Just Her Luck (34 page)

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Authors: Jeanette Lynn

BOOK: Just Her Luck
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But it wouldn't and I knew it, and deep down inside it was killing me.






It kept repeating in my head as I walked back up the drive.

I was distracted, watching the tips of my shoes as I slowly trudged my way back up to the house.

Arms reached out of nowhere and pulled me into the darkness on the side of the house, away from everyone else, and I yelped, yanked right up off of my feet.

“What the…”

My breath whooshed out of me and I fought, ready to scream, until I was flipped around and gently pressed up against the side of the house.

It all happened too fast, too abruptly, and it took me more than a second to get my bearings straight.

Before I could though, a hot, thickly built body was pressed up against me and Bowen's lips came crashing down on mine, nipping and licking at me hungrily.

He murmured apologies over and over, greedily touching my body.

I gasped as I burned at his touch.

He was relentless.

And I loved it.

"Bo... I don't know if we should. I..." I half-heartedly protested.

"No. No." he insisted, kneeling down in front of me, looking up at me those deep hazel eyes of his as he hooked his finger in my jeans, the other hand reaching up for my zipper.

"Wait." I stilled his hands. "Look, I, uh, I'm not sure whether it would really be fair to you or not. I, uh, the Ruthie... uh... stuff and all the..."

He lunged up, mashing his chest with mine, taking up his ravishing, kissing onslaught from moments ago.

"It wouldn't be like that. Not with us. You don't have to worry about that being the case. You aren't that kind. I'm sorry about what I did that to you earlier, sweetheart. I can't tell you how sorry I am."

“About that,” I mumbled, “I…”

His kisses trailed down my neck as he cupped my breasts over my shirt.

"This," he moaned, nipping at my neck, making his way quickly down my body, plucking at my nipples over my clothes, "This time is all for you, Vieve. I want to make you feel good, sweetheart.
So good."

Cool air hit my skin as my pants slid down my thighs, I was too lost to what he was doing to me to care.

He yanked my panties down, mouth immediately latching onto my clit the second the cotton obstruction was out of the way.


I bit my lip and cried out, gripping at his skull, gasping and panting breathlessly as he worked me, playing me so masterfully.

He attacked my pussy, laving at my hidden pearl with his hot, rasping tongue.

My legs trembled and quaked while I ground my sex into his face, writhing wildly, moaning as quietly as I possibly could.

His hands gripped my ass as he moaned and pressed himself up against me, rubbing the underside of his jean clad cock on my leg, massaging the large rounded globes of my bottom as he ate at me hungrily, tongue snaking out to stab into my cunt, thrusting and withdrawing, in, out, in, out, mimicking a hard rough fucking, bringing me right to the edge, teetering on the brink of release.

"Bowen! Bowen!"

His hands spread the cheeks of my ass, his index finger running along the seam, pushing just slightly at the entrance to my tight puckered hole.

My head thunked against the side of the house as I came, moaning out his name.

That was all I’d needed, that last bit of something to send me over, shattering me into a million tiny fragments, little pieces of me figuratively sprinkling on the ground as he worked me through my orgasm, two fingers from his other hand replacing his tongue in my pussy, pumping in and out, thicker, longer and wider than that lovely piece of magnificent muscle he keeps tucked up in his mouth.

A wet lick and then a suck on my tight bud sent another wave of pleasure crashing through me, my legs trembling like a wobbly vat of jello as I tried to keep upright, happy tingles tickling me from head to toe, trickling into my very being.

"What happened to your lady friend?" I asked, breathless, once he was upright, tugging up my pants and my panties, already knowing the woman on the phone calling him had been his mother, recognizing her voice, but wanting to get back at him for his little cell phone ditty.

"You know there's only you, sweetheart," he said sweetly, brushing his lips with mine, the taste of me on his lips, "Mama's voice is too distinct,
too loud
, to be mistaken. I know you know it was her."

He pulled back and looked at me, leaning forward to kiss me one last time, hazel green eyes locked with mine.

"Only you, Genevieve. There's only you." He pulled me in for a hug, and I rested my head on his chest, melting into his embrace.

