Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (66 page)

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Sixty Four

It takes a few more days of hearing Maggie perk up for me to do the same. If I’m not with her, checking in on her in person, my attention is kept on business. Control. I need to control as much as I can right now.

Joe’s parents are scheduled to fly in Tuesday to pay their respects to Maggie, Henry and the rest of the family before we leave Wednesday morning.

Jared and Pop-Pop have been staying over at my place since I left Maggie, both doting on me, insisting they take care of the meals, letting me focus on work. Nathan joins us in the evenings when he’s finished at Nathaniel’s and brings some of his work back with him.

I keep myself hidden in my office during most of the days, avoiding talking about what’s happened the past week. Jared checks in on me regularly and is always quick to join me when I need to relax, while walking Sadie or taking a break on the couch or my bed. Each night, he and Nathan sleep with me in my room while Pop-Pop insists on claiming the couch.

Sunday, I finally get the gumption to listen to the voice messages Joe left for me the first night we had sex a month ago. My heart softens hearing the strain in Joe’s voice asking me if I’m okay and to call him. The next thing I realize, I’m texting him an apology.

“Sorry,” I write.

“For what?” Joe immediately replies.

I wince, not sure how to respond. “The night of the wedding.”

“What about it?” he searches.

Has he forgotten?

“Leaving. Not answering your texts or calls,” I quickly write, fearing that I might not ever acknowledge it.

“You made up for it the next morning, beautiful,” he texts. “And, each time after that.”

“Really?” I check.

“Yeah . . . but I could use a reminder,” he baits.

“Me too,” I surprisingly answer.

“Come over.”

“Jared and Pop-Pop are here,” I inform.

“Damn,” he writes. “Everything okay?”

“They’re still keeping an eye on me,” I confess.

“Good,” he sends. Before I write a response, he comments, “Want to sneak over later?”

I can’t help but smile. “I want to,” I confirm.

“But?” he explores. “Too risky?”

“Yeah,” I agree.

“When are they leaving?”

“Hopefully tomorrow,” I answer.

“LOL,” Joe writes, knowing my sense of humor.

“Who you texting?” Jared questions.

My head snaps to look at him, finding him propped in the doorway. “No one.”

“The look on your faces doesn’t seem like it’s no one,” he jabs. As I’m about to respond, Jared interrupts. “Don’t worry about it,
. It’s good to see you smile like that.”

“Thanks,” I reply. “What’s up?”

“Dinner’s ready,” he informs.

“Yum. It smells good,” I mention.

“I think Pop-Pop has out done himself with this one,” he chuckles.

The three of us feast on the delectable meal Pop-Pop prepared as we talk and laugh. While I clean up the dishes, Jared informs me that they are heading back home tonight. Apparently, the way I acted at dinner set them at ease and they were waiting to make sure I was good to be on my own. I tease Jared about me being a big girl, but there’s no arguing with him when he gets protective. If the roles were reversed, I would have done the same for him — because I have.

I bid them farewell at eight and once they’re out the door, I rush to the bathroom and check myself from head-to-toe, searching to see if I need to shave, pluck or anything else. Next, I strip down and jump in the shower. I wash quickly and check a second time for any locations that may need trimming. Letting my hair air dry, I put on a cute summer dress without a bra, put on one of the pairs of panties Joe gave me, slip on some heels and grab my purse and Sadie’s leash as we head out onto the streets of Pasadena.

When we turn up Raymond Avenue, Sadie’s temperament changes a little — I wonder if she knows where we’re going. In less than ten minutes, we’re standing outside of Joe’s building.

Anna pleasantly greets us at the door, and before she gets the chance to invite us in, Joe is striding toward us as Sadie runs to him. Joe warmly greets Sadie, but keeps his eyes locked on me.

“I have some things to take care of . . . you will not see me, and then I will be gone,” Anna states.

Joe leans in to hug and kiss me on the cheek. He lingers longer than usual.

“Thank you, Anna,” Joe answers without looking at her.

My gaze follows Anna’s body heading down the hallway as she coaxes Sadie to follow. The next thing I know, Joe has me pressed up against the wall in the adjacent hall that leads to his bedroom and his mouth is consuming mine.

Barely peeling his lips apart from mine, he questions, “How did you get away?”

“They willingly left not too long ago,” I mumble, not wanting to do anything else but be naked with him.

