Kate: A Universal Truth (A Wish for Love Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Kate: A Universal Truth (A Wish for Love Series Book 1)
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“Eighty thousand pounds?  How will they raise such a sum?  Eighty thousand! Mildred must be going out of her mind.”  Kate and Emma looked helplessly at each other.

“Kate, I must leave,” said Matthew quietly and Kate, hurt, looked at him.  She couldn't blame him.  He must loathe her.  Despise her.  Richard Lindsay was the dregs of humanity and Matthew, without a doubt, knew this.  She had dared judge this superb man on the basis of the malicious and false tale of a smooth-talking, cunning and low criminal.  She thought back to the party. She had been so obtuse, so unsuspecting.  How could she not have wondered why a total stranger should relate such intimate details of his life just minutes after they'd met.  How far could her blindness and stupidity lead her?  She, who had always prided herself on being a fair person who judged people by their qualities and acts and not according to appearances, had fallen
prey to pride, arrogance and bias.  She had made her first mistake with Patrick but instead of learning a lesson and acting with greater prudence and humility, had fallen into the trap a second time.  She could never forgive herself.

“Yes, of course,” she responded, a ball of pain and tears welling up in her throat, “I've taken up enough of your time.”

He looked at her, his eyes veiled behind an opaque screen.

Only at that moment did Kate understand the true nature of her feelings for him.  Only now, after she had lost any hope he would reciprocate her feelings, did Kate understand how desperately she loved him.  She accompanied him and opened the door.  She wanted him to leave.  She didn't want him to see her cry.  The humiliation was painful enough without his being witness to her misery and vulnerability.

“Katie, what happened?”  Emma was shaken at the sight of the rivulets of tears that coursed down her sister's cheeks.  “You're taking this too much to heart.  I'm sure the judge will be convinced that Jemina, despite her abrasive manner, was only a victim and will acquit her.”

“It's not because of Jemina,” wailed Kate, her voice choked with tears, “it's because of Matthew.”


Kate told her sister everything Lindsay said at the party and all that had passed since she went down to London.  Emma spent the next couple of hours trying to comfort her sister.

“You'll see, everything will work out for the best.  We'll be at Bellewoodplain and you'll be able to apologize for what you said.  After all, you couldn't know Lindsay was a crook.  I was also very favorably impressed when we met at the party.  You're not to blame.  Wipe your tears.  Naivity is not a crime, sister.”

“Perhaps naivity isn't, but lynching an honest man without examining all the facts is despicable.  I should have known better. Lindsay’s interest in Jemina in the cafe was unnatural.  I shouldn't have agreed to her joining us.  She was so easily taken in by his empty promises.”

“There, there,” Emma smiled at her, “you're exaggerating.”

It was late when they turned in.  All evening they waited in vain for a call from their aunt. Only the next afternoon did the telephone ring. 

“Kate, it's Mildred.  Everything is working out.  I put up the bail and hired the best lawyer in London.  He's already had poor Jemina released from detention and he'll represent her in all future proceedings.  We're going to stay over at my sister-in-law for the weekend because the prosecuting attorney will question her on Monday in order to decide whether to charge her.” 

This was too good to be true.  Jemina out on bail and represented by the best lawyer in London with a good chance of not being charged at all.  “How did you get the money?” Kate queried.

“Well, the truth is, that is,” Her aunt had a coughing attack and Kate waited patiently until she caught her breath.  “Alice helped me raise the money.  She contacted all sorts of people and pulled strings and as you see, she managed to arrange matters most satisfactorily.”

Kate never knew Mr. Hopson's sister to be either wealthy or influential.  As far as she knew, Mildred's sister-in-law was a secretary with a modest income, three children and an insurance agent for a husband.  Well, let it be, the important thing was the money was there, Kate thought to herself.  Mildred and her husband should be grateful to Jemina's aunt for the rest of their lives.  Kate was well aware they could never pay back the debt.

