Keep it Secret (26 page)

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Authors: Olivia Snow

Tags: #romance, #love, #love triangle, #na, #new adult, #new adult romance, #steamy romace

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“For the fiftieth time, no.
I don’t do dances plus Declan’s coming home for the weekend. I’m
hanging with him.” I said snatching a carrot stick from Vanessa’s
tray and winking at her.

“You always end up getting
into trouble when you’re with him.” Vanessa said pouting because I
took her last carrot.

“That’s not true, we have a
blast. I’m the perfect wing man.” Vanessa gave me her disapproving
looking. “Van, I’m single. I haven't gotten laid in a while. I need
this.” Right, after I said it I wished I could have took it back.
Gabriel, shot me a look but as quickly as it came. It

Mallory being the perceptive
creature that she was took my hand.

“Ooh look at the time be a
doll and walk me to my locker.” She said pulling me up. I leaned
over and kissed Van on the head before leaving giving Blue a small
wave. He smiled weakly waving back.

The insane urge to pee came as
I sat in seventh period listening to Mr. Newton’s lecture. I caught
his eye and mouthed
. He nodded giving me
permission to go. Walking back to class from the bathroom I felt a
hand wrapped around my wrist pulling me back. Instantly knowing who
it was from his smell. I looked up to meet his eyes as he was
pushing me up against the wall. Gabriel’s body melted into mine his
erection pressed against my thigh.

“What are you doing?” I
asked, my voice coming out as a husky whisper. I looked around the
hallway luckily it was empty but for how long? Gabriel leaned his
forehead on mine.

“Please don’t.” He

“Please, don't what?” I
asked confused. Gabriel shook his head and sighed.

“Don’t sleep with anyone.”
He sounded wounded.

“Blue, I didn't mean it. I
just said it just to say it. I regretted it as soon as it came out
my mouth.”

“I’m such an asshole, here I
am asking you not to sleep with anyone while I’m dating your
cousin. You should do whatever you want to do. It just kills me to
think that some other guy is touching what belongs to me. Touching
the skin that I've tasted. The skin that I dream of at night.”
Gabriel hands were on my hips, squeezing each side. Damn, I was
getting all hot and bothered.

“I don’t belong to you.” I
whispered, moving my nose softly around his.

“Don’t lie, baby, you know you
do.” He said as his lips grazed mine I was so horny all my logic
and self-restraint had vanished. I let out a whimper Gabriel, let
out a growl from deep in his throat. His tongue slowly moved along
my bottom lip. I couldn’t take it anymore. I caught his tongue
bringing it inside my mouth to suck it. Gabriel moaned thrusting me
against the wall it sent shooting lines of hot desire down in
between my legs. We kissed each other frantically drinking each
other in like we were dying of thirst. Gabriel gripped the back of
my thigh bringing it around his waist as he held onto my thigh. His
other hand hiked up my skirt as his finger grazed against my damp
Yes, I wear panties to

“You’re so wet.” He
whispered, pushing my panties to the side. I felt his thumb gently
rub circles around my clit slowly pushing two fingers inside me. I
moaned as he thrust his tongue back in my mouth keeping me quiet.
He pumped his fingers in and out of me sending me into a sexual
craze already I felt my muscles begin to clench.

“Gabriel.” I moaned his name

“Come for me, baby.” He said
against my lips, pumping fast, circling even faster around my
sensitive bundle of nerves. I came hard against his hand biting
down on his shoulder in order to stop myself from moaning out loud
since we were still in school in the middle of the hallway.
Oh my fucking God, we’re still in school in the
middle of the hallway!
Catching our
breaths, Gabriel eased his fingers out of me gently dropping my
leg. Backing up he takes my face into his hands. I smell my arousal
on his fingers giving me a sickening feeling of pride marking him
with my own essence. Marking him as mine.

“Come to my meet tomorrow.”
He said softly, placing sweet kisses on my lips. I hesitated before

“I don’t know, Blue.” I
replied dropping my gaze to his lips.

