Keegan's Bride (Mail Order Brides of Texas 2) (14 page)

Read Keegan's Bride (Mail Order Brides of Texas 2) Online

Authors: Kathleen Ball

Tags: #20th Century, #Historical, #Western, #Mail-Order Brides, #Asherville, #Texas, #Forever Love, #Fiction, #Romance, #Cowboys, #Frontier & Pioneer, #Victorian, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Marriage Of Convenience, #Train Station, #Disembark, #Little Girl, #Swindled, #Paid Passage, #Boston, #Mistaken Identity, #New Sheriff, #Protection, #Secrets, #Past Issues

BOOK: Keegan's Bride (Mail Order Brides of Texas 2)
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Mrs. Fanter was a lady of quality, at least that was what she told everyone. A widow lady and when she assumed Addy to be a widow too, Addy didn’t correct her. She hadn’t thought to change her name, so she was the widow Quinn. All fake, including the name.

The only thing about Mrs. Fanter she disliked was her penchant for matchmaking. There was often single men stopping in for tea and sometimes dinner. Peg didn’t like any of the men and certainly didn’t call them Daddy. In fact, she bit one and kicked another, much to Mrs. Fanter’s dismay. But as long as she was paid on time, she ignored Peg.

Addy also hadn’t bothered to buy new, fancy clothes. People either liked her or they didn’t. No more pretense of Boston Society. This was a new world, and the old rules didn’t need to apply. She’d have to start her own business if she wanted to keep Peg with her all day. She had walked the town a few times trying to germinate an idea, and she thought of the tea Edith made. Perhaps a teashop with finger food would work.

Making food. Wouldn’t Keegan laugh at that? A wave of despair washed over her. It still hurt every time she thought of him. The nights were the worst. Sometimes she couldn’t get her thoughts to be still, and she wondered if Keegan had really loved her at all. Perhaps he had stood by her while she was in jail due to responsibility, and the town’s people probably would have thought less of him if he had left her at that time. What about now? Did he feel relieved to be rid of her? What was she supposed to do with all her emotions? Failure was one of the biggest. She’d been stupid, thinking they’d have a lifetime together. He’d thrown them away, and she’d best get over it. But how?

She got herself and Peg dressed, ready to look at an empty store she could possibly use as her tearoom. Taking Peg’s hand she started down the stairs. As she turned toward the kitchen to let Mrs. Fanter know she was going out she gasped. There, standing hat in hand, was Keegan. He’d lost weight and had dark circles under his eyes. Was he sick?

“Hello, Addy,” His voice was deep and a bit sad.

Peg let go of her hand and ran to him. “Daddy, oh, Daddy. I missed you!” Keegan scooped her up and held her to him, closing his eyes as though he was cherishing the moment.

“I missed you too, sweetheart.” He opened his eyes and gazed at Addy with a sheen of tears in them.

She swallowed hard and stared at the floor. She’d waited and hoped he’d come after them and just when she’d decided to go on with her life, he appeared. If he thought she was going to be happy about it, he was very wrong. He’d treated her with the lowest of respect. He’d broken her heart and Peg’s too. No, he simply couldn’t show up and everything would be better. How could she trust him not to leave again?

Her stomach roiled at the thought of going through all the heartache again. No she wouldn’t, she couldn’t do it. Not even for Peg. She raised her chin and gave him a cold stare. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh my, oh my,” Mrs. Fanter said as she fanned her face with her hand. “What in the world is going on?”

“Mrs. Fanter, this is my ex-husband.”

“Ex? As in divorced? My word. I’m sorry Mrs. Quinn but you are no longer welcome in my home. Please pack your things and leave. If word got out I had a divorced woman here I’d be ruined.”

Addy’s mouth dropped open. “I’ll have you know I am of the Boston Johnsons, Mrs. Fanter. I could buy and sell all of Fort Worth if I wanted to.”

“Oh, well in that case—”

Addy put her hand up. “Never mind. Come along, Peg, let’s get packed.”

“No. I’m staying with Daddy.” Her voice was full of fire, and there was no reasoning with her when she was in such a mood.

