Just Perfect (6 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hunter

BOOK: Just Perfect
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“You're right.  I'll pick you up for dinner at seven.”


“Dinner, Lily. Seven o'clock.” His voice broke no argument.

She crossed her arms over her chest, “I can't Sam.  I don't
want to date.  I have a son at home that needs me.”

“Your son is going to need you when you're in this shit hole
waiting tables too, Lily.  What?  You're going to leave as soon as he gets home
from school to come here to work then go back when he's already asleep?  Yeah,
that's being there for him.”


Sam knew he'd been as asshole many times in his life but
this took the cake.  She jerked as if he's slapped her then all the color left
her face.

With a curse, he reached for her and she yanked her arm away
so violently he thought she would fall.  Rather than cause a scene in front of
the diner he let his hands drop.

from me, Sam,” she said with a trembling

“Lily-” he paused.  What was he going to say?  That he was
sorry?  He wasn't sorry for what he said, just how he said it.  “I'll give you
time to calm down.”

She threw him a glare over her shoulder as she snatched the
car door open.  Judging by the look on her face, she wasn't going to calm down
anytime soon.  She left him standing there in the parking lot, looking like an
idiot, as she pulled away.

He went back inside and took his seat across from Dean.

“You're right.  Your
no charm
method works wonders. 
She looked about ready to fall at your feet.”  Dean was already done with his
breakfast and starting on Sam's.  “Sam,” he gestured with his, or Sam's, toast.
“She might not like you.”

Sam found his first smile. “She likes me just fine,” he
remembered the way she clung to him the day before.  There was plenty of
attraction there, she was just fighting it.

Dean chuckled. “If you say so.  You should try to get her to
relax before you do the
This is how you should do things

He could get her to relax if only he could get his hands on

“Dean, I'm thinking of buying a bigger house.”





Chapter 7.




Lily fumed all the way home.  How dare he talk to her like
that.  He didn't know anything about her.  She didn't
to spend less
time with her son.  She was trying to save their home.  She didn't want
Johnathan to have more change in his life.  He needed consistency.  She would
do whatever she could do to provide that.  The only problem was she never
worked outside of the house before.  She only had a GED, which she got when she
was pregnant with Johnathan.  After that, she learned all she could about cakes
with the idea she would have her own business.  And she did, sort of.  She
wouldn't give up.  She was young, healthy, and smart.... sometimes.  If she
worked hard enough, she could do anything.  She wished there was a bakery in
town, that would have been the perfect job for her.  But what she really needed
right now was money.  The diner seemed to be the fastest way to get it.  There
were other jobs in town, but she needed the flexibility of the diner to be with
Johnathan and for the baking business.

When she arrived home, there was an unfamiliar car in the
driveway.  They weren't expecting any company that she knew of.  Entering
through the kitchen door, she saw her mom having coffee with a brunette woman. 
They looked to be around the same age.

“Hi, Lily,” her mom greeted “this is Karen.  She's the real
estate agent that we’re going to list the house with.”

Lily felt as though her stomach had fallen to her feet. 
This was actually happening.  She wasn't going to be able to stop it.
No no

“It's nice to meet you, Lily.”  The woman smiled.

“Nice to meet you too,” she said automatically and glanced
at her mom. “So, the house is officially on the market?”  This can't be

“Yes, the listing will go out tomorrow.”  Her mom watched
her face carefully.  Waiting for Lily to lose her mind probably.  But she felt
too numb to do anything except nod.

“Well, that was fast.”

“It doesn't take long,” Karen said. 

Lily's throat started to close up, threatening to choke her.

The two women stood. “We're going to go to lunch, honey, and
talk about the house a bit.  I'll be back this afternoon.”

“Do you want me to pick you up in town?”  Forcing herself to
be polite when all she wanted to do was throw a tantrum.

“Karen is going to drive and bring me back.”  Her mom gave
her a gentle squeeze but Lily hardly felt it.

“Have a good time then.”  She stood rooted to the spot as
they started to leave. 

As her mom swung open the door, Sam stood there with his
fist poised to knock.  There he was again.  He wouldn't leave her alone.  She
hated him.  This was all his fault.  Things were fine until she met him.


Sam couldn't stay away.  He had Rick and Dean watch the shop
so he could check on Lily.  He hated the way things went at the diner and that
she drove home upset.  He knew she wouldn't be happy to see him but he wanted
to try and apologize.  Just as he was about to knock the door opened.

Sarah stood in the opening. “Sam.  I didn't know you were
coming by,” she smiled and motioned him inside. 

Stepping into the cheery kitchen, his eyes found Lily.  Her
face was tight with anger and her eyes shot daggers at him.  Nice.  He gave her
a nod, knowing she wouldn't cause a scene in front of her mother.

