Justification For Killing (78 page)

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Authors: Larry Edward Hunt

Tags: #time travel, #kennedy assasination, #scifi action adventure

BOOK: Justification For Killing
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Let me
read the last paragraph in the report by the Texas Archeological
Research Association (TARA) concerning these
: Materials were curated in
accordance with current guidelines of the TARA. Artifacts processed
in the TARA laboratory were air-dried and stored in zip locking
archival-quality bags. Each bag contained provenience information
and a corresponding lot number written in archival

The gold, metal object
(TARA 66-101) found at the Double Pond burial site northwest of
Celina, Texas was subjected to Carbon-14 dating. The official
report from the lab indicates the object was buried circa 1810 to

The object was found
around the neck of the skeletal remains of a Native American
further identified as belonging to the band known as Comanche,
obviously a chief identified by the other burial items.

The metal object was
suspended by what once were leather thongs. Microscopic
examinations indicate the metal was stainless steel; however, all
experts in this field readily agree this is quite impossible.
Further speculation cannot be made at this time. Its use is
unknown; however, the conclusion is it must have been some type of
ceremonial device...’

Of further note, another
astounding object (TARA 66-102) was found in the same burial site:
it has been identified as a 1911 .45 caliber U.S. Army automatic
pistol, circa 1944. Obviously, grave robbers had some time in the
past attempted to excavate the burial site and lost the weapon, it
is of no use to the further interpretation of the burial

FOOTNOTE: Carbon-14 dating
on the leather pouch containing the automatic pistol indicates an
1800 – 1820 date. Conclusion: pistol was placed in old pouch and
grave robbers, in their haste, lost both before leaving burial

Captain Scarburg
interrupted, “Olive Marie, let me cut to the chase: those ‘old
rusty looking things’ were my Special Forces Zippo lighter that I
gave to Two Buffalo, and the other was the .45 caliber pistol that
I traded for the golden crucifix.”


After the shock of the Bud
discoveries, Captain Scarburg regained the podium and announced if
they were through with their startling revelations he would begin
his Dallas briefing, and he did so for the next hour or

Nearing the completion of
his presentation he revealed his own revelation: “Remember, I told
you about the snapshot I took of a person escaping from the Grassy
Knoll. A photo I snapped on my first trip to Dallas. You were told
our lab had my photo to enlarge the person’s image and, if
possible, find out whom the sniper was through their facial
recognition program. Well, the lab report is back. They found a
conclusive match for our mystery person. She is Natasha

Who is she Captain? Was
she someone important?”

I believe you could say
that - she was only a Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence
Agency achieving the rank of Deputy Director for Operations, second
in command to the Directorate of Operations of Covert

How? When? How could she
achieve such a high position within the CIA?”

Oh, I left out one vital
bit of information - she served as a CIA Deputy Director from 1963
to 1969. Funny how those dates coincide with the term of office of
President Lyndon Johnson! Well, it’s not strange when I tell it was
President Johnson who appointed Ms. Danletsky to her prominent
position in December 1963. I see Rocky shaking his head in
disbelief. You see we had already identified Ms. Danletsky before
you all arrived this morning. LJ and Rocky taped the back room
meeting in Jack Ruby’s place between Jack and a few of his closest
Mafia chums. In this meeting were two CIA agents, a David Pherson
and Danny Danletsky, as the person was called. At the time we
believed ‘Danny’ was a man, we now have positively identified this
mystery person as Dannie Danletsky - the person sitting in the
Carousel Club with Jack Ruby on the 21st of November 1963 was none
other than the Grassy Knoll shooter and later Deputy Director of
the CIA – Natasha “Dannie” Danletsky! I told you, I thought I had
seen her before! I have attended CIA meetings at Langley when she
was present, back in the day.”

Whoa! No wonder the
Kennedy investigations never got anywhere. The fox was in charge of
the hen house.”

After the discussion and
murmuring died down each member of the expedition walked up front
and related their experiences and at the end where asked the
opinion of the operation. The details provided by the voyagers were
specific and in some cases downright suspenseful and nerve

After their briefings of
the Dallas expedition had been presented Captain Scarburg said, “I
do not know about the rest of you, but what we found is troubling
to me. We have found the assassination of President Kennedy had
connections to the Mafia, the Cuban freedom fighters, high
government officials notwithstanding the Vice-President of the
United States and of all people even the Secret Service, an agency
who is sworn to and duty bound to protect the President. But last
but not least the CIA! They were directly involved! And one of
their top level Directors was one of the assassins!!

I know we sat out on a
fact finding mission to see if the JFK assassination had been a
plot or conspiracy. I believe we have answered those questions,
without a doubt, but also the agencies and people just mentioned
were involved in a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy, I believe
they used all means available, up to and including murder to hide
this fact from the American people.”

Standing in front of the
group, he began to enumerate the group findings:




Some of the things that
the Captain talked about concerned the fact that Oswald did NOT act
alone. He said numerous witnesses reported seeing more than one
gunman; a minimum of four shots was fired at the President. He
spelled out that shots came from the Texas School Book Depository,
possibly the Dal-Tex Building and the Grassy Knoll. The Captain
thought it was possible that a shot might have come from another
location that the team did not locate.

He talked about the video
LJ and Rocky recorded from Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club. The video,
which confirmed the Cosa Nostra or Mafia was involved and used
Ruby’s club as a meeting place. This film shows Ruby was, as least,
a supporter of this group. They were upset that Castro had thrown
them out of Cuba. The Captain explained how the Cuban Freedom
Fighters had become upset with Kennedy over the lack of air-support
at the Bay of Pigs.

The video also proved the
CIA was a principal player in the assassination also.

