Karac: Kaldar Warriors #1 (10 page)

BOOK: Karac: Kaldar Warriors #1
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“Are you coming out?”  Karac’s rough voice came from the other side.

“Some time or another.”  I couldn’t help one last barb.  I got a growl in response.

“If you are not out here in 30 seconds, I’ll break the lock and come in and get you.”

“Now, now, no need for violence.”  I commented sarcastically.  I stood up and turned the lock.  Before I had a chance to open the door, it was being shoved inward from the outside.  I was left backed up against the sink with a very unhappy warrior directly in front of me. 

“No locks.”  He commanded as he closed the space between us.  We weren’t touching but there was hardly room to breathe. 

“I’m sorry, what?”  I leaned back over the sink, trying to put some distance between us. 
Personal space, much?

“There will be no locks between you and me.  I won’t allow it.”  He brought his hands up to the edge of the sink, caging me in.  I was still back on his statement of what he wouldn’t ‘allow’.

“You won’t allow it?”  I asked incredulously with raised eyebrows. 

“No.”  He said looking down into my eyes. 

“Why the hell can’t I lock the door?”  I asked irritated. 

“If you should fall, I need to get to you quickly.  To ensure your safety.  Also, there are no secrets between mates, nothing to hide.”  He stated like it should be obvious.

“Well I got news for you buddy.  We aren’t mated and secrets are only given when I trust somebody.  And just because you claim we are mates, doesn’t mean I automatically trust you.  That’s something that has to be earned.”  I pointed out.  He regarded me for a few seconds before answering with a nod. 

“I understand.  I will earn your trust.  But in the meantime, no locks.”

“Did you not just hear me?”  I shook my head in disbelief. 

“I heard you, and I will earn your trust.  But I am in charge of your safety.  Putting locks between us prevents me from protecting you.”

“Protecting me from what?”

“Anything and everything.”

“Well that’s vague,” I mumbled. 

“It is past time to go.”  He held out his hand again.  Apparently this conversation was over. 
Maybe in his mind.
  I looked to his hand then back at him.

“What’s with the handholding?”  I asked.  He hesitated, looking down at his hand before back up to my face. 

“Mates touch, and often.  I need to feel your skin next to mine.  Feel the warmth of your body close to mine.”  Again, he said that like it was normal.  Um…perhaps I might think that was ok, after I’ve known the guy for a while.  But him?  After an hour, maybe, of knowing him?  No, not happening. 

“I’m not real comfortable holding hands with a guy I just met.”

“Get used to it.  This is one thing I will not compromise on.”  Karac still held his hand out expectantly. 

“What have you compromised on?”  I questioned.  I was pretty sure nothing so far. 

“I’m sure there will be exceptions once we reach the ship.”  He grasped my hand without me offering and tugged me along behind him down the stairs.

“You mean your space ship?  We aren’t staying on Earth for a few days?”  I could feel the panic  start to rise at that revelation. 

“No, our mates are safer on our territory.  Your safety is now all the unmated warriors’ top priority.”  Looking back at me he adds, “As well as mine.”

“Why would your warriors have to keep me safe?  It can’t be that dangerous up there, can it?”

“On the ship, no.  But you are my mate.  You require at least a two warrior guard at all times when you leave our quarters.”

“Uh, wait…Our quarters?  Don’t I at least get my own room?”

“No and that is non-negotiable.”  He said firmly as he led me past the other warriors and toward the outside door.  There seemed to be a lot of things that were “non-negotiable.”  I decided to take a different tactic. 

“Why does being your mate require me to have two guards?”

“I am a high ranking leader among my people.  Your safety is everyone’s top priority.”  Two SUVs were pulled up in front of the house and I was being hustled towards the leading one. 

“Wait!”  I planted my feet and Karac stopped to look back at me.  While I don’t think the small tug I created really stopped him, it was nice to know he wasn’t going to physically drag me to the car…yet.  A few of the other warriors were jumping into the SUVs while three stayed surrounding us.  Including that Calzen who had my bag of personal belongings slung over his shoulder.  He seemed particularly interested in our conversation. 

“I can’t just leave.  I have to call someone for Nathan.  I need to tell my parents what’s going on.  I need to see my family.”  I listed off each item on the fingers of my free hand to make my point. 

“You can be in contact with your family from the ship.”  Karac stated with a little impatience. 

“You’d let me call them from the ship?”  I asked softly, I didn’t know that the women were allowed to call their family.  He took two steps toward me, closing the distance between us, as both of his hands cupped my face.

“I would never keep you from your family.  You may contact them anytime you wish from the ship.”  I could see the sincerity in his eyes and I believed him, even though I hardly knew him. 
Oh man, my brain needs to be examined!
  But that still left Nathan unconscious in the house. 

“Can I call someone to come check on Nathan?”  I saw his nostrils flare at the mention of Nathan and he took a deep breath.  There was something about me caring for Nathan that he didn’t seem to like very much. 

“If you wish.”  He pulled something from his hip and handed it to me.  I looked at it but had no idea what it was.

“Uh, what is this?”

“Communication device.”  Karac stated as if it was obvious. 

“And how am I supposed to use it?”  I asked with annoyance. 

“Just type or say the name into the device and a list of names will come up.  Touch the one you want to call.”  Seemed simple enough.  Unless you lived on a world that had billons of people and were looking up someone with a really common name. 

“Do you know how many Jesses there are in the world?  I’d probably get a list of thousands.”  I looked at him like he was crazy.  Karac actually looked a little sheepish as he understood my dilemma. 

“My apologies.  I forget your world is so well populated.”  He took the device from me, made a few adjustments, then handed it back.

“You can type the number in now.”  He stated, as if that solved my current problem. 
I wish.

