Kat Attalla Special Edition (22 page)

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“Is that all?”

“That’s all that concerns you.”

A trace of pity darkened his eyes. “I know it’s easy to imagine—”

“Spare me the standard lecture on transfer of affection. I already heard it from him.”
And dispelled the myth in Erik’s mind.

Her brother looked relieved. “At least he’s keeping a professional distance. You really have no idea what kind of life that would be.”

She didn’t correct Steven’s first wrong assumption because her relationship with Erik was none of his business. The second one she wouldn’t let pass. “You’ve been my guardian since I was thirteen. During those years, you were often gone for weeks at a time when you did fieldwork. If anyone understands the life, I do.”

“I didn’t realize you resented it, Tori.”

“I never did. The time you gave me more than made up for the absences. I didn’t need you hovering over me every minute of the day. I had two sisters for that.”

He shook his head. “Sometimes I wonder if I know you at all.”

She touched his hand. “You don’t. But that’s all right. Until recently, I didn’t know myself. I’m stronger than I used to be.”

“Are you ready to go back to the defense department?”

She smiled. He still didn’t understand, but at least he tried. “I’m ready to go back into research, but on a project that I believe in.”

“I could ask around—”

A sharp wave of her hand cut him off. “I love you, Steven, but stay out of my life.” She shot him a warning glare.

“You’ll have to put up with me until Becker is taken down.”

“If I must,” she said with feigned annoyance.

He chuckled, and it occurred to her that she had never shared a laugh with him. Her fault or his, she wondered? Perhaps a little of both. In discovering herself, she was beginning to understand him too.

“Are you free for lunch?” he asked.

“I have a busy day planned. Another time perhaps?”

Steven walked her to the door. “You’re still in protective custody, Tori. You should keep those outside activities to a minimum.”

She thought about spending the afternoon with Erik and suppressed a sigh. Outside activities were the furthest thing from her mind. She didn’t plan to leave her bodyguard’s side.



Chapter Fourteen



Erik pulled
’s sweater over her head and tossed it on the bed. He enjoyed undressing her, but his work today was purely professional. Try convincing
of that, he thought. As she reached for his shirt, he placed his hands on her shoulders and urged her onto the feather mattress.

“Stop it right now, or I’ll have your brother do this instead of me.”

She sat quietly on the edge.

He didn’t mind her attention. He even understood her desire to distract herself. In another hour, she would come face to face with a man who’d threatened her on more than one occasion. He planned to make damn sure she was safe. That meant wiring her body so that she could receive instructions from him and catch the exchange on tape. A simple job in most cases. Tape a strategically placed transmitter to the body, making sure clothing covered the wire. Her curves presented a challenge. Not to mention that she was ticklish. Between her wriggling and her sexy squeaks, the exercise seemed more like foreplay than security work.

Before he took advantage of his position, he helped her ease the bulky sweater back on. It didn’t stop his throbbing erection. When it came to her delectable body, out of sight was not out of mind. He needed to focus on the case at hand. “Okay. Let’s go through it one more time.”

“Do we have to?”

“We should.”

ran through the drill with her brother several times already, but photographic memory or not, when the shit hit the fan, logic was the first to go. Then she would need to react on gut instinct, something her scientific training never prepared her for.

“I know what to do. Say as little as possible because Becker knows my face but Elaine’s voice.”

“That’s right. What else?”

She shook her head in frustration. “Make sure I don’t go anywhere with him no matter what he says and walk away as soon as I hand him his disc.”

“Whatever you do, don’t look for anybody. We’ll be there, but you shouldn’t be able to see us.” He sat behind her on the bed and kneaded her tense neck muscles in a rhythmic, circular motion. He received a smile and a soft sigh for his effort.

“I’m not worried.”

“Well, you should be.”

She tilted her head back and met his gaze. “Why? You and Steven are doing enough of that.”

“You can’t tell me you’re not scared.”

“Of course I’m scared. That’s not the same as worried.”

“What’s the difference?”

“I know I have a lot of agents backing me up. So I don’t worry. But I’m afraid I will make a mistake. I’m not used to covert work.”

“Oh, please, the way you used to torment NSB agents in the past? I’d say you’ll do fine. I can attest to your skills.”

“Am I a torment to you?”

“Is that a rhetorical question?”

“Well, you’re no piece of cake yourself, Agent Sanders.”

“Yeah, I know,” he said proudly. “Okay, here’s your receiver.”

He handed her the small device that looked like a hearing aid. She put it into her delicate ear. “Do I have to wear the hat? It makes me look like a geek.”

“Yes you do. And a coat. It’s cold out there. You’ll look like everyone else who’s crazy enough to go out on a day like today.” He would prefer to keep her inside, enjoying a warm fire and hot sex. “Are you ready?”

“Not yet.”

“What do you need?”

“A kiss for good luck?” He didn’t believe in luck, but he would take all the help he could get.


* * * *


stood by the fountain in the center of the town square. Her breath rose in a white cloud every time she exhaled. Puddles of water formed on the icy surface as the morning sun struggled to bring the temperature above freezing.
shoppers visited the boutiques that framed the courtyard. Despite repeated instructions, she had to remind herself not to look around.

Face it,
. You lied. You are scared.
Last night, discoveries of a sensual nature kept her mind off the meeting. Now, the dream was over and cold reality set in. Although she knew Erik, Steven, and several of the agency’s finest were stationed in the stores that lined the courtyard, she couldn’t see anyone.

