Just Perfect (9 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hunter

BOOK: Just Perfect
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He paused briefly and then flipped her over, tossed her onto
her back and loomed over her.  With her face flushed with embarrassment and
breathing heavily, she scanned his face to gauge his mood.  He inched closer
and she threw up her hand to push against his chest. He grabbed both wrists and
stretched her hands over her head.  Lily felt utterly helpless.  He leaned his
body more heavily on hers and his clean scent filled her lungs.

“Don't. You have no right to touch me like you did.” She grated

He raised a mocking eyebrow at her. “Didn't you just slap me
in the kitchen?  If you want to act like a child, Lily, you'll be treated like

“This is my house, Sam,” she whispered.

“Not for long.”

He chest seized. That was a hateful thing to say. Why did he
want to hurt her? “Why are you here? If you're done manhandling me, you can

“I'm not done yet.” His voice grew thick.

She couldn't take it.  Lily didn't know how to handle a
situation like this.  Tears burned the back of her eyes.  “What do you want
from me?”  She whispered.  Was he playing with her?  Did he like having women
hung up on him?

“You're hot tempered.  I never would have thought that about
you.” He murmured.

“I didn't use to be. Please let me go, Sam. I don't want
this.  I just want to be left alone.”  She pleaded. His body was immovable, and
to her dismay, her own body turned soft and her nipples pebbled.  She squeezed
her eyes tight trying to will away her body's response to him.

“She isn't my girlfriend, Lily.  That's what I came to tell




Chapter 10.




Lily's beautiful brown eyes opened to meet his and were
filled with wary confusion.

“Will you listen to me if I let you go?” 

Uncertainty filled her face. “I don't have a choice do I?”
She asked dully.

He shook his head slowly. “No,” he answered honestly.  He
would never let her go.  He never felt so alive as had since meeting her.  But,
given half a chance she'd stomp all over him and toss out what was left.  He
had a feeling it had been a long time since anyone challenged her. If ever. He
gave her a little more of his weight.  Damn, she felt good against him.

“I'm going to let you go now.  No more slapping.” He warned.
Her eyes flashed at him but she remained silent.  He supposed having her ass
spanked stung enough she didn't want another.  He slowly released her wrists
and ran his hand down her arm grazing the side of her breast as he brought his
palm to her waist.  She trembled slightly and he swelled painfully in his

He pulled her to a sitting position and stood up to remove
his jacket.

“Don't take off your coat.  You're not staying long.”

“Oh, I'm staying.” He tossed his jacket on a nearby chair
and turned to face her with his hands on his hips “I'm trying to understand why
you thought so little of me that you don't want to hear an explanation before
you write me off.”

A blush pinked her cheeks. He sat back down close to her. 
He wanted to soothe her, and he would, but first he had to do some explaining.

“That young woman you saw me with today is Willa-” She
didn't let him finish before she was on her feet.

“Damn it, Lily!” he was losing patience. “Sit down and
listen.  I didn't come here to play games with you.”

She turned hurt brown eyes on him.  With a hand pressed to
her stomach, she said, “I don't want to hear you say her name, Sam, it hurts. 
I'm not familiar will all of this.”  She threw her hands up. “I don't know what
I'm supposed to do or say when I see you holding another woman. But, I won't
put myself in that position again. I’m a quick learner.”

He leaned in and snagged her hand. “She's not my
girlfriend.  She and my brother throw sparks off of each other and today it
made her cry.”  Sam never wanted to see her hurt because of something he did. 
Her turbulent gaze clung to his eyes. 

“She didn't look like she was crying.” Lily murmured.

He gently tugged her to stand between his knees.  “I don't
want her.  She works as a driver for Glen.  I like her.  She works hard.  But,
I've never touched her before today and I sure as hell won't touch her after
today.”  She wasn't running off.  Good sign.  “You're the only woman I want to
hold and touch,” he tugged her hand again, “why do you think I keep coming back
for more even after you keep throwing me out?”

Her plump, pink lips curled into a tentative smile. “Because
you're crazy?”

“Yeah.”  His thumb swept across her hand, feeling her smooth
skin.  “I don't want any else, Lily, I don't
anyone else.”  A flash
of hope lit her eyes.  “Did you come to the shop to see me?”

She nodded slightly and glanced shyly at him through her
lashed.  He took that as a signal.  “Come here.” He slowly pulled her into his
lap and draped her silky legs over one of his thighs.  The feel of her soft
bottom on his lap reminded him of their tussle. 

“Did I hurt you?” He didn't think he did.  He just wanted to
get her attention.  She was a little wildcat and would definitely keep him on
his toes.

