Justice for All (124 page)

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Authors: Jim Newton

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consideration for Warren Commission post
efforts against organized crime
friendship with Warren
on internment of Japanese-Americans
Olney, Warren
Olson, Culbert
California chief justice nomination
civil defense planning
contrasted with Warren
difficulties as governor
election as governor
friends and advisers
governor's race against Warren
on Japanese-Americans
Mooney pardon
obstruction of Warren's work
on pardon-sale investigation of Merriam
on Pearl Harbor attack
reopening of
Point Lobos
wife's death
Olson, Richard
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Oswald, Marguerite
Oswald, Marina
Otis, Harrison Gray
Packard, Jeff
Palmer, Kyle
Palmquist, Nina.
Warren, Nina (formerly Nina Palmquist Meyers)
Parker, John
Parks, Bernard .
Parks, Rosa
Parrington, Vernon .
Patterson, Ellis
Patterson, Pat
Patton, George
Pearson, Drew
endorsement of Warren for president
friendship with Warren
as intermediary between Warren and Johnson
on timing of Warren's retirement from Court
Pemberton, John de J., Jr.
Perham, Ina
Perry, Herman
Phelan, James .
Phillips, John
Phillips, Orie
Phleger, Herman
Plank, Buddy
Plank, Ethel.
Warren, Ethel
Plank, Vernon
Plessy . Ferguson
Point Lobos
police misconduct
police powers
Pollock, Earl
poor people
legal representation for
provision of trial transcripts for
voting rights
Powe, Lucas A., Jr.
Powell . McCormack
Powers, Robert
presidency, Warren's bid for
delegation to Republican National Convention
mistrust of Nixon
on Nixon's betrayal opposition to primaries at Republican National Convention
on seating of delegates
support for Eisenhower
, consideration of candidacy for
President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy.
Warren Commission
Prettyman, E. Barrett, Jr.
prisoners, treatment of
from intrusion by press
in marriage
Progressive movement
property rights versus equal protection
Pullman strike ()
Purcell, Charles
Radin, Max
Ramsay, Ernest
Rankin, J. Lee
Rankin, John
Ray, James Earl
Rayburn, Sam
Redlich, Norman
Red Monday rulings
Reeb, Jim
Reed, David
Reed, Stanley F.
at announcement of
on school desegregation (
swearing-in of Warren Commission
Reed, William
Regan, Ed
Rehnquist, William H.
Republic, If You Can Keep It, A
Republican Party
California state chairmanship
Republican National Conventions
Warren's affiliation with
withholding of support for
See also
presidency, Warren's bid for
Reston, James, comments on
Vinson's death
vulnerability of
Warren Commission findings
Warren's Court confirmation
Reynolds . Sims
Richardson, Elliot
Roberts, Owen
Robinson, Jackie
Robinson, Spottswood
Robinson and Robinson (law firm)
Rockefeller, Nelson
Roe . Wade
Rogers, A. A.
Rogers, S. Emory
Rogers, William
Rolph, James
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
appointment of Black to Court
on California's pension plan
Court-packing proposal
defense of aliens
on Hitler's invasion of Poland
New Deal
removal of Japanese and Japanese-Americans from California
Roosevelt, James
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roper, Elmo
Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel
Rosenberg, Sophia
Rostow, Walt
Roth, Samuel
Rowland, Arthur
Rowley, Ronald
Ruby, Jack
Ruckelshaus, William
Ruef, Abraham
Rush to Judgment
Rusk, Dean
Russell, Richard
on Fortas's nomination to Court
objection to ruling in legislative boundaries case
as Warren Commission member
Sacramento Bee
Sacramento Union
Sakovitz, Ben
Salinger, Pierre
Samish, Artie
Sampsell, Lloyd
San Francisco
corrupt politics
earthquake and fires ()
labor issues
plague epidemic
San Francisco Call Bulletin
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
Santa Barbara News-Press
Santa Monica Evening Outlook
Schmitz, Eugene
school desegregation
Brown . Board of Education
announcement of decision
applicability to wider matters
cases constituting
conference deliberations, Vinson Court
conference deliberations, Warren Court
Eisenhower's resistance to
implementation challenges
John Birch Society response separate opinion on District of Columbia component
