Justified Treason (Endless Horizon Pirate Stories, Book 1) (36 page)

BOOK: Justified Treason (Endless Horizon Pirate Stories, Book 1)
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I laughed at my own ill regard for Margret’s
frenzy, until I realized what she was fussing about. “Where is Mary, Charlotte? Have you seen her?”

“No Margret, I have not seen Mary since yesterday.”

sprung up with wide eyes and added, “She came in last night around sunset. We talked for a while, but I have not seen her since.”

The old witch’s worry turned to accusation. Pointing her boney old finger at me she berated, “You and your gallivanting. I assume you have led her into your wretched atrocities.”

Lawrence stood between us and calmly stated, “I will deal with this, Miss Margret. You can be on your way now.”

Margret stormed out of the room.

Not wanting to look upon me while in my nightgown, Lawrence looked away as he suggested, “Gather yourself an over robe; let us go speak with your father.”

I put on my silky blue robe, and as I followed
Lawrence down the stairs, I wondered what Mary had done. Did she follow through with the plan? What if they got away? Oh, good heavens. What if she was caught? She could be hanging with the pirates!

led me into the dining hall where Hester sat at the table with her face in her hands, and my father paced the room in a worrisome bluster. As soon as father noticed me, he glared with bitter eyes and accused, “Do you have anything to do with Mary’s disappearance?”

I exhaled an irritated defense. “I have been sleeping since before sunset. I don’t even know what is going on.”

Father clamored on about the recent events with his hands flailing. “Your dear friend Mary has gone missing, prisoners have escaped from the fort, and that blasted
Wind of Glory
was commandeered from the harbor. Those vile pirates shot a round of canon blasts at the guard tower and fled the island.”

Fighting the urge to yelp in delight, I managed my dramatics into a fit of worry. “Oh my. Oh dear. What on earth could have become of Mary?”

Throwing my face into Lawrence’s chest, I pretended to shiver in fear. My father dashed off a haughty response. “These are your supposed friends, young lady. I do pray they treat Mary better than they treated you.”

Resisting the surge of defenses that came to my mind, I lowered my head in humility.

Once my father realized I was saddened and uninterested in rebuke, he lowered his temper and began speaking to Lawrence as if I was not in the room. “Well, I would imagine that those despicable gallivants have made their way far from this shore. I do hope they become terrified by their near doom instead of zealous by their escape and choose to stay away. I suddenly fear the thought of risking your endeavor out to sea.”

Lawrence sighed and ever so patiently stated, “The journey would be dangerous, but if she stays here they know where to find her. Either choice shall be a
perilous one, but whatever you choose to do, I will help you, and I will protect your daughter at all cost.”

Father lowered his head in his distress and mumbled his thoughts. “If she goes they know not the ship, the time, or the destination.” After a slow inhale, he continued. “You are a good man, Lawrence Braddock. I do admire your input and your bravery. I only wish my daughter had the sense to appreciate the honor of your loyal commitment as well.”

My father looked at me with a glint of dismay, and I ached with the pain of his utter disappointment.

informed him of his mention to Mary about the Thursday departure, and the men agreed it would be best to take an earlier sail. My father summed up the decision by blustering, “I have had enough of these twists and tangles! I will hire a crew myself and see that you are sent on your way by sunset. Charlotte, my dear, I do hope you understand the pain this brings me. I love you with all of my heart, and I pray one day you will grow to understand my reasoning.”

I jumped into my father’s arms and hugged him with all of my might. Pillowing into his puffy chest, I did not say a word.

On my way out the room I heard Hester sniffle, “Are you sure this will be best for her, Wallace?”

My father exhaled an exasperated breath. “Have you a better plan for her, my love? I also dread the worries I have over her care, but I have exhausted my resources with that child.”

“I do feel better knowing she will be safe in Lawrence’s care,” Hester admitted.

The embarrassment was clear in my father’s stuttered response. “I am surprised that he will still have her after her tremendous disrespect. Our only hope is that the love of that good man will help to tame her raging senses.”

Lowering my head in shame, I made my way up the stairs to my room.


Margret packed my bag and helped me dress. She put me in a light cotton dress that was a golden color with a floral print on it. The front of the dress was lined with lace and buttoned down with pearly buttons. Margret wrapped a lacey bodice around my waist, and after she tied it in place she attempted to style my shortened hair.

She managed a few fancy curls and neatly pinned back what she called “the remains” of my hair. All the while, she complained about my terrible hack job of a haircut.

When I insisted on wearing the boots Lawrence gave me, Margret looked tempted to dispute, but she let me have my way. I think she was relieved this would be our last argument. Finally, she gave me a sunhat and brown leather gloves that had small pearl buttons going up the side and let me put them on myself.

The small leather suitcase was packed with a coat, an extra outfit, a nightgown, and simple toiletries. Before Margret could shut the case, I threw in my small duffle full of buccaneering tools. The only things missing were my favored pistols.

When I met Lawrence at the door, he took me under his arm and smiled. “Looking lovely as ever, Charlotte.”

I was surprised he would view me in such a way after my wretched behavior, not to mention the sight of the gash on my face. He was a true sweetheart through and through.

We hurried along to Eden’s Edge so he could pack a few things. While he went upstairs to change, I looked outside the window and admired the view of the lawn. I could see the white pavilion Lawrence proposed to me under, and the beautiful sight caused an ache in my heart. Lawrence was such a wonderful man; even I was astonished that I did not desire him. Though I did not want to be his wife, I was so very thankful to have him as a friend.

came down the stairs and the first thing I noticed was how two of my favorite style pistols were holstered to his belt. I envied the power the guns possessed and wished I had one. He had changed his outfit, and instead of his usual puff and glare, he wore a white button up shirt under a sleek leather waistcoat that he covered with a dark brown velvet coat. Every bit of his look spoke of exquisite wealth, even in his tamed down version of attire. I certainly preferred this rugged rendition of Lawrence Braddock and resisted the urge to gawk over him as he came near.

