk-in closet trying to decide on what to wear. What kind of dress? Causal? Dressy? Ten minutes of staring into my closet produces only more anxiety on the subject of proper attire.

Maybe I should just cancel. I don’t really need to know that badly. Do I? Yes I do. I like control — I

Not wanting to waste anymore time, I jump in the shower. I wash my hair and body and shave. Why did I just shave? I don’t plan on having sex. There will be no sex happening tonight, but I do decide to pleasure myself to reduce my edginess.

I choose what to wear while putting on my makeup; something cute and comfortable. With my hair almost dry, I put on a smoked pearl colored cocktail dress that is embellished with metallic lace, has one inch straps that contour into a deep v-neck just between my breasts that hugs my upper body and loosens slightly two inches above my knees. I adorn my neck with my happiness necklace from Energy Muse that is made of a thirty inch, solid gold chain with a pendant consisting of quartz crystal, kyanite and moonstone. After giving my hair one final toss and brush, I put on solid gold earrings. To finish my outfit, I put on my light bronze, four inch strappy Jimmy Choo heels.

Just as my second shoe slips on, I get a text from Joe letting me know that he has arrived. Like clockwork, Joe is early, fifteen minutes early to be exact. Grabbing my clutch, I kiss Sadie goodnight.

Rounding the corner of the internal gate to my apartment complex, I find Joe waiting, wearing a medium grey colored suit with a crisp white dress shirt underneath that has the two top buttons undone. Joe is a man that can make any suit look good — actually, he can make any outfit look good. I feel a spark of heat and moisture between my thighs at the sight of him.

“Wow! Hello, beautiful,” he greets along with his typical lean in hug and kiss on the cheek. For some reason, he lingers close, longer than usual.

“Yeah, yeah,” I downplay his response and try to gain control over my raging hormones.

Joe offers me his arm as he leads me to his car waiting at the curb. A driver standing by a luxurious, black Rolls Royce Phantom opens the back right door for us both. Joe ushers me in and follows just shortly after.

I’ve never seen Joe drive, let alone be driven, in a Rolls Royce. I didn’t know he had one. The thought that he might have rented it for the night comes to mind. Would he? I know he could. But, why?

“Where are we going to eat?” I search, wanting to keep my self focused on my mission.

“You’ll see,” Joe replies with a wicked grin. Knowing my car challenge, he instinctually takes my hand just before the car carries us off into the setting sun. “How’s business going this week?”

“Good, thanks. You?”

“Great. Thanks.” He adds, “The suggestion you made was received well by the board. They’re starting to understand the requirement to shift more toward technology for many aspects of the industry as well as the economic need for a more ecological approach.”

“Terrific!” I praise. “Did you mention the carbon footprint reduction concept as well?”

Joe is a very smart businessman, I can tell he’s learned a lot from school as well as from his father. However, I’ve noticed with some of our conversations that he has a tendency to second guess himself.

“They loved it. We’ll be taking action steps at the begin of the next quarter,” he confesses. “My father wants to meet you, by the way.”

“Me? Why?”

“He wants to meet the mind behind my brilliant consultant,” he compliments. “That and I think he’s considering on hiring you for specific consulting work.”

“It’s all you, Joe,” I humbly contend. “I have nothing to do with it.”

“You have more to do with it than you think,” he replies honestly. “We make a great team.”

“It has nothing to do with me. You are trusting your instincts and that’s what gets it done,” I argue.

Joe takes his free hand and tenderly caresses the back of my hand he is now holding on his lap. I feel nervous about the proximity of my hand to his groin, but his left hand is resting on his leg, just under my hand, which helps slightly.

“Have you seen the LA Philharmonic play?” he searches.

“A few times at the Walt Disney Concert Hall and Hollywood Bowl. They’re phenomenal. Why?”

“Which place is better to see them?”

“Either. It just depends on the concert and the atmosphere you want. Why?”

“If I get tickets, will you go with me?”

We’ve done a few activities together, but the way he’s asking is a little peculiar.

“Why don’t I get the tickets?” I offer.

“You pick which venue you want to buy the tickets for and it’s a deal.”

I take the highroad not to battle this one, so I suggest, “I’ll take the Hollywood Bowl. There are a lot of options other than just the LA Philharmonic that I think you’d enjoy.”

Joe smiles with ease and I actually see his body relax more into the seat. “Great. Choose any event for yours. Surprise me.”

“You sure?” I tease.

“Yep. I know we’ve have similar tastes based on your playlist.” Joe’s playful grin returns.

He clearly wants me to remember our last time at Nathan’s.

When Joe helps me out of the car, I’m tremendously pleased with my attire selection for our — night out. However, I’m a little perturbed by his choice. We are dining at one of Beverly Hills’ top restaurants, the Spago; one of Wolfgang Puck’s locations. A wonderful, delectable choice, but a bit higher in price for a date compared to where we normally eat. The place is busy, but Joe and I are seated immediately which leads me to believe that Joe called for reservations.

Arriving at our table, Joe pulls out a chair and gestures for me to sit. As I lower down, he slides the chair under me. Joe takes his seat with calm confidence, not noticing the hostess who is practically drooling over him.

Joe looks to me and asks, “Have you eaten here before?”

“Once or twice,” I comment, not revealing the truth as I study him, noting that his eyes never veer from me.

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