"You could have taken advantage, you know," I said into the quiet that followed.

My hands played at the waist band of his pants.

"No," he murmured, shaking his head. "I wanted to do something for
. Also... I wouldn't feel right with everything that happened today.” He shook his head again. “I want you to know I really didn't do the intercom thing on purpose. I'll prove it to you, sweetheart, you'll see. Then I'll feel like I deserve you."

I pulled back and held him at arm's length, the anguish in those beautiful piercing eyes tearing at me, tugging at my heart.

I gave him an affectionate squeeze.

"Bo, I know you didn't do it on purpose. Don't feel that way. That’s just silly, I..."

"Genny? You out here?" Ephraim called from the front porch.

We both looked off in the direction of his voice.

"Go," Bowen urged, nudging me and stepping back, standing more firmly in the shadows.

"But, why don't you just come with me?" I whispered, lacing my fingers with his.

"I, uh..." he cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Genny? Baby?" Ephraim called louder, wood creaking as he walked along the planks.

"Hmmm?" I murmured, leaning in a little closer, his voice had gotten so low.

"I have to change my pants," he said awkwardly.

I reached forward, letting my hands slowly slide down his length until I felt wetness at the front of his pants.

Female pride fluttered in my chest, warming me through and through, a slow sexy smile spreading across my face.

I made him lose it.

Blow his wad.

A big old sexy man like Bowen lost it with little ol’ me.

did that to him.


His face pinkened in the dim light, and I traced the path of color across his cheek bones.

"You're adorable like this..." I whispered, giving him a very satisfied grin and cupped him over his cum stained pants firmly, tugging on his shirt with my other hand until he leaned down towards me.

I nipped his ear and chuckled throatily, "That's so sexy, Bo. I love knowing I do that to you," I purred, giving his little friend a nice rub, "makes me want to have a taste."

He moaned softly when I licked a warm trail across his neck.

I released him and backed up, turning to walk towards Ephraim, swaying my hips enticingly, glancing over my shoulder to wink in Bowen's direction, body tingling when I heard a heartfelt groan from the darkness.

I thought and grinned,
I think I could get used to this whole dating two men thing.






It was a few more hours into the party, the hour growing late.

I was digging through one of the ice buckets, looking for a soda when someone sidled up next to me.

Soda found, I straightened and discovered a tall, red haired brawny man I didn't know grinning at me, reaching over drunkenly with unsteady hands for my waist.

I slapped his hands away and glared at him.

"Watch it. Keep your hands off me."

"What's wrong, dumplin'," the drunk man jeered, chuckling at himself as he gave me a wink. "I just wanted to let you know I don't mind a fatty. Like me some cushion," he chuckled, wiggling his brows at me, "If you know what I mean."

"Then you won't have any issue fucking yourself, now will you," I called sweetly, gripping my soda tightly in my hand.

His expression changed quickly from friendly to caustic, breath wreaking of beer as he gripped my arm and leaned forward, his handsome face turning cruel and nasty quickly.

It was off to the side, where they'd put the ice buckets, and I knew for a fact that everyone I knew was gathered towards the other side, unable to see me.

"This is how it’s gonna work," he growled, "You're gonna give me what I..."

He bellowed out in pain when I pulled my arm back and swung the soda can towards his head, bashing it into his temple, kicking him with all the finesse of a field goal kicker as I aimed straight for his walnuts, hitting him right on target, the soda exploding all over him on my arm's second swing.

"You stupid bitch!" he cried, falling down, jerking and crying on the ground as he cradled his testicles.

Reeve stormed up as I’d just dropped the soda can, so angry and upset, I shook.

His expression changed when he looked from my ashen face to the man wallowing around in his own self-pity.

I was tempted to kick him again.

The drunken ass wipe deserved it, after all.

"Genevieve?" Reeve questioned, eyes swinging back and forth between the ass wipe and me.

I hesitated, mouth opening slightly, almost about to tell him what had happened, but then I remembered that this is
we're talking about here- why would I even
to tell him?

With my luck, he'd probably take the redheaded douche's side.

"He did it to himself," was all I said.