The CIA was upset with
Kennedy’s plan to dismantle the clandestine organizations. And he
continued with the CIA using mind control techniques on Lee Harvey
Oswald, and did so for years before the assassination. He explained
how the CIA had eliminated anyone who could expose them as an
unscrupulous organization.

He said the CIA killed
Katrina Sokolov, Dr. Joseph Rusnak and Malita Smith in Bangkok that
they were sure of, and assumed they also killed some of the
assassins connected with the presidential assassination. The CIA
did not want their involvement in this mind control MK- ULTRA
project revealed.

The Captain further
theorized the plan was to have Oswald killed in the street at the
corner of 10th and Patton. He was framed for shooting J. D. Tippit,
and the CIA assumed the police would take care of him when caught.
He thought it was probable that the CIA later killed the actual
shooter of Tippit.

This was supported by
spent .38 caliber shells found at the murder scene not matching
bullets Oswald had in his handgun when captured. Lou and Bud, at
the scene of the Tippit murder, validated Oswald did not murder the
police officer.

Based on Lou and Bud at
least one Oswald lookalike had been identified, there could have
been more.

Captain Scarburg stated
that Secret Service personnel were involved in the assassination.
It was the Secret Service that imprisoned Forrest and Olive Marie
with the intention of killing them after the assassination of
President Kennedy.

Forrest and Olive Marie
proved President Lyndon Johnson was involved in the plot to kill
Kennedy while Johnson served as Vice-President. Other high members
of the government were also involved. Rich and powerful business
leaders had an interest in the replacement of President Kennedy
with Vice President Lyndon Johnson.

The Captain then moved to
the Dallas police saying persons within the Dallas police
department were not totally innocent. J. D. Tippit was more
involved than just being a shooting victim. Tippit was a spitting
image of John F. Kennedy. No notes were taken during the autopsy of
the President. His medical records were missing even his brain and
part of his skull had disappeared. Autopsy photos do not seem to
agree with photos of the President’s head. Was Tippit a stand in?
Was he killed because they needed a body double? A body double was
necessary to ‘prove’ to the public the fatal shot came from the
rear!! The shooter in the Grassy Knoll was not supposed to be

Turning to the SCAR
Kennedy researchers, Captain Scarburg explained, what he
considered, the one most damning piece of information the Dallas
SCAR team had found. It concerned the Zapruder film, or Z-Film as
it was now being called. Holding up the two Bell & Howell
Zoomatic eight-millimeter cameras that he, Forrest and Olive Marie
had purchased the morning of November 22, he hesitated as if he did
not want to explain what he knew about the Z-Film. He began, “We
bought two exact duplicates of Abraham Zapruder’s camera the
morning of the assassination at the same store Mr. Zapruder
purchased his camera. We used the same type Kodachrome II film and
Forrest stood within three feet of Mr. Zapruder as they both filmed
the Presidential motorcade. I had the film developed after we
returned yesterday. This morning I viewed the film Forrest had
taken along side the Z-Film – the two are not identical. Mr.
Zapruder has stated, for the record that he never released his
finger from the ‘record’ button on his camera from the time the
Presidential motorcade began the turn from Houston Street onto Elm
Street. His film shows that the Cadillac limousine convertible
carrying President Kennedy, the First Lady, and Governor and Mrs.
Connally moved from the corner in front of the Texas School Book
Depository to the exact frame of the fatal wound to the President’s
head took exactly 486 frames and 26.2 seconds.

piece of film has been regarded as the ‘Holy Grail’ of the Kennedy
assassination. Let me said unequivocally,
It Is Not!!”

The Captain further stated
the film Forrest took is 503 frames and runs for 28.4 seconds.
Seventeen frames and 2.2 seconds of film have been removed from the
‘official’ Z-Film.

The first cut occurred as
the motorcade turned the corner from Houston onto Elm Street. Elm
was not a ninety-degree turn it was 120 degrees. The Presidential
driver missed the turn, and the right front wheel ran up on the
sidewalk of the island that separated the street directly in front
of the TSBD from Elm Street. It was established in testimony later
on that the driver had never driven the parade route before and was
unaware of the sharp, more than ninety degree, left turn. At that
instant, the assassin was supposed to fire the first shot. The tire
running over the curb evidently caused the assassin to hesitate his

The second cut of film
occurred a few frames later when the second assassin fired and
missed. It missed the limousine entirely; it struck the concrete
curb, ricocheted and hit the cheek of Mr. Teague. Mr. Teague was
standing by the support column underneath the triple overpass. The
third and fourth shots hit their mark, and the President was
killed. I think it was cut here simply to hide the fact the
Presidential limousine stopped. My theory is the Secret Service cut
out the sequence of events when the first shot was to occur to
cover the ineptness of the driver, and they cut the film showing
the Presidential car had stopped because a head shot at a
stationary target was much easier than a shot with the target
moving. Instead of stopping the limousine, the driver should have
gone into ‘escape’ mode and accelerated the Cadillac as fast as
possible to flee the kill zone.”

Captain, a question. Was
the driver involved in the assassination?”

The simple answer is – I
do not know… it was unusual for him to stop the vehicle, but it may
have just been a reactionary response. At this point, it is
impossible to determine the reasons for his reactions, but if I had
to venture a guess I would say yes, and I believe the film taken by
Olive Marie on the opposite side of Elm proves everything I have
just said. You all have not seen her film, which we are now
referring to as the O.M. Film, so I’m going to ask Olive Marie to
come up and explain the new facts that were uncovered in her

At the mention of the O.M.
Film the entire group started chanting “Babushka… Babushka…
Babushka…” Olive Marie approached the podium, raised her hands in
an effort to quieten the group.

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