Kara's Wolves (7 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Kara's Wolves
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“Are you going to eat?” Kara inquired with a giant grin. “Or simply watch me eat?”


Slowly breaking himself from the spell she held him under, he swallowed. “I guess I could join you, but it was so much better just watching you enjoy yourself.” He doubted he would even taste a thing.

Justin reached for his own fork and knife and tackled the lettuce without really seeing it. Who cared about salad right now?

Soon the delicious aroma of prime steak wafted up to Justin’s nose, tantalizing his senses, as the waitress removed the salad plates and replaced them with the main course.

Kara looked down. “This looks and smells delicious. I can’t remember the last time I had a filet.” She reached for the utensils, cut a small bite and placed it in her mouth. God, how Justin wished he were the tines of the fork. How could eating a steak seem so erotic?

Kara even closed her eyes to savor the morsel … and moaned.

Thank God Justin was so dark-complected, otherwise he would surely appear beet red at the orgasmic experience before him. He struggled to pay attention to his own meal, glancing up frequently, unable to keep his gaze from Kara’s face. He couldn’t believe he was sitting across the table from the woman he would spend his entire life with, the woman whose body he and Trevor would worship. He couldn’t wait until the two of them made her scream in ecstasy. If she were half as responsive in bed as she was to a steak meal, she would be the death of him.

“You don’t get out much if this is the reaction you have to a steak. Or … perhaps you have this reaction to every meal.”

It wasn’t really a question, but Justin raised one eyebrow to indicate he was intrigued.

“Well, there’s only one way for you to find out.”

, she was so hot when she flirted with him like that. She had no idea how many meals she was going to share with him in the near future. Visions of him and Trevor feeding her, blindfolded and trussed to their bed, scampered through his mind. Sweat built up on his forehead and it had nothing to do with the heat of the restaurant.

Kara shook her long curls back from her face and took another bite.

“Do you always drink water? I could order a bottle of wine or something if you’d like?” Surely mineral water wasn’t the only thing she ever imbibed.

“No, not always. I enjoy a glass of wine from time to time, but it’s just easier when I’m in the middle of the season to not drink at all. I get so dehydrated the next day.”

That made sense. Good to know she would be completely in charge of her faculties when he eventually sprung how they were going to spend the rest of their lives together and with another man as well. Justin tensed at the thought of telling her anything. This was surely not how she would have pictured her life veering after graduation.

The pleasant silence between them while they ate was not uncomfortable. They seemed to fall into a rhythm. It shouldn’t have surprised Justin. After all, he’d heard how it would be when you found your mate.

Finally Kara leaned back in her seat. “I’m stuffed. How did I actually eat all of it?”

True enough, her plate was nearly empty.

“Shall we go for a walk? It’s nice outside.”
Please say yes

“That sounds lovely.”

Justin quickly assessed the bill which had miraculously appeared at his elbow at some point, left some twenties and stood to reach for Kara’s hand.


. It was the only word Kara could think of to describe the intensity of the evening. As soon as the two of them walked outside, she immediately felt the relief of the cool evening air blowing against her skin. It was barely May, so the evenings were still quite chilly.

Justin took her hand and began walking aimlessly down the street.

“We have a mock practice meet tomorrow morning if you’re really interested in seeing me perform.” Kara let the statement hang in the air, holding her breath. She had no idea why his reaction was so important to her, but she did know she wanted this man to care, really
—about her and what mattered to her.

Justin turned to look her in the eye with a genuine smile, stopping them on the sidewalk. “I’d love that. What time?”

Kara released the breath she was holding with a soft woosh. “Ten. If that’s too early on a Sunday for you, I understand. You don’t have to get there promptly or anything. Just wander in whenever you want.”

Justin chuckled. “I work on a farm. Believe me, I’ve had two meals by ten.”

“Oh, sure. Right.” Kara couldn’t take her eyes off Justin’s face. He was so full of life. So … genuine. They stood like statues in the middle of the sidewalk, the only movement her unruly hair; suddenly it blew from behind to obstruct her fantastic view.