“Fine,” She narrowed her eyes at Keegan. “She’d best be here when I come down.”

“Do you need help?” he asked.

“Now you ask? No, I don’t need your help. I’m fine all by myself.” She turned and walked up the stairs. Holding her back straight and keeping her steps even she made her way up. As soon as she got into her room, she closed the door and sagged against it. Why was he here? She’d already made up her mind about him. She’d put him behind her. There was a new life waiting for her and Peg, somewhere. No, Keegan needed to go before she had no heart left.

She quickly packed her and Peg’s things. She hadn’t purchased much more than they already had. She hadn’t intended to flaunt her wealth. It was bad enough people thought they knew she was wealthy. Shaking her head, she had to admit it felt good to tell Mrs. Fanter off. The nerve of that woman looking at her as though she was trash. She assumed her being divorced was her fault.

Taking a deep breath she realized, most of society would feel the same. Moving on would be the only choice for her and Peg. There were bound to be plenty of towns that needed a tea room. Grasping the doorknob, she hesitated. What was she supposed to say to Keegan? Her heart hurt as much as it ever did. Her wound was still fresh and so raw. She’d be strong for Peg. She couldn’t allow her to be hurt again.

Making up her mind, she turned the knob and marched down the stairs with her bag in her hands. “Mrs. Fanter, I believe you owe me money but since I’m leaving without notice, I’ll allow you to keep it.” She turned toward Keegan and Peg. “I’m glad you got to see each other, but it’s time for us to go.”


“Peg, I’m as sorry as can be, but it’s for our own good. I just can’t talk to Keegan right now.”

Keegan set Peg down and nodded. “Do as your ma says. I’ll see you soon.”

“Keegan, please. Haven’t you broken enough promises to us? Don’t make any more.” Taking Peg’s hand, Addy marched out of the boarding house holding back the rush of tears that threatened. She hadn’t planned on seeing him again. Hadn’t she waited and waited and been hurt every single day he hadn’t come to claim them?

“Where are we going, Mama?”

“There is a nice hotel on the other side of town. We’ll stay there a few days and move on.”

“Move on?”

“It’s for the best, honey.”

“I want Daddy.” Peg’s eyes filled with tears.

“I know, love, I know.”



He watched them walk down the street and get into a hired carriage. He’d expected Addy to be mad but not to leave him, again. He’d hurt her more than he imagined, and it made him sick. How was he going to make it up to her? Would she even allow him to try?

He walked back into the boarding house and smiled at Mrs. Fanter. “I need her back. Did she ever say what her plans were?”

The next day Keegan walked to the livery and got his horse, Strike. He didn’t care what it took, he was going to win Addy back. She was his heart and soul, and without her he was empty. He rode to the other side of Fort Worth and stopped at the biggest hotel there. Once inside he told the clerk his hard luck story of his beloved wife leaving him. The clerk took pity on him and gave him a key to Addy’s room.

It was a bit underhanded, but he didn’t know what else to do. He walked up two flights of stairs and found her room. He stood outside expecting the worst, but he needed to talk to her. Quietly, he opened the door and walked in. He closed the door and stared at Addy and Peg, napping on the big bed. Taking off his gun belt and boots, he eased onto the bed and spooned behind Addy, putting his arm around her as she slept. It was heaven, having her so close. He’d been such a fool, but in his defense, he really had thought he was protecting them. How was he going to convince Addy?

She stirred and sighed contently. She wasn’t going to be as content when she woke up.

He felt a sharp elbow hit his ribs and his eyes opened. Addy turned and stared at him with fury in her slate blue eyes.

“What are you doing here?” she whispered as she frowned at him.

“I wanted to talk to you.”

“You call climbing into bed with me talking?”

“I knew you wouldn’t want to talk, and when I saw you and Peg so peaceful, I wanted to be part of it. I want us to be a family again.”

