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Authors: Kirsten Osbourne

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

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Book Two in the Dallas Billionaires Trilogy


By Kirsten Osbourne


Copyright 2012 Kirsten Osbourne


Kindle Edition, License Notes


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Book Two in the Dallas Billionaires Trilogy. When a relatively new employee comes to his office to talk about some trouble in the Human Resources department, Justin feels such a strong physical attraction to her, he’s ready to throw all his beliefs about dating a subordinate out the window. Sarah takes one look at Justin, and knows she wants nothing more than to be his. Will they be able to get past the fact they work closely together and make the relationship work?


Kirsten Osbourne’s website is at: 

Chapter One


Justin Owens shut down his computer, glad to be leaving on time for once. Everything was always hectic at that time of year with football just over, basketball and hockey seasons in full swing, and baseball only a couple of months from starting up.

He had an idea for expansion as well, and needed to talk to his two business partners, Steven and Cody, about it to see if it was even worth pursuing. He’d call them both this evening to set up a meeting.

He’d just locked his office door when he heard a throat clear behind him. “Mr. Owens?”

He turned to look at the young woman in front of him. “Yes?” His eyes traveled up and down her, and he felt a jolt of electricity shoot through his body. Her shoulder length brunette hair was worn down. Her eyes were a shade of green he’d never before seen without the help of contacts. Could they possibly be real?

May I please speak with you privately?” Her voice was husky, and sweet.

Yes, of course, Miss?” He held out his hand to shake hers, desperately needing to touch her somehow.

Roberts. Sarah Roberts. I work in Human Resources.” She put her hand in his. She was a tall woman, almost as tall as his own six feet. He had never thought he would be interested in someone as tall as she was, but found he could only think of getting her somewhere private so he could taste her full lips.

He recognized the name, but not her face. She couldn’t have been working for the company for any length of time, or he’d have met her before. He knew most of the three hundred employees in the main office by face if not by name. “Will my office be okay?”

At her nod, he unlocked the door and ushered her inside. He gestured for her to sit on the black leather couch along one wall of his office, and instead of taking a chair opposite her as he normally would he sat down mere inches from her on the couch.

If she felt crowded by him, she gave no indication of it. He turned to her, waiting to see what she wanted, and he found her staring at his lips. He told himself he was acting like an idiot even as he leaned down and brushed her lips with his.

At first, she seemed startled by his abrupt move, but then she moved one hand to the back of his neck and returned the soft kiss. After a moment, she pulled back, as if surprised. She cleared her throat. “I..umm..wow, I didn’t expect that to happen.” She fanned herself with a file folder she’d been clutching as if to try and get her brain cool enough to start thinking again.

He smiled at the way she waved the folder. She was just as attracted to him as he was to her. “Would you like to go to dinner this evening?” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. She was here for a reason, and all he could think about was getting her naked and under him. What was his problem?

Her eyes skirted away. “I think I’ve given you the wrong impression. I don’t sleep with my superiors.” She took a deep breath and shook her head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” Taking one more deep breath she straightened her shoulders. “I’ve come to you about an HR issue.”

He nodded, watching her carefully. “What’s the issue?” Why hadn’t she gone through Melanie the HR manager? She wasn’t following the chain of command.

I’ve discovered several people on the payroll who are illegal aliens. They’re using falsified documents to work in this country. Because that’s against company policy, I talked to Melanie, the HR manager.” She was speaking quickly now, as if trying to get all of the information out fast before she lost her nerve. Her eyes were still on his lips, though, making him want to lean down and take them again. “She told me to not worry about it, but I had to let someone know, just in case. Did you know?”

He shook his head, his eyes staring straight into hers. “Thank you for telling me. You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. Are they contacts?” He knew on one level what she was telling him was extremely important. On another, he could think of nothing but the beautiful woman in front of him.

She shook her head, still staring into his eyes. “Are you going to do something about it?” She hoped she hadn’t read him wrong. He seemed like such an honest dedicated businessman. He did care about the problem, didn’t he?

He nodded. “Right away.” He leaned forward to taste her lips with his one more time. She had full lips that made him think of nothing but kissing her.

She stood abruptly. “Thank you for seeing me, Mr. Owens.” She turned and ran from the office, leaving the folder on the couch beside him.

He sat on the couch staring at the open door. Sarah Roberts. He picked up the folder she’d dropped and flipped through it quickly. Proof of her allegations were on the pages it contained.