I kicked the exploded soda can behind me, looking at Reeve blankly when he just stared at me, his face an odd mix- not knowing quite what to make of everything, unsure of exactly what had just happened.

I started walking away, hurrying towards Ephraim and Bowen, rattled from my encounter.

"I thought you were gettin’ a drink?" Ephraim asked, offering me his.

"Thanks," I said gratefully and took a sip, casually pressing myself against him, hiding my shaky limbs.

I feel better in his arms.

With him, I feel safe, secure, protected.

Bowen came up and stood just behind me, hand caressing my hip.

They both surrounded me, enveloping me in their warmth.

I appreciated that right now, more than ever.

My men
, I thought, looping my finger into the belt loop of Bo's jeans.

My guys.

Bo didn't say anything about my little public claim, my fingers out on display, casually gripping the loop closest to his belt buckle-
a sign of ownership-
but a grin quirked up the corners of his normally grim face, showing me his pleasure at the sight.

When did I go from freaked out by the idea of all of this, let alone letting one man in, to where I'm at now?
I wondered.

It’s like it all just sorta snuck up on me and here I am.

When did things change?

Probably when I took a bit from the book of Ruthie and just let things happen, quit fighting myself over it and just let things be, let them go where they will.

"Are you alright, sweetheart? You're shaking like a leaf," Bowen said, frowning, concerned, touching my skin.

"Just cold and tired," I told him, yawning.

"You could go crawl into bed," Ephraim suggested, kissing my forehead, "I already put your stuff in my room."

No way do I feel like being alone right now.

And no way am I going to admit that out loud.

"I'd rather just wait for you."

"Alright," he rubbed my shoulder, not pushing any further.

Reeve walked up to me and held out a can of soda.

Not the one I'd dented the guy’s head with, but a new one, the same exact kind though.

"I found one," he waggled it a tiny bit, acting like I knew what he was talking about.

He smirked at me and wiggled it again. "What's the matter, prison bait, afraid I have cooties?"

I caught on, grateful he hadn't said anything, even though he'd probably gathered the gist.

A fact which baffled and surprised me.

Why isn't he jumping at a chance to throw this in my face or turn it around or something?

Was the drunk guy honest with him?

Did they talk?

Was anything said?

I tentatively took the soda, making sure our fingers didn't touch, turning it slowly in my hands.

"You never know," I said quietly, looking up at him.

"What do you mean?" He flicked his gaze towards the ice buckets, then back at me.

"Cooties or no cooties, you baffle me, Reeve," my tone said annoyed, but my eyes conveyed I was thankful he had the ability to act like a damn human being for once.

"Who knows?" I shrugged. "Someday you might even surprise yourself."

He opened his mouth and closed it, about to say something, but then thought better of it and walked off.

"I'm gonna go sit with Daddy," Bowen tugged me from Ephraim, "Come sit with us, sweetheart."

"Alright, but no sex jokes," I shuddered, "I swear I'm going to have nightmares for weeks. Oh, yeah, and before we get over there, which one is Daddy?"

He burst out laughing and put his jacket over my shoulders, ushering me towards the lawn chairs.

There were still tons of people milling about and I had to wonder how long these things usually run till.

Not long I hope
, I prayed, fighting to keep my eyes open.



Big Bad



I woke up and stretched, inhaling the scent of warm male flesh and clean bed sheets.



I peeked my eyes open, seeing a very tidy, very orderly room, beige walls and hunter green color scheme running away with the place.

I must have lost the battle to keep my eyes open 'cause I sure as heck don't remember toodling on up here.

I'm in Bowen's room,
I realized.

How did I get in Bowen's room?

I thought I was going to bunk with Ephraim?

I glanced down and noted that I was wearing one of Bo's t-shirts, the comfy button up he likes to wear.

So... I was stripped, dressed and then tucked in to bed.


I shifted and my legs rubbed together, letting me know I wasn't wearing any panties.

Looks like whoever dressed me for bed hadn't deemed them necessary.

I was currently wrapped around Ephraim, his face pillowed on my breasts, calloused fingers firmly gripping a handful of my ass.

