Kara's Wolves (10 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Kara's Wolves
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Hopefully, if things went as he expected, after tonight her life would be forever changed.

From his hiding spot across the crowded parking lot, Barry watched Justin and Trevor walk out the door with Kara. Oh yeah, he knew her name now. He’d done his research. Too bad he couldn’t have watched her from the stands today. He’d bet she was sexier than ever in a leotard. But he couldn’t take the chance Justin or Trevor would notice him.

As it was, they were suspicious. He knew they could smell his scent everywhere they went. They were looking around, their hackles up. Let them shake in their boots a little.

Made the game that much more fun.

He’d never been this close to them. Had always followed their lives from afar.

Originally, he’d wanted to kill Trevor immediately. Slit his throat and be done with the little thug. But he knew knocking out one five-year-old orphan would not be nearly as sweet as waiting until the bastard was old enough to understand. Old enough to learn the truth about his own parents. Old enough to make it worthwhile to take the asshole’s life in revenge for all the pain and suffering brought on by the actions of his parents.

Over the years the prize had gotten even better. Barry had fully intended to go after Justin too, just to piss Trevor off. Give him a dose of what it was like to lose someone you care about. Now the ante was getting even better by the day. After these two mated with the hot little blond, it would be pure torture to take
away from Trevor also.

Barry had big plans.

Shaking himself from his pondering, Barry looked through the binoculars once again, keeping an eye on his subjects.

She was leaving with them. Those unsuspecting bastards intended to bond with her, and soon. No matter, the bond would be broken after he killed them anyway. Then he could take the prize, spoils of war if you wish, and start his life anew.

Both men glanced around the parking lot before entering the truck. Did they sense him? He had masked his scent to the best of his abilities. Nevertheless, the two looked suspicious. Their noses were in the air. Good. Let them sweat a little. This was going to be fun.

Chapter Seven

Kara rode between Justin and Trevor in the front of Justin’s truck. The same truck he had used last night to show her the dairy farm for the first time. Only this time, she was acutely aware of not one, but two sexy men, both currently touching her thighs. Neither seemed remotely chagrined by the idea.

Luckily the sound of country music coming from the speakers, coupled with the bumpy ride toward the farm, lessened the silence and eliminated the need for constant conversation to fill the lull.

Kara had dressed in a rather short, lightweight summer skirt and a white tight-fitting, V-necked T-shirt. She had been warm at the time, but now she was … so much warmer.

Had her outfit been a good idea? Sitting between the two hunks, Kara held her hands in her lap and stared down at the amount of thigh sticking out. The friction against the jeans rasping her skin on both sides was sending goose bumps down her legs and making her wet with need.

She leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes. What the hell was the matter with her? Never in her life had she even pondered the idea of a ménage. Why now? How could not one, but two, men make her so incredibly aroused? More aware of her body’s response than ever before?

What was she going to do with herself? She no longer felt a singular attraction for just Justin. There was no way she could deny she wanted Trevor just as badly. What kind of a slut was she?

“Are you tired?” Justin broke the silence and laid a hand on her exposed leg to squeeze her muscle. The contact was so intimate fireworks shot off inside Kara. Moisture pooled in a desert, so dry for such a long time. The number of oases she had stumbled upon in the last few days was mindboggling. No man had ever elicited such a response from her before. And here she sat with two men, either could single-handedly have caused a waterfall to run freely down her legs. And had.

“Not really. Just … relaxed, I guess.”
Would they buy that?

“We’re almost there. Then you can relax all you want while we cook you a nice meal. You must be starving after all those … acrobatics.”

Kara laughed at their naiveté. “Tumbling.”

Justin glanced at her and gave her a warm smile, melting her insides just a little bit more, if possible.

His hand, still resting on her thigh, started to stroke her skin. Kara stiffened and held her breath, afraid she would start moaning at any second. His thumb moved in a circular pattern on her leg and made her feel like her heart was beating clear out of her chest. And his pinky … the tiny little digit was searing a path between her legs mere inches from her burning hot core.

