Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (68 page)

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Joe moves closer, wrapping himself around me, holding me well past my tears subsiding.

A small smile creeps into the corner of my mouth. “Thanks.”

I feel Joe’s head nod in the crook of my neck. He continues to hold me for a while, lifting his head up on occasion to kiss me on the lips, cheek or neck. Suddenly, Joe starts tickling me as his mouth returns to my neck. I squeal and Sadie hops over to the rescue, causing Joe to stop when the sheets expose his naked ass, and Sadie starts sniffing his rear. Joe squirms to get away from Sadie, but she’s quick to follow him.

“Serves you right,” I declare, laughing.

Grabbing the blanket, Joe yanks it over his head and mine, hiding us both from Sadie as he continues to tickle me. Joe’s hands stop their torture once his head is level with mine. He stares into my eyes, not minding that Sadie plops herself over our legs.

His mouth suddenly takes mine, ardently exploring it with each stroke of his tongue. My arms wrap around his neck, latching on to the moment.

“Can I stay the night?” he nervously checks.

I don’t answer, not sure what to say.

“I want to be here . . . just in case the dream comes back,” he comments.

My jaw clenches at the possibility.

“We aren’t meeting my parents until eight and I don’t have any clothes to make it back safely to my room,” he adds.

“You have clothes,” I argue.

“Sweaty clothes,” he disputes.

“I can get you clothes,” I offer, not completely revealing if I’m kicking him out or not for the night.

“I don’t need them, not right now anyway,” he replies with a sinful smile.

“No sex,” I remind.

“I know,” he concurs. He nuzzles my neck, causing me to squirm again until he just lays still.

After a few minutes of silence, Joe pops his head up from the crook of my neck.

“What?” I question, curious by the look on his face.

“Why can’t I smell you?” he says.

“What?” I search, not understanding him. “You can’t smell me when your face is planted in my neck?”

“No,” he corrects. “I mean, why can’t I

My brow furrows still not comprehending.

“Right before we got in the tub, I could smell you when I was undressing you.” He shifts, forcing Sadie to move along side us and lowers his lips to my belly. “Now, I can’t
you,” he repeats, this time looking down at my crotch.

Heat rises in my cheeks.

“A woman has a scent,” he adds.

I cover my face with a pillow, unable to believe he’s brought this up for a topic tonight.

“What?” he asks, lifting the pillow up to see my face.

I try to force it back down, but he yanks it away. My arms lift to hide my face, but Joe inches back up my body.

“Emma,” he coaxes. He gently pulls at me to show my face. “Beautiful.”

“Why do you want to know?” I ask, embarrassed that I might have to explain.

“Because I’m curious,” he replies.

“I have something down there,” I confirm.

“Obviously if I can’t smell you. What is it?” he presses.

Rolling my eyes, I mumble what it is.

“What?” he checks.

“A menstrual cup,” I say louder.

“What’s that?”

God, he’s not going to just let this slide. This is embarrassing.

“It’s a medical grade silicone cone shaped thing that goes in there,” I explain.

“How does it fit in there?”

Damn. Curiosity has killed the cat, and it just might kill

“It’s shaped to fit better than a tampon and it’s more environmentally friendly,” I offer.

“Really? Can I see it?” he gets up, moving down my body.

“No,” I contend. “You can’t see it.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s in there.”

“I want to see how,” he states.

“I’m not taking it out,” I profess.

“Can I just see it while it’s in there?”

Laughing, I offer. “Fine.” I start pull down my pants, but Joe beats me to it.

He quickly tosses my underwear and shorts to the side, but is met with my legs closed at the knees. Joe gives me a pleading look and I hesitantly spread my legs. “It’s green,” he says.

“Yeah, I know,” I answer, surprised by his statement.

“Are they all green?”

“No . . .” my voice quickly cuts off when I feel Joe’s fingers spread my sex apart.

He flicks the end of the menstrual cup that sticks out for removal.