John Bayhem called that evening.  Emma answered the phone and Kate, when she understood who was calling, discretely left the room, allowing Emma to talk in private.  When she hung up, Emma announced that various matters, urgent business, were keeping John and Matthew in London and Matthew requested they put off their visit to Bellewoodplain for a week.

Kate almost burst into tears.  This was conclusive proof that Matthew wanted nothing to do with her.

“You’re talking nonsense.  If he didn't want to see you why did he postpone the visit by one week?  Why not cancel it entirely?  He could have stayed in London and let John entertain us.  No.  That isn’t the reason.  Anyway, I'm convinced that if the only reason for his interest in you is because of the manuscript, then he would have simply brought it up to Oxford.”

Emma was trying to cheer her up but Kate knew she was mistaken.  He's stalling, trying to evade her.  By next week he'll think up some story to put off their stay at the estate. Kate remembered Rebecca telling her their grandmother was due in Bellewoodplain with her cousin from Spain.  He would use that as an excuse to cancel their visit.

The weekend crawled.  Kate couldn't concentrate on her book and found herself staring into space for hours on end.

She barely ate and hardly slept, going over and over in her mind all that had passed between her and Matthew.  She recalled the first time she set eyes on him in Mr. Mallory's store, the party, the glance he threw her way before he left, the concert, dinner, the night in his apartment, the slurs she threw up in his face.  God help me, I'm losing my mind.

Mildred called again on Monday evening.

“Exactly what happened?” asked Emma. “Kate and I want to hear all the details.”

Lindsay pursued Jemina, buying her presents and promising to take her on a trip to Paris.  He convinced her that they were in love and on Monday, after Kate left, he helped her pack and took her off to London.  The next evening they were arrested on their way to France.  During the investigation it was established that Jemina had no idea about the drugs. Lindsay hid a large amount of heroin in her bag without her knowledge, assuming that if they were searched and the drug discovered, Jemina would be blamed.  When the detectives arrested them he tried to escape but he was caught almost immediately.  One of the detectives had been at the party you were at a few weeks ago and heard him introduce himself to you.  The older couple sitting next to you in the cafe were in fact detectives.  Jemina's lawyer talked with the prosecutor's office and after she gave evidence and passed a lie detector test, they were convinced that Jemina's part was the result of a set of unfortunate coincidences and they decided to release her without pressing charges."

"Well done. Good for her."

“She's free,” Mildred jubilantly announced, “my poor Jemina is free.”

“Mildred, you mustn't forget she made a few very grave mistakes in judgment,” Emma reminded her, “I hope she's learned her lesson.”

“Yes, you're very right dear.  She is right next to me and would like to speak to Kate.”

“Hello? Kate?  You can't imagine what a mess I've been through this week because of your Richard Lindsay.”

Kate prayed devoutly for the strength to get through the conversation without losing her temper.  “He's not mine and I suggest you refrain from trying to put the blame on anyone else but yourself.”

“Okay, okay, relax.  Anyway, they insisted I apologize so I'm doing what I'm told like a good girl.  I wouldn't dream of crossing Lord Matthew.  Oh, Kate, he's so sexy, why didn't you introduce him to me instead of Richard.  I like him much better.”

Kate's heart stood still.  “What do you have to do with Matthew Camedon, Jemina?  Where do you know him from?”

“Oops, sorry!  He forbade us to tell you he was involved.  Please, don't make me tell you more than I already have.  I know if you insist I'll tell you everything and then Matthew will be angry at me for not keeping my promise.”

“Please, Jemina, I would like to speak to your mother again.”

Kate heard Jemina call her mother to the phone.  Her nerves were taut and she was shaking.  What was the meaning of all this?  What could Jemina possibly have to do with Matthew?

“Mildred, I insist you tell me exactly what Matthew Camedon has to do with Jemina's problems?”

