Karac: Kaldar Warriors #1 (13 page)

BOOK: Karac: Kaldar Warriors #1
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“Yeah,” sighing, Karac reached for his com device.  “That female has him all worked up.  He has all this information on her and yet he still can’t find her.  To escape a warrior that knows as much as Darrok does about technology takes skill.”

“Which is why he wants to question Ashley.” 

“Fine, I’ll call him and between the two of you, you can keep her company until I get back.  I don’t want her with any of the other guards, alone, until I have a chance to introduce them.”

“Done.  You leaving right away then?”

“Might as well.”  Glancing at the door, he shook his head.  “From the little I know about her, she won’t be talking to me any time soon.”

“I think you’re right on that front.”  Calzen chuckled.

“I won’t be here for the meeting with her parents.  Will you or Darrok sit with her through it?  Answer questions you feel comfortable with but defer any you don’t.”

“Will do.”

“And don’t let her slip about my rank.  We don’t want the humans getting any ideas.”


“Good.  I’ll be back in two hours.”  With one final look at the bedroom door, Karac left. 





Infuriating male!  He just wants a woman for a fucking baby maker!
  Just when I was starting to feel something for him, he had to go and say that.  Sighing, I ran my hands through my hair.  It caught about three times before I pulled it loose.  My hair was always a mess in the morning.  Grimacing, I realized I just sat beside two very attractive warriors in what amounted to bed hair.  I decided a shower was the best option right now.  Maybe afterwards I could come up with a plan to get off this hunk of metal. 

After a shower, change of clothes, and brushing my hair, I was still no closer to working out a way off the ship.  I’d have to sneak onto a shuttle, which would require me to find the shuttle bay first.  What were the chances of going undetected on a shuttle with warriors also onboard?  Next to none.  Sighing, my thoughts made a circle back to my family.  MY FAMILY! 

Rushing out the door, I found Calzen and Darrok seated at the table talking quietly.  Both looked up as I approached.  I looked around, not seeing Karac. 

“Where’s Karac?”

“He had some business to attend to.”  Calzen replied, which gave absolutely nothing away and did nothing to cool my anger towards him. 

“But he was going to let me talk to my parents.  I didn’t miss the meeting did I?”

“No, actually we are going to make the connection for you.”  Darrok answered motioning between him and Calzen.

“Oh, so…Karac isn’t going to be here for it?”

“No.”  Darrok answered simply. 

“Fine.  Whatever.”  I was still mad at him, anyway, for his earlier comment.  “Can we make the connection now?  I’m sure my parents will be ready.”

“I don’t see why not.”  Darrok shrugged.  “Why don’t you sit on the couch and we can put the image in front of you.”  I moved over to the couch as instructed as Darrok pulled out a small device to set on the coffee table.

“What is that?”  I looked at the small object in question. 

“This will project their images into the air.”

“How are they going to see me?”

“A similar device was delivered to their house early this morning.”  He pushed some buttons in the side as he talked to me. 

“Are they going to know how to turn it on?”

“Two warriors are standing by to make the connection.”

“Oh, I bet that made Dad happy,” I commented chuckling.  Darrok stood up and I waited impatiently for the object to do…something.  When nothing happened after a few seconds, I looked up at Darrok.

“Is it ready yet?”

“Yes, there’s just one thing we have to remind you of.”

“What’s that?”

“Karac informed us to remind you,” Calzen started from the other side of the couch where he sat in a chair after moving from the table, “that you should refrain from informing your family of his station.  He doesn’t want the humans to know about that just yet.”

“Oh, I guess that doesn’t really matter.”  I said waving my hand.  Both Calzen and Darrok look at me in surprise.  I shrugged.  “Well it doesn’t.  It’s not like I plan on going anywhere but back home soon.”  Both chose not to comment on my statement. 

“Ok then, you ready?”  Darrok asked. 

“Let’s do this.”  I nodded and looked toward the little device.  In a flash of light, I could suddenly see my family sitting in front of me.  It was like a 3D image carved out of thin air.  Dad and Mom sat on their couch at home, and Mark, Kat, and James were peaking around the edges.  James was the first to notice me on their end.

“ASHLEY!”  That got everyone’s attention.  All heads swung around to peer at me through their end.

“Hey guys.”  I said shakily, waving to them.  I wasn’t sure how to start this conversation.

“Oh Ashley, sweetie.  Are you all right?”  Mom asked with tears streaming down her face.

“Yep, I’m fine.  Just hanging out in space.”  I said lightly. 

“Nathan said they took you in the middle of the night?  Is that true?”  Dad asked with a hint of anger.

“Yeah, just after 11 or so.  Nathan and I were walking back to the house.”  I paused thinking that it felt a lot longer than just last night.  “Is Nathan ok?”

“He’ll be fine.  His pride hurts more than anything.  He said he didn’t even see them.”  Dad commented. 

“Yeah, Karac broadsided him pretty hard.  That’s why I insisted on calling Jesse.”

“Karac.  That guy who’s always on TV?”  Kat asked.

“One and the same.”  I confirmed. 

“So he did find you.”  Mom snuffled. 

“It was a long shot anyway thinking that they wouldn’t eventually find me.  We gave them a good run though, right?”  I laughed to lighten the mood.  A growl from my right had me looking up at Calzen’s scowl in surprise. 

“What was that noise?  Do they have animals up there?”  Dad asked.

“Uh, no.  No animals.” 
I think.
  “That was just one of the guards.  Apparently he doesn’t appreciate my humor.”

“Guards?  Are you a prisoner?”  Mark asked.  That brought on growls from both Calzen and Darrok.  I could even hear the growls from the other end.  Apparently the two warriors on that end were none too pleased about being accused of kidnapping. 

