Kat Attalla Special Edition (23 page)

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Don’t go there, Sanders.
He couldn’t ask that of her. He wouldn’t.

DeMarco cleared his throat to make his presence known. “You better go to the station and take care of the paperwork. I’ll take my sister to the hospital and then take her home.”

She gazed up at Erik and shook her head. She didn’t want to leave him any more than he wanted to leave her. However, he could hardly disobey an order from a superior, who also happened to be her brother. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

“There’s no need,” DeMarco said. “Her part in the case is over.”

met her brother’s obstinate gaze with one of her own. The last of her fear evaporated, and sheer determination set in. “If my part in the case is over, then who I meet up with later is none of your business.”

He stared, slack jawed, at his sister. The bureau chief might be able to issue orders to the agents, but
obviously wouldn’t allow him to dictate to her. “Could I have a moment alone with Tori?”

A battle of wills had begun, and Erik didn’t doubt for a second who would win this time. He shrugged and left the two of them to fight it out before he got caught in the crossfire.


* * * *


Steven folded his arms across his chest and cocked one eyebrow in question. “I thought you said nothing was going on between you two. You know that’s a direct violation of policy.”

She let out a bitter laugh. Her brother was going to lecture her on policy? “And I know, better than anyone, the agency violates the rules whenever it suits them.”

“I’ll have to put it on his record.”

“And if he decides to fight it, are you going to have them drag me in for an internal investigation? Do you really want your colleagues to question me about my sex life? Especially now that the case is over? The rules no longer apply.”

“Yes, they do. Agents are not supposed to take advantage of their position, even after a case ends.”

She leaned against the brick walls. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but he’s not taking advantage of the situation, I am. I’m not your baby sister anymore. I’m going into this with my eyes open.”

He closed his fingers over her arm. “You’re going to wind up hurt. Do you think he’s going to give up his career for you?” His look of pity grated on her nerves.

“I wouldn’t ask him to. He’d be miserable inside of one month, and then I would end up hurt.”

“I don’t think you understand.”

“Steven. You’re forty-five. Are you going tell to me you never had a relationship when both of you knew it had no future?”

“It’s different for you. You’re not that kind of woman.”

She laughed at his narrow-minded, Neanderthal views. They could land a probe on Mars, but they couldn’t get her brother out of the fifties when it came to her. “I hate to shatter your illusion, brother, but it isn’t different for me. So if I’m hurt when he leaves, then I chose to take the risk because it was worth it.”

“I don’t approve.”

She exhaled a sigh. He still thought of her as a fragile child in need of protection. She might possess what he called a “computer mind” but the rest of her was wholly human with the same emotions and desires as any woman her age. Erik fulfilled those desires and touched her emotions. She would not give up a chance for those memories just to shield herself from heartache.

“I don’t need your approval. Just promise you won’t use your position in the agency to interfere in his career.”

“Tori. Do you know what kinds of cases he works on? How he earned his codename?”

“Of course I do. Which is why I’m asking you to promise me.” She wouldn’t put it past her brother to have Erik reassigned to a safer position.

For a long moment he remained silent, staring as if he didn’t know what to make of her. “Well, if I don’t you’ll only make my life hell.”

She smiled. “You’ve got that right.”

“Let’s go get that wrist checked out.” He raised a hopeful grin. “They might put you in a cast, and all your plans will be for nothing.”

Hooking her arm through his, she walked with him towards his car. “If you believe that, then you don’t know me at all. As a physicist I have made a life’s career out of solving complex logistical problems. Do you really think a little plaster cast would interfere with—”

“Stop!” His expression reflected a hint of shock and embarrassment. “This is a side of you I don’t want to know. I may not be able to tell you how to live your life, but you are still my baby sister.”


* * * *


Erik filed an abridged report and drove back to Wakeburn in the early afternoon. Once he returned to
, he would have plenty of free time to add the pertinent details. He waited on the front stoop for
’s return. Although he had a key, he remained in the cold outdoors. Easier than dealing with the memories inside, he thought. If he were smart, he’d pack his bag and get out ASAP. Then again, he wasn’t the genius in this relationship. Perhaps the resident intellect would tell him to leave.

She arrived home fifteen minutes later. Her warm smile welcomed him.

“How did it go at the hospital?” he asked.

She raised her arm to show him the ace bandage wrapped around her wrist. “Sprained.”

“That’s good.”

Her eyebrow lifted in a perplexed arch. “Now you sound like my brother.”

“What do you mean?”

“He wanted the doctor to put me in a body cast.”

He chuckled. “I only meant it could have been worse. What was your brother thinking?”

She grinned mischievously. “Something to do with his naïve little sister and the big bad wolf in a leather jacket. I guess he figured I’d be out of commission.” As if a plaster cast would stop her, or him, for that matter. She could probably calculate six different ways to work around any minor inconvenience. Damn. He would miss her.

She opened the front door. “I guess you’re glad the whole thing is over.”

He’d never been less pleased to close a case in his career. With Becker in custody,
’s worries were over. For that, he was thankful. “You’ll finally have your house back to yourself.”

She raised a sad smile. “That’s true.”

Erik gingerly slid her coat off and tossed it onto the reclining chair. “When do you go back to teaching?”

