Just One Touch

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Authors: Mandy Rosko

Tags: #erotic, #erotic romance, #futuristic, #sex slaves, #princess dragon lord

BOOK: Just One Touch
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Just One Touch



Dex's new
owner is an old enemy...


In the
distant future, engineered humanoids are created in labs and sold
for pleasure to high paying clients. Dex, an engineered sex slave
with intelligence far superior to the rest of his species, is aware
that the possibility of a life outside of servitude is out of his

Melody comes back into his life. The poor little rich daughter of
one of his former owners, Melody's lie sent Dex back to the labs
for torture and testing until he was deemed safe to be sold again.
Now she's back, and she just purchased the rights to

she seems to have changed and is determined to make amends, Dex
demands proof of her sincerity in exchange for his

conditions are simple. Melody must play the part of sexual servant
to Dex's every need. In return he will not only forgive her, but
perform the rare ability he was engineered with.

He will
bring Melody to the height of pleasure, again and again, through
psychic touch.



Just One

by Mandy Rosko at Smashwords


2012 Mandy Rosko


more books by Mandy Rosko at her website




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Chapter One




tore her eyes away from the gyrating, half naked men and women,
wearing barely-there thongs over their greased bodies, along the
path set up for the buyers to follow inside the airport's rented
auction room. A difficult task considering almost every inch was
being used up by booths, poles, tables, and cages.

last one Melody didn’t particularly like, but it wasn’t any of her
business how these handlers dealt with their wares.

shrugged it off. To be fair, not many handlers put their stag or
doe in cages, and the ones they'd used weren't exactly cramped.
Most were even prettified with scarves and pillows for the
humanoids to play with and relax on.

As the
doe lounged in her cage, Melody eyed her, pretending to be
interested as a buyer instead of someone who also handled stag and
doe for a living.

Stag and
doe, humanoids engineered and born in labs, were very popular, and
expensive, in the sex industry. Little, if anything, was on their
minds, save for the act of sex, when they would get it, who would
give it to them, and how many times they could have it. The perfect
sex toy, a warm body that wanted nothing better than to please and
be pleased, who asked for virtually nothing in return.

The only
reason for conventions like these was that stag and doe couldn't be
bought and sold online due to credit fines if they were refunded or
returned. In person rentals and purchases only, and cash was the
only acceptable currency. or gold.

The tag
on the cage listed the doe inside as Daniella. She was a blond
little thing with perky breasts, peaked nipples, half lidded blue
eyes, and a round ass that would be good for grabbing. Melody
stared at the breasts and ass in particular, but out of envy rather
than lust.

was currently handling her breasts, squeezing and massaging them as
other buyers stopped to look and consider whether or not she would
be worth emptying out their entire savings on her.

would be expensive. Melody could tell already, and she wanted to
walk out of here with a couple of stag anyway, and not a single

walked away as the handler negotiated prices with rich college frat
boys who'd been openly eyeing the product. There were other young
men walking around too. Most in groups of three or four, and
judging by their clothes and the open looks of awe and lust on
their yaps, they were going to be pooling their money together for
a rental, rather than a purchase.

was not a rich college girl by any stretch of the imagination. She
was a little passed that stage, for a start, but she was certainly
dressed the part of a patron with deep pockets.

looked like she was getting ready to attend a social luncheon with
the queen of the United States, what with the way her dress was not
too tight, went to just above her knees, and the way she held her
tiny beaded purse in both of her hands. The very best anyone else
did was wear a professional suit, and that gave them away as
handlers in an instant.

didn't like advertising herself as a fellow handler. It made the
other sellers weary of her, less likely to talk, give away any
little secrets and upcoming trends they might know about, and
otherwise not want to lightly give to the competition.

I can fuck you until that dress melts right off.”

turned her head around. One of the stags, only a little taller than
herself, was looking at her with open lust. He was holding one of
the strippers poles in both hands, his neck chained to the very top
with more than enough wiggle room for him to dance around

cocked her head. “Really?”