“Oh, Keegan, how can you tell me that now? I waited and hoped for far too long. I know you spent your nights at the saloon. Was Noreen there? I stayed as long as I could, but my heart was shattered beyond repair. I couldn’t hold my head up. Everyone knew about where you spent your nights, and I couldn’t take the pitying glances anymore. I had to leave. Not only for my sake but for Peg’s as well. What if she saw you? She loves you so. She depended on you to keep her safe and to be there for her no matter what. I did too. You left us a long time before I left Asherville. Hurting me is one thing but breaking Peg’s heart was the last straw.”

“Daddy?” Peg sat up and rubbed bother her eyes with her little fists. “Daddy, please don’t go. I miss Kooky. All of them.” She climbed over Addy and wrapped her arms around him.

“Honey, I made a lot of mistakes, and I’m sorry I hurt you. I’d take it all back if I could. I thought I was doing good by you, staying away, but now I know I wasn’t. I just made things worse.” He gazed at Addy. “I fell asleep at the saloon one night. Alone. Noreen never came near me. I hurt her by marrying you. I didn’t have an inkling how she felt. I never thought of her that way. How the rumors started, I don’t know. I spent more hours than I should have in the saddle. I’m surprised Strike didn’t leave me. I wasn’t much fun to be around. I didn’t sleep, eat or bathe. It wasn’t until I was asked to join a posse that I realized how bad it had gotten. I looked around, and I’d lost everything including you and Peg.

“A posse?”

“You remember John Hardy? The man who cut Shannon? He had taken Long Nose’s intended and turned her into a whore. Long Nose wanted a replacement. Ilene was supposed to be it, but somehow he smuggled another girl in before he was put in jail. We rescued the girl. Cecily is her name.”

“Was she okay?”

“As well as could be expected. She’s staying at Ilene’s house now. Shannon, Cinders, and Cookie are all helping to take care of her. From what I hear, she had a hard time of it. I rode back to the ranch, and it was empty. My heart, my soul, everything was gone. I was appalled when I realized I drove you away. I’m sorrier than can be, Addy. I love you and Peg and I don’t blame you for wanting nothing to do with me. I’m obviously not the reliable husband you thought you had.”

“But why? Why did you come back from the line shack and forsake us?”

“I figured if one man had found that old poster and came gunning for me, there’d be more. I couldn’t bear the thought of you or Peg getting hurt because of me. Instead of saving you, I hurt you, and I’m so sorry. I want us to be a family. I want Peg to be mine, and I want more Pegs. But I’ve come to realize it’s not all about me. It’s what you want. It’s what will make you happy, that’s what’s important.” He kissed Peg on the cheek and handed her back to Addy. He stood and walked to the door. “I can’t make you love me. I can’t make you come home. It’s up to you, Addy. I’ll be in the dining room at six o’clock, and I’d love to have you and Peg join me for dinner. If you’re not there, I’ll know what your answer is.” He held his breath for a moment then opened the door. It took everything he had to walk out and close the door behind him. She wouldn’t come. He was positive of it. He’d done too much damage to their relationship. Going down the steps, he decided to get a haircut and a shave.

It was ten minutes to six o’clock, and Keegan anxiously stared at the dining room entrance. No matter what he still had hope. If she didn’t show, he’d kick himself for the rest of his life but at least he’d tried. He almost decided to try to forget Addy and Peg, but he wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if he didn’t at least try.

Small beads of sweat formed on his brow as he waited. His heart pounded against his ribs. It would be his own fault if she decided to have nothing more to do with him. Lord knew he didn’t deserve her or Peg. But he hoped and he prayed. Two minutes after six o’clock, his shoulders slumped and his hope began to fade. He swallowed hard trying to accept her decision. He started to motion to the waitress to bring him a drink when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye.

He turned back to the entrance and there stood Addy and Peg. Addy looked unsure of herself and if he gave her time to rethink her decision she was bound to bolt. Quickly he stood and hurried toward them. He took her hand and kissed her cheek and then he bent down and picked up Peg. He kissed her too, and she smiled.

“Guess what?” She bit her lip and her eyes widened.


“You have to guess.”

“I’m not a good guesser. Maybe you could help me.”

Peg nodded. “You are my forever daddy.”