“Hey,” I contend.

“Sorry,” he replies. “Did that hurt?”

“No, it just feels funny,” I explain.

He flicks it again. “Good funny?” he questions with a smirk.

“Try it again and you’ll find out,” I threaten.

Joe laughs and we stare at each other in contemplation for a heartbeat while I put my pajama bottoms back on. Without warning, Joe playfully nips at my thigh. I jolt up, springing to action. We spar for a few seconds and Joe gets me locked. The fact that I have clothing on aids to his victory. My hands move to tickle him, but he entraps them.

“Sadie,” I shout, hoping she’ll come to my rescue.

She bounces over, sniffing at my face.

“Get Joe,” I tell her.

Sadie moves away and Joe announces his victory.

“Ahhh!” Joe screams, shifting his hips to the left, trying to divert Sadie from returning to her previous pursuit of sniffing his ass.

I slip from Joe’s grip and pin. “Serves you right. That will teach you to wear clothes around Sadie.”

Joe squirms more when Sadie heads back to his groin a second time. “You win. You win.”

We crawl back under the covers quickly, snuggling into each other once I feel he’s learned his lesson. Joe grabs his phone from the night stand and is quiet for several minutes.

“What are you doing?” I check.

“I want to see what it looks like,” he answers.


“Your thing,” he barely explains.

I roll my eyes, realizing what he’s referring to. “Why?”

“I’m curious to how it works and how you get it in there,” he shares.

I watch Joe’s face as he reads. He’s got a very relaxed, contemplative look.

When Joe finishes, he puts his phone back and curls into me more with our faces an inch or two apart. We lay for a long while, not talking, and at some point I recognize what he’s trying to do.

“You’re not asleep,” I announce.

Joe grunts.

“You’re not staying,” I declare.

He grunts again.

“Fine,” I start to get up. “I’ll sleep in your room.”

Joe’s arm tightens around me, restricting my movement. “I want to stay.”


“How about you let me stay tonight, and I won’t ask again the whole time we’re here,” he barters.

“No,” I object.

“Please,” he begs.

“No,” I repeat.

“I’m too tired to get up,” he says.

“Like I said, I’ll go to your room,” I remind.

“If you go I go. If you stay, I stay,” he informs.

“I thought you were too tired to get up,” I challenge.

Joe wraps himself more around me. “I’ll behave,” he sweetly offers.

“Right,” I sarcastically reply.

“I promise.”

“You didn’t behave in the tub,” I assert.

“Yes, I did. Besides, you didn’t seem to mind.”

I don’t say anything for a few moments, waiting to see what he might say or do. “Just tonight?”

“Just tonight,” he affirms. “I promise.”

“Fine,” I concede.

Joe shifts to turn off the light and I get up to use the bathroom. He doesn’t question me, but watches closely to make sure I don’t go near his side of the bed for his room key or the main door. I pee one last time and then slip back into the bed.

“Goodnight, beautiful,” Joe’s voice sings.

“Goodnight, Joe.”

Sixty Six

I wake to Joe’s erection pressing into my rear and Sadie’s head on my hip. Sadie and I glance at each other and just stay where we are for a few minutes. Looks like she’s still a little tired from the flight and run yesterday. I shift my leg, which causes Sadie to move and gives me the ability to slide out of the bed. Joe’s arm gently tugs on me while he lets out a groan. I can tell from the way he’s breathing that he’s still asleep.

Making it out of the bed after only two more tries, I quietly shut the bathroom door behind me and relieve myself, clean out my menstrual cup and put it back in. When I return to the bedroom, my hand quickly covers my mouth to stifle a giggle. My body becomes aroused by the sight of a naked Joe Covelli, laying on his stomach with a sheet that has slipped down, exposing most of his round ass. I tip-toe to get my phone, compelled to take a picture — or two. My lips curl inward when Sadie moves and places her head on Joe, right where his ass and lower back meet. Two more photos are taken.