“Wednesday.” Sadness filled her eyes. She took a deep breath, paused, and then got to her point. “When are you heading back to

“Tomorrow. Unless you want me to leave now.”

“You know I don’t.”

“Will you be all right?”

“Sure.” She laced her fingers through his.

He hadn’t thought himself capable of love. And if he didn’t call this twisted jumble of confusion love, he could walk away and let her have the future she deserved.

She leaned closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. “I wanted to say something. I promised I wouldn’t try to hold you once the case ended and I won’t break my word. But my door will always be open to you. Whenever you want to come and for however long you can stay. No questions. No explanations.”

He raked his fingers through her silky hair. “Be careful, or I might take you up on that.”

“No, you won’t.” Her voice cracked with emotion. “I just want you to know the offer is there.”

What was he supposed to say? Thank you seemed inadequate.

She raised a brave smile that didn’t fool either of them. “Are you hungry? I could fix a turkey sandwich, turkey pot pie, turkey soup, or turkey salad.”

“I see a theme developing here.” She tried to wriggle loose, but he tightened his grip. “I’m not hungry.”

She twisted against him, gaining an instant reaction. “That’s not what your body is saying.”

“A turkey sandwich won’t help me with that hunger.” She could arouse him faster and with less effort than any woman on earth. But they shared more than sex. Everything about her touched him.
was not the fragile introvert he once thought, but a strong woman, at peace with herself. A peace he’d only found with her.

“I suppose I could find a way to fill your hunger.”

“I’m sure you could. But after your day today, you should relax. Maybe watch the game.”

She unfastened the buttons of his shirt. “I have about twelve hours left with you and I don’t intend to pass it watching spectator sports. I plan to run a few experiments so that I will have sufficient data to fulfill my naturally curious streak for years to come.” She spun gracefully around and strolled across the carpet, adding a sassy little wiggle to her step.

“If you keep that up, you’ll be asking for trouble,” he warned.

“Gee, you’re quick today.” She turned back. “I know I’m asking for it. Am I going to get it?”

“You’ll get what you deserve.”

She pressed one hand to her heart and batted her lashes flirtatiously. “If it isn’t the last boy scout. Always prepared, always ready to come to the aid of a lady in distress. Since you’re responsible for my distress, you damn well better come to my aid.”

“Have I ever let you down?”

“Not yet, but there’s always a first time. And nobody’s perfect. Not even you.”

“I resent that.”

“So prove my theory wrong.” She scooted down the hall towards the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes. Outside the door, she paused. “Come on, Sanders. Put up or shut up.”

She deliberately baited him, knowing he wouldn’t refuse. Erik would have his revenge. And his vengeance would be her pleasure.

Before she made it across the room, he caught up to her and playfully pushed her onto the bed. He made fast work of his own clothes and then joined her. A devilish grin spread across his face.

“Now you pay.” He snaked his arm around her waist and kept her firmly anchored next to him.

“I’m ready, willing and able.”


* * * *


“Don’t play so hard to get,” he joked.

“Why would I waste time on games?” For the precious little time they had left,
planned to make a lifetime of memories.

He slid his hand along her stomach and down to her thigh. “Would you like to take a shower first? I know how the water gets you excited.”

Her reaction was rapid and acute, and she arched against his open palm. She moaned from the exquisite delight his touch inspired.

His fingers found the sensitive bud in the dampness between her legs. A tingling wave of pleasure rippled through her. She sighed.

“Imagine that hot water pulsing over your body,” he whispered against her ear.


He leaned over to lift her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him down on top of her. His body pressed to hers, searing her with the pure strength and silky smoothness of hot, hard flesh.

“Later. I can’t wait that long.” Her anticipation rose along with her level of frustration. Erik seemed determined to keep an excruciatingly slow pace to torment her.

She wriggled beneath him, urging him to join with her.


“I don’t want to be patient,” she muttered breathlessly. She arched to him, welcoming him deep inside her.

Unlike her, Erik remained in complete control. Until she began to move beneath him and his steely resolve crumbled. He grabbed hold of her wrists and pinned her arms above her head. He fought to maintain his iron-fisted control.

She wouldn’t give him the chance. If only for this short time they had together, she wanted to have all of Erik, with nothing held back. This was the only gift she could give. The only gift he would accept for all he had given her. She wanted to make sure her would never forget it.

She matched his steady rhythm and then escalated the pace. The lovemaking became a tug of war, a battle of wills that
refused to lose. In the end, sheer feminine tenacity won out over macho stubbornness. Release came quickly and with violent intensity.

“You’ll pay for that,” he whispered against her ear in a voice still husky with passion.

“Only if I’m lucky.”

She was so in love with him, it hurt. She wanted to tell him, but the words died on her lips. A confession now would only make both of them uncomfortable.


* * * *


curled around Erik with a sigh. Night moved towards dawn. Not much time. She inhaled deeply, trying to make a memory of his masculine scent. The feel of his warm flesh pressed against hers was already branded in her mind.

The clock on the bedside table ticked off the seconds, mocking her. A lump caught in her throat. She wanted more time.

She stroked her fingers along the fine hair on his chest.

“Are you tired?” he asked.

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