Keegan's Bride (Mail Order Brides of Texas 2) (11 page)

Read Keegan's Bride (Mail Order Brides of Texas 2) Online

Authors: Kathleen Ball

Tags: #20th Century, #Historical, #Western, #Mail-Order Brides, #Asherville, #Texas, #Forever Love, #Fiction, #Romance, #Cowboys, #Frontier & Pioneer, #Victorian, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Marriage Of Convenience, #Train Station, #Disembark, #Little Girl, #Swindled, #Paid Passage, #Boston, #Mistaken Identity, #New Sheriff, #Protection, #Secrets, #Past Issues

BOOK: Keegan's Bride (Mail Order Brides of Texas 2)
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It was almost like every other evening in the cabin except they were extra polite to each other. Peg was so tired from the scary day she fell asleep early with Kooky laying at the end of the bed. Addy walked away from the bed not knowing what she should do.

Keegan rose from his chair and took her hand gently in his. He lifted it to his mouth and kissed it. “Come talk to me. The sadness in your eyes is breaking my heart.” He started to lead her to the door but she stopped.

“What about Peg?”

“We’ll sit on the front steps. I still have my gun belt on in case we see that bear again.” He tugged her hand and she allowed him to take her outside.

“It sure is beautiful out here, Keegan. You chose well for yourself.”

“For us, Addy. I don’t want to lose you. The days we spent apart were hell for me. I missed you like crazy and I worried about you. When I thought Peg was going to be taken away and you put in prison, I couldn’t sleep. I was glad Ilene was here to watch Peg. Strike and I went on night rides, but even that didn’t help.”


“Addy, I did kill my father. I’d kill him again given the chance. He was a mean son of a bitch who beat my ma and me. Me, I could take it. I always planned on leaving the first chance I got. One day he hit my Ma so powerfully she went down hard onto the dirt floor, and she never took another breath.” He drew his hand over his face and stared up at the night sky. “She was a sweet woman, who didn’t deserve to be treated the way he did. Every day he hit her, every day.”

“I’m sorry, Keegan.” She touched his arm.

“I shot him with his own gun. I was so young and angry. I tried to lift my Ma to put her in bed. That’s when I realized she was dead when she hit the floor. The gun was on the table. He liked to threaten us with it, and I really thought he’d kill me so I wasn’t a witness to what he’d done. I shot him and gathered what I could, saddled the horse and rode off. I never looked back. Instead I’ve been looking over my shoulder for more than ten years.” He hung his head.

“I wish there was something I could do.”

“Sometimes there’s just nothing you can do about it. But I do thank you for not jumping up and locking me out of the house.”

She put her arm around the back of him and stroked his neck. “We’ll be fine. Truthfully, I didn’t know what to think. I figured since I knew you’d want me gone.” Unwanted tears poured down her face.

“It’s been a hell of a day, Addy. The only good part about it was you and Peg. I want you Addy. I want us to be man and wife and soon. I’m starving for you.”

She wiped away her tears and leaned against his side. “Me too. You need to get a bed made for Peg.”

He gave her a sexy grin. “There’s always in front of the fireplace, but I want the first time to be in our bed. I’m going to Cinders first thing in the morning to tell him about the bear. It’s a danger. Maybe I could talk Shannon to watch Peg for the night.”

Her face heated. “She’ll want to know why.”

He laughed. “She won’t ask, she’ll know, and you can quit blushing. It’s what married couples do.”

Her face heated even more. “I’m sure I look like a tomato now.”

“Yes, a sweet, ripe tomato.” He leaned his head down and kissed her.

After such a long emotional day, his kiss was a homecoming. He moved his lips tenderly over hers, and her body relaxed. She’d never felt like killing someone then loving them so much all in the same day. The feel of his tongue in her mouth brought her joy and as the kiss deepened she felt desire. He broke off the kiss and shifted to press his lips behind her ear, and she sighed a heavenly sigh. There wasn’t urgency in his kisses. Instead, it seemed as though they had all the time in the world. His lips on her neck gave her chills of excitement, and she was disappointed when he finally pulled away.

