Just One Touch (9 page)

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Authors: Mandy Rosko

Tags: #erotic, #erotic romance, #futuristic, #sex slaves, #princess dragon lord

BOOK: Just One Touch
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promise alone neatly sent her over the edge, but Dex pulled his
hands away before it could happen. Even with her hands on his
shoulders, the sensation of that warm tongue in her body

Dex. Master, please," she begged, Climbing onto his lap and
gyrating against him, searching for whatever friction she could

slipped his fingers under the black laces of her teddy, stilling
her movements. She still heard the groan in his words, despite how
he tried so hard to keep command over himself. "Behave yourself, or
I'll send you to your room without any toys."

He had
done this to her once before when she decided to play the bad doe
and disobeyed one of his orders, and though she was desperate for
him, he ordered her to her bedroom.

funny part was how he came for her five minutes later anyway, but
she didn't want to be separated from him for even that long, not
while they were doing this. So she obeyed and held

nice," he said, praising her and running his hands up and down her
sides, up to her shoulders and down to her hips, little jolts of
pleasure rocking her, a cock slowly surging inside her.

bit her lips together to contain all the desperate, needy sounds
she wanted to make, fighting so, so hard to keep from just humping
against him.

feel so damn good, your skin is like silk," Dex said, freeing his
cock, stroking it, running his thumb over the pearly drop building
at the slit. "You like watching me?"

you in me better," she said, her eyes falling shut as more of those
sensations came over her. Strong hands massaged her neck and
shoulders, sliding down and cupping her breasts, squeezing

couldn't take it anymore. "Dex, please!"

pushed her black lace panties out of the way and positioned her
over him, but she was the one to eagerly sink down onto his cock,
keening as he filled every inch of her, until she was pressed so
tightly against him that they were joined completely.

airy, satisfied exhale said just how much he'd been waiting for
this part too. "Now," he said before she could start moving. "You
can ride me as hard or soft as you like, but don't you dare come
until I say so,"

She shivered as his hard eyes stared into her, all serious and
in client mode. "I

I can't, no...?"

couldn't even finish. She was on the verge of coming right now! Her
body was humming with it, buzzing, begging. "How do you expect me
to do that?"

sure you can do it," Dex said, thrusting his hips as much as he was
able with her on top of him. She hissed through her teeth, holding
back her pleasure. "After all, you sent your assistant home, so we
have all the time in the world to draw this out, don't

So Dex
was in teasing mode. Alright, Melody to could play this part today.
She was kind of in the mood for some sexual torment

Eager to
get started, Melody reached around him and gripped the leather of
the sofa, putting them nose to nose, gyrating her hips in a slow
movement, yet grinding down hard on his pulsing cock, causing his
teeth to clench up.

If Dex
wanted to play this game, she was going to make sure she gave it as
good as she got it.

"Anything you desire, Master. Can you please fuck me now?"
she said, putting enough whining tone in her voice to make her
sound more like the horny doe she was playing.

wasn't that difficult to do, really.

He threw
her down on the sofa, pinned her hands above her head, and did just

Oh yes,
she thought, locking her legs around him while he pumped his hips,
this was a very nice start to the night.


The End



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Here is
an excerpt from Mandy's first published M/M erotic romance, Night
and Day:



a sun sprite from a highly respected family, is soon to be married
to his wealthy cousin to satisfy family debts. Miserable, Cedric is
allowed one night of freedom before his wedding. A vampire lord is
having his centennial, and vampires make outstanding

It is
Silus Veturious' birthday celebration, and he sees no problem with
taking a human, Cedric, to his bed for some fun. One taste and he
discovers that Cedric is no human, and that taste gives him the
most explosive orgasm of his life. Despite their enemy status,
Silus is intrigued. He has never been with a sun sprite before, and
he wants to know more about the one who braved a house filled with

of their families are pleased with the match, and Cedric and Silus
must soon choose if their new and fragile relationship, built
mostly on lust, is worth risking their lives.



Chapter One


drank in the sights with hungry eyes. If he’d been sitting, his
knee would have twitched with lusty impatience as male after
gorgeous male sauntered by, occasionally with a sexy twinge of the
lips that gave Cedric all sorts of forbidden ideas.

Benny, what’ve I gotten myself into?”

That kid in a candy store look suggests you don’t mind,” his
bodyguard said.

And mind
he did not. All around him was a buffet of tall, broad-shouldered,
clean-shaven men. Even the servants were sights to behold, but
Cedric wasn’t after a werewolf lover, or even one of those
blood-whoring humans. He’d crashed this party looking for a

had it they were insanely amazing lovers. They could seduce with a
look and bring about an orgasm with the most innocent of touches.
Which was precisely what he was after this night. His last

Since this was the birthday party celebrating the centennial
of the vampire lord’s son, it made it easy to spot who was who in
the crowd. Everyone with a flute of what looked like tomato
like—was indeed a vamp. A few of them even had their fangs
out, not bothering to hide them in mixed company.

others, the ones who were just as well dressed, but were drinking
scotch or champagne with no sign of fangs, Cedric would ignore.
Odds were good they were humans, invited only for their necks and
to liven the place up with more people. Cedric didn’t want any of
that. A drunk human in his bed, one who belonged to someone else
even, wasn’t his cup of tomato juice.

scruffy-haired waiter spotted them, moved in their direction, and
Ben snatched two glasses of white wine from his tray with a nod of
thanks. It was well known that vampires didn’t give their
were-servants any more gratitude than that, and neither of them
wanted to appear out of place. Ben’s idea.

they were both friends from all the way back to childhood, the
human teleporter was still a member of Cedric’s family guard. Just
being here, with his charge surrounded by so many creatures who
hated him, was probably giving the poor man an ulcer.