“What are you doing?” Joe questions in a groggy voice.

“Nothing,” I quickly rebut, turning my phone off.

Joe extends his hand out, gesturing for me to come back to bed. After I put my phone down next to his, I take Joe’s side of the bed since he’s in the middle. Barely back under the covers, Joe has me sandwiched between him and the mattress. His mouth finds mine, greeting me warmly before he nuzzles into my neck. He moves his free hand along my belly, grazing my skin. Joe easily finds the edge of my shirt and slips his hand under it, cupping my breast. While shifting more on top of me, Joe pushes my shirt up higher, obviously trying to get it off. My hands fight, pushing it back down. Returning his lips to mine, Joe tries to distract me, which he successfully does, long enough to get my shirt all the way off.

“You said no sex,” I reprimand.

“I know,” he confirms, taking my mouth with his, pressing his chest into mine.

“This looks like . . .” I mutter, being cut off by another kiss.

“I just want to feel you against me,” he explains.

My brow furrows. “You can’t feel me with my shirt on?”

“I want your skin on mine,” he confesses into my ear. He stops moving, like he’s taking me in.

A laugh suddenly erupts inside me, not expecting his comment.

We lay kissing, holding each other for I’m not sure how long. Joe shifts to his right, reaching his other arm for his phone.

“What are you doing?” I question with panic as he grabs my phone. “How do you know my passcode?”

“It wasn’t hard to figure it out after seeing you put it in a few times,” he confesses.

“Why do you need my phone? Yours is right there,” I direct.

“I want to see what pictures you took,” he states calmly.

“What pictures? I didn’t take any pictures.” My hands grab for the phone.

Joe jerks away, easily pinning me with the weight of his body. “Yes, you did.” A devilish smile creeps onto his face, followed by a throaty laugh.

My head turns away from him as the heat in my cheeks boils from embarrassment.

“It’s okay, beautiful. I’m flattered,” he assures. ‘Their good shots.”

I don’t say anything.

“Besides, I have pictures of you,” he admits.

My eyes dart to his face. “What? What pictures?”

“Don’t worry. Those pictures are for my eyes only,” he sweetly declares.

My hands cover my face, not wanting to know and not liking how this morning is starting.

“I’ll show them to you . . . sometime, when you’re good,” he chuckles.

Joe’s words get my attention again and I’m temporarily at a loss for words. “When I’m good?” I timidly giggle.

“Yes,” he confirms, kissing me on the nose.

My head shakes in protest.

Joe pets Sadie, but doesn’t move off of me, keeping me confined and exposed at the same time. “We going for a run this morning?” he checks.


“Why not?” he says concerned.

“I’m not going . . . with you,” I inform.

“Emma.” He tries to kiss me, but I turn my head. “Come on, beautiful.”

It takes all the focus I can muster to appear annoyed, when I’m actually not.

Joe’s mouth springs to my neck and a few seconds later, his hands are on my waist, tickling me. With enough room and time, I roll on top of Joe and return the favor. He’s able to snatch one of my wrists and locks it behind me. We shift to a seated position and Joe manages to grab my other wrist, securing them both. His left hand cups my face, holding me firmly, preventing me from getting away from a kiss. My lips surrender, opening for more. Right as the moment becomes more passionate, Joe’s left hand slides down my body and clasps my thigh, just above me knee. Our lips break when I squeal from the pressure. He leans in for another kiss, but I pull away, not trusting him. His right hand releases my arms, and our mouths converge as his warm hands move up my naked back, pulling me into him. My head rolls backward when his lips return to my neck, moving south to my breasts. With precision, Joe licks and nips each one with the most delicate of touch. Planting his face in my cleavage, he breathes me in before grunting frustration.