He smiled as he gazed into her eyes. “We’d better stop now. I can’t wait to continue this.”


He nodded. “That’s the plan.”

Chapter Eight



The next morning, Keegan showed her how to aim and shoot the rifle. It gave her goose bumps every time he put his arms around her. She was both excited and nervous about the night to come.

“You’re not paying attention,” Keegan admonished.

“I lose my thoughts when you touch me.”

“I think you got the hang of it, and it’s nice to know what my touch does to you,” he said as he took the rifle from her and gave her a wicked grin. “I need to warn Cinders about the bear. I hope we can track it down today. You’ll be a true hero to the men on his ranch.”

“I just hid us.”

“You were brave and I’ll tell Cookie the story and by the time he tells a few people he’ll have it stretched to you and Peg wrestling the bear.”

She laughed. “You may be right.”

“Stay close to the house today.” He kissed her quickly. Too quickly.

“I will. You be safe too.” They walked to the house hand in hand. Peg was finally allowed to run around and she took her chance with Kooky by her side.

“I don’t know if Shannon will be over or not. I doubt Cinders will want her driving the wagon herself with the bear out there.” He placed the rifle above the mantel. “Somehow we are going to spend the night alone. I know I can’t wait another night to be with you.” He laughed. “There you go again looking like a tomato. It’s enchanting.” He kissed her cheek and hurried out the door.

? What cowboy uses the word enchanting? She shrugged her shoulders and smiled. Her cowboy, that’s who. She grabbed the rifle and sat on the top step watching Peg play. Soon enough Peg wound down and they went inside. Addy made sure the cellar door was open under the table and the door to the house was locked.

“Is Daddy going to bring us a bear?”

“They are hunting the bear that was here yesterday. They want to be sure it doesn’t hurt anyone.”

“I want a bear.”

“You have Kooky.”

“A bear would be better.” Addy smiled at Peg. She hoped Keegan didn’t bring home a bearskin rug or there might be some shrieking going on.

“Shannon might come by later. You like her don’t you?”

“They have lots of horseys.”

“Good, you like horseys.”

“They have a cat too.”

“I didn’t know that. What’s the cat’s name?”

“Kooky.” Peg went and grabbed the wooden dog; Keegan had made for her and sat on the floor.

Addy smiled and started making bread. Still shaken from yesterday she had the shutters closed and soon enough it became stuffy. She wore a path to the windows to peek out and make sure all was clear. If Kooky hadn’t barked like crazy… Where had Kooky been when the bear was in the house? He was a smart dog. She squatted down and petted Kooky. “You’re a good dog.” She felt bad for leaving him to fend for himself, but if it had been Indians he’d have given them away.

A few hours later, she heard a wagon approaching and hurried to the window. It was Shannon with a man she wasn’t familiar with. She quickly untied her apron and opened the door. Peg was next to her in no time.

“Nice to see you, Shannon.”

“It’s nice to see the two of you too.” Shannon scrambled down from the wagon as soon as it stopped. “This is Rollo, one of the ranch hands.”

The dark haired blue eyed cowboy tipped his hat. “Ma’am, Peg.”

“’Ollo!” Peg jumped up and down.

“You two know each other, I gather.”

“Yes Ma’am, Peg loves the horses.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Rollo.” Addy turned to Shannon. “Can you stay for a cup of tea?”

“You have tea? I wish I could, but I’m here to get the little one, and we need to get back as quickly as possible. I hear you’re quite the hero, Addy.”

“Is Keegan spinning a yarn or is Cookie?”

“Cookie. Each time he tells the story he adds a little more excitement.”

“I need to pack Peg’s things and change her before she goes.” Addy picked up Peg and entered the house with Shannon right behind her.

Shannon cleared her throat. “Is there anything you need to know about tonight?”

