Justice for All (122 page)

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Authors: Jim Newton

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Langer's motives in obstructing confirmation
letters of protest against confirmation
neglect of legitimate concerns
Warren's absence from
impeachment efforts by John Birch Society
initial loneliness and confinement
retirement announcement
retirement and departure from Court
See also
Warren Court; Warren Court, issues addressed by
Chilton, Richard
Choper, Jesse
Chotiner, Murray
Christopher, Warren
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
citizenship, right to
civil rights
Birmingham riot
Civil Rights Act
March on Washington
press attention to
Selma march
Warren's position on
See also
desegregation; voting rights;
specific cases
Clark, Jim
Clark, Ramsey
Clark, Tom .
friendship with Warren
Japanese-American internment efforts
legal opinions
defendant's right to confront witnesses
school desegregation (
search and seizure
resignation from Court
Cleaver, Eldridge
Clemencia, Jean
Clifford, Clark
Cline, John M.
CMA (California Medical Association)
Coakley, J. Frank
Coleman, William
Collins, George
in aftermath of World War
House Un-American Activities Committee
Korean conflict
loyalty oaths
for California public employees
Levering Oath
purpose of
at University of California
Smith Act (Alien Registration Act of)
spread of
in Truman administration
Warren, pro-Communist charges against
Warren Court cases on
confrontation of witnesses by defendant
Congress of (U.S.)
Alien Registration Act of(Smith Act)
bills on Court's jurisdiction
Civil Rights Act
Court's intervention in internal rules of
sanction of school segregation in District of Columbia
Universal Military Training and Service Act ()
Voting Rights Act
Warren confirmation hearings
charges against Warren
FBI investigation
final vote and confirmation
Langer's motives in obstructing confirmation
letters of protest against confirmation
neglect of legitimate concerns
Warren's absence from
Connally, John
Conner, Frank
Connor, Bull
Constitution (U.S.)
acceptance of slavery
as supreme law over states
First Amendment
Fifth Amendment
Eighth Amendment
Thirteenth Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment
applicability of Bill of Rights to states (incorporation)
case on school desegregation
Court interpretation of
case on equal protection
rights granted by
voting rights and
Fifteenth Amendment
Conwell, Russell H.
Cooper, John Sherman
Cooper . Aaron
Corley, James
Cornero, Tony
Cottrell . .
Council of State Governments
Cox, Archibald
Crane, Burton
Creel, George
Criminal Syndicalism Act
Crocker, Charles
Cutler, Fletcher A.
Daily Californian
Daly, John
Daly, Virginia.
Warren, Virginia
Davies, Ronald
Davis, John W.
Dean, James
Debs, Eugene .
Declaration of Independence
Decoto, Ezra
Deep Politics and the Death of JFK
DeLoach, Cartha .
Dennis, Eugene
Birmingham riot
California schools
challenges to Jim Crow
graduate school cases
Little Rock schools
Montgomery bus boycott
public transportation
sit-in movement
See also Brown . Board of Education
Dewey, Thomas
bids for presidency
pressure on Nixon to abandon vice presidential bid
selection of Warren as running mate
DeWitt, John .
Dinkelspiel, John Walton
Dirksen, Everett
district attorney of Alameda County
Warren as
Becker corruption prosecution
midterm appointment
Point Lobos
political capital gained
supervisory style and staff selection
yacht bandit prosecution
Warren as deputy
acceptance of position
courtroom style and skill
first trial (Taylor syndicalism case)
Dönitz, Karl
double jeopardy
Douglas, Helen Gahagan
Douglas, William O.
advice to Kennedy on Supreme Court nominations
contrasted with Warren
legal opinions
police powers
poll tax
privacy in marriage
Rosenberg espionage case
school desegregation (
on loyalty
visit to Warren during final illness
on Warren's legacy
Doyle, John
Draper, Murray
Drury, Newton
Dullea, Charles
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, John Foster
DuPont corporation
Eastland, James
Edson, Peter
Ehrenhaft, Peter
Eighth Amendment
Eisenhower, Dwight
associate justice appointments
desegregation views
Nixon as running mate ()
presidential candidacy
bid for second term