Kara warred with herself. Part of her wanted to slip down farther in the seat and press her now-drenched panties against his hand. The other, more reasonable part screamed she was sitting next to his best friend, and for Christ’s sake, lusting after him also.

By the time Justin pulled into the gravel area to the side of the house, Kara was nearly panting. She didn’t actually believe her legs were going to hold her up when they got out of the car.


Justin pulled the truck, as quickly as possible, to the side of the house, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from coming in his pants. His hard on was rigid enough to rival any hard on in the history of mankind.

“Holy mother, she is so fucking hot. I can smell her essence leaking out of her. She is
drenched. Practically moaning.”
Trevor shifted in the seat, probably trying to adjust his own hardening dick on Kara’s right side.

“Yeah. Let’s just hope she doesn’t freak out when she finds out who and what we are
… and what we expect from her.”
Justin parked and grabbed for the door handle. Perhaps a little outside air would soothe his burning skin.

He jumped down from the truck lightning fast, as if there was a poisonous snake in the cab. With a deep breath he turned to take Kara’s hand and help her down to the ground while Trevor made a similar hasty exit from the other side.

The cool breeze outside was a relief from the tension-filled cab of the truck.

“Shall we?” Justin pulled Kara’s hand and headed toward the house. “You must be hungry.”
I know I am
. It was almost one p.m. and he was fairly starving. Though for the life of him Justin was not sure what he would prefer to eat first, hamburgers or Kara’s hot wet pussy.

What would she do if he set her up on the counter and spread her legs for his feasting? What would she do if Trevor sucked her ripe nipples at the same time?

A shiver went down Justin’s spine all the way to his toes.
“Man, this is going to be a
long fucking afternoon of wooing.”

“You ain’t kidding,”
was Trevor’s only response.

Chapter Eight

After lunch, Kara found herself lounging on the patio behind the house. She couldn’t believe how her body was responding to these men, in their house. She had gone outside to escape the incredible pull she had to both of them. A respite from the constant attentions of two of the sexiest guys on the planet. Her confusion over her feelings toward them was mounting and making her nervous. And why did neither of them seem fazed by the other? She would’ve thought by now Justin would’ve sucker punched his friend for flirting with her mercilessly.

Throughout lunch, each man had taken turns catering to her every need, ensuring she was never out of anything, that she was comfortable. She’d felt like a princess.
It’s too
bad I can’t have both of them
. Kara chuckled to herself. The impossible thought sent liquid heat through her bloodstream. She closed her eyes and wondered what it would be like to have both of them catering to her
needs, at the same time.
Oh God. Where
the hell did that come from?
Kara was a one man woman. Wasn’t she?

“Kara?” Justin approached her and she had to squint into the afternoon sun to see his face. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. I’m fine. Just … exhausted,” she lied. What was she supposed to tell him?

Well, Justin, I’m struggling with wanting both you and your roommate to strip me naked
right here and have your way with me
. Surely Justin would run off.

Justin leaned down and gently pushed Kara forward to make room to straddle the soft cushions of the lounge chair and nestle himself behind her. He pulled her back against his chest and she couldn’t help a sigh from escaping her lips. He was so warm and comfortable. She felt calm. At peace. Home. Except for the fact her mind kept wandering to Trevor. Where was he?

Justin’s hands skimmed up and down Kara’s arms, so gently she could barely feel them. Just enough pressure to make her shiver. The hair on her arms stood on end. He leaned in to nibble her neck and she found herself tilting her head to one side to give him better access.
It felt so good. So … right.

Kara twisted slightly in front of Justin to bring her lips to his. She needed his mouth on hers. Needed to taste him. Like her life depended on it.

As soon as their lips came together, the desire intensified. Like a starving woman, Kara moaned around the kiss and pressed herself into Justin’s body. She was completely at the mercy of … she had no idea what. But she couldn’t stop this madness, even if she wanted to. Her heavy eyes drifted closed.