“Please, baby, I need you

“Vanessa will be there, you
don't need me.” I looked up to meet his eyes I saw the turmoil in
his gaze. He sincerely was in love with both of us was that even
possible? Could someone love two people at once?

Gabriel sighed quietly. “All
right, I understand.” He was disappointed. Instantly I felt bad
although I knew I shouldn't. His face started to turn but I caught
it with my hand bringing his eyes back to mine.

“I’ll go, Blue, just for
you.” I said kissing him softly. He smiled wide his blue eyes
glisten with joy.

“I love you, Ava.” He
whispered. Wait…what? I stand frozen like an idiot, not saying
anything. I’m immovable, turn to stone. Did I hear him correctly?
Was this all a twisted play of my imagination? Which is weird in
itself, why would I
Gabriel to make his feelings for me real by
speaking them out loud? Feelings that I already knew he felt but
was able to handle because he never dropped the big L bomb. I hope
he wasn't expecting me to say it back because I didn't even say it
to my family for fucks sake and you’re like programmed to love
them. Gabriel chuckled softly at my reaction placing a peck on my
lips he backed away.

“I’ll see you later.” He
said smiling, leaving me there dumfounded.

For the rest of the day and
Saturday, I was in an incredibly good mood. Guilt had yet to rear
its ugly head from the extra
Gabriel and I had participated
in the hallway. Which made me a horrible, horrible person, I know.
Not even the thought that Gabriel was not my boyfriend and he would
continue to be with Vanessa had crossed my mind. He would kiss her
and dance with her tonight while I sat at home—alone—remembering
how he cheated on her with me. Ah! There it is, guilt and jealousy
had officially arrived.

After my
, I locked myself in my
room. I contemplated, justifying my reasons on going and not going
to the meet. When the time had come to decide Vanessa knocked on my
room to ask if I was going. Instead of giving her a definitive yes
or no answer I told her I would probably meet her there. Her
parents were also going I guess sports were a big deal around here.
Fifteen minutes after they left I panicked. He would be looking for
me and when he realized I wasn't showing up it would break his
heart. Fuck-fuckity-fuck-fuck. I threw my head back like a brat
kicking the air. My tantrum was pointless because there was no one
in my room to see it. He’s lucky I think he's cute or I’d say screw
it and not go.

The gym bleachers were
packed there was nowhere to sit and it already smelled like sweaty
feet. Gabriel was stretching with his teammates they were laughing
and joking around with each other making grand gestures with their
hands and faces the way rambunctious boys do. He looked into the
bleachers, searching for someone, probably Vanessa. I glanced over
to where he was looking and saw her wave at him. He smiled and
waved back, but he still had this strange look on his face. Still
staring at him, Michael saw me and waved. I waved back smiling.
Michael then whispered something in Gabriel’s ear his eyes shot to
where I was standing. Our eyes locked, his smile widened and the
look of relief washed over his face I couldn't help but smile like
a fool. He was waiting for me. The coach called the boys over
before going Gabriel winked at me and then very covertly blew a
kiss in my direction. I clamped my bottom lip down stopping myself
from further smiling like a complete dork. I lowered my head just
to be sure no one saw how pathetic I was acting. Peering back,
Gabriel shook his head as he laughed running his hand through his
hair. I felt a tap on my shoulder, zapping me from my moment with
Gabriel. I turned around to face Mallory and Talon their faces
glowed with a certain gleam I was far too familiar with.

“Hey! How long have you guys
been here?” I asked hugging them both.

“Just got here. We got held
up.” Talon said winking at me. I snorted then smiled.

“Nice ‘just got fucked hair’
Mallory.” I said pushing down the strands of hair that were
sticking up in the back of her head. Mallory frowned targeting it
at Talon.

“Shit, Talon, why didn't you
tell me!” She spat, smacking him across the chest. Talon winced,
mouthed ouch as he rubbed his pec.