I lean my weight into him, forcing Joe to lay back down. My lips take his and he eagerly, but sweetly consumes them. Moving my hips back a little, I start rocking over his shaft. Joe’s hands spring to my ass, lifting me up high enough to restrict our groins from touching. He waits a few seconds before lowing me down. Once Joe’s hand slide up my back, I continue my pursuit. My lips journey to his neck and eventually inch to his chest.

“No,” Joe opposes when I move to his navel. He reaches to stop me, but he’s too late.

I render him speechless and immobile with my mouth encasing his cock.

By the start of the third thrust of my mouth over his penis, Joe protests. “Emma, no.”

Ignoring him, my mouth continues.

“Fuck, beautiful,” Joe moans when my tongue flicks across a particular spot.

With a smirk I ask, “Do you want me to stop?” I suck on the tip of his penis several times, making it hard for him to answer right away.

“Noooooo,” he whimpers, dropping his head back down.

“Good,” I say, resuming my task.

Joe’s hands bunch in my hair, keeping it away from my face while also allowing him to watch me. His cock stiffens, notifying me that he’s getting close. He pulses into my mouth each time I head back down his cock. Three more strokes and Joe’s release sprays into the back of my throat.

He lays motionless as I lick him clean. My mouth dances up his body and when it rounds his chest, Joe cups my face, diving his tongue into taste. He quickly shifts, rolling himself over me. “What about you?” he checks.

“I’m good,” I offer, not wanting to admit that I’m a little horny but still uncomfortable with the idea of him being down there.

Joe gives me a disbelieving look paired with a face that says he’s not leaving until I get something in return.

“Seriously, I’m good,” I lie.

Joe doesn’t say anything. Instead, he scoops me up and carries me to the bathroom. “Take it out,” he commands after setting me down.

“What?” I say shocked.

“Your cup,” he expresses.

“I know what you meant, but no,” I argue.

“Either you take it out or I will,” he directs.

There’s that confident, authoritative tone that riles me.

I don’t say or do anything, amazed by the moment and his words.

Joe takes a step toward me. “Take it out, or I will.”

I stand speechless.

Joe takes another step toward me, but this time I’m able to take one back.

“I’ll get it,” I announce.

Neither of us move.

He moves closer.

“I need some privacy,” I blurt nervously.

Joe studies me for a moment. He turns and places himself most of the way out the door, keeping only his right leg and arm in.

“What are you doing? Close it.”

“And let you lock me out, no way,” he contends.

Shit. He knows me too well.

“No peeking,” I direct.

Joe turns his head, facing the bedroom.

I turn on the sink, but it’s not loud enough to drown out any noises, so I turn it off and head to the shower.

“What are you doing?” Joe questions, popping his head back in.

“It’s weird knowing you can hear me,” I explain.

A smirk forms on Joe’s face.

“No peeking,” I instruct, gesturing with my finger for him to look away.

Once Joe’s head is on the other side of the door, I quickly sit on the toilet. Removing the cup, my body nervously pees once it’s out. After flushing the toilet, I rush to the sink and rinse it out.

“You done yet?”

“Don’t rush me!” I shout.

I hear a faint laugh over the sound of the shower.

Placing the cup back in it’s little bag in my toiletry case, I take a moment to catch a few deep breaths before announcing with a shaky voice, “Okay.”

Joe turns his head, inspecting me for a moment before entering. He moves slowly toward me as if trying not to scare me. “Where’s B.O.B.?”

“What?” I reply.

“Did you bring him along?”

“Y . . . yes,” I apprehensively admit.

“Get him,” Joe requests, brushing his knuckles lightly on my cheek.

“Wh . . . Why?”

Joe says nothing, but the smile on his face reveals everything.

Despite my trepidation, my body sharply turns around and gets the bag that houses B.O.B.. I try to be as discrete about it as I can since Master P and a few others are in there too. Right as I get the bag zipped shut, I feel Joe’s hand lightly trailing down my spine. Tingles spread throughout my body, causing me to shiver. More of Joe’s body is against mine, and the warmth from his skin is comforting. Our eyes meet in the mirror before mine stay fixed on Joe as he sweeps hair off my shoulders and lowers his mouth.