“It stung a little.”  She looked embarrassed “I'm sorry I
slapped you.  I've never hit anyone in my life.”

“Let's try talking before you kick me out.”

Looking directly into his eyes she asked, “Would it matter
what I said?  Would you really listen?  Or would you just bully your way in
until I see things your way?”

With a heavy sigh, he said, “I'm probably going to try to
make you see things my way, so I suggest you do everything I say.”

She gave a startled laugh and dropped her head on his
shoulder.  He felt the tension leave her body so he decided not to tell her he
was serious.  He rubbed his hand up her supple thigh loving the way she curled
into him for comfort.

“I would have come earlier, but I had work to do that
wouldn't wait.  I knew if I called you would hang up on me.”

“It's alright.  I was busy with Johnathan this afternoon. 
Then Glen came to pick Mom up for a date.”  She paused. “I don't think she's
coming back tonight.”

Sam knew it was hard for her to let go. “What were you doing
before I got here?”

“I was drinking wine and watching Christmas movies.  I love

Time to lighten the mood.  He gave her a pat on the thigh.
“Hop up and I'll build a fire.  Go pour yourself another glass of wine.  We'll
watch one together.”

She sat up on his lap and smiled, brushing her silky curls
away from her face.  “You want to watch one with me?”

Her face was so sweet and her complexion clear. What the
hell was he doing? Even though she had a son, her innocence shined through. 
She practically glowed with it.  And here he was, more than ready to take all
that innocence away. “Yeah.  I want to spend time with you.  I think I keep
saying that.”

She slid off his lap and started for the kitchen before
turning back and pointing to a beautifully carved cabinet against the far wall.
“That was my dad's cabinet.  He kept some whiskey and other stuff in there if
you would like one.”

Sam's chest warmed.  She wanted him to feel at home. “Thank
you.  Would you get me a glass?” 

With a beautiful smile over her shoulder, she left the room.


As Lily was getting glasses down from the cabinet when her
cell phone rang.  Her mom was calling.  She already knew why and she didn't
want to answer.

Sam came into the kitchen to wash his hands and gave the
phone a pointed look when Lily just watched it right. “Answer it.”

Glancing at the phone again, she slowly reached for it. “Hi,

“Hello, how is your evening going?” She asked.

“Um...it's going well,” she glanced at Sam and blushed.  He
raised his eyebrow at her.  He was always doing that. “Sam stopped by,” she
said.  Sam gave her a gentle smile that made her warm inside.  She didn't
understand why she wanted to please him or why she cared about his approval.

“Really? That's nice.” Her mom said with barely concealed

“Yes. Are you having a good time?”  Lily asked as she
watched Sam pour her a glass of wine and take it with his empty glass to the
living room.

“Yes. We're having a nice time.  I haven't been out in
ages.”  Her mom actually giggled.

“Have you been drinking, Mom?”

“A little, yes.”


“Lily.”  Sam's deep voice came from the doorway and she
glanced up to see his arms crossed over his chest and a frown on his face.

“Is that Sam?” Her mom asked.

Lily's eyes fell away. “Yes, it is.”

“Glen wants to talk to him.”

“Oh..um..okay.  Are you coming home?” She wanted to make
sure she was taken care of.

“Hello?” Glen's voice came through the phone.

“Uh... Hi, Glen.”

“Hello, Lily. How are you?”

“I'm all right.  Glen, my mom shouldn't drink too much-” Sam
appeared in front of her with his hand out.  With a huff, she slapped the phone
in his palm and made her way to the living room and flopped down on the sofa. 
Yeesh, he was bossy without even saying anything.  Looking over to the kitchen
she felt happiness bubble. He fixed her troubled feelings just like she knew he
would when she went to the shop to see him. Maybe she should have stayed to
hear him out this afternoon but the pain from seeing him with
just too much. She was glad he came tonight to talk things through.  It was
crazy how he could make emotions go from almost devastated to feeling like life
was great just from his presence. Also from knowing he wanted only her.

The fire he built made the room cozy and romantic.  A pang
of sadness tried to dampened her mood.  There wouldn't be many more intimate
evenings in this house. 

Sam turned the kitchen lights out leaving the living room
bathes in the warm glow of the fire.  He grabbed his glass from the mantle and
made his way to the sofa.  He had already taken his boots off and placed them
by the fireplace.

The cushion dipped under his weight as he sat down and
wrapped a muscular arm around her.  “Sarah's not coming home tonight.” His arm
tightened around her as if he expected her to jump up.

“I sort of knew that already.” She sighed.