“I'm so glad you asked, love.  I felt terrible I had to lie to you.  But I did it only because Lord Camedon insisted,” she added hurriedly.  “Last Wednesday Lord Camedon called up and said he would like to meet me in order to clear Jemina's name.  He introduced himself as someone who had Miss Kate Evans' best interests at heart and of course I saw no reason to refuse.  He sent a car around to pick me up at my sister-in-law's house and not just an ordinary car, Kate, but a shiny black Bentley.  I couldn't believe my eyes.”

“Please, Mildred, try to stick to the point.”

“The chauffeur took me to a fancy office where I met the Marquis and his lawyer, Sir Goldsmith.  The lawyer explained he took care of all the Marquis' affairs and the Marquis had requested he represent Jemina in this delicate matter.  The Marquis gave the required amount of money to release Jemina on bail.  His lawyer did a superb job and the end result you know.”

“And what about the money you owe Matthew Camedon?”

“He got back the bail money and he refused my offer to pay him the lawyer's fee in installments, so as far as I'm concerned, the matter is closed.”

Unable to continue the conversation, Kate bid her aunt good-bye.

“Tell me what happened,” asked Emma. 

Kate told her of Jemina's slip of the tongue and the new information that had been revealed in its wake.

Emma looked pleased.  It was clear that the Marquis was madly in love with her sister.

“Why are you smiling, Emma?  What is so funny?”

“Nothing, sister, nothing at all.”


The next morning Kate went to visit her father.  She found him, as always, deep in a book.  She told him of the week's events, leaving out the intimate details concerning Matthew. 

“Richard Lindsay,” her father knit
his brows, “Richard Lindsay.  The name sounds familiar.  It rings a bell.”  He leaned back in his armchair and drew on the pipe in his hand.  “I'll make a few telephone calls and find out something about him.  And now, tell me about this young Camedon.”

“What about him?” asked Kate, trying to put him off.

“Between the lines, I get the impression you've taken a fancy to him.”

“Oh, yes.  I like him alot, father, and even more than that.  But how can I look him in the eye after all that's happened?  I'm so ashamed.  He's angry with me and I can't blame him,” she added sorrowfully, “he has every reason to feel that way.”

Her father smiled encouragingly. “Matters don't seem as black as all that, child.  If that's what he thinks of you, why should he go out of his way to help Jemina?  Perhaps you are dearer to him and more important than you think.”

Kate felt a spark of hope.  Was it possible that Matthew's feelings were strong enough to forgive the injustice she had done him, to give their relationship another chance?  She felt a sudden happiness wash over her.  Even if there were only a chance in a million, she would go to Bellewoodplain and try to make Matthew experience once again what he had briefly felt for her.

In the afternoon she began to work on the draft of her book and found to her delight that for the first time in weeks she was able to concentrate.  Emma planned to spend the afternoon and evening with John and Kate didn't expect her back until the early hours of the morning.

Her father called in the evening. “I have news that will interest you,” he said without preamble.  “Richard Lindsay was expelled from the college after he was caught sniffing cocaine on the university premises.  After a thorough investigation it was eatablished that he had faked his high school grades, which were the basis of his acceptance to the college.  He was judged and the punishment meted out was a large fine and three years probation.  He left Oxford and since then the college has heard nothing from him.”

“Thank you, father, this information is very important.”

“You're welcome, my dear.”

Kate again felt the block in her throat.  Over and over again she heard herself blaming Matthew for his lack of compassion and decency, his cruelty and severity.  If he never spoke to her again, she would understand.  She wrote Emma a message asking her to find out Matthew's mobile number.  She would call him, thank him for all his help and beg his forgiveness.  Kate hoped he would listen to her although she knew he would most likely be aloof and indifferent.  She would feel better if she could tell him directly how sorry she was for all that had happened.  Emma's response was quick and Kate entered Matthew's number, feeling her heart hammer against her ribs.  She heard the dial tone, and then his voicemail, curt and laconic. She didn't leave a message and did not have the nerve to call Bellewoodplain.  She would tell him all these things next Friday.


BOOK: Kate: A Universal Truth (A Wish for Love Series Book 1)
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