Once his lips journey down to my shoulder and back up my neck to just under my ear, Joe whispers, “Ready?”

I wave my head, not sure if I am.

With a soothing smile, he takes my hand, directing me toward the shower. Before I get the chance to turn around once inside, Joe’s hands guide my hips back until our bodies are fully touching. His left hand directs my face to turn and kiss him while his right caresses each breast and nipple. Joe peels away from me, just far enough to kiss me from my shoulder all the way down to my rear. When he stands back up, one of his hands is manipulating my nub and the other gently guides me forward, placing my breasts a few inches from the tile wall. He steadies us both with his right hand, as his left continues to circle my clit. My body immediately responds, rocking back and forth with his movements, pressing my ass into his groin repeatedly.

Needing more support, my hands rest on the wall. Two seconds later, I feel Joe’s hand tugging at B.O.B.. My hand nervously grips tighter for a moment, not wanting to let go. The desire for him to enter me arises, but the idea still frightens me. My mind drifts to images of him taking me like this, from behind, causing my arousal to heighten until an orgasm floods my body.

Not letting me catch my breath, Joe has B.O.B. vibrating on my sex. Joe moves B.O.B. around, teasing me as he listens to each whimper like he’s learning which spot to hit. He uses B.O.B. to get me close, but the need of him inside me denies me of release. Joe laughs each time I groan and whine when the orgasm falters.

“Do you need more?” he sweetly checks.

Not wanting to admit that I do, I remain silent.

“Emma?” Joe coaxes. “Do you need more?”

“Yes,” I lightly breathe out.

Joe’s fingers cautiously tease the rim of my opening, and a loud gasp of pleasure reveals itself from my mouth. I find myself moaning when he takes them away.

“More?” he searches.

“Yes,” I mumble a little louder.

My left hand grabs onto Joe’s wrist to steady both his hand holding B.O.B. and myself when his fingers slink into my cave. Joe presses himself more into me, supporting us both as my body rocks, desperate to cum. I moan, frustrated at being at the constant state of release, but never achieving it.

Suddenly, the sensation of more being inside is noticed, and the muscles in my vagina clamp down around him. My hips thrust down onto Joe’s oncoming hand each time it lifts up. Barely able to breathe, my body is abruptly hit by an orgasm.

“That’s it, beautiful,” he hums into my hear as my body convulses and my voice screams its satisfaction.

“Don’t . . . stop,” I request, despite feeling my legs shake.

Joe steps in to steady himself better which causes his hand to strike a different part of my insides, eliciting another release inside me almost instantaneously. I whimper when he removes B.O.B., but even more so when he removes his hand. Joe uses his body to support me until my body stops trembling. He spins me to face him, cups my face, and immediately takes my mouth.

Joe stares at me, smiling almost like he’s gloating. I bite my lip to stifle a grin, but his joyful confidence is infectious.

My eyes fall upon his cock. “What about you?”

“Don’t worry about me,” he argues.

“You said that last time, and . . .” I begin.

“And, nothing,” he corrects, cutting me off.

“And you’ve only had one to my three,” I rationalize.

Joe shakes his head, trying to end the conversation.

My bottom lip curls under.

“Don’t pout,” he sweetly requests.

“Why? Is it working?”

Laughing, Joe says, “No. It’s not working.”

“Well, then what are we going to do?”

“About what?” he says confused.

“About your erection?” My hands reach forward, but Joe blocks it.

“Stop pouting,” Joe directs.


He pulls me into him and kisses me. “If we’re going to run and meet my parents on time, we better go soon.”

“Shit,” I blurt.


“I forgot they were here too,” I sheepishly confess.

“Why don’t we run later?” he suggests.

“Okay,” I confirm, wanting more time to be composed and ready to meet up with them.

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