Katlyn (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Katlyn (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 1)
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“Don’t frown like that, Katlyn,” Brendan said. “It will make you old before your time.”

“I hope I’m around for the long haul. If Clayton hadn’t shown up when he did, who knows what the patrol would have done to me if I hadn’t given the both of you up.”

“We’d have rescued you somehow,” Chase said. “Although if it’s a secret they hoped to keep quiet, you pose the greatest threat to them.”

“I guess I don’t understand why Martha would agree to allow the patrol to show up at the Wilted Petal. They burned the place to the ground, even.”

“I’ve seen her our last few trips, but I never took her as the dishonest type. Greedy, yes, but I’m just not sure how she hoped to profit from her information,” Brendan said.

“Personally, I hope to stay clear of that woman,” Katlyn said. “So where is the capital of Wyoming, anyway.”

“Since you’re a teacher, I’d think you’d already know that,” Chase said. “Didn’t you have to memorize facts like state capitals?”

“Sure I have at some point, but I don’t know all of them off the top of my head, smart ass.”

“It’s in Cheyenne, but we’re not going there,” Clayton said. “I forgot, the governor will be at his ranch this time of year, which is only a few hours away. Martin Crosbie is a fair governor. He’s also an old friend,” Clayton went on to say.

Two hours seemed like a long way to go with the Shifter Patrol hot on their heels. Katlyn looked through the window as the landscape changed to a more barren one, with little vegetation. The mountains were more prominent, too.

“What kind of ranch does he have?”

“It’s more of a hunting ranch.”

Brendan’s brow shot up. “You should just stick to the facts, Katlyn, and not share more information than is needed with the governor. Don’t make yourself look in a bad light with the man,” Brendan suggested.

“I’m not a complete idiot. I’m not about to say I went to the Wilted Petal looking for sex with two hot men who turned out to be shifters and how I’m now mated to them and we have ménage sex on a daily basis.” Or that these two men have made her hotter than any man ever has and satisfied Katlyn to her core, but she had to wonder if that was all it was to them. As a human, it’s virtually impossible to not feel something for them. Casual sex just wasn’t something Katlyn did, not until she showed up at the sex club that night. It’s hard to admit that her humdrum life as a schoolteacher made her want to push the boundaries, but nobody would ever guess just how far it had gone. She really needed Tessa now more than ever. Who else could she talk about this with?

Clayton either didn’t hear what she said or didn’t care because he never even flinched or looked up, focusing on the road ahead.

Katlyn put her head on Brendan’s shoulder. He was the perfect mate in every way. He’d proven to be quite protective while she believed that Chase was more the sensitive type. Neither man had ever suggested she do anything that she didn’t want to, and for that she was very happy. Human men weren’t like that at all. It was always about what she would do for them, instead of the other way around.

* * *

Katlyn protested when Brendan and Chase moved away from her, and their hushed voices were indiscernible from where they stood outside the SUV. She yawned. Katlyn hadn’t even been aware that they had stopped. When she saw the same man who had stopped them during a roadblock on their way to Wyoming with Angus, Katlyn realized he had to be a shifter as well.

Pushing the door open, Katlyn got out and walked toward the men who looked none too happy that she interrupted their conversation.

“Hello,” Katlyn began. “You’re the same man who stopped us on our way to Wyoming with Angus.”

“This is Raphael,” Brendan said. “He’s ready to stage an all-out war with the patrol.”

“So he’s a shifter, too? I should have known that, but I suppose it didn’t compute since I had no idea Angus was one.”

Raphael’s eyes widened. “What are you doing hauling a human around with you, Brendan? She’s a spy for the patrol, most likely.”

“She’s not,” Chase said. “The patrol is after her, too.”

“We’re headed to tell—”

“I don’t think it’s wise to volunteer information just yet,” Brendan said.

Katlyn’s hands went to her hips. “I don’t understand why it matters, but there’s no need to launch a war at all. Once I get the word out about the patrol, the government will have to take action.”

Raphael spat on the ground. “I don’t much trust your so-called government. It was set up for humans, not us shifters. We’re not offered anything in the way of protection. The humans can decide to kill us all and there’s no laws saying they can’t.”

“You’re also half human and I can’t see the government of the United States allowing something like this to happen. I won’t stand by and see any more bloodshed. It’s bad enough that the alpha, Nate, has lost his life because of the plot of a land-grabbing neighbor.”