election victory ()
at Republican National Convention ()
support for
Warren's work for
on Red Monday rulings
Rosenberg espionage case
Warren, appointment as chief justice
Warren, offer of solicitor generalship to
Warren Court, lack of support for
Ely, John H.
Emmons, E. J.
Endangered Dreams
Engle, Clair
Engs, Judge
Enomoto, Jerry
Ervin, Sam
Escobedo . Illinois
Evans, Norman
Evers, Medgar
“Explorer, The” (Kipling)
Factories in the Field
Faubus, Orval E.
Faulkner, William
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
analysis of Warren as governor
arrest of aliens after Pearl Harbor attack
investigation of Honey Bear Warren
investigation of Methias Warren murder
refusal to investigate police rights violations
Warren background check
and Warren Commission
cover-up of information relevant to
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (
findings of leftist affiliations of staff
Ford as FBI informant
inadequate report to
intention to obstruct
leak of Kennedy assassination report to press
reaction to Commission report
See also
Hoover, J. Edgar
Fickert, Charles
Fifteenth Amendment
Fifth Amendment
First Amendment
Flannery, Dennis
Fleeson, Doris
Fletcher, Henry P.
Flint, Chester
Ford, Gerald
belief in Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory
as FBI informant
on leftist affiliation of Redlich
membership on Warren Commission
withholding of information about CIA
Fortas, Abe
appointment to Court
Black and
chief justiceship nomination on legal representation for indigents
poem on interracial marriage
on privacy from intrusion by press
resignation from Court
Fourteenth Amendment
applicability of Bill of Rights to states (incorporation)
school desegregation case
Court interpretation of
equal protection case
rights granted by
voting rights and
Frankfurter, Felix
on Brennan
as cross-burning target
distancing of Court from controversy
legal opinions
compulsory pledge of allegiance
interracial marriage
legislative boundaries
right to citizenship
school desegregation (
on Reed
resignation from Court
Warren and
free speech
versus government interests
symbolic speech
Frost, Robert
Gaither, Jim
Garment, Leonard
Garrison, Jim
Giannini . Mario
Gibson, Philip S.
Gideon's Trumpet
Gillett, James
Gilman, Philip
Ginzburg, Ralph
Goldberg, Arthur
Goldwater, Barry
governor of California, Warren as
campaign for first term ()
attacks on Olson
conduct of campaign
consultation with Whitaker and Baxter
debate with Olson
decision to run and announcement
election victory
family photograph
primary victory
vision and philosophy
campaign for second term ()
campaign for third term ()
council of advisers
farewell speech
FBI, relationship with
inaugural addresses
issues and initiatives
anti-Communist loyalty oaths
health insurance
highway system
“Mexican school” segregation
open government meetings
organized crime activity
prison system
leadership style
move to Sacramento
Nixon's congressional campaign
pardon of Ramsay (
Point Lobos
press, relationship with
senate appointments
staff selection
tax cuts
tax increase on gasoline
magazine feature
graduate school cases
Graham, Fred
Graham, Phil
Grapes of Wrath, The
Graves, Richard
Gray, Leon
Griffin, Francis
Griffin, Robert
Griffiths, Farnham
Grossman, Aubrey
gun control
Haas, Morris
Hagan, H. .
Hagar, Gerald
Haggerty, Cornelius
Haight, Raymond
Halbert, Sherrill
Halverson, Wilton
Hand, Learned
Hanson, Chester
Harlan, John Marshall
appointment to Court
legal opinions
confessions obtained without legal representation (
equal protection
free speech
interracial marriage
legislative districting
Warren's fondness for
Harper . Virginia Board of Elections
Harriman, Averell
Harris, Myron
Harris, Red
Harvey, Richard
Hastie, William
Hearst, Phoebe Apperson
Hearst, William Randolph
Heckendorf, Percy
Heller, Edward
Henderson, Betty Foot
Heney, Francis
Herrick, Allan
Heyman, Ira Michael
Hichborn, Franklin
Hickok, Lorena
Higgins, Preston
Hill, James and Elizabeth
Hill, Oliver
Hirabayashi, Kiyoshi
Hiss, Alger
Hodgehead, Beverly
Holland, Max
Hollywood, anti-Communist campaign against
Holton, Karl
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
consultation with Warren on Anti-Racket Council

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