The male
licked his lips. He was of a wiry build, but he had a nice sized
erection, and was pumping his hips back and forth, mimicking the
act he wanted to perform on her.

handler, a tiny woman who couldn't have been more than five feet
tall with the brightest red hair Melody had ever seen in her life,
stepped forward. “He's for rent only, and is very knowledgeable in
giving pleasure and prolonging orgasm.”

smiled, pretending for a minute she wanted to rent the stag. “How

Six and half when erect, and four inches for width. He can go
for up to four times without losing his stamina as

brows shot up, and she nodded, impressed. “I'll look around some
more and come back later,” she said.

Take your time,” Red said with a smile. “Satisfaction is
guaranteed here or your money back.” She handed Melody a brochure
before she walked off.

flicked through it, her spirits lifting. Her sales had been a
little weak lately because of the economy, but nothing to cry over.
Still, this was amazing research.

her customers with a smile like Red had done, and giving out real
printed brochures by hand instead of sticking them on her website
for her clients to download was much more personal, easier to

with research in mind, maybe she really would take home a stag for
a night of pleasure. There were always the stags she herself owned
back home, but it was never a good idea to sample ones own wares.
Handlers, both men and women, had been known to become possessive
of their stock after sleeping with them, forgetting they were
stags, rather than real people capable of becoming companions. Even
Melody's mother had been a victim of that.

passed another cage, staring with an open mouth at the sight of the
male inside, on his back, his breathing heavy as another stag rode
at a leisurely pace up and down on his lap.

handler, a much bigger and less than friendly woman than Red, with
long brunette hair braided tightly behind her, came up and slapped
her hand down on the bars, yelling at them to stop.

noise jostled them, but then they went back to their business as
though nothing had happened.

Stop that!” The handler yelled. “Save it for

Why tell them to stop?” Melody asked.

handler startled and jerked up, clearly not having sensed Melody's

scratched her head, dislodging several strands of hair from her
braid. “That's when you can tell they're damn near worthless,” The
handler said. “I've tried introducing them to women, and they stay
as soft as jelly. They can only get it up for other stags or men,
which limits my clientele by fifty percent.”

Odd, that was. Stag were known for being able to eagerly
perform for whoever purchased for rented them, regardless of
whether the client was male or female. The same went for doe. For
the two males in this cage to stay
soft as
, as the handler claimed, was not
something Melody had heard of. She was practically standing next to
the cage and neither male inside gave her a come hither look,
neither so much as acknowledged her either.

matter. Clearly this handler didn't know that there were lots of
women willing to pay double to watch a show like this up close,
without ever needing to touch the males at all. It was especially
better if the client rented out a third stag to have sex with while
the other two handled each other.

As it
was, it looked as though the bad temper of the handler was scaring
away any man or woman who might want to come closer to observe what
the two in the cage had to offer.

If I can't sell them today, I'm tossin' them. They cost enough
to feed while barely earning any money back.”

brain was working. The handler was young, looked to be about
nineteen or twenty, around the same age as Melody herself when she
first got into this business, and she didn't know what she

looked a little closer. She noted the visible ridges of rib bones
poking through thin flesh, the dirt under their fingernails, and
the way both were at least two days overdue for a shave.

their reasons for not being attracted to women weren't so
mysterious after all.

then took stock of how their hands were locked together, fingers
intertwined as they moved and kissed. She didn't know stag bothered
with such things, whilst not being commanded by clients, that is.
It was actually very sweet.

Are you married?” Melody asked.

handler stopped glaring at her males to look curiously at her, for
the first time the snarl of disapproval leaving her face, which was
shockingly pretty. “Got a girlfriend at home, why?”

explained her disgust for the two inside the cage. “Nothing. How

handler's jaw dropped, and then they began to haggle a

would've liked to say she was the type of business woman who always
paid a fair price, never haggled, and never underpaid for something
she knew was worth a hell of a lot more than it was, but that
wasn't how you got ahead in business.

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