Kara's Wolves (12 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Kara's Wolves
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As was the case with all matings, Kara was about to experience the most intense sexual urges of her life, and she didn’t even know it yet…

As they stood with her, she seemed to falter and look around. A slight shudder ran through her body. The strange sensation seemed to pass just as quickly, Justin noted.

Perhaps she was afraid someone was watching them. Why did he get the same feeling?


“Do you smell someone, Trev? It’s the fourth time I’ve smelled this particular wolf.

Does one of our men, or women, have a new friend hanging around?”
Justin hugged Kara’s body close to his, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious himself about their little display on the patio.

“Now that you mention it, I did catch the same whiff as we were leaving the gym
earlier. I just assumed it could be anyone. But why would we notice it here? What are the

“Let’s get Kara inside. One of us should check it out. Ask a few questions of the
Justin lifted a sated Kara into his arms.

“You guys head in. I’ll just grab our stuff and be right behind you.” Trevor reached for their clothes as Justin backed away with Kara, but he didn’t miss the concerned furrow between Trevor’s brows.


Oh, holy mother of God. Just watching Kara’s sexy little body writhe beneath those two assholes made Barry’s dick hard. As long as he ignored the men and focused solely on Kara, he was about to blow. And those idiots were so intent on taking her, they didn’t even notice the presence of another wolf in the area. Granted, he was very far away. With all the cow dung between him and them, he was surprised they even glanced around after round one of coitus. And he knew more rounds were to come. It would take several days for the bonding to be complete. He’d decided to wait it out. As much as he hated watching those two violating the woman he intended to have for himself, it would be that much sweeter taking her from them after the mating was complete.

Stick to the objective, Barry
. Inflicting as much pain as possible on Trevor before his untimely demise.

What Barry needed now was assistance. No way in hell he could take on both Trevor and Justin alone. He needed help, someone who would be willing to go after them also.

Kara felt like a princess. She was so sated she couldn’t even lift a muscle. And she didn’t need to. Justin carried her cradled in his arms through the glass patio doors and down a long hall to what she assumed was the master bedroom.

The room was enormous and a huge mahogany bed, big enough to look proportional in the suite, dominated the center. The sheets were surely custom made because Kara had never seen anything so big before.

Justin gently lay her down in the center of the silky maroon comforter. It reminded her of a rose’s deep red color.

“Be right back, hon.” His voice was so seductive as she watched him disappear into what was surely the master bath. Kara relaxed back into the luxurious silk and sighed.

What the hell am I going to do now?

Justin returned from the bathroom at the same time Trevor materialized from the hall. They both stretched out on the bed on either side of her, exchanging a long look between them and sending chills down her spine.
Whatever these two hunks have in mind
is what I’m going to do now.
Consequences be damned. She’d worry about the repercussions of this little ménage on her mental stability later.

Both men stroked her arms, barely touching her. Just enough to elicit goose bumps over her entire body. She could feel the burn in her sex rekindling.
How the hell is that
possible so soon after two glorious orgasms?

“Kara,” Justin began, “there are things we need to tell you. Things you need to know…”

Kara stared into his brown eyes and saw the lust she could hear in his voice. He wanted her. He needed to be inside her. Now.

She reached for him, a magnetic pull driving her legs to widen and accept Justin into her core as she had Trevor. “It can wait. Whatever it is…”

A relieved breath escaped Justin’s lips and he leaned in to devour her mouth, a needy insistent kiss, almost rough, but not rough enough. The knot of fire in Kara’s center made her buck her hips up into the air, begging silently for either man to please touch her, again.

Another mouth joined Justin’s on her face and then her lips as though Justin had passed the kiss off to his friend. Trevor’s firm grip held her chin while he explored her tongue and lips in earnest.

Kara couldn’t stand the intense physical response she had to these two. She needed to touch them, every part of them. Her hands reached out to grab both men.

“Uh uh,” Trevor muttered into Kara’s mouth. Confusion clouded her mind until he grasped first one arm and then the other and planted them over her head. He held them tight with the hand he was leaning on, and resumed the lip seal he had created with her mouth.

