Kara's Wolves (14 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Kara's Wolves
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Justin reached to touch her shoulder on his side, squeezing it gently, and she did moan. “What’s happening to me?” Her head rolled back and she gripped the edge of the table with both hands.

“It’s perfectly natural, baby.” Trevor held his voice steady. “Like Justin said, we’re ‘one’ now. United. The feelings you’re experiencing are to be expected. The intense sexual urges are common for our species, but now being mated to each other, the three of us,
will experience them also.”

A noise on the other side of the room caused Trevor to look up. Nadine had taken over the breakfast duties, and she began serving up plates of eggs, bacon, sausage and biscuits.

Kara stared into Trevor’s eyes when Nadine cautiously set a plate down in front of her. “You expect me to eat? Now?”

“Well, you have a final in, what, three hours? You can’t go to campus on an empty stomach.” Trevor reached for the biscuit on his own plate and took a bite. He was starving, but didn’t want to appear to be making light of her predicament.

Thank God Justin spoke up. “Kara, honey, we’ll continue to explain things while we eat.” He sat and handed Kara a glass of orange juice. “Please?”

“Don’t pressure her right now. Let’s just ease up a bit. Give her a minute.”
Trevor slid his hand onto Kara’s and squeezed, trying to break her from the trance she seemed to be in, her eyes fixed on the plate of food.

“Let me try,” Nadine said. “Kara, I know this is all sudden, but you’ll get used to it.

It’s not complicated really. Would you like one of us to change for you so you can see what we go through?”

She got Kara’s attention. She turned to Nadine’s voice. “Change?”

“Yeah, change is what we call it. Transform… You know … into wolf form.” To Trevor’s ears, Nadine sounded so young. Of course she was young, younger than Kara at least.


“I’ll do it.” Trevor stood back and began taking off his jeans. Kara’s heart pounded when he stood before all three of them completely naked. Justin moved to wrap his arms around Kara from the chair next to her, enough to the side to give her a full view of Trevor in the center of the kitchen.

Kara watched Trevor closely, narrowing her eyes. An uneasy chuckle squeezed between her tight lips.
He really thinks he can change into a wolf.

As she stared, Trevor’s image blurred. She blinked hard, but the man before her began to transform. At first it resembled a circus act she’d seen where the contortionist popped his shoulder out of place purposely to escape some sort of bondage. But the sickening popping sounds of muscles and tendons giving way continued, increasing in intensity and volume. Soft blond fur replaced tan skin, until a large lupine mammal stood in the place of the sexy muscular hunk.

Kara gasped and shrunk back, impeded by the arms holding her tightly.

“Oh … my … God. How did he…” Kara’s gaze darted to Justin’s. The wolf before her didn’t move. He lay down just feet from her and stared at her.

Chills ran up Kara’s spine. She’d heard stories. Her parents had even read to her about wolves and other animals sharing a body with humans when she was a child. But wasn’t it all just fiction?

“We’re shapeshifters, Kara.” Justin attempted to soothe her, running his hands up and down her arms.

“You can do it, too? He… You…” Kara didn’t even know what else to ask.
What the
hell have I gotten myself into?

“I can, yes. Would you like me to?” Justin’s voice was low, non-threatening.

,” Kara nearly yelled. “Thanks, but no. One of you is enough for now.”
All I need
is two giant wolves in the kitchen with me.

“Don’t be afraid. I’m the same man. I just have the ability to shift is all.”
The voice spoke directly into Kara’s head. The wolf in front of her, Trevor, stared intently at her.

Kara turned in Justin’s arms. “Did you just say something?”

Justin smiled. “No, honey. Trevor did. We’re connected now in a special way. The bond gives us the ability to communicate with each other through our thoughts. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, you can always speak to us. All you have to do is think it.”

“What? You can … hear my thoughts?”
This can’t be happening
. “All of them?”

“Yes, my love. All of them. Even the naughty ones.”

Kara jumped in her chair. She recognized the voice in her head as Justin’s and saw the look of lust on his face.

While she wasn’t looking, the wolf, Trevor, came up to her and began to nuzzle her shins. His wet snout forced her to lift her legs out of his path.

When she glanced down at him, he seemed to be almost … smiling?

“He’s right, babe, even the naughty ones.”
Trevor’s voice invaded her mind.