Once again, I was struck with the guilt of abusing the kindness of such a wonderful and attractive man. I had to apologize to him. As he came near me, I made a pouty face and sighed, “

He put his hand on my cheek and smiled sweetly. “Yes, my dear?”

“I am truly sorry I stole your clothes and your guns from you. I did intend to return them.”

Charlotte, I am just glad you returned. Do not worry about the items.”

I was relieved to hear him forgive me so easily, but I could not gather the nerve to mention the way I ran out on our engagement.

He led me to the carriage, and we headed towards the harbor. Riding along the harbor view path, my mind veered off into the horizon, and I wondered where my amour had found his escape. Just as I began to fret that he would never find me, my mind lit up with optimistic possibilities. “Lawrence, when you saw Mary last night did you mention where we were going?”

He explained to me the details of his conversation with Mary, and aside from the information I was seeking, I was pleased to hear that he would also be interested in punishing Paul Redding. It felt so wonderful to be so loved.

“I am glad you talked to her, Lawrence. I am so worried about her, and if she ever escapes, at least she will know she can find us in Barbados.”

While he prayed that God would keep Mary safe, I stared across the ocean in envy of her freedom. Mary Daley was with those rowdy buccaneers, soaring across the deep with the steady wind whipping the sails. With any luck, the love of my life was also on board, and Mary could tell him where to find me. I assured myself that he would find me no matter what.

Of course, my wandering mind then drifted off into sweet dreams of heart throbbing passion. In my fantasy, there were no bars between us, and I found it difficult to keep my breath steady as my mind swirled in desire. I hoped that I would not have to wait very long to be near him again.

Once the carriage reached the harbor,
Lawrence helped me out and led me down the dock. My father and Hester were waiting near the ship to see us off, and Hester cried as she hugged me. Though she was hardly a mother figure, she was the only mother I ever knew so I relished in her embrace.

While I held onto Hester, I heard my father make a stern request to
Lawrence. “Be sure my daughter makes it to church on Sundays. It’s my greatest hope that she will return to her senses so the Lord may forgive her for her piracy.”

Noticing the worried look on my father’s face, I lunged to hug him ever so tightly as I apologized. “I am so sorry I have been so terrible to you, father. I certainly understand your reasoning and I promise I will make my way to church.”

I kissed him on the cheek before Lawrence led me to the gangplank. My heart was sick with a ferocious aching as I walked away.

Royal Anthem
was waiting patiently at the dock with her canvas sails flapping in the breeze. Lawrence and I boarded the wind-powered ship amongst the few other traveling civilians preparing to cross the Caribbean Sea to an unfamiliar land. Even though I had originally protested the departure, I suddenly felt a rush of excitement for the adventure ahead. Endless possibilities awaited me across the vast blue wonderland.

The salt in the air and the tar on the deck mixed in a magical aroma, and the scent seemed to ignite every part of my existence with a vibrant flame of life. I watched in envy as the sailors scurried around to bend the final sails, and as they raised the anchor, I wished I were pushing the bars of the capstan along with them.

Leading Lawrence by the hand, I insisted we stand at the bow as the
Royal Anthem
set sail. Once the ship began its slow roll over the ocean, my spirit lifted in the awe of the wind, my heart fluttered like the flapping sails, and my blood flowed like the water wrapping around the keel. While I drifted off in the midst of the elements, Lawrence dashed me a peculiar look. “I have never seen you look so alive, milady. The light in your eyes is unfamiliar to me.”

I couldn’t quite tell if he was appalled or enticed, but I smiled. “I am a sailor, Lawrence. The sea is like my own life breath.”

Ignoring the concern in his gaze, I turned to see the laborers repairing the damage the pirates inflicted on the guard tower. Quickly pulling out my spyglass to take a closer look, I laughed at the way the laborers appeared to be cursing the filthy pirates. Moving the scope to round a quick view of the horizon, I realized, no matter what happened next, the view of the horizon would always connect me to Sterling Bentley.

After I put the spyglass away, I slipped a flask of rum out of my boot, and as I grabbed it,
Lawrence noticed the way I had my dagger strapped to my leg. His eyes widened before he turned his flushing cheeks away from me, and I giggled. “Would you like a taste, Lawrence?”

He shook his head as he smiled, “Why not?”

After his shot of rum, Lawrence ran his large hand through my shortened hair and rested it on my shoulder. I felt so small next to him. He looked into my eyes as he expressed, “Charlotte, you are a beautiful woman, but I can clearly see the rouge on your cheeks and the curls in your hair are but a mask. It is the smile simmering through the bruise on your face that shows me your true spirit. You have survived the perils of a dangerous journey and yet you welcome another drastic flight with open arms.” He closed his eyes and shook his head before he continued, “I finally understand your forbidden love affair. I cannot contest you for loving that mysterious navigator of the sea, for I am also deeply in love with a buccaneer, and her name is Charlotte.”

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I cried with love as I hugged him. Ever so pleased to have him for company, I snuggled up against his shoulder as I asked, “
Lawrence, how should you still feel the need to care for me after I have treated you so poorly?”

He glanced at me with a reassuring smile. “Charlotte, my dear, you should know better than anyone that true love is not about sense and reason.”

While admiring the turquoise beauty of the endless horizon, I listened intently as Lawrence softly said, “The Good Book has a perfect description of love and its dashing characteristics.” He then recited the beauty of the verse:


Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, and is not puffed up. Love doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, and thinketh no evil. Love joiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. Love beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, and endureth all things.

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