Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (25 page)

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“Plenty. I have parents and three brothers who are happily married.”

“But, have you had your own experience to validate these statements and what people do when they are in . . . ?” I can’t bring myself to say the word again.

“Perhaps . . . but, it shouldn’t matter.”

“Perhaps yes or perhaps no?” I investigate.

“Perhaps . . .” he comments with a wicked smile.

I shake my head in disagreement over the statement about love. I still can’t believe that Maggie and Henry have been saying they
each other already. The thought of love and Henry’s gesture bothers me, but I refrain from asking any further questions. I got my answer even though I don’t like it.

Before leaving the restaurant, Joe and I finish with a bowl of creme brûlée each as our dessert. Good thing the portion sizes have been small or else I would have had to stop when our fifth plate was served. I excuse myself to use the ladies room for a second time and am relieved when I don’t see Chris sitting anywhere. Checking my phone on my way back to Joe, I’m shocked to see that it’s almost ten at night. We were eating and chatting for over three hours.

“Ready to go?” Joe stands as I approach the table.

“What about the bill?”

I know he’s going to insist on paying, but a girl can still try.

Offering his arm, Joe ignores my question and says, “Let’s go.”

Back inside the glorious Rolls Royce, Joe and I settle in quickly. The drive back to Pasadena is peaceful and relaxing. Just after the car exits onto Colorado Boulevard from the One-Thirty-Four, the driver pulls into a dark parking lot where there are only two lights nearby that are coming from a building. Joe gets out first and reaches his hand to assist me.

I know exactly where we are.

“What are we doing here?”

“A late night private viewing. You had mentioned that you’ve been wanting to come back.” Joe takes my hand, draping it over his arm as he leads me to the front door.

Joe remembered my statement when Henry, Maggie, he and I were driving around Pasadena almost a month ago? Wow. I had said so many different things that day.

“You know the museum is closed, right?”

“Not for us,” he insists.

An older gentleman standing just inside the large glass doors bows as we approach. “Good evening Mr. Covelli.”

“Let me guess, your family knows someone,” I tease into his ear.

“No. But, they’re very accommodating for a more than generous benefactor of the foundation.”

“Of course,” I agree.

I should have known or expected this.

Mr. Brookes, the gentleman who greeted us, directs us through the exquisite Norton Simon Museum. He stays in each room with us to answer any questions we may have, but keeps his distance as not to intrude. Other than Mr. Brookes, Joe and I are alone as we soak in the marvelous masterpieces of paintings and sculptures.

The museum houses more than twelve thousand works of art, but only displays roughly a thousand between the galleries and the outdoor gardens. Other than two temporary exhibit sections, the rest of the stunning artwork ranges from Asian Art, European Art from the fourteenth through the nineteenth centuries, and modern and contemporary art from all around the world and some even from California. Many of the pieces were all original owned by Mr. Norton Simon who was an industrialist. He later joined the original museum board of directors and assisted in reshaping the structure of the company as well as donating his entire collection.

Joe follows me through the museum, always keeping one of his hands on the small of my back. The warmth of his body is invigorating and my body leans in on occasion desiring more.

Standing by Pablo Picasso’s Woman with a Book, Joe places his hands on my waist and states, “This one reminds me of you.”

I blush at the sensation of the hum of his voice in my ear. Our bodies remain more closely connected for the rest of the time at the museum, savoring the moment.

Arriving back at my apartment, Joe insists on walking me all the way up to my door. He says it’s the gentlemanly thing to do on a date. I wouldn’t know if he’s telling the truth or not since this is technically my first date ever.

For some strange reason, right after we get to my door, I lean into him and kiss him on the cheek. I’ve never kissed him on the cheek let alone put my lips anywhere on his body like this.

“Thank you,” I comment.

Joe’s body is rigid and it takes him a moment to blink before asking, “For what?”

“For a great first date.”

“So, you really have never been on a date before?”


“Well, maybe we can have many more firsts together,” he presses with a widening grin.

“Don’t push your luck,” I contend. “If they involve breaking any more of my rules, no way.”

“Which ones have we broken?” Joe takes a step closer.

Not sure if I want to answer, I hesitantly reply, “The fact that you know right where I live.” I pause not wanting to admit the other one.

“And . . .” he searches, staking another step.

“I don’t know if I want to tell you.”

If he knows I’ve already let him in more than other men, this could get really weird.

“I know,” he states with a twinkle in his eye.

“No, you don’t,” I challenge.

He moves in closer, our bodies are flush. “Tonight . . . our date,” he whispers.