Justin trailed kisses down Kara’s lifted body held stiff with need. He gently pushed her hips back down with one commanding hand as he arrived at her aching breasts and began to suck one tender nipple into his warm mouth. Firm pressure on her stomach kept Kara from bucking like a bronco beneath the onslaught of sensations. Trevor never ceased his hungry kisses, but his free hand reached down to fondle the second engorged mound reaching for attention. She wasn’t large breasted, most gymnasts weren’t, but the repeated stimulation was making her chest feel tight and swollen.

The two men were so in tune with each other. Clearly they had done this before.

Why did that idea make her jealous? Without a word they alternately switched breasts so neither would be bereft of either the sucking or the fondling.

Kara squirmed uncontrollably, forcing Justin to shift himself between her legs. He blew warm air across one aching nipple and then reached with both hands to spread her thighs wider, sliding down her body until his face was inches from her needy center.

Kara squeezed her eyes shut and moaned against Trevor’s mouth. “Please…” she tried to mutter.

“Please what, honey?” Justin’s breath was torturing her mons while his hands pressed her thighs wider and wider apart. He chuckled, a low rumble she could feel against her thighs. “Your pussy is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, shaved clean and glistening with your cum. Did you know your fluids are running out onto the bed and I haven’t even touched you yet? Do you know how hot it is for your sexy legs to be able to be spread so wide? I knew there was going to be some benefit to the ferocious tumbling I watched you do.”

Kara groaned in frustration at his words. Words meant to enflame her and drive her further into a state of unbelievable
. And it was working. She arched, wiggling and squirming in vain against Justin’s frustrating hold on her thighs.

Kara wretched her mouth to the side to separate from Trevor’s roving tongue and demand relief. “Justin … please… Please suck my … clit… into your mouth. Please bite down on it… Please… I need you inside me. Put … something inside me…”

She lifted her gaze to Justin’s and saw all the passion in his face her words incited.

Wasn’t this just some fantasy gone … perfect?

“Okay, honey.” Justin dipped his head, sucked Kara’s clit into his mouth and gently bit down on the little bundle, making her scream so loud the cows would surely hear.

Her third orgasm slammed through her and as wave after wave of contractions gripped her inner walls, Justin quickly skimmed up her body and pushed himself inside her. It had been so long since she’d been with a man. She was so tight. And the feeling was wonderful… Arms still held firmly over her head, Kara’s breasts jiggled against her chest. Trevor stroked them lightly while Justin held himself aloft and stared down into Kara’s eyes with an expression of complete ownership. “Mine,” he stated flatly. “Mine.”

It seemed Kara could stare into Justin’s soul through those deep chocolate eyes of his. She shivered at the instant connection she felt, not just with Justin, but with Trevor alongside her, as though all three were suddenly just one. We she glanced over at Trevor, emerald eyes held her in a similar trance. Trevor’s smile spread across his entire face. He seemed to know a secret she was about to be privy to. It was the warmest sensation, as if she were finally … home.

As Justin began to move, Kara’s body responded as though she hadn’t just had three orgasms already. She jerked her gaze back to Justin as Trevor began to alternately pinch first one nipple and then the other, somehow sensing her need for more possessive contact.

A new level of intense sensation reached into her womb. Every movement inside her seemed to brush against nerve endings not previously there. Kara heard an audible gasp come from deep inside her. She bucked beneath Justin, begging silently for relief. How was this possible?

An urgent thrusting began sending Kara into another orgasm on the heels of the third. A sharp scream peeled through the air. It could only be hers. Kara gasped for breath and tried to draw more oxygen into her lungs and slow her racing heart.

As her spasms wound down, Kara was able to concentrate once again on Justin’s eyes. His face tensed moments later as he held his erection solidly inside her and pumped her full of his semen. The warm fluid seemed to continue to pour against her womb for an unbelievable length of time.

Thank God I’m on the pill.
Nevertheless, she’d never had sex before without a condom. And here she’d had sex twice with two relative strangers.
How could I forget

Exhaustion was beginning to seep into Kara’s system. When Justin gently pulled her into his embrace, she let him. When he lifted her to pull back the comforter, she let him.