Justin’s hand cupped Kara’s face and held her chin gently but firmly. The kiss intensified. His tongue lightly brushed the edge of her lips and she found herself opening to him. Allowing him to enter her greedy mouth. God, she wanted him. She’d never wanted anything in her life as much as she wanted this.

She stretched her legs out in front of her on the lounge chair, but the heat between them was scorching her.

When Justin finally broke the kiss, it was to let his mouth wander down her chin and over to her ear. His warm breath streamed rhythmically into and around the lobe. A shiver ran through her entire body.

When Justin’s hands began to move down Kara’s arms and onto her thighs, she thought she would combust. She even pulled her legs slightly apart to allow him access to her center, like a wanton woman. A soft moan escaped her lips. It surprised her.

Sensing movement, Kara’s eyes opened slowly to find Trevor wandering in their direction. His shirt was off, his glorious bronze chest exposed to her perusal. She sucked in a breath at the thought of the scene he was walking into.

Unable to stop herself, her gaze meandered down Trevor’s body. His jeans were unbuttoned and hanging low on his hips. So sexy. He had no shoes or socks on. When she allowed her gaze to return upward, she found herself staring at his expression.
. He wanted her. How was this possible? Was she dreaming?

Justin wrapped his arms around Kara’s middle just under her breasts. She could feel their heaviness against his forearms and ached to have him grasp them in his hands. Her shirt felt several sizes too small, and her lace bra was abrading her nipples and sending a shiver down her spine.

He placed his chin on her shoulder and Kara turned her face just enough to see he was looking at Trevor, just as she had been. With lust in his gaze.
Shouldn’t he be telling Trevor to take a hike?

Kara’s gaze returned to follow Trevor as he sat down sideways on the end of her chair. Instinctively she pulled her legs back into an Indian-style position to make room for him. Trevor leaned to his side on one hand, brushing against Kara’s exposed leg.

Sparks shot up her thighs and ignited in her womb.

She held very still, breathing shallow breaths, waiting for whatever these hunks were going to say. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted them to say this wasn’t going to work out because they both wanted her … or that it

No one spoke for several moments. Kara could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

All three of them were breathing like they had just run a mile.

“Kara…” Justin began, “…we … Trevor and I…” He cleared his throat. “What I’m trying to say is that … you might have noticed we are both very much attracted to you.”

Kara nodded against Justin’s chest below his chin. She stared into Trevor’s eyes.

Trevor cautiously reached one hand out and laid it on Kara’s thigh. “We think the feeling is mutual, babe.” He raised one eyebrow in question. His blond hair fell across his forehead in the breeze and his dark green eyes bore into hers, waiting.

“I…” Liquid heat leaked between her legs.
. She gripped Justin’s biceps with her hands.

“It’s okay,” Justin whispered into Kara’s ear, eliciting a shiver that spread through her entire body. “Let us take care of you.” He nibbled her ear and loosened his hold on her middle to spread his hands across her abdomen, his thumbs brushing the undersides of her needy breasts.

Kara gasped.
What is happening to me?
She felt like a slut. A pampered, wanton, needy slut.

Trevor inched slowly closer and lightly placed both hands on Kara’s folded shins. “I can smell your arousal, babe. I want to taste you.”

Heat burned through Kara’s chest and face. Was she really going to let these two men ravish her? Those piercing green eyes staring at her were feral. At that moment Trevor reminded her of a large dog. She could almost see his tongue hanging out ready to lap at her.

She was powerless to stop the madness.
You know you want this. Let it go

Justin reached his large rough hands under Kara’s tight shirt and spread them once again over her stomach, this time against her bare skin.

Meanwhile, Trevor separated Kara’s tangled ankles and pushed them apart to straddle the seat. He moved into the V of her legs and let his hands run up her thighs.

“I…” She just couldn’t form any words. What the hell was she supposed to say?

Don’t? Don’t stop?

Justin’s lips ran a trail from her ear down to her neck. Kara let her eyes fall shut and leaned against his chest. His thumbs slowly crawled their way under her bra to rub against her sensitive skin. “I know, hon. Relax.”

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