My body instantly tenses at his words. Suddenly, before my brain registers anything, Joe’s lips press to mine with a silky, defined force. We don’t move as we both breathe in and out several times through our noses. Joe pulls away, and my mouth follows his, only to be met again with more intensity this time. Everything moves in slow motion as my hands instinctually sliding up each muscular ridge of his stomach and chest. His right hand drops down my side, pulling me further into him as our lips temporarily separate. Returning his mouth to mine, Joe groans into my slightly opened mouth as he gentle presses his tongue inward. For some strange reason, my tongue reaches for his. Aware of where this is going after the third contact with his tongue, I push my hands against his chest and shake my head. His mouth hovers as his forehead rests on mine.

“Just friends, Joe,” I barely sigh on an exhale.

He doesn’t argue or fight — he just stays touching me, holding me.

My body craves him — it needs him — it wants him. It’s demanding his body on mine. I see it and feel it when we’re together, but I can’t give in. I have rules, rules that protect me and keep me safe from being hurt.

He gently kisses me again, holding his lips to mine for as long as I let him. I finally convince my body to listen and my lips slowly peel away after about five seconds.

“Goodnight, beautiful.”

His words provoke my yearning for him.

“Goodnight, Joe.”


The past four days since my date with Joe have been normal, as normal can be for my life. Joe texts and calls on occasion, and even tries to get me to agree to another date. I obviously decline for many reasons. I’m finding too much temptation.

I took Joe’s suggestion about creating the Raven Media cloud base system software I built from he ground up into a sellable product for other companies that enable their staff the ease and flexibility my associates perform for clients. When I mention it to Maggie and Jared, they are ecstatic and excited at the potential. Two of my contractors with Raven are software developers who helped me build the initial software, so I’ve commissioned them to assist with the expansion and redesign. We’ll test the first software version in a couple of months and we’ve already named it Raven 1.0. If all goes well, I’ll be upgrading my server needs with my hosting company. I’m starting to consider the idea of purchasing my own servers in the future which would provide added security and profit for Raven Media.

When I told Joe about moving forward with his idea, he offered to put me in contact with a variety of businesses that would benefit from Raven 1.0 immediately. He said that his family’s companies would be the first clients on the list. Joe was impressed with my idea of expanding Raven media into hosting and securities services and mentioned he knew a number of people who could supply a facility and computer hardware. I’m guessing that this might be the first area of technology that Joe wants to venture into, which makes sense. I don’t have enough funding to purchase a property as well as the needed hardware and staff, but I’m sure we can work out a fair and equitable business contract once it’s time to take action.

With Hawaii only a week away, my friends and I are staying local for our upcoming weekend gathering. Apparently, Joe has moved to accommodate his brother, Jimmy, and Jimmy’s boyfriend Allen, who flew back with him after Easter. Joe bought or is renting a place large enough to sleep everyone and is insisting on being the host. I’m curious to see where he’s living and how much he’s paying to fit all of us comfortably. I never bothered to ask where he was living prior to finding out that he’s moved. The few times I text him during the past few days inquiring about where his new place is located, Joe just writes back

ll see
. I remind him that I’m not one who likes surprises, but he just ignores me and doesn’t even offer a clue. Each time he responds I only get a
and smiley emoticon. When I try to find out from Jared or Maggie, they claim that they don’t know either. I don’t believe them and worry about my speculations.

Maggie and Henry pick Sadie and me up at my apartment Friday in the late afternoon. My knee habitually begins shaking as the car enters the streets and I look out the window to see where we’re going. I don’t think much about where we might be headed until Henry pulls into a building across from the Arclight Theater in Pasadena.

“Are we stopping somewhere first?” I ask as Henry pulls into a valet area.

“No. Where here,” Maggie states.

“Where?” I probe.

“Joe’s place. He bought the penthouse,” Maggie answers, clueing me in.

Confusion and horror flood my mind as my brain tries to comprehend what Maggie just said. What? Are you serious? He bought a place here? In Pasadena? This is exactly why I don’t tell men where I live. Damn it. Damn him.

I sit staring at the back of the seat in front of me as Henry and Maggie get out of the car and retrieve the bags out of the trunk. At some point, someone opens the car door to let me out, but I don’t notice until Maggie interrupts my internal hysteria.

“You coming?” she checks.

I remain speechless the entire time we are greeted by the doorman and ride the elevator up to Joe’s floor. Maggie and Henry don’t seem to notice my irritation as they practically make out the entire time.