Her gaze darted to Nadine still sitting across the table. “Can you? I mean… Did you hear that?” Her cheeks burned to think Nadine knew what sexual escapades were running through her betraying mind.

“No, don’t worry. The secrets between the three of you are safe. Others are not privy to your thoughts.” Nadine smiled a knowing smile.

Kara shook her head.
I can’t handle this
. She pushed her chair back and stood, head still easing back and forth. “No. This can’t be true. I must be losing my mind. Or … or …

sleeping. That’s it. I’m dreaming.” Kara closed her eyes and covered them tightly with her palms. Perhaps blocking everything out would make it all disappear.

A few moments later, when she ventured to peek into the room again, everything was exactly the same. One man with a worried look on his face stared at her from the table. One woman stood to the side biting her nails. And one … shit … wolf lay on the floor right where she’d left him.
Shit. Shit. Shit. I’ve gone crazy.

Justin took a tentative step forward. “You aren’t crazy, hon.” He whispered the words.

“You …
…” Kara shouted and shook a finger in his direction. “What do you know?
are probably crazier than

“Try it, Kara. Try communicating something specific with us.” Justin spoke softly, inching his way closer to her.

“No, thank you. I’m fine for now.” Kara leaned away from him.

Nadine cleared her throat. “I’m going to wait outside while you three … uh … hash this out. Nice to meet you.” She smiled at Kara and disappeared to the back porch.

“I need to go talk to Nadine, find out what else she knows,”
Trevor communicated.

“Don’t do anything without me.”
Kara jumped at the realization Trevor was still speaking to her in wolf form.

Kara watched Trevor amble over to the back door and nose it open like he did it every day.

Justin crowded his large body into Kara’s space and placed both hands on either side of her. He leaned down to put his forehead on hers and stared directly into her eyes.

“I swear to you, on all that is holy, we will never ever hurt you as long as we live.

You are our entire world. Our destiny. We would give our own lives to protect every hair on your body. Do you understand?” Justin’s words were clear and soft, his breath heating her already inflamed face.

Regardless of the complete lack of logic, Kara still felt connected to Justin as he touched her in a way she could never have imagined. Was it possible there were forces in this world she simply hadn’t been aware of?

Out on the patio, Trevor quickly changed back and grabbed a pair of jeans from a nearby chair. They always kept clothing tucked away throughout their property for emergencies.

“I know you already spoke to Justin, but can I get a quick recap? What’s going on?

You ran like a bat out of hell to get here.”

“Listen, I know you guys are just newly mated and all, and I’m sorry to spring this on you, but I wanted to warn you.” Nadine’s voice trembled.

“Warn us about what?”

“I was about fifty miles from here visiting Melissa. Remember, she mated with Edward from the pack to the south? Anyway, we were at a bar where most of the patrons were wolves from several different packs. I was waiting for a drink when I overheard three men talking heatedly next to me. Thank God the bartender was swamped and it took him forever to get to me, because otherwise I might not have been standing there long enough to realize they were talking about you and Justin and Kara.”

“Kara? How? We just mated last night. How could anyone even know about her yet?” Trevor ran his hands through his hair.

“I don’t know, but they knew exactly what they were talking about. The one guy’s name was Barry. I didn’t get the other two. But Barry was a whack job, I can tell you that. He somehow convinced the other two you have stolen his woman, his
.” Kara took a deep breath.

“What? Who the hell is Barry?” Trevor could feel tension stiffening his body.

“I had hoped you two would know. I’ve never met him before.”

“I’ve never even heard of anyone named Barry.” Trevor slapped the porch railing, making Nadine jump.

“Anyway, whoever Barry is, he sure stirred up sympathy for himself because the other two guys jumped right on board, ready to come and quote, ‘kick your sorry asses’.”

“Who even talks like that?” Trevor began to pace across the porch. Anger eating at him. “How could some guy think Kara is his? She’s mated to me and Justin. We’re completely bonded now.”

Nadine backed up a step, making Trevor realize he was screaming at her. “Naturally the whole thing sounded absurd to me. That’s why I’m here.”

“How did this Barry even know anything about Kara, Justin and me?”

“I have no idea, but he clearly knew you two had found and shared a mate. And he wasn’t happy about it.”