Tears formed in his eyes as he stared at the angelic girl in his arms. He hugged her to him and gazed at Addy. When he saw her nod, he felt as though he could finally breathe. His heart expanded and his love knew no bounds. “Are you sure?”

“Very sure. I love you, Keegan.”

“And I you, Addy.”





One Week Later

Addy sat on the front steps and watched Peg run after the goats and dog. Peg then ran to the corral and tried to climb under the fence. Addy jumped to her feet. Strike was in the corral. “Peg, no. You can’t go in there.” She raced toward her.

Keegan swooped in right before Peg wriggled her way in. “Strike is a good horse, but he could step on you by accident. I bet it would hurt. Don’t you?”

Peg’s eyes widened as she stared at Keegan. “I don’t like owies, Daddy.”

“I know you don’t, honey.” He kissed the top of her head and gazed at her. Addy stared back into his dark, love-filled eyes. “Have I told you today how much I love you, Addy?”

Her smile spread across her face. “Three times I believe. I do have something to tell you though.”

He cocked his brow. “Nothing bad I hope.”

“Shannon and Cinders’ child will have a playmate.”

“Peg is good with animals. I bet she’d be good…” His eyes widened and he set Peg down. “Are you saying we’re having a baby? What? When?”

Nodding, she watched his face. She needed to be sure he was happy about it. “Yes and before I left. I’d been sick a few times but –”

Keegan swept her up into his arms. “You’ve made all my dreams come true, Addy.”

“I hope I always do.” She reached up and brought his head down for a kiss. “It was a lucky day when I saw your ad for a wife.”

Keegan carried her back to the steps and sat next to her. “We have been blessed indeed. I hope Shane finds Cecily soon. I wonder what made her run off.”

“We probably can’t imagine all she’s been through. Maybe after being with Long Nose for so long, she doesn’t feel she fits in anymore. I was hoping to meet her.”

“If anyone can find her, Shane can.”

Peg wandered over and sat on the bottom step. “Mama, are you going to have a puppy? I’d like a kitty instead or maybe a pony.”

Addy laughed. “No, I’m having a baby. You were a baby once.”

“I’m a big girl.”

“Yes you are.”

Keegan nodded. “You’ll be the big sister.”

“I want to call her Mama One.”

A great laugh erupted from Keegan. “I thought you named your doll Mama.”

“Yes, but the baby will be Mama One.” She nodded her head as though it was already decided.

“Don’t worry, Keegan, if it’s a boy we can always change it to Daddy One.”

He sobered. “I’m just grateful to be a husband and a father. And because we have many months to change her mind.”

Addy gazed at the horizon and a serene feeling engulfed her. They would have a happy life, she just knew it. She reached out and took Keegan’s hand. “We have all the time in the world.”

























Sexy Cowboys and the Women Who Love Them...
Winner of the Lear Diamond Award
Finalist in the 2012 and 2015 RONE Awards.
Top Pick, Five Star Series from the Romance Review.
Kathleen Ball writes contemporary and historical western romance with great emotion and
memorable characters. Her books are award winners and have appeared on best sellers lists
Amazon's Best Sellers List, All Romance Ebooks, Bookstrand, Desert Breeze Publishing and
Secret Cravings Publishing Best Sellers list. She is the recipient of eight Editor's Choice
Awards, and The Readers' Choice Award for Ryelee's Cowboy.
There's something about a cowboy....
All of my Books can be found on Amazon
Order of my Books
Lasso Spring Series
Callie's Heart
Lone Star Joy
Stetson's Storm
Dawson Ranch Series
Texas Haven-- can be found in the Cowboy Mine boxed Set
Ryelee's Cowboy
Cowboy Seasons Series
Summer's Desire
Autumn's Hope
Winter's Embrace
Spring's Delight

Mail Order Bride of Texas Series
Cinders' Bride

Keegan’s Bride

The Greatest Gift

Love So Deep
Cowboy Mine Boxed Set
Silver Belles and Stetsons Anthology
Ring In A Cowboy Boxed Set
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