“Glen's a good man.  He'll take good care of her.  He said
she only had one glass of wine.”

Lily reached for her wine and the remote to see what movie
was starting next.  “I've seen this one before but I like it.  Makes me cry
every time.”

Sam was quiet for a minute and then put a finger to her chin
and turned her face to him.  His blue eyes held hers captive.  “She'll be fine. 
I promise, Okay?”

“Okay,” she whispered.

“Do you believe me?”

She really wanted to, and he seemed so capable of handling
anything. “I'm going to believe you tonight, Sam.  Let's not talk about it

“Okay, baby.”

They settled in to watch the movie.  She finished her wine
and he took the glass from her.  Between the fire and the heat of Sam's body,
it wasn't long before she dozed off.

When Lily woke, Sam was carrying her up the stairs.  “Wait,
I need my phone in case Johnathan or my mom call.”  It felt so good to be in
his arms.  Maybe sometime soon, when she was alone again, she would ask him to

He set her on her feet next to her bed. “Get ready for bed,
I'll go get it.”

After her nightly ritual of brushing her teeth and washing
her face, she started to walk back to her bedroom and stopped when she saw Sam
standing next to her bed.

“Come to bed.”

 The way he said it made her shiver and her nipples grow
tight, but she couldn't make her legs work.

“Now, Lily.”

She slowly stepped to the bed and couldn't stop fidgeting. 
What was he doing?  Did he want to kiss her goodnight before he left?  Should
she kiss him first?

“Get undressed.”

“Um..that's okay, I'll sleep in this.”

“Not tonight.  Get undressed.”

She bristled. “I don't want to.” He couldn't tell her to
take off her clothes.

“I want you to,” he replied calmly.  He studied her face for
a long moment. Then grabbed the hem of his shirt and stripped it over his head
and stepped closer to her making his large muscular frame cast a shadow over

She swallowed hard. “Sam,” she whispered.  She felt so small
next to him.

“Do need help?” He asked.

Her gaze jumped to his. “Um...” He grasped the hem of her
sweatshirt and yanked it over her head.  She gasped and crossed her arms over
her breasts.  A pang of fear pierced her stomach.

“I want to stay with you tonight.” His deep voice vibrated
through the room.  She watched his strong fingers go to the top button on his
jeans. Lily’s breathing increased and her body temperature shot up. 
Oh my,
, he wanted to have sex with her,
right now
.  She took in his
wide shoulder and muscular chest covered with a thick patch of black hair that
tapered and disappeared into the waistband of his jeans.

Her face grew hot and she looked away.  Her body tingled at
the thought of his hard muscle and coarse hair brushing her skin.

Sam reached for her shorts and she hastily stepped back. 
His hand splayed along her waist. “I won't hurt you. Don't be scared of me.” 
He inched forward until his body touched hers.  He pulled her arms from across
her breasts and pressed her hands to his chest.  One of his hand snaked up and
tangled in the curls at the back of her neck and gently tugged her head back.
“Have you been with anyone besides Johnathan's dad?”


“What did you do?”

No way was he telling him.  She tried to pull away but the
fist in her hair tightened.  A quiet moan escaped her lips and dampness
gathered between her thighs.  Her fingers curled in the course, springy hair
covering his chest.

“Answer me, Lily.  What have you done in bed?”  His warm
breath on the side of her neck made her tremble.  The beard on his jaw brushed
against her cheek and she tried to lean closer to the heat of his body.  He
gave her hair a stinging tub to prevent her forward movement.  With a gasp, she
went to her toes.  The sting on her scalp sent a zing of pleasure down her

“Lily.” he warned.

“W-we..um..kissed, and h-he…um-”

“Have you ever been touched the way I touched you?”


He grunted in satisfaction.  “I was the first to suck those pretty

Her face flamed with embarrassment. “Yes.”  Why was he
asking her these questions? 

“Have you had fingers inside that sweet pussy before other
than mine?

She swallowed hard. “N-no.”

“Not even your own?”

Heat prickled her skin and she closed her eyes.  Sam wrapped
a strong arm around her back and anchored her to his chest.  Lily felt his
thick arousal pressed against her stomach and she couldn't stop the rock of her
hips against him.

He growled low in his throat. “Well, well.  Sweet Lily is a
bad girl in her bed late at night.”

More wetness spilled from her and she couldn't stop the
restless movements of her legs trying to ease the growing ache.

He walked her back to the bed and pushed her onto her back. 
Standing to his full height, he stared down at her through narrowed eyes filled
with possession and a hint of tenderness.  He swept the shorts off her body
leaving her in her plain white bra and pink cotton panties.

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