Southern Manifesto response
unanimity of decision
vulnerability of decision
Warren's written opinion
California schools
graduate school cases
Little Rock schools
school prayer
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Scott, Peter Dale
search and seizure
segregation, sanction of (
Plessy . Ferguson
) .
See also
Seitz, Collins
Selma march
Service . Dulles et al.
Severin, Clarence A.
Seymour, Whitney North
Shattuck, Ed
Shaw, Clay
Shaw, Hartley
Shaw, Mary
Shay, Frank
Sheok, Jee
Sherry, Arthur
Shriver, Sargent
Siegel, Benjamin (“Bugsy”)
Simon, Larry
Sinai, Nathan
Sinclair, Upton
Sirhan, Sirhan
sit-ins, in rights movement
Small, Merrell F.
Smith, Dana
Smith, Fred
Smith, Howard
Smith Act (Alien Registration Act of)
Sobeloff, Simon
Soul on Ice
antipathy toward Washington
on benefit of segregation to both races
“interposition” notion of constitutional law
response to
response to Warren's eulogy for John Kennedy
targeting of NAACP
See also
rights; desegregation; voting rights
South Carolina . Katzenbach
Sparkman, John
Specter, Arlen
Spreckels, Rudolph
Sprigle, Ray
Sproul, Robert Gordon
Bohemian Club membership
nomination of Warren for president
University of California loyalty oath
on Warren's denunciation of Radin
Standley, William
Stanford, Leland
Starr, Kevin
Stassen, Harold
Steinbeck, John
Steinhart, Jesse
Stephans, Joseph
Stephens, William
Stern, Sam
Stevenson, Adlai
Stewart, Potter
Stimson, Henry
Stockton Record
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Stone, Irving
Stone, Oliver
Storke, Tom
Sullivan . B.
Supreme Court
as brotherhood
Court-packing proposal by Roosevelt
finality of decisions
and Watergate hearings
See also
Warren Court; Warren Court, issues addressed by;
specific cases
Sweezy . New Hampshire
Sweigert, Bill
as assistant and adviser to Warren
in attorney general's office
poems about Warren
as speechwriter for Dewey-Warren campaign
Swig, Benjamin H.
System, The
Taft, Robert
Talmadge, Herman
Tauske, Edmund
Taylor, John
Taylor, Paul
Tenney, Jack
Terry . Ohio
Thirteenth Amendment
Thornberry, Homer
Thurmond, Strom
Tibbet, Bert
Time, Inc. . Hill
Tinker . Des Moines School District
Tippit, J. .
Tolan Committee
Topeka school board.
See Brown . Board of Education
trial transcripts for indigents
Trop, Albert .
Truman, Harry
appointment of Clark to Court
battles against Communism
presidential campaign
racial equality in military
Tyrrell, Edward
United Labor Party
United Nations
University of California
at Berkeley
loyalty oath
faculty resistance
ideological debate
legislative bill
settlement of controversy
text of
Uno, Edison
Uphaus, Willard
Upton Sinclair presents William Fox
Vallee, Paul
Vandenberg, Arthur
Vanderbilt, Arthur
Velie, Lester
vice presidency
Warren as Dewey's running mate ()
Warren's refusal to run ()
Vickerson, Julia
Vietnam War
Johnson's preoccupation with
Tet offensive
Vinson, Fred
conferences on
fellow justices' comments at death of
graduate school cases
and Rosenberg espionage case
Voorhis, Jerry
voting rights
Fourteenth Amendment (equal protection clause)
Johnson's bill proposal
legislative redistricting
literacy requirement
poll tax
Selma march
Voting Rights Act
Wade, Henry M.
Wallace, George (Alabama governor)
Wallace, George (defendant in
Point Lobos
Wallace, Henry
Walsh, Lawrence
war (Vietnam) protesters
Wardell, Justus
Waring, J. Waties
Warren, Chrystal
Warren, Dorothy
Warren, Earl
association memberships
American Bar Association
American Federation of Musicians
American Legion
at Berkeley
Bohemian Club
Native Sons of the Golden West
authors, influential
childhood and youth
decision to become lawyer
high school
home life
impressions and influences
love of animals
sense of justice
death and funeral
education at Berkeley
adoption of Jim
births of children
grandson Jim's visit
Honey Bear's polio
Warren, Earl (
insulation of family from politics
move to Sacramento
time with children
Virginia's wedding
and John Kennedy
eulogy for
mutual admiration and respect
at news of assassination
lawyer, first job as
military service
nature and temperament
caution and reserve
public versus private life
poetry, love of

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