Before Kara could reach up to tame the meandering curls, Justin’s hands were on her face. He gently pushed the crazy mop back and held it in place behind her head while he leaned in to take possession of her mouth for the third time that evening.

Heat erupted in Kara’s cheeks even before he made contact with her lips. The kiss was so gentle, soft.

“Mmm… I could kiss you all night long,” he mumbled against her mouth. “Your lips are delicious.”

The heat unfurling in Kara’s cheeks spread down the front of her to tighten her chest.

Her breasts felt suddenly too large for the small lace bra she wore. She ached to have him run his hands down her body.

“It’s early still. Would you like to come back to the farm and meet your first cow?”

Justin grinned at her.

. But… What should she say? They only met yesterday. One hot, sweltering kiss against a wall, dinner, followed by another steaming mouth-to-mouth session on the sidewalk. Wasn’t it a bit too soon to go back to “his place”? Wouldn’t he expect too much of her? And … to be honest, wouldn’t she be powerless to stop him?

He must have sensed her unease because he quickly spoke again. “I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. I swear I didn’t mean to insinuate we would… That I would… What I’m trying to say is, I just thought you might like to see the farm, hang out a bit. I promise to return you to your place early. I know you have a busy day tomorrow. My roommate, Trevor, is there. I’d like you to meet him. He’s a good guy. You two will get along great.”

His roommate? How much trouble could she get into if his roommate was home?

Sounded safe enough. And the dairy farm would be very interesting. A totally different life from the one she’d known.

Justin leaned his forehead against Kara’s. “We can do it another time if it makes you uncomfortable. Want to go to a movie or something? It’s still early.”

“No. No. That’s fine. I would love to see the farm.”

Justin just smiled brightly at her acquiescence and turned to tug her back down the sidewalk the way they’d come. “Well then, let’s go see some cows.”

Kara felt incredibly comfortable with Justin. Something just felt … right.

Chapter Five

“You live here?” Kara stared out the window of Justin’s truck at the acres and acres of green pastures surrounding the rustic ranch house. It was almost dark, but she could still make out the buildings and vehicles. A large red barn set off to the side, a dusty green tractor parked outside. She had no idea people still owned and ran individual farms.

“Well, yes. Where else would I live?” Oh, so he was amused by her reaction.

“Funny. You might not have mentioned that the place was so … big. This place is massive.” Kara stared out at the “home” Justin lived in, unable to close her mouth. Justin pulled into a circular driveway to park just outside the front doors.

“I’m glad you like it.”

Kara was barely aware of Justin exiting the truck. Before she could even blink, he was opening her door and reaching for her hand.

“Would you like to come
the house, or are you good just standing here in the driveway.” Justin was laughing softly when she finally brought herself to look away from the wrap-around front porch that was the focal point surrounded by burgundy bricks. A porch swing even creaked softly in the breeze.

“Justin? Why do I get the feeling you
this place?”

“Umm, of course.” He looked at her quizzically. “What did you think?”

“You said you
on a farm. I … I was picturing pastures, milking or … or, something.”
Shit. Literally. I was picturing grunt work
. Kara bit her bottom lip to avoid sticking her foot any further into her mouth.

Luckily Justin just laughed harder. “Sorry to disappoint you, sweetheart. Trevor and I own the farm. We have for about three years. It’s hard work sometimes, but business has been good and we’ve really enjoyed it.”

Justin grabbed Kara’s forearm and let his fingers slide down until he had a hold of her hand. Goose bumps erupted all over her skin at the gentle and increasingly familiar contact. He was almost constantly touching her in some way. Perhaps it should have seemed too personal, possessive even, but coming from him it just seemed … perfect.

She actually loved his continual contact.

Justin tugged on Kara’s hand and motioned toward the house with his head. “Come on. I want you to meet Trevor.”

He quickly swept her through the front door into an enormous family room. The area was so … warm. Welcoming.

The lived-in feeling of the self-proclaimed bachelor pad struck her immediately. A large sectional sofa formed a giant U-shape in the center of the room in a pattern of rust and browns. The area rug extending from the couch was a luxurious shaggy beige. Kara found herself wanting to take her shoes off and sink her feet into the tall pile.