“Sorry, babe, I was too busy
doing something else.” His smile said it all but he winked just to
get the point across. I looked between the two of them shaking my
head laughing at Mallory’s attempt to keep their interactions
hidden and Talon’s blatant disregard for her wishes. Before any of
us could say anything else the announcer presented the teams and
individual wrestlers. Gabriel’s meet was first.

There are moments in life
that monumentally change you forever they might be small or big,
but the outcome is still the same. This was one of those moments it
weirdly played out in a second, but at the same time in slow
motion. He had his opponent in a headlock one moment and the next
he was laying lifeless on his back. My heart felt like it was
beating into my ears, I stood still watching as the coaches and
nurse rushed to his side. I couldn't hear anything besides the
pounding of my heart. This was all too familiar. It felt like an
eternity of silence until I heard the saddest most tormented scream
known to mankind I didn’t realize it was coming from me until two
strong arms were holding me back. My heart and body were fighting
to get to him but my mind was struggling to process what was
happening. Talon was holding me back while Mallory stood in front
of me attempting to sooth me by petting my head. I screamed his
name until my throat burned and my voice became hoarse. I screamed
until I was physically unable to.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I rode in the car with my
mom and dad after Ava told me she would meet me there this was the
first meet of the season and everyone was super excited. It was
Eagle Academy tradition for parents and alumni to attend the event
than to the Homecoming dance. Luckily, there was plenty of time
between the meet and the dance that we would be able to go back
home and get ready properly. Gabriel, Talon, Mallory and I had
arranged for a limo to come pick us up and take us to the dance,
around here all school functions were a big deal. Mother and Daddy
walked ahead of me as we entered the gymnasium, they agreed to save
me a seat giving me a chance to speak to Gabriel alone. I began
looking for the man of the hour scanning the room to my right in
the now buzzing gym I was picked up off the floor and brought into
a bear hug. Smiling against his skin I took advantage of his
proximity taking in his scent as I nuzzled against the crook of his

“There’s my girl.” He
whispered in my ear sending a warm tingle down my spin. He set me
down stepping back so he could see me entirely. Gabriel was looking
like a fit athlete in the school issued navy blue tracksuit and
sneakers. Hair tussled into a sexy mess.

“Come with me real quick.”
He said pulling my hand towards the gym entrance.

“Okaaay?” I replied puzzled
but intrigued.

With his fingers intertwined
with mine Gabriel led us out the gym and into the empty cafeteria.
The room looked ten times bigger now that the tables were folded
and pushed to the very back of the room. Gabriel tapped his finger
on his lips while he looked around still holding onto my hand with
his other one.

“Mmmm, here, here it is.” He
said coming to a complete stop dropping his head to give me a
gentle kiss.

“What’s going on?” I

“I want to tell you
something but don't get freaked out or expect to say anything in
return…or give me anything in return.”

“Okay? You're acting weird.” I
said swinging our joined hands back and forth. He smiled wide this
time letting out a breath.

“Spit it out, Gabriel!” I’m
not a patient person and he's making me nervous.

“I love you.” He said in a
nervous rush. My jaw hit the floor I’m not sure what to say. I mean
I care for him deeply but I’m not sure if its love I’ve never been
in love before. Could seventeen year olds comprehend what love was?
Or was this all puppy love as they call it.

Oh, crap.

Guilt fills my heart and I
feel like a horrible person because I refuse to say I love you to
someone if I don't know what it is I feel. I rather be honest then
lie. It would tarnish what we share.

“Thank you?” I finally said,
feeling like a complete jerk. Gabriel laughed, like really laughed
and hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms around his waist realizing
my guy was amazing. Breaking our embrace he kissed my lips, softly,
sweetly, gently. Just like him.

“Come on, beautiful, let’s
get you back to your parents.” He said taking my hand as he starts
to walk towards the exit.

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