“Sam, this is Karen.  She going to list the house for us.”

The woman, Karen, stuck her hand out and gave him an
appreciative once over.  He wasn't interested.  He only had eyes for one woman,
who was currently trying to kill him with angry glares.

“What company are you with?” He asked.

“Falls Real Estate.”  She smiled, probably thinking he
wanted to catch up with her later.

Sam's eyes went to Lily.  Her hate filled look was still on
him.  If he left with the real estate woman, she would probably be thrilled to
be rid of him.

“Well, we're off,” Sarah announced brightly. “I'll see you
in a bit, Lily.  Bye Sam.”  He kept his eyes on Lily as the two women left.

They stared at each other for several seconds.  His body
started to tighten at the impending confrontation.

“I told you to stay away from me.”  She practically growled
at him.

What was wrong with him that he wanted this young woman so
bad when she wanted to flay him and leave him out for wild animals to consume? 
He wanted her, though.  He couldn't seem to get enough of seeing her.

“I wanted to apologize to you about earlier.”

She blinked, not expecting his response.

“I know you're only doing what you think is right.”

“It doesn't matter what you think Sam.  It's none of your
business.  Please leave.”  Her voice was soft, a complete contrast to the anger
on her lovely face.

“I want it to be my business, Lily.”

“No. I have enough going on right now without you pressuring
me,” she bit out.

He stuck his hands in his pockets.  “Your mom is selling the
house,” he said.

Her shoulders slumped and her face crumbled.  He reached her
in two long strides and pulled her to his chest.  “Baby, it's going to be
okay.” He hated that he made her cry.

“No, it's never going to be okay again.”  She sniffed.  Then
suddenly she jerked out of his arms.  “This is all your fault,” she accused,
eyes bright with tears.

“Really?” His eyebrows shooting up to his hairline. 

“Yes.” She stomped past him to the door and snatched it

“Out!” She snapped at him. 


Lily's spurt of anger faded when Sam approached her.  At
least, he was leaving.  Then she could go to her room and wallow in her own
misery until Johnathan got home from school.  When he stopped a few inches from
her, she let go of the door and stepped back.  He gently pushed the door
closed.  Goosebumps broke out on her skin and she took another step away.  Her
heart beat wildly.  He was so tall and strong.  His muscular body so appealing
to her.  She was drawn to him even when she didn't want to be. 

“What do you want, Sam?”  her voice sounded breathless to
her own ears.

“I came here to apologize to you, Lily, and you're not being
very nice.  Tell me,” he said calmly, “what is it about me that you don't

Her pulse beat with excitement. “What?”

He smiled slightly, “Why don't you like me?”

At the moment, she couldn't think of reason. “Um...because I
asked you to leave me alone and you keep coming back,” she whispered.

“Yesterday when I came back you seemed to like me,” he
pointed out. “In fact, you didn't want me to leave.  You kind of blow hot and
cold, Lily.  Do you think an attraction like this,” he motioned between then
with a long finger, “happens all the time? Don't you want to find out what it's
like to actually have a conversation?  Maybe see where the attraction goes? I
do.  I like you and want to spend time with you.”

His words were calm but it only made her angrier. “You're
pushy.  I would have contacted you if I was interested.”

He gave an unexpected bark of laughter and she jumped.

“I call bullshit on that.”  His eyes twinkled with laughter
and she actually found herself smiling back. He was so attractive when he
smiled.  He almost looked approachable.

His gaze landed on her lips and just like that her body
overheated.  She wanted the pleasure he gave her yesterday.  Her body even
started leaning towards him.  His hand came up and touched her straight locks
then trailed a finger down her cheek. 

“You look pretty today.”

Pleasure heated her cheeks and she ran a hand over her
dress.  It wasn't new but it was her favorite.

“Don't straighten your hair.  I like the curls.”

The pleasure of his compliment went up in smoke and her body
stiffened.  “I'll straighten my hair if I want.”

He chuckled, “Like I said, hot and cold.  You're mad because
I told you I like your natural beauty?”

“Yes! Everything you say makes me mad.  It always sounds
like an order.”

“I'm bossy,” he stated.

“Really?  I hadn't noticed.”  She said sarcastically.

Her breath hitched when she saw a glint in his dark blue
eyes.  Suddenly he had her hand and pulled her with him to the living room.

“What are you doing?

“We're going to sit and talk for a minute.”

“I don't want to talk,” she cried.

“Really?  I hadn't noticed.” Throwing her words back at her.

Lily glared at his back.  What did he want with her anyway? 
He surely didn't have a shortage of women to date.  She saw the way the realtor
ate him up with her eyes.

Reaching the big leather sofa, he turned and pressed her into
a soft cushion.  Then he settled down next to her with his arm stretched out
behind her.  The heat of his body seeped through her clothes warming her skin.