Why did they bother to pick me up? I could have walked since we’re less than a mile from my apartment building. Why didn’t Maggie say anything about Joe moving to Pasadena? I know why. They know I wouldn’t have shown up or, if I did, I would be sleeping at my own place each night. They both suck right now. Wait! Jared and Nathan suck too. They are on their way and never mentioned it either. What the hell is happening?

The elevator door dings open to a small foyer that contains large, wooden double doors in front of us that are adorned with two small matching console tables and wall mirrors on either side. When the door opens, we are greeted by an older, dark-haired woman wearing a maid’s uniform who recognizes Henry right away.

“Mr. Henry, come right in. Mr. Joseph said he was expecting you,” she instructs with a distinct Russian accent.

“Thank you, Anna,” Henry returns ushering Maggie and myself to go first. “This is Maggie and Emma.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Maggie and Ms. Emma. Please, leave your bags here. I’ll see that they are tended to,” Anna greets warmly. “Who is this four-legged beauty?”

“Sadie,” I offer.

“Ah, Ms. Sadie. Is there anything you might need for her while you are here?” she inquires while petting Sadie.

“No. Thank you. I have all of her stuff here,” I disclose, pointing to one of my bags. “If you tell me where the kitchen is, I can put her food away.”

“I’d be happy to take care of that for you,” Anna insists.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose,” I reply.

“Anything for you, Ms. Emma,” she states with a warm smile.

“Okay,” I happily accept.

“Follow me,” Anna instructs, leading the way with a brisk pace. When Anna reaches the end of the long hallway about five seconds before us, she announces, “Ms. Maggie, Ms. Emma, Ms. Sadie and Mr. Henry are here.”

Catching up to her, my eyes fall upon a huge living room that has floor to ceiling windows on three of the four walls, not counting the large fireplace, is fully finished with a wet bar, three sitting areas, a large flatscreen television and a baby grand piano in the far left corner. How the hell did he buy and get this place decorated in such a short amount of time? When did he buy it? I know that this building is not for rent. I remember seeing listings for units in this place several times when I’d search where I’d like move next in Pasadena. This building was one of my top considerations. Now, I have to remove this location from my list. Damn him.

Joe is moving in our direction when I turn the corner. He must have already been heading towards us when Anna announced our arrival. Two other men are with Joe and are just getting up from the couch when Maggie, Henry and I stop behind Anna.

“Thank you, Anna,” Joe replies as he moves to greet us. He hugs and kisses Maggie, hugs Henry and then hugs and pecks me on the cheek before standing close to me.

“So, which one is Emma?” One of the men questions Joe as he approaches us. “I want to meet the one who has my brother’s eye.”

From his statement, I know he is James. James is handsome like Joe. You can see the family resemblance, even though their body types are completely different. James has definition to his body, but it is hidden and nowhere near as pronounced as Joe’s. He even has similar facial features to Joe, but James’ eyes are a beautiful, emerald green.

My cheeks flush instantly at James’ open statement, which gives me away.

“Ah . . . .” He inspects me from head to toe. “You’re even prettier than the photo Joe showed us.”

My eyes dart to Joe at the mention of a photo he has of me. I know we’ve all taken pictures on our phones from time to time when we all hangout, but the thought still rattles me, especially if he’s talking about me to other people.

“Don’t pay him any attention, Emma,” the other man proclaims. “Jimmy is messing with Joe. We haven’t seen a photo of you yet. Joe wouldn’t share.”

I can feel my face heating up more.

“She is gorgeous, though. Isn’t she Allen?” Jimmy playfully questions.

“Indeed,” Allen concurs.

Allen is just a handsome as Jimmy and Joe with his own striking chiseled features. He is about an inch or two taller than Jimmy, has a little more meat on his bones, and strawberry blond hair. His amber eyes sparkle in the light.

In an almost bashful tone, Joe apologies, “Please excuse Jimmy and Allen.”

“We’re being rude sweetie,” Allen teasingly chides Jimmy.

“Where are my manners,” Jimmy begins, reaching his hand forward to shake mine. “I’m Jimmy, Joe’s older and better-looking brother.” Before our hands meet, he catches me completely off guard and embraces me in a hug I can’t escape.

“Don’t mind him. He’s a hugger,” Allen informs me a little too late. “I’m Allen,” he says as Jimmy releases me. “I’m his better half.” Allen jerks his head in the direction of Jimmy and then hugs me too.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” I reply a little shocked from their affectionate greeting.

I wasn’t expecting them to be this friendly.