I giggled at him, loving the peaceful expression on his face.

I ran my fingers through his hair, smiling when he leaned into my touch, even in his sleep.

"If I didn't know better," Bowen rumbled, making me pause, my gaze shifting to where he was sitting shirtless at his desk, reading glasses on, comfy plaid pj bottoms on as he sipped coffee and filled out paper work from his desk, "I'd think he really is your favorite."

I carefully extracted myself from a completely passed out Ephraim, slowly walking towards Bo's desk.

Making my way over, my fingers traced the edge, following it lazily around the corners.

"Would it bother you, Bowen?" I asked quietly, watching him watch me, making me feel bold and brazen, maybe even a little naughty.

"No," he denied, shifting in his seat.

"You made me really upset the other day..." I started, making him think I was referring to the whole phone/intercom thing.

"Sweetheart, I swear to you..."

"You wanted me to be jealous, didn't you?" I purred. I glanced behind me at Ephraim, asleep on the bed. "Should I make you jealous too, Bo? Would we be even then?"

I'd made it to his side of the desk, tapping him to get him to push out from behind it.

He obliged, opening his legs wide, pulling me down into his lap to cuddle me, sitting me on his knee, nuzzling my neck as he pushed my hair off my shoulder.

I raked my fingers down his chest, tickling the thick rug of springy dark hair he calls chest hair, loving every twitch and jerk I got out of him as I made sure I said hello to his nipples, hardening the little tips.

"No need to make me jealous, sweetheart. You already make me crazy."

I stopped and felt myself tensing up at that.

He noticed and kissed my neck, leaving reassuring little love bites up and down my exposed flesh.

"Hey, what's wrong? What did I say?"

"Nothing," I lied, trying to shake it off.

"No, you got upset. What did I say, Vieve?"

"It's silly. Forget it."

I chuckled lightly and turned to face him fully, kissing him hard on the mouth, hoping to put a hold on the inquisition.

He gripped my ass and moaned when my bare pussy butted up against his plaid pajama-ed cock, wetting the material, letting him know how hot for him I am.

I reached down between us and unbuttoned his peek a boo hole, letting Bowen Jr out to play.

"Ah, yes," he hissed, "Touch me, Vieve."

I curled my fingers around his shaft, shivering when they couldn't completely wrap around him.

Where Ephraim was huge all over, Bowen couldn't reach him in length, but he definitely had him beat in girth.

I teased him at the entrance of my sex, loving his shakes and shivers as he tried to let me have my fun, holding himself as still as possible, enjoying the sweet torment.

"Oh, vixen, you're playing with fire," he gasped, kneading the cheeks of my ass.

"Do you have any condoms, sexy?"

I nipped at his chin, teeth grazing the stubble of his five o clock shadow, making him grip me a little tighter, hands firming up on me.

"In my nightstand by the bed," he panted, then waved a hand in the stands general direction. "But don't stop just yet, give me a little more, sweetheart. Tease me some more, Vieve. God, you make me want to pin you to the desk and fuck you right here, right now, pound you right into the wood."

I grinned, warming up to the idea, a fresh wave of heat rushing to my sex, making me tremble a bit.

He noticed, eyes glossy with unspent passion, the reading glasses he still had on giving him a sexy scholarly look.

Mmmm. Yummy.

I pumped him a few times in my hand, then ran the head of his cock along my slicked up juices, tracing along my slit; my big bad cowboy mumbling mindlessly under his breath, hot and ready, just for me.

"Why, Bowen,” I grinned, licking my lips, “what a big thick dick you have."

He chuckled and grunted, arching into my teasing caresses.

We were interrupted when someone knocked three times in succession on the door and then, without warning, swung it open.

I squeaked and plopped down on Bowen, smashing us together, attempting to shield him and myself from the intruder seeing our naughty bits hangin' out.

What happened instead, though, was me unintentionally impaling myself on him, Bowen shouting the roof down as I so quickly enveloped him, my inner walls burning at the unprepared invasion, squeezing him in response as the base of him kissed the mouth of my sex, letting me know he'd made it all the way in.