“I don’t know the number.”

“How did you expect to call someone then?”  He asked incredulously. 

“Well, here on Earth we have these things called cell phones.  They store numbers so you don’t have to memorize them.”  I said sarcastically.  “I just need to go back and get Nathan’s cell.”  I handed Karac his communication device and turned back toward the house but was pulled up short once again by his hand wrapped around my arm. 

“Where is this cell?”  Karac asked. 

“Probably in his jeans pocket.”  I replied.  Karac’s eyes narrow before he pulled me back into the circle of his arms and looked over my head.

“Darrok, go check the boy’s pockets.”  He rumbled.  I watch as the warrior swiftly entered the house and not five seconds later, returned with Nathan’s cell phone.  I reach out to take it but was once again stopped by Karac.  He retrieved the phone from Darrok and handed it to me. 
Weird.  Am I not even allowed to accept things from other warriors?
  Deciding that was a conversation for later too, I took the phone and scrolled through it until I hit Jesse’s number.  It was late, after 11, but hopefully he was up or would answer.  It rang a few times before a groggy voice picked up.

“What the fuck are you calling me this late for?” 
Oops!  Guess I woke him up.
  I felt Karac tense beside me. 
What, did they have super hearing too?

“Um, hey, it’s Ashley.”  I heard shuffling from the other end before he answered.

“Ashley?  Why are you calling?  You’re not supposed to use the phone.  Is Nathan all right?”

“Well, that’s why I’m calling.  I need you to come over and watch over him.  I’m told he has a concussion, slight bruising, and a cracked rib.”

“What the fuck happened?  Are you at the hospital?”

“No, they said he was going to be fine.  I’m at the house.”

“Wait, who said he was going to be fine?”

“The Kaldarhns.”

“What the fuck?  Are they there?”

“Yeah, that’s why I need you to come over and watch Nathan.  I can’t stay.”  Tears were starting to form in my eyes but I refused to let them fall.  I could not show weakness at a time like this. 

“What do you mean you can’t stay?  What’s going on?”

“I have to leave with them.”  I choked out.  The stress must have finally caught up with me and I was starting to crack.  I had to pull it together.  I turned away from the warriors so they couldn’t see my face. 

“No, stall them.  I’ll be there in five minutes.”  Jesse demanded. 

“No, Jesse.  I don’t have a choice.  There are eight of them, there’s nothing you can do.  He said I can contact my family once we get to his…ship.”

“He who?”

“That leader you see on TV all the time.  Karac.”

“Christ, Ashley.  This is unreal.  Are they taking you into space now?  Can’t they just wait a few days?”

“Apparently not.  Don’t worry, I’ll figure something out.  Tell Nathan thanks for letting me stay with him.  I’ll try to contact him as soon as possible.  My parents too.”

“Yeah, of course.  But seriously, I’m on my way.  You don’t have to go.”  Before I could answer, the phone was ripped from my hand and smashed under a very determined boot.  I looked up at Karac’s stormy face and could see a muscle ticking in his jaw. 

“We’re leaving.  Now.”  Shocked, I couldn’t stop my legs as I was pulled behind him and shoved inside the SUV.  Karac and I sat in the back, while two other warriors sat in the front.  The other five must have piled into the second car.  Both vehicles flew out of the driveway and rushed down the gravel road.  I was still trying to wrap my head around what was happening. 

The Kaldarhns found me.  Karac found me.  He said I was his mate.  Now I’m going to his ship.  I’m going to outer space?
  Everything was piling up and I felt like I was hyperventilating.  I leaned forward and put my head in my hands to try to calm my nerves.  A strong hand suddenly landed on my back and rubbed which shook me out of my plight.  I jerked away the best I could in the confined space so Karac could no longer reach me.

“Don’t.”  Even I could hear the venom in my voice.  “Just don’t touch me.”  I glared in his direction as he looked at me.  I think he was trying to measure my sincerity and what he saw had him frowning. 
Damn straight I was serious.
  He rubbed his jaw in frustration before turning his attention out the window. 

We’d only been driving for a couple minutes before we pulled off into an open field.  Out of the darkness, a huge object came into view.  The media covered the Kaldarhns arriving and leaving on their ships before, but seeing it on TV verses in person were two entirely different things. 
Deep breath, Ashley, you have to find a way back home.
  No matter what Karac said, he couldn’t just take me away from my family and expect me to be happy.  That choice was mine, and mine alone.  I stepped out of the SUV inside the ship and followed the other warriors with determination.  Determination to get back home and not show how much I was shaking inside. 





Frustrating female!
  Karac shook his head as he looked out the vehicle’s window.  He rubbed his hand along his jaw in agitation.  All he wanted was to make sure she was fine when he saw her put her head in her hands and she practically bit his head off.  His mind wandered back to their first meeting in front of the farmhouse.

He knew he lost control because all he remembered was seeing red, then plowing into the side of the boy that dared to touch his mate.  Taking the boy by surprise was hardly fair, but Karac needed to put some distance between the boy and his mate.  When Karac had finally wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into his chest, he was able to take in her sweet scent.  Flowery with a hint of rain.  He could get lost in that scent.  Once she made the comment about passing out, he became aware of how tight he was holding her and loosened his grip.  Then the little fire breather attacked him.  Her moves were unexpected, and he had a feeling his warriors would be reminding him about it later on in the sparing room.  But he had to admit his little mate packed a punch. 

When he finally turned her around to look into her eyes, it was like his whole universe aligned with hers.  He was pulled into her very soul and knew there was no going back.  When she finally ripped her eyes away from him, he felt bereft.  He wanted, no, needed, that connection with her.  From what he knew, that feeling would only worsen until they were fully mated.  Something he very much looked forward to completing. 

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