“No.  I’m free to move around.”  Well, I hadn’t really tested that theory yet, but there was no sense in worrying my family even more. 

“Why do you need guards, then?”  Kat asked.

“Well, I think it’s so I don’t get lost and my safety.”

“Are you in danger up there?”  Mom chimed in, looking more worried. 

“No, I meant if something happens to the ship, someone’s around to lead me the right way.”  Wow, already lying to my family.  Why am I protecting these guys?

“They did mention that they were protective of females in general.”  Dad commented.  I nodded in agreement, anything to change the subject. 

“When are you coming back, Ashley?”  James asked.  I swallowed hard at the innocent look on his face.  I couldn’t lie to him, but I was afraid of telling him the truth too. 

“I don’t know, buddy.  It might not be for a while.”

“Can I come visit you, then?”  James pleaded.  I looked to Calzen who shook his head.

“Not right away.  Maybe we can work something out soon.”  I evaded. 

“But I’m going to miss you.”  James replied.  I took a deep breath to hold back my emotions.  James was good at working you over. 

“And I’m going to miss you too.  We will just have to have more chats like this, ok?”

“Ok.  I like this.  It is better than the computer.  It looks like you are sitting in the room with us.”  He pauses as he picked up a nerf ball and held it back as if to throw it.  “Watch this.”  Before anyone could stop him, he threw the ball through the image.  The picture fractured and wavered from the movement.

“Crap?  Can you get them back?”  I asked Darrok.  His fingers flew over the device in his hand before the image cleared and my family was back.  I could see James looked chagrined and was sitting on his hands.  Someone must have told him not to throw things. 

“Well that was interesting.”  I commented. 

“Sorry about that, we couldn’t stop him before he let loose.”  Kat said.  “Nothing wrong on your end?”

“Nope, clear as a bell now.”  I smiled trying to lighten the mood.  A moment passed before Dad asked the next question. 

“So what happens now?”  Dad asked.

“Honestly I don’t know.”  I wasn’t about to tell him that Karac wanted me as a broodmare.  That was not something you told your father…ever.  “I’m just going to play things out and see what happens.”  Dad nodded in understanding. He knew me well enough without me saying that I would try to find a way home.  No matter what.

“Can we call you anytime?”  Mom asked.

“I’m not sure how these things work.”  I looked up to Darrok for input.  He stepped into the view of the little device before answering.

“I am Darrok, head of communications and technology.  You may keep the device with you as long as you do not share it with others.  The warriors with you will show you how it works.”

“What about Kat and Mark?”  I asked, looking up at Darrok.  “They don’t live with my parents.  What if I want to contact them?”  Darrok considered my request before answering.


“Yes, Darrok,” came a voice from the other side. 

“See that Ashley’s sisters both have a com device and know how to use it.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Is that all?”  Darrok asked looking at me.

“Yes, thank you Darrok.”  I looked back to my family who had varying expressions from shock to amusement.

“They do what you ask?”  Mom asked.

“That was my first request.  I’ll let you know in a few days.”  I replied sarcastically.  That brought a smile to everyone’s face. 

“Well, keep in touch Ashley.  Don’t let them boss you around.”  Kat said with a smile.

“Not a chance.”  I grinned back.

“We will talk to you later, ok?”  Dad asked.

“Sure, we will work it out.  Love you guys.”

“Love you too,” was the chorused reply.  Darrok pushed a button on the com device and the image disappeared.  I looked up to him and Calzen. 

“Thank you for that.  It meant a lot to me.”

“Thank Karac.  He made it possible.”  I nodded in acknowledgement.  Calzen and Darrok were so much easier to talk to though.  Thinking back to that growl I heard when I was talking about hiding from them, I glanced between Calzen and Darrok.

“What was up with the growling?”  Darrok and Calzen looked at each other before Darrok shrugged and answered me.

“Our race is different than yours.  We have better reflexes, heightened senses.  When we are upset or angry we sometimes express our displeasure by growling.”

“You don’t turn into an animal or something do you?”  I asked looking to Calzen.

“What?”  Calzen asked shocked.  “No.  Why would you ask that?”

“Well, on earth there are these stories about werewolves and such.  They shift into wolves or other forms and sometimes growl too.”

“No, we do not shift.”  Calzen rumbled.  I couldn’t quite tell but I think he almost sounded offended I asked. 

“Okay.”  One potential problem averted to explain to my parents.  “So, what’s next?”

“I believe Darrok had some questions for you.  I should be checking in with Command.”  Calzen bowed before adding, “Call if you need anything.” 

“I will, thanks.”  Calzen nodded before leaving.  I looked to Darrok who now held two similar devices in his hand.  Each of them looked like a tablet.  I remember seeing something similar strapped to all the warrior’s legs on the trip up last night. 

“What’s that for?”

“One of these is for you.  You should keep this on you at all times as it is a hand held computer.  It can answer any questions you have and connect to anyone with a similar device.  This is how you would call any one of us.”

“Oh cool.”  I took the device.  Darrok gave me a quick rundown on all the buttons and screens.  After a while, I think I got the gist of it. 

“So, what were those questions Calzen mentioned?”

“Would you like to walk and talk?  You can see some of the ship then.”

“Sure.”  I clipped the hand computer to my pants like he showed me and followed Darrok into the hallway.  A few warriors were stationed at intervals and I noticed that we picked up two guards as we made our way into the main hallway.  I quirked my eyebrow at Darrok.

“You must maintain a two warrior guard at all times.  Karac ordered it.”

“Of course he did.”  I mumbled.  I followed Darrok around twists and turns, long and short hallways, and soon I was thoroughly lost.  Maybe it was a good thing I had guards.  After a while, Darrok started asking questions. 

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