Addy’s face heated. “I don’t know much. I’m relying on Keegan to know what to do.”

“He’s a good man, and it only hurts the first time, so don’t worry.”

Addy changed Peg and packed a small valise for her. “Does everyone know?”

Shannon grinned. “Nothing was said but I just figured.”

“You figured right. I’m going to take a nice hot bath and have my wedding night.” Her stomach filled with butterflies.

“Addy, enjoy your time alone. I’ll take good care of Peg.” Shannon took Addy’s hand and gave it a quick squeeze.

“I want to see horseys, a cat, and the bear,” Peg told Shannon.

“Two out of three are on the list.”

“Peg, you be good for Shannon, and I will see you to tomorrow.”

Peg stamped her foot and folded her arms in front of her. “No.”

“Peg, Cookie is making a cake just for you,” Shannon cajoled.

A big smile spread across Peg’s face. “A cake?”

“Yes, a cake.”

Addy and Shannon laughed as Peg ran outside and into Rollo’s arms. She laughed when he swung her up into the wagon.

“I appreciate it, Shannon. For a minute there I thought we were going to have a mutiny.”

“Me, too.” She gave Rollo her hand and climbed into the wagon. They all waved as they left. It was still hard to let Peg out of her sight, but she was safe with Shannon. Addy watched while Kooky chased after the wagon until he gave up and came running back.

“Come on, Kooky, we have water to haul for a bath.”




Keegan nodded at the bear hunting party and turned Strike toward home. The party was made up of Cinders, and two of his other hands, Adam and Don. They had found a few tracks but then they’d lost it. At least the tracks led away from their land. He couldn’t wait to get home. His whole body felt as though he’d been hit by lightning. His nerves tingled and he shuddered. Would he be able to make it good for Addy? He’d worried before she came to Texas, but when he saw Peg, he figured she had a husband before. She was untouched, though, and the first time was bound to hurt. Leastways that was what people said. Hell, he’d never bedded a virgin before. He’d never wanted to take the chance of leaving a woman with his child. He’d never stayed long in one place until now. He’d never allowed his heart to love until now.

He couldn’t wait to see her with her hair unbound and hanging down her back. Damn. He’d better think about something else, the ride was becoming painful. He rode for a while and finally the house was in view. He felt like a greenhorn on his first roundup. He hoped Shannon had come to take Peg.

He rode up and took his time tending to Strike. He wanted Addy to have extra time if she needed it. She’d glanced out the window a few times already. He squared his shoulders and walked to the house. Opening the door, he quickly scanned for Peg.

“She’s with Shannon and Cinders for the night,” Addy said with a huskiness to her voice. She stood in the middle of the cabin looking as pretty as a picture, and he wished he’d taken the time to clean up.

“You look lovely.” He smiled as she blushed. It was easy to make her blush. He had the feeling she’d be all rosy red when he was finished.

“Thank you. Dinner is ready if you’re hungry.”

He took two long strides and scooped her up into his arms. “I’m hungry for you.”

She squealed in delight as he carried her to the bed. The first thing he did after he sat on the bed was take out her hair pins and let her long, blond, curly hair fall all around her. He touched it and admired the silkiness of it. “Beautiful,” he whispered.

Leaning over he kissed her. Her luscious lips drove him mad, and he deepened the kiss as he guided them to lie down. He straddled her and kissed her eyes, her cheeks, her neck. He brushed her hair away from her face with his hands and smiled into her eyes. “So lovely.”

He turned them over until she was lying on top of him, and he stroked her back as they continued to kiss. He had never wanted anyone the way he did Addy. He turned them again until they lay facing each other. He reached up and began to unbutton her dress, slowly, kissing her skin as he exposed it. He loved the way she shivered after each kiss. Finally he had her undressed, all except for her chemise.