Cedric was a sun sprite. Vampires
sun sprites. Of course, sun
sprites also hated vampires. It must’ve been a night and day, cat
and dog, sort of thing. Whatever. Cedric didn’t mind putting aside
old prejudices for a little fun and rebellion. In all honesty, this
was his first time even being in the same room with a vampire, let
alone two hundred of them, and it wasn’t so bad. Of course, that
could be the champagne in him talking.

Speaking of which… Cedric downed his drink right away. Though
he was opposed to having whatever lover he took being wasted, the
added courage of the alcohol was a benefit as he searched for
someone to
rock his
, as Ben had eloquently put it once
Cedric got him on board with the idea.

It might
be someone else’s birthday, but it was Cedric’s last night of
freedom, so he could be a hypocrite all he wanted.

both hid away in a corner, under a giant velvet curtain with golden
tassels that framed windows as high as the ceiling. Windows in a
vampire household tended to be tinted and usually stayed closed.
Not tonight. There was no moon out, only stars, so it was a good
night for vamps to keep these curtains and windows open.

With his
glass to his lips, Ben nodded toward the curved staircase where
some of the guests mingled on its red carpet. “What about

eyes found the suggestion immediately. Grey in the hair, and a face
with a slight sag to it. He crinkled his nose in distaste.

You’re here to get laid, don’t forget.” And from the sound of
it, Ben wanted Cedric to hurry up with that so they could

Just not by someone old enough to be my father.”

This wasn’t the only problem, really. Vamps that age usually
had wives or husbands lurking somewhere nearby, and along with the
rumor of their skills in bed, they were well known for not—scratch
their spouses.

Huh.” Ben looked at him. “So, beggars can be

Shut up.” Cedric wished another waiter would come along so he
could have another drink. Would it look suspicious if he grabbed
another white glass instead of a blood glass?

If the
vampires who owned this mansion knew a sun sprite was under their
roof, the violins would screech to a halt and all eyes would stare
as he was ordered off the property.

That was
the better scenario.

because of Ben’s teleporting trick, if any of the vamps here got a
whiff of what he was and tried to jump on his neck, he and Ben
would be out of the house and across the city before any of the
suckers could so much as reveal their fangs.

While sun sprites could
to and from most locations, they had to be in
direct sunlight for it to work. As it was obviously owl time now,
Cedric had to rely on Ben, who could teleport whenever he wanted.
Lucky bastard.

The same
waiter from before must have seen the empty glass in his hand,
because he came over with another tray. A single bushy brow lifted
when Cedric picked the white glass again, but he said nothing,
simply took the empty flute and scurried off.

Maybe you should ease off. People are starting to look at us,”
Ben muttered, ever watchful.

tilted his head back and let the liquid slip down his throat like
before, and then he struck the glass down on the marble side table.
“That’s the last one,” he promised. He didn’t want to be so drunk
that he was all limp-dicked later. If there would be a later with
any of the men in the giant ballroom.

Jee-eeze, did he really have to do this? Well, he wanted to
do this. Finding out if vamps were as good as the stories said they
were would be a real treat, but did he really have to think of it
as being his last time? His parents wanted him to marry, tomorrow,
actually, but what were they going to do if he put his foot down
and said no?

throw his ass out. He would be just as ruined as they would if he
refused to cooperate, and he would never again be welcome within
any sun sprite circles.

But Ben
would never turn his back on him. Maybe—

What about him?” Ben nodded again toward a grand marble
fireplace where the majority of the male crowd seemed to be,
vampires laughing with their fangs out and humans with fresh bite
marks at their necks.

were part of the younger crowd. Or at least, the crowd that looked
younger—one never knew how old vampires really were—and while one
or two of them were pleasing to Cedric’s eyes, their loud,
obnoxious laughter was a turn-off.

needed a lover who would please him enough to last a lifetime. He
didn’t want to end up in bed with someone who was more concerned
about their own pleasure.

I don’t think that’s going to work.”

Jesus, you’re picky,” Ben muttered.

glared. “And you damn well remember why.”

cheeks had the decency to darken. “Sorry.”

Fuck, if
any of the vamps smelled his rising blood they were done for.
“Don’t worry about it.” If Cedric said more, made a big show of
telling his friend no harm done, it would only take longer to get
that red off his face.

it went down quickly as Ben cleared his throat and composed
himself. Hopefully, no one noticed.

Y’know, if you can’t find anyone here, I could always arrange
for something else.”

A crash
sounded on the marble floor, its nasty metal clang vibrating and
echoing across the walls, stealing the attention in the

heart hammered in his throat as his worst nightmare came true. All
chatter stopped, the cellos and violins screeched, and every head

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