Head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut, my mouth was open in a silent scream, hands clenching to the point of pain on his pecs, digging into the muscled flesh.

"Get the fuck out!" Bowen bellowed, but didn't stop to see who it was as he gripped my hips and slammed up into me, nostrils flaring, muscles tensing; a long low groan of pleasure ripping from his throat as he bucked up into me.

At the first thrust, I whimpered, the pain of my abrupt envelopment of him still fresh, but as his cock dragged along my channel, I found myself trying to keep up, letting out sharp, short cries as the fat tip of his cock head brushed along my sweet spot.

He buried his face in my neck, sucking at the skin frantically, moaning loudly when his sucks resulted in a rush of my wetness covering his cock, my sheath tightening and squeezing, trying to keep him there, gripping him rhythmically to make sure he stayed right where he was, snug in my cunt.

"Genevieve!" he shouted, shooting off his load, buried deep inside of me as he released his seed.

My eyes popped open wide as he bit down on my neck and as I splintered, crying out as he held me down to him tightly, grinding himself up into me, pelvic bones rubbing, pushing down on my clit, his balls pressed up tight against my perineum.

A few minutes passed and we slid down further in the seat together, resting my head on his chest until I could catch my breath.


And then the same weird knock happened again, but the door didn't swing open this time.

"Hold on, Reeve," Bowen said loudly, kissing me sweetly, his lips bussing mine.

"Reeve?" I spluttered, my voice a hoarse whisper.

"Don't worry, he won't say anything," he promised me, thinking that was my issue with it, but it wasn't.

I pursed my lips, still straddling him, held prisoner by the pole he still sported.

I gave the hair on his chest a hard yank, glowering down at him.

He grinned unrepentantly and chuckled, amused by my distress.

"He saw us?!" I hissed, slapping at him, not finding it amusing at all.

He shrugged and tugged my hands away, kissing my knuckles sweetly.

"Don't know. Might have gotten a peek though."

"Bo?" Reeve rumbled from the other side.

I tried to squirm off his lap so I could run into the bathroom and hide, but he had other plans.

He slid out of me, adjusted himself, tucked me up against him, made sure the shirt was adequately covering me, and then pushed us into his desk, trapping me in.

"Bo! No!" I whispered fiercely.

"Come in," he called, the door clicking open.

Reeve walked in and glanced at me, quickly taking me in, then flicked his gaze to Bo.

"I have a 'fire' for you," he said without any preamble, setting a piece of paper on his brother's desk, "I need it done today, as soon as you have the time."

"Consider it done," Bo's voice rumbled, free hand picking up the paper, other arm wrapped around my waist, rubbing my hip as he read over it.

"Thanks," Reeve said slowly, hesitating before he went to leave, glancing back over at me as I quickly looked away.

"Hey," Bo called, setting down the paper, glasses siding down to perch on his nose, "Didn't we just hire him a few weeks ago?"

"He didn't work out," Reeve said simply, his voice curt and gruff.

"I like to put a reason down in the file. Can you be specific?" Bo rifled around in his desk for a minute, pulling out a pad of paper. "If he gets stupid for being let go, I like to have a legitimate reason to use to back us up, just in case he's pea brained enough to try and take us to court."

He gave Reeve a steadying look. "I need something more substantial than
he didn't work out."

Reeve's mouthed formed a grim line and his jaw set.

"Just do the damn paper work and get his ass gone. I don't need no good bastards like that in my employ."

He gave Bo a hard stare.

"This is
ranch. If I say he's gone, he's gone. Just shut your trap and get the shit done, Bowen."

"You might want to watch who you're talkin' to like that,
," Bo warned, just as curt, "I own stakes in this dusty plot of dirt too. Maybe not as much as you,
mein Fuhrer
, but I still have a say."

I sat stock still, eyes shifting back and forth between brothers.

Reeve grimaced and ran a hand through his thick dark hair, blowing out a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. Look,” he apologized, “I didn't mean it like that, alright? I..." his hands scrubbed at his face, "I don't know what the hell I mean anymore."

"Don't sweat it." Bo waved it off, diffusing the situation immediately.

I gave his thigh a comforting squeeze.

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