Just One Night: Sex, Love & Stiletto Series (20 page)

BOOK: Just One Night: Sex, Love & Stiletto Series
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His eyes locked on hers for a heartbeat before his mouth moved over hers, a little roughly as his lips pushed hers apart. Riley’s purse dropped noisily to the ground, and she started to put her hands around his neck, only to have him grab her wrists, pinning them above her head as he continued his relentless assault on her mouth.

It was the kiss of a man who was done depriving himself—a man who’d take what he wanted, consequences be damned. Riley let him take what he wanted.

“Keys,” he said against her ear before his lips moved down her neck.

She could barely remember her name, but when he released her hands, they were definitely not holding the keys she’d had minutes earlier.

She bent over to pick them up, relieved when her hands didn’t shake as she fit the key into the lock.

This was it. Sex. Making love. Hell, it didn’t matter what she called it. She was finally going to figure out what all the fuss was about.

And then her hands
Oh God
. What if she was
at it?

Sam was on her again the second the door closed behind them, his mouth sliding up her neck, his hands moving over her hips, but despite the fact that he felt good
good—she couldn’t concentrate.

Why was it so hard to breathe?

Come on, McKenna. Get your freaking head in the game

She could do this.

She hadn’t just read all the best tips and tricks—she’d
them. There was no woman as well versed in sex in all of New York than Riley McKenna.

But she was
about sex. Not street-smart.

Riley had always figured she’d fake her way through the first time—relying on others’ experiences rather than her own.

But this was
. He’d held her when she cried over the death of her grandma, bailed her out of trouble more times than she could count, and listened to her in the sort of intent way that made her feel important.

Faking in
way with him felt wrong.

His hands went to the hem of her shirt, sliding behind to palm her warm back. She arched against him instinctively, but when his fingers found the back clasp of her bra, she stilled.

Her hands clawed at his shoulders. “Wait.”

Sam froze.

He pulled back to look at her, and she braced herself for exasperation, but there was only patient concern as his eyes searched hers. And then, as if sensing she needed some extra nudge to reassure her to trust him, he gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Tell me.”

She knew then—knew that he was the right one. Knew that
was the one and only reason she’d never wanted anyone else to touch her.


“I’m kind of new at this.”

His brow furrowed and he shook his head slightly to show he didn’t understand.

She tried again, gesturing between their two bodies.

“Making out against the door?” he asked, clearly still struggling to follow.

She took a deep breath. “More like … new at what comes out
the making out.”

After all, it wasn’t like she hadn’t kissed guys over the past years, it had just never been interesting enough to get to the next stage.

Sam took a half step back, and Riley moved around him to go to the fridge. She almost grabbed an open bottle of pinot grigio for courage but reached for the water pitcher instead.

“I don’t think I’m following,” Sam said, his eyes never leaving her as she poured a glass of water that she didn’t drink.

You only wish you weren’t following

She put her palms flat on the table and gave it to him straight, no bullshit. “I haven’t had sex since I was twenty.”

No reaction. Not even a blink.

“And I think I was pretty bad at it,” she said, because if she was going to drop bombs, she might as well be efficient and drop them all at once.

“You’re twenty-eight,” he said after a painfully long silence.


“You’re telling me you haven’t had sex in eight years?”

She let her silence answer for her.

He ran a hand over the back of his neck, wordlessly taking the glass of water she’d poured for herself and drinking it himself in three gulps as he watched her.

“Okay. Why?” he asked finally.

Riley had been prepared for him to accuse her of lying and to insist that there was no way she could be a sex columnist without sex.

Instead there was complete trust, albeit slight confusion, on his face.

She shrugged her shoulders a little. “No good reason, actually. No traumatic event that had me fearing intimacy. No crippling emotional issues.”
Save for the fact that I might be halfway in love with you, and no other man compares

But Riley was no dummy. There were some things you simply didn’t say to a gun-shy commitment-phobe like Sam.

“I just never felt … it,” she finished, feeling almost unbearably lame.

“But you have done it once, right? I mean, you’re not—”

“Not a virgin, no,” she rushed to reassure him. “No weird rituals or ripping of hymen to be expected.”

Sam winced. “Christ.”

“So does this … change things?” she asked, hoping her voice sounded like that of a sophisticated woman whose revelation was no more consequential than
I take cream in my coffee

“Who was it?” Sam asked, apparently not finished with the talking portion of the evening.


Sam groaned. “The dork from college?”

“He wasn’t a dork,” she said, her embarrassment starting to slide into exasperation. “And we were dating for, like, nine months, so quit giving me that you-hussy look.”

you decided you didn’t like it,” Sam muttered. “I doubt that guy knew his dick from his Xbox controller.”

Riley opened her mouth to argue but then closed it. Dan
played a lot of videogames.

But this wasn’t exactly the way she had envisioned the conversation. Not like there was any best-case scenario, but she certainly hadn’t imagined it would devolve into a discussion of a boy she rarely thought about.

“Never mind,” she muttered, irritated with herself for driving away all the sexiness of the moment. Irritated with
for letting her.

“Uh-uh,” he said, moving slowly toward her. “No
never mind
.” He gave her time to back away, and his eyes seemed to glow in satisfaction when she stayed.

Sam stopped just inches from her before he gently wrapped his fingers around her long ponytail, tipping her head back so she had no choice but to meet his questioning gaze head-on.

“This article for
—the personal one—that’s why you want to end your dry spell?”

She shook her head. “It was only the catalyst. Not the

“What’s the reason?”

She looked away, wondering how much to reveal. She decided to play it safe.

“I want—I want to experience it.”

“Experience …?”


“Riley. Say it.”

I want to have sex, because, well … 
. Unless I’ve been lying for the past several years in my articles, it’s supposed to feel good. Great. Whatever.”