Hair popped out on Raphael’s arms as he said, “I’ll avenge my brother.”

“The man has already faced his death at the hands of the werewolves,” Brendan explained. “Our vampire had planned to do the deed, but it’s justified that the pack were able to avenge him.”

“I’m worried about his son, Maxwell,” Katlyn said. “He already walks with a limp. Will the pack abandon him now that his father is dead?”

“What do you know about my nephew, human?”

“I’m the new schoolteacher at Shadow Creek and was teaching the children until Nate’s death and the Shifter Patrol arrested me.”

Raphael’s arms and legs trembled. “Not to worry, teacher. I’ll take my nephew in hand. It’s my birthright to take over as alpha if my brother died before Maxwell reaches maturity.” His back cracked and he hunched over, his clothing ripping as he shifted into a wolf. Raphael then howled and another man stepped forward. “You have two days to get the word out. If the patrol doesn’t back down by then, we’ll launch our attack.”

When they got back in the SUV, Brendan turned to Katlyn, and said, “Under no circumstances is it a good idea to tell anyone where we’re going. Even shifters can’t be always trusted. They all have their own agendas, and Raphael has been off on his own for a while.”

“It sounds like he plans to become the next alpha. Maxwell needs someone to care for him now.”

“Not sure how the pack will take that. Like I said, he’s been gone for a long time. I know if I was part of that pack, I’d wonder what his true motives are.”

“Perhaps it would be better to give him the benefit of the doubt,” Katlyn recommended.

“I wouldn’t be so quick to defend a shifter who plans to start a war with the humans.”

“It’s the Shifter Patrol they have a problem with, not all humans.”

“Yes, but if the patrol is attacked by a shifter, it will be a long war with all humans, not just the patrol.”

“Well, in that case, I need to get the word out before it leads to that.”

* * *

Hours later, they drew closer to the Black Hills National Forest, passing grasslands and rock formations. In the distance, the mountains appeared black, which is where the name Black Hills came from. Katlyn’s eyes were glued to the magnificent view until Clayton passed under the Hallow Ridge Ranch sign. As the SUV moved along the dirt path, pronghorn antelopes lifted their majestic heads and glided away out of sight.

“Wow,” Katlyn remarked. “I had no idea I’d see a real live pronghorn. The only ones I have ever seen were trophies mounted on walls.”

“You have yet to see all that Wyoming has to offer,” Chase said. “I’d love to chase one of those down.”

“I hardly think the governor would care to see mountain lions roaming his property,” Katlyn said.

“He’s probably more used to seeing a mountain lion then you think,” Brendan said. “Just not so close to hunting season.”

“Th-They hunt mountain lions?”

“Yes, some might say that predators need to be downsized so the deer populations don’t decline too much. Of course in my opinion, that’s only so that human can hunt them down.”

“I think it’s awful to hunt mountain lions and wolves like that. It’s part of the food chain.”

“Food can get scarce, though,” Clayton said. “If the predators can’t find food, you’d see them moving into populated towns and ranches. That’s when the real problem begins. It’s my job to make sure that mountain lions don’t get out of control.” His smile could be seen in the rearview mirror. “No offense, fellas.”

“Believe me, I have tried to stay away from the sheep,” Brendan said. “Too bad they’re so tasty.”

Katlyn giggled as the SUV came to a halt, and they got out, making way for the door. When they knocked, a woman with kind, brown eyes opened the door, her gray-streaked hair cascading around her shoulders. “Can I help you folks?”

“We’re here to see the governor,” Clayton said. “The name’s Clayton Wellington. We’re from Creeksboro, Wyoming.”

“Well, Martin is out hunting today, but I’ll have someone show you where. That man is probably about ready to come back soon if you’d rather wait until he shows up.”

“I’d prefer to be shown out there,” Katlyn said. “It’s of great importance that I speak with him.”

“Sure thing.” She hollered over her shoulder, “Jimmy, show these folks where Martin is hunting.”

A gangly young man came over and smiled widely when he locked eyes with Katlyn.

“No need to gawk, Jimmy,” the woman said. “He’s not used to seeing pretty girls since he stays on the ranch all the time working. I keep telling him that he needs to get out more.”

Katlyn blushed. “I don’t think anyone’s ever called me pretty. I guess I don’t see myself like that. Nice to meet you, Jimmy,” she said, offering her hand for him to shake.