Joe’s hands slide up the sides of my legs, hoisting my dress up enough for his hands to explore my ass and sex. My hands grip onto the back of his neck as our mouths and tongues swirl together. Joe quickly jumps to my neck and my body instantly surrenders. I groan when he lowers to the floor — why are we not on his bed by now?

Joe pauses for a second after kissing my navel. “Is this one of the pairs I got you?” he checks.

Biting my lip, I nod confirmation.

He presses his face into my belly, just above the edge of my underwear, and takes a deep breath in as his lips and tongue taste my skin. We both moan at the same time.

“Are you going to . . . rip them off,” I gulp.

Joe lets out a moan as if he’s contemplating the idea. “I’m not sure yet,” he says, leaning back slightly. “I think I really like this pair.”

“Then, we better hurry, or else I . . .” my voice stops when I hear a strange noise.

Standing back up, Joe searches, “What’s wrong?”

The sounds occur again.

Joe and I quickly fix our appearances and check the each other before anyone gets close. I hear Sadie’s feet trotting across the floor along with Anna loudly announcing that she’s on her way to answer the door.

“Had a backup booty call just in case?” I goad wanting to defuse the situation.

Joe gives me a stern look — the kind of look that says
how can you ask a question like that?
. “No. I’m not expecting anyone,” he states calmly. Joe steps into me, placing his hand on my cheek.

“It’s okay if you did,” I comment, trying to deflect my insecurities.

Joe gives me another look like he’s hurt by the idea that I would think such a thought. “There’s no one else,” he testifies. His lips tenderly seize mine.

Oddly, my heart is happy and scared by his words and actions.

Joe’s mouth stays with mine until we hear Anna. “Mr. and Mrs. Covelli, how lovely to see you.”

Our bodies immediately separate, checking our appearance a second time before walking the few steps down the hall and turning the corner to greet his parents. It takes me a moment to adjust from the moisture that has collected on my panties.

“Mother. Father,” Joe announces. “What are you doing here? I thought you were coming Tuesday?”

“Emma, darling,” Mrs. Covelli beams when she seems me. “How lovely to see you, sweetheart.”

“Mrs., I mean, Elaine, it’s a pleasure to see you,” I return as graciously as I’m able given my flustered hormones.

I watch her joyful expression alter slightly as her gaze bounces between Joe and me, even after I properly greet her. She seems very pleased to see me, but there’s more.

“I hope we aren’t interrupting anything,” Mrs. Covelli states after Mr. Covelli and I release from our embrace.

“Not at all mother,” Joe offers.

“Your mother thought since we were able to free up our schedule, we should get out this way tonight. We wanted to be able to see the Lis and Wús without having to dart off for Oregon right away,” Mr. Covelli answers. “If we are intruding, we certainly can . . . .”

“Of course not,” I interrupt. “Joe and I were just going over some business.”

Mr. and Mrs. Covelli’s eyes bounce between Joe and me several times.

“Business? This late?” Mrs. Covelli questions with a smile.

“Yes,” Joe agrees. “Emma’s a little nervous, so we’ve been discussing things.”

“Oh, well we can see to ourselves while you finish,” Mrs. Covelli comments.

“We’re finished,” I offer quickly. “I’ll be on my way for you to visit.”

“Nonsense,” Mr. Covelli interjects. “Please stay and join us for some tea.”

“Yes, please. I’m not quite ready for bed, sweetheart. We had a nap on the plane and I’m wide awake,” Mrs. Covelli adds.

All three of their faces are bright and I can see that Joe definitely wants me to stay, even if just for a little longer.

“Sure. Tea would be lovely,” I agree.

We make our way to the living room and Anna is quick to bring out a tray for tea. Our conversations are light and not on business as we sip our drinks. Mrs. Covelli mentions how Jimmy and Allen are excited that the premier is just two weeks away — is it really?! Time has flown.

“Can you tell us anything about the dress?” Mrs. Covelli inquires politely.

“Unfortunately, no,” I share.

“Nathan really does want to surprise everyone, doesn’t he?” she continues.

“Actually,” I continue. “I haven’t seen it.”

“Really?” she searches. “He needs to check the fit. He’s cutting it pretty close, I would say.”

“I know,” I nervously agree.

“I don’t doubt you’ll look beautiful,” she comments sweetly.