“What do you think?” Justin’s voice was surprisingly eager.

Kara glanced at him to see an expression of hope staring back at her. He seemed to be holding his breath as though it mattered a great deal to him that she liked his home.

“It’s wonderful, Justin. I just love it.”

What was not to love?

A soft shade of brown covered the walls and met up with hardwood floors. Pillows in a variety of autumn colors were strewn around the sofa and in front of it, begging someone to lie down on the carpet and relax in front of the enormous flat-screen TV or listen to the stereo system filling the built-in wall-to-ceiling shelves.

“Would you like something to drink?” Justin continued to pull Kara through the living area and into the largest kitchen she’d ever seen. Clean. Modern. Sleek. Weird.

How do a couple of bachelors keep their kitchen so tidy?
“I don’t have mineral water, but…” He pointed to the sink and faucet teasing her.

“Ha ha. I’m fine.”

Kara stared at Justin as he gathered her into his embrace. He lowered his mouth to hers in another mindboggling kiss, taking her breath away.

A sudden noise to Kara’s left made her jump and spin in the direction of a screen door to the backyard banging closed. Heat suffused her face at having been caught kissing.

Standing in the doorway, gasping for air, was the second perfect male specimen Kara had met in two days. His blond hair was darker than hers, wavy, and hung across his forehead, disheveled. He seemed to have run to the house. Emerald eyes stared at her …

trapped her. A shiver ran through Kara’s entire body. Had they met before? She had the oddest sensation she should know him. Then again, she’d felt the same reaction with Justin last night. How peculiar. Incredibly strange.

What the hell is wrong with you, Kara?

When she licked her lips, tasting Justin’s kiss, her senses returned slowly. Her mouth felt suddenly dry. Her heart beat rapidly.

She realized she had turned in Justin’s arms to face away from him and still stood in his embrace, staring like a madwoman at his friend. His roommate, for Christ’s sake.

“Kara, this is Trevor.” Justin pulled Kara tighter against his chest, his arms wrapped around her almost stiffly. She leaned back against him. And prayed whatever freaky part of nature screaming at her to get a taste of Trevor too, would pass. Quickly.

“Hi.” Trevor approached Kara slowly. His swagger was hesitant. Sexy.

Stop it

She could not rein in her thoughts. He was at least as big as Justin. Built. Did the two of them spend the entire day working out? Did steroids fill the water out here? Surely even the physical labor of a farm wouldn’t be enough to turn ordinary men into mouthwatering gods.

As he got closer, Kara tensed. His gaze narrowed in on her, wandered over her entire body like a predator. When he finally arrived to within a foot of her, he stopped. Kara froze in her position tucked under Justin’s chin.

Trevor reached for Kara’s hand. “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard … well, not much actually.”

Kara tentatively took Trevor’s hand. Sparks raced up her arm. The electricity shooting between them muddled her mind on so many levels.

What the hell is going on here?

With his free hand, Trevor reached for Kara’s forearm, the endearing gesture only managing to add to Kara’s confusion over her seemingly emotional instability. He, too, seemed to have an affinity for touching as much of her skin as possible, even for this simple gesture of greeting. She was acutely aware of both men’s possessive hands wrapped around her arm, her fingers, her stomach … and she wanted them to. In fact, she wanted more.

How could she possibly be this attracted to two men?

She desperately wanted Trevor to lean in closer. His scent was as arousing to her as Justin’s. Distinct, but equally masculine. Woodsy.

“Nice to meet you, too.” The greeting sounded tight and high-pitched to her ears.

Trevor was standing incredibly close to Kara, but Justin didn’t seem to notice, or care.

“How was dinner?” Trevor stepped back and released his gentle hold on Kara’s arm and hand. Immediately she felt the loss of his heat, his energy, but not the attraction.

“It was great,” Justin responded.

Thank God, because Kara didn’t really think she could speak again without squeaking. Embarrassment at her strange erratic behavior flooded her and she felt the same flush rise to her cheeks that always managed to give her away.

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