“And, who is this adorable four-legged creature?” Jimmy inquires, bending down towards Sadie who has been by my side the whole time.

“This is Sadie,” I say, glad for the distraction.

Sadie sits waiting for my signal to greet the new strangers and I let her. She sniffs and licks both of them, but seeks Joe out for more affection.

I stare at Joe as Henry introduces Maggie to the two men. He offers me a reassuring smile, but it doesn’t work. “How about a tour,” Joe suggests.

“Sure,” I consent, thinking Maggie will want to see the place as well.

“I’ll see it later,” Maggie replies as she returns her focus on the conversation between Henry, Jimmy and Allen.

Smiling, Joe acknowledges, “Looks like it’s you and me, beautiful.”

Unhappy with the result, I just nod in agreement as Sadie follows. There are a lot of rooms to his stunning penthouse. Aside from the living room, it has four bedrooms, four full bathrooms and one-half bath, an office, kitchen with an attached breakfast room, dinning room and a den. The single floor is over four thousand square feet — I remember from the listing.

When we get to the largest bedroom, Joe mentions, “This will be your room for the weekend.”

The bedroom is stunning. It’s sleek, sophisticated, elegant and contemporary. The walls are painted a light bluish grey, with a similar, but slightly darker color on the fifteen foot ceiling. A king size bed, that looks like it’s swimming in the room, is on the far back wall and is covered with a solid white comforter, and topped with white, blue and grey pillows, some with the hint of a golden yellow. The bed frame, nightstands, and a single dresser on the opposite wall are matching dark mahogany wood. A chaise and sitting chair with a small table and lamp sit near the french doors that lead out to a patio. Leaning on a wall next to a door that would lead to the bathroom are several pieces of art or photos most likely waiting to be hung.

“I don’t need this much room,” I protest, confused to why I would get the biggest room to myself. “Jared and Nathan or your brother and Allen can have it.”

He chuckles, “Jimmy and Allen have their own room, and as much as I love Jared and Nathan, I’m not interested in them sleeping in my bed.” I shoot him a glare, and before I can say anything, Joe insists, “Relax. It will be just you and Sadie in here. I’ll be in the den.”

“I’ll take the den,” I assert. “This is your house.”

“You are my guest,” he contends.

I shrug my shoulders to indicate that I don’t care.

“If you don’t sleep in here, the only other free bed is where I’m sleeping.”

“There is the couch,” I mention, turning in the direction of the hallway.

Joe takes a step closer to me, placing his left hand on my hip and spins me around to face him. “I’ll carry you back to my bed if you try to sleep on the couch.”

I eye him further at his threat. “Which bed?”

A devilish grin on his face implies that which bed is irrelevant and that it’s the matter of being in a bed with him. My brain freaks out as my body becomes aroused by the idea.

“Fine,” I unwillingly concede, not wanting to give him the hope of any possibility.

Joe leads me to his bathroom to show me where the towels and other necessities are located. The restroom is a very sleek, modern and extremely large which is pretty much the size of my bedroom. Medium grey slate tiles cascade over the entire floor, the entire walk-in shower that has a glass door and can easily fit six people, and the whole wall, where there is a solid white hot tub style bathtub. On the other side of the shower, toilet and bidet, there are porcelain white double sinks with a dark mahogany vanity.

Back in the bedroom, Joe draws my attention over to the french doors that lead out to a private patio. “Feel free to use the rebounder.”

“Is this why you’ve gotten better when we go jumping?”

“So, you’ve noticed?” he smirks.

“Just a little,” I dismiss while looking around the room to make note of where to snoop when I’m alone.

Heading back to the living room, we find that Jared and Nathan have arrived as well and are already making small talk with Jimmy and Allen. When I can get Jared alone, I need to remember to corner him about not telling me that Joe moved to my town.

“. . . I’m so excited,” Nathan shouts.

“Excited about what?” I question, coming late into the conversation.

“Jimmy and Allen are joining us in Hawaii next weekend,” Jared informs me.

“Awesome,” I reply.

I’m really glad to know they are joining us. It’s an extra reason to avoid any awkward moments with Joe and a way to get to know him and Henry better to make sure there isn’t anything that I’ve missed about them. Serial killers are good at hiding their true identities.

The eight of us chat like we’re all old friends reuniting which is very comforting to me. Jimmy and Allen are sweet, friendly guys who easily get along with everyone. Stories are told and laughter spreads. From everything that I see and hear, Joe and Henry are exactly the type of men I concluded them to be; smart, sweet, sincere and genuine. This puts my mind at ease.

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