“If you hear me, button your coat.” The tiny receiver in her ear transmitted Erik’s voice. She smiled and buttoned her wool jacket. Obviously he could see her, clearly enough to worry that she might catch a chill. No chance there, she thought. Her heart pounded, sending hot blood coursing through her veins.

She glanced at her watch. Five more minutes. Had Becker decided not to show? Or was he already there, watching her? Her stomach clenched into a tight knot. If she didn’t calm herself, she would throw up.

Silent Night blared over a loud speaker perched on top of a light post. A sidewalk Santa complete with bell, ambled towards her.

“Don’t leave,” Erik said as she started to move. “Wait until he passes.”

“Ho, ho, ho,” Santa greeted her, clanging the bell. He held a collection bucket out for her. She searched her pocket for loose change and came up with two quarters. With a smile, she donated the coins.

“Now, put the disc in the bucket.” Despite the continuous bell ringing, she heard the contempt in Santa’s voice.


“Let’s go. You’ve caused me enough trouble already.”

She couldn’t see much of his face through the white beard and mustache. His cold, dark eyes, however, reflected his less than jovial mood.

, she ordered herself.

She fumbled through her purse for the plastic case that held the disc. The infernal clanging gave her a headache. Could Erik hear anything above the racket?

The man grunted. “What’s the hold up?”

They needed to make an exchange otherwise Becker could claim he knew nothing about the contents on the disc. She grabbed hold of his arm to stop the bell’s deafening noise.

“Where’s my money?” She tried for cool and unruffled, but her voice cracked over the lump in her throat. Do not look around. She had trouble remembering all her instructions with her heart beating at the speed of sound.

He dropped a small box wrapped in red paper on the fountain ledge, waited for her to deposit the disc in the bucket, and walked away, ringing his brass bell. She reached for the package and shoved it in her pocket. Praying her trembling legs would hold, she strode away in the opposite direction from Santa.


* * * *


“Damn,” Erik grumbled and yanked the headphones off. He should have figured that Becker would wear a disguise, but Santa? A lot of small children would be disillusioned today. He charged out of the antique shop.

“What happened?” DeMarco asked.

“The exchange was made.” He radioed the other agents. “Pick up Santa the minute he leaves the courtyard. I have to stick with Tori in case she’s followed.”

“Where is she?”

Erik scanned the open area and caught sight of her as she was about to turn the corner. “She’s heading for the van.” He started across the lawn when he noticed a man following behind her, his hand reaching inside his bomber jacket. “Shit! I need backup, fast.”

DeMarco followed his gaze. “I’ll cut them off on the side street.”

Tension seeped into every pore of his body. If anything happened to
, he wouldn’t be held responsible for his actions. He sprinted to the last shop at the corner, removed his gun and edged around the building onto the main road. She was about twenty yards ahead, with Becker’s associate closing in.

Beads of nervous perspiration rolled down his back despite the cool temperature. When she crossed in front of an alley, the stalker raised one hand to her shoulder and yanked her back. She let out a shriek then stumbled into the alley and out of his field of vision.

Pushing people out of his way, Erik dashed down the street. He turned into the alley as the man shoved her into the wall.

“You stupid bitch. Don’t move,” the man snarled.

Never one to follow instructions,
did the direct opposite. Lucky for her and for Erik. The assailant struggled to subdue her, and he didn’t hear Erik’s approach. However, he didn’t mistake the cold steel barrel pressing against his neck.

“Get your goddamn hands off her.”

The man turned her loose abruptly, and she tumbled to the ground. Erik slammed the lousy bastard into the wall and yanked the gun from inside his jacket. His heart pounded.

“Are you okay, Tori?”

She nodded slowly, but he noticed her rubbing her wrist. He wanted to help her, but he couldn’t chance releasing the slime ball. She struggled to her feet. Her skin was a pasty white, and she trembled with fear.

“Go find Daniels or your brother.”

She shook her head as if she didn’t comprehend the words.


Her brown eyes, glistening with moisture and wide with fear, met his gaze.

“I need your brother.”

“I’m here,” DeMarco said. He rounded the corner, slightly out of breath. “Are you okay, Tori?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “I am now.” She brushed the dirt from her coat, wincing as the motion bent her wrist.

While Erik held the suspect, DeMarco slapped a pair of cuffs on the man, who unleashed a stream of obscenities and threats.

“You have the right to remain silent. Use it,” Erik warned.

Once DeMarco had the situation under control, Erik tucked his gun back into its holster and stepped over to
. He took her hand and gently massaged her wrist. “Can you move it?”


Relief washed over him. If anything serious had happened to her, he would have inflicted severe damage on the cowardly scumbag. “It’s probably not broken then, but you better have an x-ray just in case.”

She nodded then threw herself into his arms. Her body shook as he held her close.

The rest of the backup arrived. A small commotion ensued. The suspect was read his rights and led away for booking.
seemed oblivious to the activity, remaining cradled in his arms. Any effort to extricate himself met with stubborn resistance. He would just have to deal with the nasty glares directed at him from her brother.

“It’s over, Tori. We have Becker and his pal.” Erik pressed a kiss against her temple. He stroked the soft layers of hair, soothing the fears away until she relaxed against him. Reining in his fury with the suspect took a lot longer. Slowly, the tension ebbed from her body. She loosened her vice-grip and began massaging the muscles on his back. A low moan vibrated against his ear. She knew how to take him from cold and angry to hot and aroused in seconds. He could use that kind of talent whenever he finished up a case….

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