“Oh, it’s not
,” he said, his voice going low as his fingers tightened in her hair. “Not with me.”

“Yeah?” she asked, moving closer until her breast brushed against his chest. “Because all I’ve seen is a guy who chickened out the first time and freaked out the second time.”

“I’m not freaked out. But that was quite the bomb you just dropped on me. Here I was trying to figure out if I had any moves that you hadn’t already seen and analyzed, and now I find out you haven’t seen
. I don’t know which is more pressure.”

“So you’re still in?” she asked.

His hand slid from her hair to her face, brushing a thumb over her cheekbone, and she
melted against him. “You going to write about this?”

She hesitated. “Not if you don’t want me to.”

She did need the story, but she needed Sam more.

“I’ll think about it,” he said, brushing his lips softly against hers. “It’ll depend.”


“On whether I want to keep what’s about to happen between us all to myself.”

Chapter Fifteen

She’d kind of been hoping for something hot and heavy against the kitchen counter.

Something fast and furious where she wouldn’t be allowed to think.

But Sam refused to hurry. Even when her hands slipped beneath his shirt, fingers scraping over the contours of his abs, he never quickened the slow, seductive pace of his kisses.

He cupped her face, occasionally tilting her head one way or the other to allow his tongue better access to the sensitive parts of her mouth.

Riley had spent so many hours daydreaming about kissing Sam, she’d thought that if she ever had the chance, she’d never stop.

But kissing was no longer enough. She wanted more. Needed more.

is where her career came in handy.

Remembering a move that had gotten particularly rave reviews from commenters, Riley let her hands slide down to his butt as she lifted to her toes and put her lips to his ear.

“I want you inside me.”

The fingers that had been so gently cupping her cheeks tensed before he let out a terse “Christ.”

Then he was hauling her across the tiny apartment in the direction of the bedroom, and Riley allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction.

Maybe she
get by on book smarts after all.

Sam peeled his layered T-shirts over his head and dropped them to the floor.

Nope. Never mind

The way her mind went fuzzy and her breasts went tingly was most definitely something best experienced in person.

“I’m scared to death,” she blurted out.

Instead of condescending to her or mocking her, he merely gave a brief nod of acknowledgment before tugging her hand and pulling her toward him. “I know. How about a safe word?


“Because I hate the dentist. It’ll cool my ardor instantly.”

“I don’t think I want to cool your ardor,” she said as he lifted the hem of her shirt and ran a finger along the waistband of her jeans below her belly button.

“No?” he asked, bending to lick the spot he’d just exposed.

Her back arched.

“You like?” he asked, nudging the shirt upward.

“You know I do,” she whispered as his tongue tracked upward over her ribs, her shirt moving ever higher.

“You’re new to this; I want to get it right.”

“You are.”

And then Riley forgot all about dentists and the fact that it was
finally happening
and turned herself over to the skilled confidence of Sam’s hands. His hands and mouth played endlessly over her stomach, his teeth skimming the base of her bra but refusing to lift her shirt any higher until she was gasping his name.

Finally he let her sit up just long enough to pull her shirt up and off, and then he placed a palm between her breasts, pushing her back down against the pillows, his eyes taking in her lacy blue bra.

“Not exactly softball practical,” he said, flicking a finger over the small green bow on one of the straps.

“You don’t seem to mind,” she whispered, her voice husky, watching him watching her.

His eyes went to hers. “I’m the only one to see these?”

“Well … Dan,” she said.

His gaze darkened before it returned to the spot where his fingers traced over the thin lace. “It’s time to start pretending that never happened.”

“But if it hadn’t, I’d be a
virgin,” Riley said, wiggling a little when his fingers moved over the center of her breast, stimulating her nipple through the fabric.

“Good. I want you to be mine. Just mine.”

His lips met hers, and the kiss was the perfect mix of sweetness and possession. Their hands resumed roaming, their lips separating once while he removed his jeans. Again to remove hers. But each time their mouths found each other again, until they were both naked, panting, and ready.

There was no room to think. Only feel.

Sam’s hand slipped between her legs, fingers pushing her thighs apart and finding where she was warm and wet. “Riley,” he whispered. “I should take my time with you.”

“You’ve taken more than ten years,” she said, her hand gliding over his hip before her fingers wrapped around where he was firm and smooth.

He let out a harsh breath, his forehead against her shoulder. “You’re sure you’ve never done this before?”

“No, but you know … I read somewhere …” She tightened her grip just slightly as her thumb moved over him and his groan banished the last of her lingering insecurities.

“This is going to end badly if you don’t stop that,” he said, grabbing her wrist and pulling it to his mouth, brushing his lips against her knuckles.

“So get on with it already,” she said. She tried for teasing and came out desperate, and she didn’t care. She may not have been an expert at this, but she knew one or both of them were likely to die if they waited much longer.

“You sure are demanding for a newbie,” he said, sliding over her and nudging her chin up with his nose so he could nuzzle her neck.

She turned her head, lips seeking his. He complied, and their kisses turned frantic.

“Condom,” he grunted, pulling back. “Where’s my wallet?”

She leaned over to her nightstand, pulling out an unopened box.

He took it from her, lifting his eyebrows.

“Hey, I like to be prepared,” she said. “Although … do those things expire?”

He tilted the box to read as he opened it, checking the date. “We’re good.”

She tried to pay attention to the deft way he opened the package, but the wrapper was on the floor and he was rolling the condom over himself in one easy motion before she could get a proper lesson.

Next time

Riley tensed for a half second as he settled over her, only to realize that the weight of him felt right, and her palms ran up his back as her lips sought his and pulled him in for another of those tongue-tangling kisses.

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