“Shit. Did they say anything else?”

“I don’t know. I got nervous and tore out of there really fast before they could notice me eavesdropping. I ran straight here.”

“We really appreciate the heads up, Nadine.”

“No problem. I know you would do the same for me. I’m thoroughly exhausted now.

Gonna go home and sleep for like a day. Be careful, okay? Kara seems so sweet. Sorry to blow your cover before you were ready. I wish the three of you all the luck.”

“Thanks, Nadine. Are you going to be okay? Is your arm okay?”

“Yeah, just a scratch. It’ll heal quickly. I got too close to a branch in my haste through the woods.”

Within moments, she had stripped the sparse clothing from her body and leapt toward the woods, shifting into wolf form in midair seamlessly.

Trevor returned to the kitchen, happy to find Kara had eaten at least some of the contents of her plate in his absence.

“Who’s Nadine exactly?” Trevor was surprised to hear the calmness in her voice.

“She’s a second cousin of mine,” Justin explained.

“What does all this mean for me? Will I be a…” Kara’s look of horror sent chills down Trevor’s neck and back.

“No, of course not. You’ll always be human,” Justin explained.


Trevor stepped forward and raised her limp hand to place his lips on the inside of her fingers. It seemed like they connected every time he touched her. She kept feeling a spark through her body in reaction to both men.

Justin ran his hands up and down her arms. “Nadine didn’t just show up for a social call,” he started. “She ran about fifty miles to tell us something.”

Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this?

“And … she came to warn us…”

“Warn you about what?” Tension was palpable in the room now. Small hairs rose on the back of Kara’s neck.

“I’m just going to come right out and tell you this. There’s no sense hiding it.

Someone is threatening us. Someone doesn’t want us bonded with you.”

Kara was stunned. “How? Why?”

“We aren’t sure. First there was a note on the barn door yesterday afternoon threatening Trevor and I, and then Nadine shows up this morning to warn us about some guy named Barry who seems to be planning to come after us. Do you know anyone named Barry?”

“No. I can’t think of anyone. Seems like a name I would remember. My God.”

A long exhale escaped Trevor’s lips. “Somehow he found out about our mating and he … wants you for himself. He’s trying to stir up others to come after us.”

mating? The three of us?” Kara inquired.

“That’s the one. I’m thinking whoever Barry is, his is the scent we’ve been noticing everywhere we go. He must be following us.” Trevor glanced at Justin. Kara tried to concentrate on Trevor’s words.

“Why would he be after me?”

“That’s what we aim to find out, baby.” Trevor pulled Kara into his arms and kissed her temple.

Chapter Ten

Justin glanced anxiously over at Kara every few seconds during the drive to campus.

Her head was leaning back against the head rest on the passenger side of his truck, eyes closed. Was she just tired? Or was she so freaked out she couldn’t even look at him?

Justin sort of wished Trevor hadn’t stayed behind, but one of them had to talk to the farm workers, and frankly Justin wasn’t inclined to be separated from Kara for even one minute.

“We’re going to your apartment first, right?” He tried to engage her in conversation.

“Yeah,” she mumbled in a barely audible voice. “I need to change, get a few books…”

Justin reached over to squeeze her hand. “Everything’s going to be okay. Please try not to worry.”

A glance at her face revealed a glare so fierce it would have frozen Satan in his tracks.

“Riiight. You do realize in the last twenty-four hours you’ve totally altered my reality, right? Please don’t patronize me by suggesting I ‘relax’ while I attempt to process the fact I have not one, but two, new boyfriends; they’re both wolves, and a bad guy, also a wolf, is after me.” Her voice kept rising with each syllable, until she was practically shouting.

Justin opened his mouth for a rebuttal, but the look on Kara’s face stopped him in his tracks. Perhaps now was not a good time to soothe her.

The tension in the silent truck was palpable. As Justin parked next to Kara’s apartment and nearly leapt from the driver’s seat to escape the confines of the frigid cab, he could feel the warmer outside air rush into the truck. There was no opportunity to assist Kara out of her side of the truck. The woman flung open the door almost before the engine was off and nearly raced toward the building. Thank God the entrance to her section of the condo was outside; otherwise he would have surely lost her trying to follow her into a building and down hallways. She was moving like a bat out of hell.

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