Both men settled down on either side of her. A busy day and four mind-blowing orgasms caught up with her and she closed her eyes, promising herself a short nap would make the world seem much more focused later…

Justin stared down at Kara in wonder. How had he gotten so lucky? He and Trevor could not have asked for circumstances to have turned out better than this.

Nudging his friend on the other side of Kara, Trevor made a motion with his head toward the door and the two gently slipped from between the sheets to stand. Kara made a soft slumberous sound, but simply snuggled farther under the covers. They’d been asleep for about an hour, but Justin was restless. His mind would not relax knowing when she woke up they were going to have to confront the fact Trevor and Justin were not ordinary partners.

They needed a plan.

Both men reached to grab a pair of jeans and slipped out the door to tread lightly down the hall and out of earshot.

“What do we do now,
?” Trevor chuckled when they reached the kitchen.

“Ha, ha. I was hoping you had an idea. We have to tell her. It isn’t right to keep up this “normal” pretense for very long. She deserves to know the truth.” Justin hoped his friend was on the same page. This was a serious issue.

“Perhaps we could just do a … sort of demonstration?” Trevor reached for the fridge handle and yanked the door open. He grabbed two bottles of water and tossed one to Justin.

“More importantly, I want to know why I keep sensing a wolf from another pack everywhere I go. I think I’ll head over to the barn and see if anyone knows anything. It’s starting to give me the creeps.” Justin grabbed his boots by the door and sat down at the table to pull them on.

A knock at the back screen door startled both men. Their foreman, Kyle, stood outside holding his cowboy hat in his hands.

Trevor motioned the man inside. “Kyle. What brings you over? We don’t usually see you on a Sunday afternoon.”

“Actually, I just came by to check on one of the horses. She’s about to foal.”

“Ah, good. Is she all right?” Justin stared at the troubled look on Kyle’s face, hoping the mare was okay.

“I haven’t seen her yet. I found this taped to the barn door when I got here.” Kyle held out a piece of paper.

Justin grabbed it and blinked in shock as he read the note. “‘Your days are numbered. Then the woman will be mine.’”

Trevor snatched the paper and stared at it himself as if doubting Justin’s ability to read. “What the hell?”

“Guess my gut was right.” Fear gripped Justin’s stomach and made it churn. “That’s it? There was nothing else? Did you see anyone?”

“No.” Kyle shook his head. “Whoever it was had already gone before I got there.”

“Shit.” Justin began to pace.

“Do you…” Kyle coughed, “…know who ‘the woman’ is?”

“That would be Kara—our mate.”

mate? As in both of you?”

“Yeah. Unusual, I know. But it seems we’re a threesome.” Justin’s hands shook with anger. “I’ve been noticing another wolf in the area. I was just about to head to the barn and see if anyone knew anything about it. Have you seen anyone suspicious? Do any of the men have a friend from another pack hanging around?”

Kyle’s eyes widened. “No, not that I’m aware of. I haven’t seen or heard anything.”

“Why would anyone be threatening us?” Trevor looked to Justin.

“I have no idea, but we better call my parents and let them know what’s going on. I haven’t even had a chance to talk to them since we met Kara. Though I’m sure Ryan gave them all the gory details from Friday night.” Justin rolled his eyes. “Listen, we’re already bonded. No one can break that.”

“Let’s hope so, but I don’t think we should take any chances. I have a suspicion Kara is going to be none too happy when she finds out we will be sticking to her like glue.”

Trevor’s chuckle made Justin smile.

“Well, huh.” Kyle reached for the door to leave, shaking his head in surprise. “I can’t remember when one of our pack had two male wolf mates. Is she the human I smell in the air?”

“Yes,” Trevor began, “she’s sleeping in the other room.”

“Congrats. I wish you all the best. I’ll keep a sharp eye out around here.”

“Thanks, man. We appreciate it.” Justin walked Kyle out the back door and stood on the porch long after Kyle had entered the barn, staring into the trees. For the life of him, he couldn’t imagine who would be interested in threatening them. But he aimed to find out.

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