He walked to his computer and quickly looked up her personnel file. Jotting down her address, he left the building, going straight to the underground parking facility. He programmed her address into his GPS and followed its instructions to a large apartment complex.

He sat outside her apartment watching the building for a few minutes, trying to decide what he should do. How would she react if he knocked on her door? He shook his head. He was acting like a lovesick puppy. He hadn’t followed a girl home since he was in junior high. He backed his black Maserati out of the parking lot and drove home. He couldn’t go to her apartment now without scaring her. He’d call her into his office tomorrow.
And do what?
Chase her around the desk?

He’d think of something. He was going to make her his as soon as humanly possible. He couldn’t risk frightening her in the process, though. He could still see her big green eyes. What was wrong with him today?


On the long bus trip home, all Sarah could do was sit and stare off into space, wondering what had happened to her. Sure, she’d had a crush on Justin since she’d first seen his picture in the newspaper a few years ago, but she had never imagined kissing him as soon as she met him. What was wrong with her? She licked her lips, his taste lingering there. What was it? Butterscotch? Why would he taste like butterscotch?

Why she’d latched onto him as her ideal man, she didn’t know. She’d deliberately applied for a job at his company, hoping to work in close contact with him. Every time she’d signed up for a boring business class in college, she told herself it was to work for his company and get close to him.

Yes, she probably could have sent him an email or an anonymous interoffice memo with the information, but she had to meet him in person. His reaction to her had been the real surprise. She raised her fingers to her lips. He’d actually kissed her.

If he called her into his office tomorrow, what would she do? Strip down and lie back on his desk and let him have his way with her? She needed to get a grip on her lust. She’d never felt anything like this before. It wasn’t his money either.

Oh sure, that was probably what had first attracted her to his picture in the paper, but over the years it had developed into so much more than that. She had an entire scrapbook with every newspaper clipping about him in it. It was amazing how he’d started this company with just two other college students and they’d been billionaires before they’d graduated.

She didn’t expect him to sweep her up onto his big white horse and ride off into the sunset with her though. Things like that didn’t happen in real life. Not to girls like her.

Chapter Two


Justin leaned back in his chair, waiting for Melanie, the HR manager to arrive in his office. He’d called her less than five minutes before, but the walk shouldn’t take her more than a minute. How was she going to react? She’d seemed like such a levelheaded woman, and he’d had no cause for complaint about her before yesterday. Of course, you never knew when an employee was going to turn.

He raised his head at the knock on his open door. “Thanks for coming.” The HR manager was a tall willowy blond with blue eyes. He’d found her mildly attractive at one point, and he’d thought about asking her out once or twice, but he wasn’t willing to risk an unprofessional relationship at the office. Not with her, at least. Now, Sarah was another story. If she’d seemed halfway willing last night, he’d have taken her home with him and never let her leave again.

Melanie smiled and took the chair he indicated. He’d already done his own research into the company files and saw Sarah had been right in her assessment. Why would Melanie not have come to him? “Great job on the Super Bowl prediction, sir.”

Justin smiled slightly. He and his friends, with the help of the software developed while they were in college that had made them billionaires, had correctly predicted the outcome of the Super Bowl months in advance for the past twelve years. They took it in stride by this point, and jokingly said there was no reason to even watch it any longer. “Thanks. It’s not as much fun as it used to be.” He paused for a moment debating how he should get into this conversation, but decided to get straight to the point. “It’s come to my attention we have a number of illegal aliens on the payroll. Were you aware of the problem?”

Her eyes widened in alarm. “No, sir. I had no idea!” Her innocent look would have fooled him if he hadn’t already seen she had been in the same files he had that very morning.

I was told you were not only aware, but you’ve told at least one of your employees not to worry about the situation. Were you planning on handling it on your own, or did you just not care?” His voice was casual, almost flippant as the said the words. Anyone who didn’t know him well would think it didn’t matter to him at all.

I’m not sure who told you I knew about it. I assure you, if I had known, I’d have taken care of it.” Her face was red with anger for being put in this position.

So you didn’t look at these six files this morning?” He tossed a hard copy of each of the employees’ files onto his desk in front of her.

She looked at the files, biting her lip. “No, sir. I didn’t.”

He nodded, watching her eyes closely. She wasn’t a good liar. Even if he hadn’t had definitive proof, he’d have known she was lying by the look on her face. “I see. Someone with your log-in has been looking at those files.”

I don’t know who could have my log-in.” Her voice was all innocence.

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