“Thank you,” I accept. “The suits he has for Chris and everyone else look great.”

“Wonderful,” she praises. “I can’t wait to see everyone dressed up.” Mrs. Covelli takes a sip of her tea. “I’ve already shared the few items I’ve purchased with a dear friend of mine who is in the fabric industry and she’s very impressed.”

“Wonderful,” I say excitedly.

“She’s eagerly awaiting the reveal for the premier, as am I. We’ll be watching that night,” Mrs. Covelli informs. “If she likes what she sees, she’ll be a key person to help get Nathan into the fashion show line at the beginning of next year.”

“Seriously?” I question, not that I doubt her.

“Yes, sweetheart,” she confirms with a pleased smile.

“I know that Nathan would be more than excited to hear that,” I mention. “Thank you. It would mean the world to him.”

“Fingers crossed,” Mrs. Covelli says with a confident grin.

I smile and nod.

The four of us sip our tea in silence for a few moments, enjoying the buzz floating in the air.

Suddenly, Mrs. Covelli announces that she’s tired and needs to rest. I’m only halfway done with my cup and I can’t believe that she’s already finished hers. I doubt that she’s lifted her cup to her lips more than the rest of us. Mr. Covelli quickly agrees and they bid Joe and me goodnight, insisting that I stay and that they can sleep through anything. What an odd and random statement.

Joe and I sit awkwardly for at least ten minutes, finishing our drinks. He eventually moves closer to me on the couch.

“I should go,” I announce, placing my empty tea cup and saucer on the tray.

“I’ll walk you,” Joe insists with a smile.

We take our time, dragging out the walk as long as we can back to my apartment, not wanting the night to end. When I get the door open, Joe cautiously steps inside. I give him a quizzical look and he tells me he’s making sure no one has snuck in my place as he closes the door behind him.

Unable to take the lack of his touch, I step into him, desperate to feel him all over me. Our mouths unite as one and Joe annoyingly takes his time. My hands frantically scramble to undo his belt, but Joe hinders me by the wrists. My head snaps back for me to question him, but he presses more against me, wrapping my arms around his neck and snatching my lips. He holds my arms in place, gradually releasing them as if he’s making sure I don’t lower them. As our mouths stay together, Joe leads me with his hands on my waist, directing me to follow him.

When Joe breaks contact, I growl my disappoint. He spins me, facing away from him and I notice that we’re at the edge of my bed. Wanting his lips, I try to turn, but he holds me still. Joe dips his right hand down, sliding it under my dress and gently rubs my sex. As he returns his lips to mine, my ass presses into his erection. My left hand reaches up and my fingers tangle in his hair while my right hand reaches around to his firm, right butt cheek. Each time my body dances with the movement of his hand playing between my legs, Joe’s groin presses harder into me.

Joe disconnects his lips from mine once both of his hands encase my sex. I try to turn to face him again, but he blocks me. When Joe’s hands shift again, I feel his right hand sweeping my hair off my neck just before his lips taste my skin. He steadies my head in place, as his tongue explores my neck. My brain finally surrenders to his direction, allowing him to lead. Ten seconds later, Joe is lowering the zipper to my dress. He meticulously lowers each strap with painstaking precision, moving them barely a centimeter at a time before they roll off the edges of my shoulders, forcing the dress to immediately fall to the floor.

His hand slowly slip across my skin, with one hand returning to my sex while the other glides over and around my breasts and nipples. Joe’s mouth returns to the nape of my neck, gradually moving down my spine. Shifting his hands to my hips, Joe is suddenly kneeling behind me. He nips at my left buttock with his teeth, making me jump slightly. My hands play with my breasts as Joe’s mouth inspects each of my cheeks, biting me just enough on each one occasionally when he isn’t kissing them.

One of my hands dips down to my sex when I feel Joe leisurely lowering one side of my panties followed by the other until they surround my ankles. He guides me to shift my weight from one leg to the other, releasing the panties and removing my shoes.

Joe’s lips return to my skin on the edges of my ass, traveling up my spine and diligently proceeding upward to my neck and shoulders. He presses his body into mine, guiding me to move closer to the bed until I can’t step forward anymore. Reluctant to break contact, I lean forward, placing my hands on the bed so I can kneel. A sudden rush of elation floods my body — a new position.

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