He stood and removed his shirt and her admiring gasped pleased him. Her eyes widened as he took of his pants. Finally, he was naked and she hadn’t cringed or looked away. He took it as a good sign. Getting back into bed, he kissed her breasts through her chemise. When he went to lift up her chemise, she had it off lickety-split.

He kissed her belly, kneeled between her legs and slowly entered her. He waited for any sort of protest but all her heard were moans of pleasure. He thrust into her and she cried out but only momentarily. It took everything in him to still his actions and wait. After a hesitation, she reached for his head and drew it down for a kiss.

It was pure heaven being inside her. His heart soared at the pleasure he gave her. He never knew if others he’d been with were truthful in their pleasure. After all they were being paid. She cried out, driving him to the brink. He groaned loudly and he held on to her. Finally he rolled off to the side, not wanting to crush her.

“That was, I don’t even have words to describe how wonderful it felt,” he said.

“I never knew, you’ve must have had a lot of practice.”

He laughed. “No, sweetheart, it’s magic between us. I’ve never felt the way you make me feel.” His whole body was satiated. Her innocent questions made his chest puff out. It had been well worth the wait. The taste of her honeyed lips lingered on his, and he felt himself hungry for her again. He wanted her, but he didn’t want to hurt her. He leaned over and kissed her leisurely, enjoying her little whimpers of passion. He pulled back, stroked her hair and then cupped her cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” she whispered before she kissed him back.

It was the single most tender moment of his lonely life, and he was afraid to take another breath. He didn’t want anything to change. He stared into her eyes and smiled. “Let me hold you while we get some shuteye.” She eagerly laid her head on his chest as she curled the rest of her body to his side. It didn’t take long before her breathing became even. She slept, and he tried to stay awake, not wanting the feeling of rightness to leave him, but finally he succumbed.

Morning came too soon as always but this morning was special. Addy lay on her back and he began stroking her while he kissed her, laughing when her eyes opened. “Good morning.”

Her love shone in her eyes and he thanked God for his many blessings. “Good morning to you too.”

He continued his assault with his lips, kissing her neck, her shoulders, and her breasts. He stopped there to enjoy them for a time. Her hips began coming off the bed so he knelt between her legs and almost exploded. It was hard but he held off until she cried out. It was a feeling like no other being with her.

This time she combed back his hair with her fingers then she stroked his cheek while staring into his eyes. “Kiss me.”

Soon enough they heard a wagon approach. Addy jumped up and hurriedly dressed. He pulled on his pants and boots. He usually liked to be out working by now, but he wouldn’t have missed this time alone with Addy for anything. Finally he put on his shirt and headed out the door, joining Addy. He took her hand and kissed the palm. “I do love you, Addy.”

“I do love you too, Keegan. You’re going to have to finish a bed for Peg as quickly as possible.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “You minx.” He laughed again as she hit his ribs with her elbow.

“Behave, we have company coming. It’s bad enough they know what we’ve been doing all night.” She turned a pretty shade of pink.

“They do it too.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth formed and O.

“I never thought of it that way. Cinders and Shannon are a happy couple.”

“She’s a gem, and he’s the best friend I’ve ever had.” They could hear Peg calling out for them as the wagon came closer.

Then Cinders was pulling up the horses and the wagon stopped. Two goats were tied to the back of the wagon.

“What on earth?” Peg was already in Addy’s arms.

“My goes,” she announced happily.

Keegan’s eyebrow cocked as he glanced at a now laughing Cinders and Shannon. “What does she mean?”

“She calls the goats goes,” Cinders explained.

“That’s not what I meant. Why are they here?”

Shannon tried to stop laughing, but she wasn’t successful. “You see, Peg wanted them,” she said.

Cinders took a deep breath. “Someone paid their tab at Edith’s with these two cute goats, and of course Cookie took them off her hands, and when Peg said she wanted them Cookie gave them to her.”

“So, this is on Cookie?”

Shannon nodded. “We’d never give you goats. You already have a cow and chickens.”

Keegan smiled. “Trying to turn my ranch into a farm?”

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