“Let me take you out tonight.  We can get to know each
other.  If you decide then that you’re not interested, then I'll leave you
alone.  As long as you're honest.”

She stiffened and tried to stand.  “You are unbelievable!” 

Before she knew what was happening, she found herself flat
on her back with him hanging over her.  His expression tight and his eyes hard.

“No more games, Lily.  Why do you pretend you don't want
me?  I can see it. I've felt it,” he growled.

Her nipples tightened and her panties became wet.  It was
happening again.  A whimper came out before she could stop it.

“I'm not used to this feeling.  I'm not ready for it,” she
admitted honestly “it's scary.”

His face softened. “I'm not used to it either.  I’ve never
wanted anyone this much.”

His understanding tone brought tears to her eyes.

“I want to try, Lily. I can be good for you if you stop
fighting me.”  His gaze traveled from her face down her body.  I like this
dress, Lily.  So pretty.”  He touched the hem and fingered the material.  His
hard fingers grazed her thigh and it sent warmth to her core.  He wedged his
big body between her legs and gave her some of his weight.

He groaned deeply. “You feel so good under me.” He leaned
down and brushed a soft kiss on her lips. “Does it feel good to you?”

“Yes,” she whispered, “it feels good.” She couldn't help the
upward tilt of her hips to put more pressure on her clit.

“Yeah,” he adjusted so his hard shaft was pressing against
her, “this feels better, doesn't it?”

“Oh, yes,” she grabbed his shoulder and tried to grind

“Tell me what you want,” he said in her ear then trailed his
lips across her cheek to her lips.

She opened her mouth and kissed him frantically, unable to
get enough of his taste.  He lifted off her and knelt between her thighs

“Pull up your dress, baby.” His gaze riveted on her hips. 

She grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up her thighs.
The way he looked at her made her feel so beautiful and feminine.  How had she
attracted a man like him?  He was so out of her league.

As excited as she was, things had to slow down.  She licked
her lips. “Sam?”

He put his warm hand on her knees. “Yeah?”

“Is this getting to know each other?”

His hands paused. “Do you want me to stop?”

“I think we should.  I don't know how I feel about this and,
to be honest, you're a little intimidating.” She said trying to be as honest as
she could.

His jaw clenched and he gave her a dark look.  “I'm not trying
to intimidate you.  I'm trying to make you feel good.  You want me, I know you

“I don't know anything about you.”

He raised an eyebrow at her, “I tried to get you to spend
time with me. This,” he motioned to their position, “seems to be the only thing
I do that you seem to like.”

Oh no! He was right.  She struggled to sit up.

Sam grabbed her flailing form and pulled her to him so she
straddled his lap. “Stop!” He shouted when she kept struggling.


She froze instantly turning wide eyes on him.  Sam held back
his irritation.  “There's nothing wrong with you, dammit.  It's okay to want to
be touched,” he paused “as long as it's by me.” He didn't want her to decide
she liked being touched and let some other asshole besides him touch her.

Oh shit.
He squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his
head back on the sofa.  He wanted her so bad he ached.  He took a couple deep
breaths to calm his body and was going to let her go when she rested her slight
weight against him and tucked her head under his chin.  He sat very still not
wanting to ruin the moment.  Slowly, he brought a hand up to stroke her back.

“I haven't been touched in so long.  It feels so strange
sometimes.”  She whispered.

She was actually talking to him.  “Johnathan's dad?” He
asked hoping she would tell him something about herself.


“Did you love him?”  

“Yes.  We were so young.  I was seventeen and he was
eighteen.  I feel so old now.”  She heaved a heavy sigh.

“What happened to him?”  She was silent for so long he
didn't think she would answer.

“I killed him,” she said so faintly he didn't think he heard
her right.


“I killed him.” Her voice was stronger now.

His hand stilled on her back. “Tell me what happened.”  He
would never believe she actually killed someone.  She pushed herself closer to
his body and started talking.  She told him about John and the wreck. About her
dad, the failing business, and her mom's stroke.  She talked for almost an hour
and soaked his shirt through with tears.  He held her close and rubbed her back.
 When she finally quieted, he said, “You don't know what caused that wreck,
Lily.  It could have been anything.  You can't keep blaming yourself.”

She sniffed. “I'll never forget his scream.  He was
terrified.  All because I couldn't control myself.  I should have waited until
I saw him in person.  I called him and just...blurted out the news,” she sighed.
“His mom won't talk to me or see Johnathan.  She says it's too painful. She
moved away.” She sat up at looked deeply into his eyes. “I ruined a happy family,
Sam.  His mother will never get over his death and she blames me.” Her
beautiful brown eyes filled with fresh tears, “rightly so.”

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