Jimmy did so quickly as Brendan cocked a brow at him and Chase gave him a dirty look. “Follow me,” he said, taking them down a path. “He’s not really out hunting. He just tells Betsy that so she doesn’t fuss at him about drinking with his buddies. The governor is really a down-home type of man.”

About a half-mile up the path was a small log cabin, surrounded by a porch with two men laughing and drinking beer.

“Jimmy, what on earth. Who are these folks?”

Katlyn walked forward. “Hello, Governor. I’m sorry for the interruption, but I really need help.”

The man’s blue eyes softened. “Of course, dear. Do have a seat.” He motioned to a chair next to him. Once she sat, Brendan and Chase took a glass of beer that the governor’s friend, Max, gave to them as the introductions were made.

“Governor, th-this is so hard and I don’t know how to say it other than to just say it. I’m from Newbury, Wisconsin, and I witnessed a horrific crime. This is about the Shifter Patrol and how they went into the Wilted Petal club and murdered everyone there. I narrowly escaped with my life and they’ve been searching for me ever since. I left Newbury to take a teaching job on a ranch near Creeksboro, Wyoming, and the patrol showed up here and took me into custody.”

“They’re here in Wyoming now?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Please call me Martin. I’m not at the capital presently.”

“Thanks, Martin. I’m Katlyn Spacey. All I wanted to do was start over and now it seems my past has caught up with me.”

Martin drummed his fingertips on the arms of the rocking chair he sat on. “What do you want me to do?”

“I need the truth to be known. Is the Shifter Patrol working for the government now?”

He shook his head. “Quite the contrary. The government has cracked down on that vigilante group and ordered them to disband, but it seems that they have other ideas. I’ll call a few buddies in Washington and see what we can do here— instead of leaking it to the press, that is. Those folks in Washington have their own way of handling things.” He reached out and squeezed Katlyn’s hand. “I assure you that I’ll do all I can to take care of that Shifter Patrol. The last thing Wyoming needs is some vigilante group causing problems.” He gazed over to Brendan, Chase, and Clayton. “Which one of you are shifters?”

Brendan spoke up. “Does it matter?”

“I suppose not unless you’re causing problems for the ranchers with killing livestock and such.”

“They’ve been accused, but I discovered that their neighbor was trying to set them up. He had plans to move his sheep onto their ranch,” Clayton explained.

“Not good. So he must have figured out who they were. Have you arrested the neighbor?”

“He’s on the run. But with your help we might be able to find him, but he’s killed an alpha werewolf.”

Martin took a sip of his beer. “Strange how all I thought I had to worry about in this state was balancing the budget. Now I need to figure out a way to allow shifters to vote,” he laughed. “They’re half human after all.”

They all walked back to the main house and they soon were all sitting around a round table while plates with steak and potatoes were served. Betsy sat on Martin’s right and they were told that she was Martin’s wife.

After chewing up a forkful of steak, Katlyn said, “This is I’d eso good, Betsy.”

“Thanks, dear. Have you met many men in Wyoming? A pretty girl like you won’t stay single long.”

“I’m involved already.”

Betsy looked from Clayton to Brendan to Chase.”

“Don’t put that on me,” Clayton said. “I’d never be able to keep up with a young thing like that.”

“How about you, Brendan and Chase?” she pressed. “Which one of you is involved with Katlyn here?”

Martin spat, “That’s none of your concern now, Betsy. Shifters don’t abide by the same rules as you and I do.”

“We’re mountain lion shifters,” Brendan said. “And Katlyn is our mate.”

Betsy smiled. “Well, now. That’s mighty exciting, like something you’d read in a steamy novel. I’m quite the romance fan, you know. After dinner, Martin, we should show these folks to the guest cabin.”

“We don’t want to put you out,” Katlyn said.

“Don’t be silly.”

After dinner, Martin called a few senators in Washington and Katlyn spoke with them briefly, agreeing to come to Washington in a few days to testify before a senate hearing about the Shifter Patrol. The National Guard was called out to deal with the Shifter Patrol with orders to take any and all members into custody. When Katlyn looked up her old town of Newbury, she was shocked that martial law had been in force since a day after she and Tessa had left. All of the city leaders were involved in supplying the Shifter Patrol with critical information, which led to the murders at the Wilted Petal, and that the owner was wanted in connection with the deaths at the club.

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